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Superstition/Witchcraft In LOS - Credible?

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In the North, superstition seems to be quite "popular".

Having had a recent injury, relatives & neighbours have been eager to expel evil powers.

I have been given special potions, special chanting, heavy breathing close to the injury & keeping certain people away.

I do comply - good intentions from relatives/neighbours & can I actually be hurt by such practices?

I have read that some villages have a witchdoctor for this purpose.

Personally, I cannot see the credence but they may be onto something.

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You haven't been in Thailand very long have you? Despite the fact that Thailand claims to be mainly Buddhist the dominant set of beliefs here is animism. It pervadres everything from birth to death.


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.


You haven't been in Thailand very long have you? Despite the fact that Thailand claims to be mainly Buddhist the dominant set of beliefs here is animism. It pervadres everything from birth to death.

I think you are mixing up animism and superstition.

Thai Buddhism is a mixture of Hinduism, Animism and Fetishism, and Budddhism


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Open your mind dude.

People like you

used to laugh hen others suggested the world was round.


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Open your mind dude.

People like you

used to laugh hen others suggested the world was round.

The world is flat and they are wrong. I go for a walk every day and I don't fall off.




I knew this idiot who got his leg ripped open by a dog. He was more than happy to let the village shamen blow all over his wound. I dont thin it helped him.


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

See, that's what I was talking about.

Just because you have a pretty good idea that something is likely to be true, and that it's counterintuitive to think otherwise....in FACT there is no proof that avoiding certain people is useful OR useless.


The longer I am alive, the more I realise hat I know & understand very little.

OPEN MIND @ all times!

Re a earlier poster, I have been in LOS since 2003.

(I can learn much in one day or a little every day?)


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Open your mind dude.

People like you

used to laugh hen others suggested the world was round.

No, i'm on the "the world i round" team and you are on the "the world is flat" team.


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

See, that's what I was talking about.

Just because you have a pretty good idea that something is likely to be true, and that it's counterintuitive to think otherwise....in FACT there is no proof that avoiding certain people is useful OR useless.

So you believe in pink unicorns. Like they say in Thailand: up to you :)


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Open your mind dude.

People like you

used to laugh hen others suggested the world was round.

start with peeing into the wind three times a day. you will feel relieved

Personally, as with "The invisible friend for adults" (God), its not what is credible or not, but purely what you choose to "Believe".


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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Unless they are lepers.

If you're not feeling too good, the last thing you need is a lot of lepers running about. Not that you would get infected, but not nice.

Sometimes the country cures have some things going for them..................................wink.png


There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Unless they are lepers.

If you're not feeling too good, the last thing you need is a lot of lepers running about. Not that you would get infected, but not nice.

Sometimes the country cures have some things going for them..................................wink.png

Yes and then it's very soon called "modern/western medicine".

But just ask 100 random thai people questions about basic knowledge about sickness, fever etc and you'll get atleast 98 superstitious answers such as "oh you get sick if you stand in the rain" or outright stupid and dangerous (in the long run) answers such as "go to the doctor/pharmacy and get antibiotics against that fever".


My wife is immensely superstitious and has her fortune teller on retainer! Lol! The upside is she loves horror movies as do I! It's all good!


I'a confident is is less harmful than believing in a short stalky dark skinned Jewish rabbi who looks like a tall handsome white European and has never died in over 200 years!

There are superstitions and than there are superstitions....take your pick, there are many to choose from.



Have always fascinated by different ways of thinking, spiritual, political, metaphysical - whatever. Have always thought it would be interesting to apprentice myself to a shaman somewhere in northern Thailand and try to learn whatever it was he or she might have to teach. Would like for them to explain their theory of causation, for example. How can say, tattoos, cause anything to happen? Alas, I just don't have sufficient language skills to pull that off. Probably never will have. I suspect their theory of causation would simply appeal to the idea of spirits doing things. But how can a spirit do anything?

I'll never be able to apprentice myself to a shaman here. Best I can do is to reread Carlos Castenada's "The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui way of knowledge," "A Separate Reality," and "Journey to Ixtlan." Not that I take either Carlos or the local shamans "seriously" at all. Except as I do... What is this or that person's particular "separate reality," and how does it work?


Had very few medical procedures.

Unless it is a broken bone or similar, I have come to the conclusion that Nature is the supreme healer.

Many contemporary procedures are mere temporary pain relievers - nothing permanent.


Personally, as with "The invisible friend for adults" (God), its not what is credible or not, but purely what you choose to "Believe".

EXACTLY! So please don't foist these "beliefs" onto others.


Have always fascinated by different ways of thinking, spiritual, political, metaphysical - whatever. Have always thought it would be interesting to apprentice myself to a shaman somewhere in northern Thailand and try to learn whatever it was he or she might have to teach. Would like for them to explain their theory of causation, for example. How can say, tattoos, cause anything to happen? Alas, I just don't have sufficient language skills to pull that off. Probably never will have. I suspect their theory of causation would simply appeal to the idea of spirits doing things. But how can a spirit do anything?

I'll never be able to apprentice myself to a shaman here. Best I can do is to reread Carlos Castenada's "The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui way of knowledge," "A Separate Reality," and "Journey to Ixtlan." Not that I take either Carlos or the local shamans "seriously" at all. Except as I do... What is this or that person's particular "separate reality," and how does it work?

The only thing a shaman can teach you is how to extract money from gullible people!


Plenty superstition in Thailand..Hawaii also where I am now.

It may explain nature for a while..

Then science tries to 'prove' it..

Whatever, but I think it would be a waste of time to follow a Shaman or Don Juan. I've tries both. I learned more from my radio.



Though I am not a big believer and there are quite a few frauds out there, check out placebo effects in Western medicine too… our own minds have healing powers and if you have belief, can be tapped into… that said, most of what I have seen here is pretty fraudulent.

A Hawaiian shaman I once met told me that black magic, curses are nothing more than words - they gain power when people believe they have power…

I have seen many different sorts of "ceremonies" here bringing my father in law all over the place. I did get a good laugh like when an old man fussed over a glass of water for 15 minutes then took a giant gulp and spit it all over my father in law… surprised him too - but he wanted to go back a few days later and this time the old man was at the hospital the irony of which I did not hesitate to pass along.


Had very few medical procedures.

Unless it is a broken bone or similar, I have come to the conclusion that Nature is the supreme healer.

Many contemporary procedures are mere temporary pain relievers - nothing permanent.

I'm reluctant to respond to anything these days, however having practiced Integrative Medicine for over a quarter century, there is great value in Western Medicine. there is also great value in Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is great value in Traditional Thai Herbal Medicine as well as Shamanism of Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico.

I had a major rotator cuff repair in 1999 at UCSD. Still better than new. A couple of other "Ortho Surgeries" Thank God for expert surgeons. I prefer to do things the "Natural Way."

When I teach however, I ask students how they would manage a patient with Type 1 Diabetes without injecting insulin. How to manage an acute blood clot without anti coagulants, time permitting, seconds count.

Seizures, ALS, etc etc Nature is not only the Supreme Healer, it is also the Supreme Destroyer. Time "is not on your side."


No one has ever been able to do anything with witchcraft/magic etc. under lab conditions that couldn't be replicated by someone using trickery. See e.g. James Randi. In addition to this, the forces and energies involved would defy our current understanding of physics. Now, our current understanding of physics is incomplete, and probably outright incorrect in a number of places, but is it likely that forces completely invisible to armies of scientists looking for them with billions of dollars worth of technology are accessible to old men playing with cards in shacks?


there must be something in this witchcraft people have been practising it for over 300 years and are still doing so it is prevalent in the usa and in the uk and south Africa Thailand is no different from these countries .

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