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Trump basks in McCain takedown, says rivals envious of rise


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POLL: DONALD TRUMP STILL ON THE RISE, NO HIT FROM JOHN MCCAIN ATTACK In a poll conducted from July 17th to July 20th, support for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump hasn’t taken a hit despite Trump’s comments about McCain on Saturday, July 18th.


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McCain is up for a Primary challenge in Arizona in the Spring... With a little luck this time around he will be defeated. Of course in recent days, McCain has been saying that he has always been in favor of the Tea Parties ... AFTER spending the last 3-4 years smearing the Tea Parties with every vile epitaph he could muster. But this two-faced rhetoric is rarely discussed in the general news media ... Hypocrite is John McCain's middle name ... McCain's deteriorating dementia doesn't even allow him to know that he is lying outrageously ... McCain is a left leaning know it all - arrogant jerk from just after each election and remains that way until Primary election season when he suddenly becomes a Conservative ...

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It is also very noticeable that the far out right has not spoken against Trump's immigration or POW remarks, and that the many military veterans around here who are far out right wing are not criticizing Trump for anything at all.

You seem to just make it up as you go along. Numerous people on the right have spoken out against Trump's remarks. Do you really think you are convincing anyone of anything by indulging in such blatant spin?

I do not recall numerous people on the right getting all antsy when Chris Rock said the same thing in 2008. Perhaps it's more about criticizing Trump than concern for McCain.

More people probably wanted to spit on McCain when he came back ( as they used to do with the returning soldiers from VN ) than hail him as a hero. How quickly people forget.

You might want to check out Snopes. Com about Spitting, mostly Urban Legend, maybe a few got Spit on , but not an Epidemic, I marched in San Francisco in 68'69 -72, we never gave out to Returning Soldiers, whom most I saw joined the Parade of 500,000 down Geary St. To Polo Fields, with GI's For Peace Signs
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It is also very noticeable that the far out right has not spoken against Trump's immigration or POW remarks, and that the many military veterans around here who are far out right wing are not criticizing Trump for anything at all.

You seem to just make it up as you go along. Numerous people on the right have spoken out against Trump's remarks. Do you really think you are convincing anyone of anything by indulging in such blatant spin?

I do not recall numerous people on the right getting all antsy when Chris Rock said the same thing in 2008. Perhaps it's more about criticizing Trump than concern for McCain.

More people probably wanted to spit on McCain when he came back ( as they used to do with the returning soldiers from VN ) than hail him as a hero. How quickly people forget.

You might want to check out Snopes. Com about Spitting, mostly Urban Legend, maybe a few got Spit on , but not an Epidemic, I marched in San Francisco in 68'69 -72, we never gave out to Returning Soldiers, whom most I saw joined the Parade of 500,000 down Geary St. To Polo Fields, with GI's For Peace Signs

SNOPES is hardly an unbiased source... But never the less ... you should ask soldiers who were spit on and harassed - AS I WAS. And the harassment then went on for years while attending University .... And it does not matter what you did or did not do ... there were hundreds of thousands of know it all peaceniks...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Went to Military Academy for 4 years after that, Never heard a word with all our instructors , heard about all the Ears they Collected, Know it All, I was a kid, but I had enough Intelligence to know it was Wrong for us to be Over There , Thanks for your Service, in San Francisco we didn't play like that, we wanted Soldiers to join us to Stop the Madness of that War.

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Went to Military Academy for 4 years after that, Never heard a word with all our instructors , heard about all the Ears they Collected, Know it All, I was a kid, but I had enough Intelligence to know it was Wrong for us to be Over There , Thanks for your Service, in San Francisco we didn't play like that, we wanted Soldiers to join us to Stop the Madness of that War.

In Boston VVAW was huge right down to doing draft counseling to assist those opposed to being in the war. Most of the guys who attended draft counseling sessions were neither peaceniks nor warmongers. They were against that war, plain and simple.

John Kerry has always been a bit pompous but Kerry still is the man right through to the Iran nuclear stuff. The Republican right has always been worse to him than Charlie ever wuz.

So I can picture Trump riding a nuke and waving a bush as he descends on Tehran with the Republicans realtime whooping whistling and cheering. McCain might even volunteer to pilot the B-52 biggrin.png

Went through university Army ROTC at the time which wuz an invaluable experience but despite being Infantry did not have to go Over There. Later taught at a private military school where so many were warhawks and whose grads went to Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump is simply a focking windbag.

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Like all POWs, McCain endured a great deal of suffering as a POW. Whether that qualifies one as a "hero of war" is debatable, but it should earn him a certain amount of respect equal to the respect offered to every other former POW, most of whom are given their respect, but not the designation of "hero". In McCain's generation POWs were almost exclusively pilots as few captured soldiers from the other branches were allowed to live. As a pilot, McCain received mixed reviews at best, and a few very negative reviews as some blame pilot error, McCain's error, on the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailors.

McCain had nothing to do with the 1967 USS Forrestal fire, other than being a surviver. It was caused by old ordinance that had not been maintained properly. John McCain was a hero, but not because he was a POW. He was a hero, because although he was mistreated badly and tortured, he refused the chance to go home before his men who had been captured before him. He was offered the chance, because his father was an admiral and it would have been a propaganda coupe for the North Vietnamese. Not a lot of men would have refused that deal.

The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

He should have stayed home, like you.

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Like all POWs, McCain endured a great deal of suffering as a POW. Whether that qualifies one as a "hero of war" is debatable, but it should earn him a certain amount of respect equal to the respect offered to every other former POW, most of whom are given their respect, but not the designation of "hero". In McCain's generation POWs were almost exclusively pilots as few captured soldiers from the other branches were allowed to live. As a pilot, McCain received mixed reviews at best, and a few very negative reviews as some blame pilot error, McCain's error, on the 1967 USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailors.

McCain had nothing to do with the 1967 USS Forrestal fire, other than being a surviver. It was caused by old ordinance that had not been maintained properly. John McCain was a hero, but not because he was a POW. He was a hero, because although he was mistreated badly and tortured, he refused the chance to go home before his men who had been captured before him. He was offered the chance, because his father was an admiral and it would have been a propaganda coupe for the North Vietnamese. Not a lot of men would have refused that deal.

The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

He should have stayed home, like you.

I agree.

We all should have stayed home.

There was no legitimate reason for the U.S. to be in Vietnam.

As a result, thousands of good people were killed on both sides.

The majority were killed for just trying to live in their own country without foreign oppression.

The war was a crime and very shameful.

Isn't it ironic that Vietnam has done pretty well without us since the U.S. pulled out..

and it is now one of the most popular American vacation destinations.

Except for all the bombs the U.S. left behind that are still killing innocent people today...it is a beautiful country, with very nice people, to visit

Edited by willyumiii
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To some - anything the right side of falling off the Left Wing Cliff is Right Wing ...

First off people on the left were not spitting out the word "peaceniks."

People in the center were not saying much and for a long time maintained a reserve about the Vietnam war.

The word 'peaceniks' spat out as an epithet came from veterans of the Nam and also from their far right supporters at home. The word "peaceniks" was directed by both at Americans expressing anti-Vietnam war feelings and beliefs.

The epithet "peaceniks" was spat out by the right only and decades later "peaceniks" continues to come at us from the right.

Its use pejoratively gives one flat out away as a rightwinger.

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It is also very noticeable that the far out right has not spoken against Trump's immigration or POW remarks, and that the many military veterans around here who are far out right wing are not criticizing Trump for anything at all.

You seem to just make it up as you go along. Numerous people on the right have spoken out against Trump's remarks. Do you really think you are convincing anyone of anything by indulging in such blatant spin?

The post is what is making it up as one goes along and the far out types do grab a lot of things out of the blue, to include Trump and his Birtherism to other crackpots who say Prez Obama is a secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood and much more ideological spam.

The conservative around here are not taking on The Donald, they are taking on the critics of The Donald, presumably admonishing us that The Donald is going to change America and that we just need to wait to see that Trump will prevail over the coming months.

The right in these parts in its preponderance of comment on Trump is wrong again.

The right is blatantly for Trump and it has the open attitude of to hell with the Republican party. Mind you I'm observing and not complaining that the United States is in a dire need of a viable successor political party to the off the deep end Republican one. thumbsup.gif

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The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

He should have stayed home, like you.

I agree.

We all should have stayed home.

There was no legitimate reason for the U.S. to be in Vietnam.

As a result, thousands of good people were killed on both sides.

The majority were killed for just trying to live in their own country without foreign oppression.

The war was a crime and very shameful.

Isn't it ironic that Vietnam has done pretty well without us since the U.S. pulled out..

and it is now one of the most popular American vacation destinations.

Except for all the bombs the U.S. left behind that are still killing innocent people today...it is a beautiful country, with very nice people, to visit

It looks like time, distance, and ignorance has made you certain of what happened (and what could have happened).

Where were you Vietnam experts when we needed you?

What other wars are you expert in?

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To some - anything the right side of falling off the Left Wing Cliff is Right Wing ...

First off people on the left were not spitting out the word "peaceniks."

People in the center were not saying much and for a long time maintained a reserve about the Vietnam war.

The word 'peaceniks' spat out as an epithet came from veterans of the Nam and also from their far right supporters at home. The word "peaceniks" was directed by both at Americans expressing anti-Vietnam war feelings and beliefs.

The epithet "peaceniks" was spat out by the right only and decades later "peaceniks" continues to come at us from the right.

Its use pejoratively gives one flat out away as a rightwinger.

Peacenik. Most often used by conservatives? Couldn't have happened since most, if not all media were dominated by the left.

So, both the L.A. and N.Y. times were liberal back in 1962? Far left just loves to change history. As is well recorded, though you chose to ignore, Viet Nam was LBJ's, a flaming liberal, war. Conservatives at that time were still isolationists. Though it was becoming rarer.

It has only been recent that hawks have been dominated by conservatives.

And when you write about others being crackpots, I refer to your and other wacko leftists to your fuhrer, Saul Alinsky.

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The Vietnamese loved that way John could sing for them...like a bird.

Told them everything they wanted to know.

Now, that's a real hero, isn't it?

He should have stayed home, like you.

I agree.

We all should have stayed home.

There was no legitimate reason for the U.S. to be in Vietnam.

As a result, thousands of good people were killed on both sides.

The majority were killed for just trying to live in their own country without foreign oppression.

The war was a crime and very shameful.

Isn't it ironic that Vietnam has done pretty well without us since the U.S. pulled out..

and it is now one of the most popular American vacation destinations.

Except for all the bombs the U.S. left behind that are still killing innocent people today...it is a beautiful country, with very nice people, to visit

It looks like time, distance, and ignorance has made you certain of what happened (and what could have happened).

Where were you Vietnam experts when we needed you?

What other wars are you expert in?

Where were you Vietnam experts when we needed you?

Pardon moi for butting in on the dialogue but we who were needed by you were fighting against the Vietnam war on the home front. Vietnam Vets Against the War led the way.

We won.

It was a long war on the home front but we prevailed over the tear gas and the police clubs.

Trump and the rest of 'em in the Republican race have no clue about then or now, they just want to keep the war fires burning and they've got lotsa guyz out there chopping wood to help 'em do it.

This is another tough fight but we'll win again, especially when Trump has to start addressing the broad and deep range of serious issues domestic and global, which he is incapable of doing.

I can picture Trump at the UN carrying on about each world leader one by one, announcing their phone number like some kind of college frat prank.

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Trump needs to apologize to Sen McCain, to all currently serving members of the armed forces, and to all veterans of the armed forces.

I think we'll wait on that demand. Maybe when Lurch apologizes. Or any other liberal.

McCain needs to apologize for calling me and many others crazy , waiting .McCain is getting senile , I think him and others stay too long because they want to get away from dominating wives .cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I worry about Trump for the simple reason that pretty much everyone knows a "propecia" tablet each day will allow you to keep all your hair.

He does seem to be the only candidate willing to put his money where his mouth is and that alone is going to bring him a few votes. Otherwise, he does seem to be out of touch with reality.

But you are ok with Obama and Hillary ? Amazing .

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I go back and forth on Trump, but he is bringing the Obama administration's complicity in enabling illegal immigration (and allowing undocumented criminals to stay in the country) to everyone's attention and that is a good thing. He gets credit for that.

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I worry about Trump for the simple reason that pretty much everyone knows a "propecia" tablet each day will allow you to keep all your hair.

You just may have identified the underlying problem with Trumpbiggrin.png

"In some men, finasteride caused erectile dysfunction; in others it decreased ejaculate volume; and in others it reduced libido."


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I go back and forth on Trump, but he is bringing the Obama administration's complicity in enabling illegal immigration (and allowing undocumented criminals to stay in the country) to everyone's attention and that is a good thing. He gets credit for that.



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