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Workshop shelving - cheap options in Phuket?

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I'm organising my workshop and I need shelving.

Ideally I'd like something like this:



The wooden option comes from Ikea but you have to go to Bangkok to order it and then pay at least 10,000 THB to have it sent to Phuket. Madness!!

The metal option that I've sourced here in Phuket is surprisingly expensive, too, at 7,000 + VAT each. Again, madness!

I can build my own but I need the shelves to be 500mm deep and to carry heavy weight, so I don't think Home Pro will have the DIY solution for me.

  • Suggestions re: cheap, even second hand, pre-made options, please

  • Where can I get heavy duty supports and decent, non-warping shelving for a DIY project?

Many thanks smile.png


How about one of the welding/metal shops? They could probably build to spec. for less than the HW DIY version.


I used to be a carpenter, so my first thought would be to go with wood.
But of course, it rots and gets termites a lot quicker here.
So, I think the welding shop idea is a good one for the frame.
And then get some plywood to fit the tops.

And paint it.

Good luck.


I was looking for the same shelves (the steel ones) at HomePro yesterday, but with no luck. I know I've seen them somewhere, but like you mentioned, they were very expensive as compared to the same units in the US that sell for around $50.

In the past, I built a similar unit from fingerjointed wood (1x2), and used spare 30cm tiles for the shelf surfaces. I've had them for about 7-8 years now, and they're holding up much better than expected. They were very easy and cheap to build, but I don't know if they'd be strong enough for your purposes, though.

Having someone fabricate them from steel, as shot & fiddlehead mentioned, is a good idea if the wood construction wouldn't be strong enough. I would use at least 1x2 tubular steel. The steel cost shouldn't be very high, and figure a few hundred baht for the fabrication (depending upon how many cuts & welds are needed). As an example, I recently bought 1x1 steel tubing for 170 baht per 5 meter length. 1x1 wouldn't be strong enough, but you can figure out the cost of larger dimensions since steel is generally priced by the kg, so 1x2 would be about double the price. If you don't want to deal with plywood, you could use 50cm tiles for the surfaces provided you weld in a couple of steel runners as supports under the middle of the tiles.


Many thanks for all the comments and suggestions.

In the UK, and in South Africa where I lived most recently, shelving like this was very reasonably priced. I don't know why it's so expensive here.

I've just emailed Bangkok Tools (thanks, exbikey) and we'll see what their prices are like.

Failing that, I'll draw up some plans and take them to one of these steel fabricator guys.

Please, does anyone have any recommendations for fabricators in the Rawai/Chalong area?



By the way, just for comparison, here's an example of what is available in the UK...............if only I could get them sent here for free! Yeah right!

(click on icon to go to page with image)

  • red-special-offer-boltless-shelving-p1351430478000-51442000.png
Red Special Offer Boltless Shelving

£33 (ex. VAT)

That's approximately 2,100 THB, and the equivalent shelving unit here costs 5-6,000 THB! Why?


Prices from Bunnings in Australia range from about $27 to $90.

All you really need is a local with an angle grinder and access to a welding unit. Not a complex construction job.


Cool, OC.

Where can I find such a local in Rawai/Chalong, please?

Any ideas?


Unfortunately we don't have a local at the moment. The missus always finds problems with them. Usually price.

We've just completed some major extensions on the house, very happy with the builder's work and price , however he was a cousin from the North and has since returned there. We hope to get him back for more projects next year.

Not much help I know, sorry.


After considering all the suggested options, I now have a solution that works for me.

It's not as cheap as I wanted but it will support 100kg per shelf and will save me hours of micromanagement of workmen.

Thanks to Bangkok Tools going the extra mile and asking me what I wanted, what I was prepared to spend and shaving a little off their profits to make a sale, I will soon be the proud owner of five of these, for 22,250 THB, delivered from Bangkok to my door in Phuket:


Could I have built it cheaper? Probably, but this is movable and flexible for my workspace.

Could the locals have built me a custom job, cheaper? Maybe, but I had a bellyfull of people invading our house for weeks earlier this year when we did renovations, so I couldn't face it again.

If anyone needs racking solutions, I can pm the details.

Thanks for all the helpful comments.


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