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A Palestinian village braces for Israeli demolition


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I think Israel have learned enough lessons the hard way with suicide bombs and terrorists. I doubt they care what people who have no idea what that is like think.

The unanswered question is whether these people have settled there deliberately to defy Israel and cry foul when they get moved out as they knew they would.

The article reads like it is very biased to someone who would like to know the full facts and is yet another piece of journalism-with-an-agenda.

Why of course. The EU actually funds illegal Palestinian settlements and has a hissy fit when they are correctly dismantled.


Which is quite ironic as they are building walls to stop and squabbling like children to avoid the flood of third world culture enrichers swamping their borders.

I don't really see the link with OP ?

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It can't be so, Israel are the good guys. I know because the Israel lobby ensures most governments tell us so, as does the Jewish owned main stream media & Hollywood.

Be nice though to see some tangible solution over there, seems Israel/Palestine is the festering sore that keeps the ME inflamed and the root cause of terrorism.

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Be nice though to see some tangible solution over there, seems Israel/Palestine is the festering sore that keeps the ME inflamed and the root cause of terrorism.

Nonsense. The Sunni and Shia Muslims have been fighting each other for many centuries using terrorist techniques - long before modern Israel even came into being.

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What amazes me is the incredible Israeli chutzpah....illegally occupying territory, making up their own occupation laws, then having the audacity to accuse Palestinians of illegal settlements in their own land.

No problem. Israel is just digging itself a deeper hole it will one day have to extricate itself from if it ever wants peace either by giving back just half the land it has stolen [67 borders - a bargain!] or absorbing the Palestinians it is occupying.

Time is on the side of the Palestinians and every incident such as the OP makes more of the world online community aware of the racist colonialist con Israel is trying to pull off. The truth will out, and eventually Israel will be shamed into compliance with the civilized norms of behavior.

Edited by dexterm
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you are forgetting that they are doing it in their own country

The "Palestinians" do not have their own country until they negotiate borders as they committed to under the Oslo Accords. They signed the treaty and are obligated to honor its terms.
The land is not from Israel so they have nothing to order there.
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I think Israel have learned enough lessons the hard way with suicide bombs and terrorists. I doubt they care what people who have no idea what that is like think.

The unanswered question is whether these people have settled there deliberately to defy Israel and cry foul when they get moved out as they knew they would.

The article reads like it is very biased to someone who would like to know the full facts and is yet another piece of journalism-with-an-agenda.

Why of course. The EU actually funds illegal Palestinian settlements and has a hissy fit when they are correctly dismantled.


Which is quite ironic as they are building walls to stop and squabbling like children to avoid the flood of third world culture enrichers swamping their borders.

I don't really see the link with OP ?

The link is clear - The EU funds illegal Palestinian settlements knowing they will be dismantled giving the EU pretext to stir up some sh1t about Israel.

P.s your evident salivating at the prospect of the Oslo accords being annulled betrays your true feelings regarding a two state solution.

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There are no such perpetual obligations for peace pacts and accords...

That seems to be the Palestinian attitude anyway. They eventually ignore pretty much every commitment that they make.
you mean all the UN resolutions that Israel ignores. resolutions like that were enough for the US to start a war with an other country. but Israel is "special"
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There are no such perpetual obligations for peace pacts and accords...

That seems to be the Palestinian attitude anyway. They eventually ignore pretty much every commitment that they make.
you mean all the UN resolutions that Israel ignores.

Ignore for VERY good reasons. The U.N. Human Rights Council is corrupt.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Time is on the side of the Palestinians

What nonsense. Then why do they constantly whine about how Israel keeps "stealing" land from them? Despite the enemies of Israel's wishful thinking, NO ONE is going to make them give it to the Palestinians - unless Israel wants to.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There are no such perpetual obligations for peace pacts and accords...

That seems to be the Palestinian attitude anyway. They eventually ignore pretty much every commitment that they make.
you mean all the UN resolutions that Israel ignores.
Ignore for VERY good reasons. The U.N. Human Rights Council is corrupt.

only ignored selectifly like i said before
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Time is on the side of the Palestinians

What nonsense. Then why do they constantly whine about how Israel keeps "stealing" land from them? Despite the enemies of Israel's wishful thinking, NO ONE is going to make them give it to the Palestinians - unless Israel wants to.
why do they 'whine', because Israel does
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I think Israel have learned enough lessons the hard way with suicide bombs and terrorists. I doubt they care what people who have no idea what that is like think.

The unanswered question is whether these people have settled there deliberately to defy Israel and cry foul when they get moved out as they knew they would.

The article reads like it is very biased to someone who would like to know the full facts and is yet another piece of journalism-with-an-agenda.

Why of course. The EU actually funds illegal Palestinian settlements and has a hissy fit when they are correctly dismantled.


Which is quite ironic as they are building walls to stop and squabbling like children to avoid the flood of third world culture enrichers swamping their borders.

I don't really see the link with OP ?
The link is clear - The EU funds illegal Palestinian settlements knowing they will be dismantled giving the EU pretext to stir up some sh1t about Israel.

P.s your evident salivating at the prospect of the Oslo accords being annulled betrays your true feelings regarding a two state solution.

Wye River Memorandum required to transfer 13% of Palestinian Territory classified under Area C to Area B. This never happened.

Where in the Oslo Accords is it mentioned that Israel can disposses Palestinian Territory under area C ?

It's difficult to explain and understand that Israel still has to transfer 13% of land since almost two decades while they're expelling the Palestinian Bedouins from OP...


Quote from link :

"If the Memorandum had been implemented, Area C would theoretically have been reduced from circa 74% to 61%. Article I, however, determined that 3% of Area B would be designated as Nature Reserves with full Israeli control, meaning that the Palestinians would neither have free access to it, nor could build new constructions."

The Memorandum didn't provide Israel any exclusivity to annex more land like OP for archeological research...

Again, Israel rejected International agreements and extends with further crimes of expulsions...like in OP !

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Stay on topic. This is about a Palestinian village in The West Bank.

No, it's about a Palestinian squat in the west bank. There is no historical evidence that there was ever a village there. All that stood there was the temple that are now the ruins where these people are building their tent town.
If it is a village, squat or deserted, makes no difference.

So theres no historical evidence to show it was ever a village... Okey? And?

Israel has no business touching the place anyway.

How so? It's Israel, it's not a licensed project or development so they have every right to touch the place.

Not right !

Quote from link :

"The villagers have deeds to the land going back to the Ottoman era, but the Israeli authorities say their current structures were built without the necessary permits."


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No, it's about a Palestinian squat in the west bank. There is no historical evidence that there was ever a village there. All that stood there was the temple that are now the ruins where these people are building their tent town.

If it is a village, squat or deserted, makes no difference.

So theres no historical evidence to show it was ever a village... Okey? And?

Israel has no business touching the place anyway.

How so? It's Israel, it's not a licensed project or development so they have every right to touch the place.

Rubbish....it's occupied territory....Israel has no right to govern on residential issues, especially as the area is under military rule.

From the OP

"At the heart of the matter is the struggle over the 62 percent of the West Bank that was placed under full Israeli control under interim peace accords two decades ago"

Israel has every right to govern on residential issues.

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No, it's about a Palestinian squat in the west bank. There is no historical evidence that there was ever a village there. All that stood there was the temple that are now the ruins where these people are building their tent town.

If it is a village, squat or deserted, makes no difference.

So theres no historical evidence to show it was ever a village... Okey? And?

Israel has no business touching the place anyway.

How so? It's Israel, it's not a licensed project or development so they have every right to touch the place.

Rubbish....it's occupied territory....Israel has no right to govern on residential issues, especially as the area is under military rule.

From the OP

"At the heart of the matter is the struggle over the 62 percent of the West Bank that was placed under full Israeli control under interim peace accords two decades ago"

Israel has every right to govern on residential issues.

Interim Oslo peace accords were planned to be effective for only 5 years. Israel only took the benefits of it and never came to a progressive and peaceful handover to PA and Palestinians.

There's a lot of footage on the internet who proves my point what happened previously in Susyia.
Palestinian shepherds were killed. orchards were destroyed, houses have been bulldozed, villagers have been beaten by settlers, water and electricity facilities have been destroyed, fertile land has been refused to use, people have been expelled.

The latest events of OP are just a sad chapter of a long ongoing tragedy.

All this under Israeli military govern or under the umbrella of the sliced Oslo Accords and far away from any legal protection for the Bedouins...

Since Oslo Accords, some 95% of Palestinian construction permits in area C have been denied by IDF. Even, with proven population growth...
The remaining accepted 5% covers mainly road construction sponsored by USAID and are also useful and beneficial for the Israeli settlers... Edited by Scott
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Actually full control of the area was handed back over to Israel over 20 years ago. You understand the squatters are squatting at the ruins of a Jewish Temple, right? A Temple dating back to the 4th century, before Islam was even born. Palestine has never existed. There has never (up until Gaza) a Palestinian country, government or anything else. Palestinian is a corruption of the word Felestinia (Philistine) and the Felstinia were slaves of the Romans who occupied Israel at the time. They came from a small area near Greece so if anything, they should be squatting over there. Israel has every right to demolish this illegal camp if they wish to.

Spare us the pseudo history and deflections.

The bottom line for all Palestinian delegitimizers is this: even if you think there was was never a country called Palestine, well think again...because there is one now...recognized by 70% of the world's countries with more to follow. And just like Israelis they are not going away. So get over it, and start thinking towards the future rather than wallowing in a spurious past that convinces no-one except Zionists.

If Israelis don't get serious soon about discussing a just peace in a 2 state solution (giving back land they are attempting futilely to swallow up in the OP), they will find themselves in a one state solution, having to absorb 4.5 Palestinians, and losing any hope of a state with a predominantly Jewish character.

Here's the thing that you and other Jew haters can't get through your head (or don't want to as it will interfere with your anti-Jew views) and that's the fact - yes FACT - that the only people preventing peace is Hamas and the Gazans. Their charter calls for the absolute destruction of Israel - fact. The history lesson I gave you is nothing 'pseudo'. It's fact. When Britain signed the charter in 1947 returning Israel to the Jews, according to the British Mandate the population was 1.9 million of which 68% were Arabs and 31% Jews (the discrepancy of 1% is allowing for Bedouins). Most of the so-called Palestinians came from Saudi and Syria to find work with the Jews. The region was dissected - it was called Transjordan one side of the river became Israel again and one became Jordan. The Palestinian population was split between Jordan and Israel. How come |I don't hear you calling for Jordan to give the land back to somebody? Oh I know the answer, because they're not Jews, right? There's 2.1 million registered Palestinians in Jordan and 370,000 in camps yet I don't hear you or your mates calling for help for them? People like you make me vomit, you know nothing of the region except you don't like Jews.

You are most welcome to call me a Zionist hater and a current right wing Israeli government hater...they are badges I wear proudly, but please don't call me an anti Semite. That is a reportable offense on this forum.There is not a racist/religionist bone in my body.

I am quite willing to debate your phony history of Israel/Palestine but I believe we may be drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.

Fair enough Dexterm. Perhaps you are an exception. Two serious questions I'd like to ask you.

I believe them foundational to any conversation re land appropriation.

1. Could you give some idea of what you think Zionism is and a source for your thinking? Personally the desire and even demand for a Jewish homeland leaves me wondering why someone would be a Zionist hater (and proudly so) if they were not otherwise antisemitic. I briefly looked for such a source but so far came up empty.

2. In these multitudes of word battles on this forum that began long before I arrived and will doubtless continue after I'm gone, have you ever noted what you might consider 'racist/religionist' bones in any of the posters' bodies?

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by the time the jews have finished building Palestine will be no more than a memory they are a greedy nation greedy for land which is not theirs to take more and more and the world just watches and does nothing they are a blight on the face of the planet .

The jews... greedy... blight. Thank you jackanapes, sea stallion, et al. for making things clear to me.

Your comments have less to do about the West Bank than underlying long term bias.

You that wrote this and those that liked it make it perfectly clear who and what you are.

At least you're honest - even if disgustingly so.


What's "hilarious" is that again and again the Israel demonization brigade denies that their rhetoric is severely infected with the mental disease of Jew hatred.

That there is supposedly no connection between "anti-Zionism" and Jew hatred.

Yet we see Jew hatred posted pretty much EVERY DAY on this very forum fully integrated into Israel demonization rhetoric.

I regularly criticize Zionism..a doctrine that promotes one religion/race as being superior to another, and I condemn the current right wing Israeli government which believes in ethnic cleansing as in the OP. Why should neighboring colonists from New York, Manchester or Melbourne enjoy unlimited building permits simply because of their religion, when Palestinians who have lived in the area for centuries are refused?

The answer is simple of course...it's blatant racist land theft. Israel will eventually either have to give this land back in a 2 state solution agreement, or absorb and make equal citizens of the Palestinians they are currently attempting to make homeless. So.. pretty much as the Danish politician in the OP observed...ridiculous!

You are the one asserting that Israel is a Jewish state, so of course in your eyes any criticism of Israel is automatically anti Semitic. Not so.

Dexterm - I did see on this post what might be part of your definition of Zionism - "a doctrine that promotes one religion/race as being superior to another". Just don't know where you get that from...

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Actually full control of the area was handed back over to Israel over 20 years ago. You understand the squatters are squatting at the ruins of a Jewish Temple, right? A Temple dating back to the 4th century, before Islam was even born. Palestine has never existed. There has never (up until Gaza) a Palestinian country, government or anything else. Palestinian is a corruption of the word Felestinia (Philistine) and the Felstinia were slaves of the Romans who occupied Israel at the time. They came from a small area near Greece so if anything, they should be squatting over there. Israel has every right to demolish this illegal camp if they wish to.

Spare us the pseudo history and deflections.

The bottom line for all Palestinian delegitimizers is this: even if you think there was was never a country called Palestine, well think again...because there is one now...recognized by 70% of the world's countries with more to follow. And just like Israelis they are not going away. So get over it, and start thinking towards the future rather than wallowing in a spurious past that convinces no-one except Zionists.

If Israelis don't get serious soon about discussing a just peace in a 2 state solution (giving back land they are attempting futilely to swallow up in the OP), they will find themselves in a one state solution, having to absorb 4.5 Palestinians, and losing any hope of a state with a predominantly Jewish character.
Here's the thing that you and other Jew haters can't get through your head (or don't want to as it will interfere with your anti-Jew views) and that's the fact - yes FACT - that the only people preventing peace is Hamas and the Gazans. Their charter calls for the absolute destruction of Israel - fact. The history lesson I gave you is nothing 'pseudo'. It's fact. When Britain signed the charter in 1947 returning Israel to the Jews, according to the British Mandate the population was 1.9 million of which 68% were Arabs and 31% Jews (the discrepancy of 1% is allowing for Bedouins). Most of the so-called Palestinians came from Saudi and Syria to find work with the Jews. The region was dissected - it was called Transjordan one side of the river became Israel again and one became Jordan. The Palestinian population was split between Jordan and Israel. How come |I don't hear you calling for Jordan to give the land back to somebody? Oh I know the answer, because they're not Jews, right? There's 2.1 million registered Palestinians in Jordan and 370,000 in camps yet I don't hear you or your mates calling for help for them? People like you make me vomit, you know nothing of the region except you don't like Jews.

You are most welcome to call me a Zionist hater and a current right wing Israeli government hater...they are badges I wear proudly, but please don't call me an anti Semite. That is a reportable offense on this forum.There is not a racist/religionist bone in my body.

I am quite willing to debate your phony history of Israel/Palestine but I believe we may be drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.

Fair enough Dexterm. Perhaps you are an exception. Two serious questions I'd like to ask you.
I believe them foundational to any conversation re land appropriation.
1. Could you give some idea of what you think Zionism is and a source for your thinking? Personally the desire and even demand for a Jewish homeland leaves me wondering why someone would be a Zionist hater (and proudly so) if they were not otherwise antisemitic. I briefly looked for such a source but so far came up empty.

2. In these multitudes of word battles on this forum that began long before I arrived and will doubtless continue after I'm gone, have you ever noted what you might consider 'racist/religionist' bones in any of the posters' bodies?

Nothing wrong with one, two or whatever amount of Jewish homelands where they can govern and choose their own path and destiny. If the Jews was given a not inhabited chunk of Greenland or Alaska they could have made it into as many sovereign states as they wanted and this discussion on the forum would unlikely have occured.

If the Israelis withdraw from the land stolen since 1967 and live within Israels borders from there on I will not complain here anymore. Edited by Scott
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by the time the jews have finished building Palestine will be no more than a memory they are a greedy nation greedy for land which is not theirs to take more and more and the world just watches and does nothing they are a blight on the face of the planet .

The one thing about anti semites is that they really can't disguise their hate.wink.png

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Again making a lot of people very angry. Good work Mr. n.

In return the Palestinians send some rockets which gives you God's given right to bomb the sit out them again. Good work on the road to peace.

Y'all need to be adjusted.

Translate adjusted.

what ever you want it to be, and there is always google.

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Again making a lot of people very angry. Good work Mr. n.

In return the Palestinians send some rockets which gives you God's given right to bomb the sit out them again. Good work on the road to peace.

Y'all need to be adjusted.

Translate adjusted.

what ever you want it to be, and there is always google.

I clearly was asking what YOU were trying to communicate with that word.

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Ah bless, if some Romanian pikeys constructed a corrugated iron shanty town across the street from some of our esteemed members I bet they would have called the police, fire brigade and national guard before having a seizure.

The houses were unlicensed and possibly even dangerous, though had they been left to stand and came down on their occupants heads it would still be Israel's fault.

But I almost forgot the Palestinians are nothing more than ammunition to fire at Israel, the total silence over the 2900 of them murdered in Syria amply demonstrates this.

The houses were unlicensed and possibly even dangerous,

You are blaming the victims for their problems, rather than putting the blame on Israel for not giving them building permits. It is THEIR land, unlike the ILLEGAL settler structures built on occupied land.

Israel keeps giving the world a reason to hate them.

I used to support Israel, but now.....................( can't say what I really think ).

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Again making a lot of people very angry. Good work Mr. n.

In return the Palestinians send some rockets which gives you God's given right to bomb the sit out them again. Good work on the road to peace.

Y'all need to be adjusted.

Translate adjusted.

what ever you want it to be, and there is always google.

I clearly was asking what YOU were trying to communicate with that word.

You are probably the only one on here that doesn't know what he means biggrin.png .

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by the time the jews have finished building Palestine will be no more than a memory they are a greedy nation greedy for land which is not theirs to take more and more and the world just watches and does nothing they are a blight on the face of the planet .

The one thing about anti semites is that they really can't disguise their hate.wink.png

Some of them. A lot are quite good at faking it - replacing one word and claiming to be be anti-"Zionists" instead.

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