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2016 Republicans use Trump, TV to make debate cut


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2016 Republicans use Trump, TV to make debate cut

AMES, Iowa (AP) — Rick Perry is attacking Donald Trump's credibility and branding the billionaire businessman "a cancer on conservatism." Rick Santorum, a conservative stalwart, popped up on a TV program popular with liberals. Lindsey Graham set his cellphone on fire.

With the first debate of the Republican presidential campaign approaching, the White House hopefuls are trying everything they can to improve their polling position. A candidate needs to place in the top 10 in an average of national polls to meet the criteria Fox News Channel has set to take the stage Aug. 6 in Cleveland.

Those kept out risk being overlooked by voters and financial backers heading into the critical fall stretch before the nominating contests start early in 2016.

"If you're not on the stage you're irrelevant, you don't matter," said Republican pollster Frank Luntz. "Unless you have some serious ad dollars, it's not a glass ceiling. It's a concrete ceiling."

At of this past week, former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former New York Gov. George Pataki, ex-Pennsylvania Sen. Santorum and South Carolina Sen. Graham were outside the top 10. Others close to the edge including Ohio Gov. John Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and ex-Texas Gov. Perry.

That would relegate them to a second-tier debate, only an hourlong airing before the prime-time event.

"In your heart of hearts, you want to see me debate Hillary Clinton," Fiorina, the only woman in the Republican contest, said with a grin, drawing applause from more than 100 people at an Ames country club Thursday.

"I would of course love to be on the debate stage, but we're going to keep going with or without it," she told reporters afterward. "The boys are going to fight, and I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing."

One guaranteed participant is Trump, despite incendiary comments about Mexican immigrants and Arizona Sen. John McCain's war record. Trump's remarks have drawn a backlash in a party trying to expand its Latino voting bloc and where national security is an influential constituency.

Boring in on Trump is one approach some rivals hope will help them to break through as the debate nears. Perry unloaded on Wednesday when he called Trump's campaign a "barking carnival act" and "toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense."

Perry pollster Greg Strimple said the goal of the speech was part of a long-standing effort to raise his profile, not to get him in the debate. "We had long-planned a speech defending conservatism," Strimple said. "When Donald Trump made his negative comments, it provided us the perfect comparison."

Perry's supporters are buying national cable ads that could boost his numbers ahead of the debate. On Friday, backers of Christie announced a new ad to air on Fox News.

Graham, even further behind in polling, called Trump a "jackass" after the real estate executive said McCain was "not a war hero." McCain served as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War, who was captured after his plane was shot down and held for more than five years as a prisoner of war. Graham then starred in a video produced by a conservative website demonstrating how to destroy a cellphone after Trump publicly disclosed Graham's number during a campaign appearance in South Carolina.

Curt Anderson, a strategist advising Jindal's campaign, wrote in Thursday's Wall Street Journal that the Republican Party was sabotaging itself by controlling the debates too much, after concluding that marginal candidates dragged 2012 nominee Mitt Romney too far to the right.

"They have come out to limit the number of debates we can have, they dictated who can have it, where you have it and who will moderate it," Anderson said in an interview, adding that his complaints were unconnected to Jindal's campaign. "The only thing left is to dictate what can be said in it."

As with Perry, an outside group supporting the Louisiana governor is buying ads on national cable just in time for the debate.

Santorum spokesman Matt Benyon said Santorum's TV appearances, including on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," were timed to take advantage of the candidate's time in New York this past week, not to boost his poll numbers.

"Would it be great to be in the debate? Absolutely," Benyon said. "But to change your campaign strategy to focus on one date in August is a pretty shortsighted idea."

Republican consultant Reed Galen said candidates may have a better chance to introduce themselves to voters in the less-crowded second-tier debate than competing with Trump and the other contenders in the main debate. Still, he understood the drive for prime time.

"You get more licks in AAA-ball," Galen said. "But the majors are the big show."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-27

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They have plenty of straight news and plenty of commentary - i.e. entertainment. 24 hours of straight news would be boring and a money loser. Instead, they are the number one cable news network. Trump is going to make this a VERY interesting debate.

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They have plenty of straight news and plenty of commentary - i.e. entertainment. 24 hours of straight news would be boring and a money loser. Instead, they are the number one cable news network. Trump is going to make this a VERY interesting debate.

...and it will come under the rubric of "entertainment."

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Why isn't it called Fox Entertainment? They like the facade of being a "news" channel. That and for most of the people watching Fox that is their only news. It's on 24/7 at the old folks home. Liberals like actual entertainment rather than news. That's why they don't have anything like Fox. The Daily Show is the closest thing to Fox News, an actual comedy show rather than a comedy show masking itself as news.

I'm so disappointed all of them aren't going to be on stage. Yeah, 10 of them at once is ridiculous, but 16 at once could be comedy gold! Why deprive the American people of this once in a lifetime opportunity? Just like Republicans...no sense of humor.

Now the thin veil is off the Republican racism and calling each other insulting names is de rigueur, the world can look forward to seeing the GOP for what it really is...a mean spirited, racist, paranoid, group of nutters. Anyone has ever listened to wing nut radio in the States, knows that what Trump has been doing is not only accepted but demanded by Republicans. It's going to be so much fun.

Put the beer on ice Darling, oh and see if we get Fox News on the TV. clap2.gif

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You may hate Fox News, and plenty do, and rightfully so, but they have never said they are not a news channel, and certainly do report a lot of news. You are right is stating they are mostly commentary. I do believe that you will find, with an open mind, a true debate. It will certainly be a fun debate with Trump in it, and you may want to call that entertainment, but that is of Trump's motives, not Fox News. At least voters are going to watch this debate and learn from it.

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I wouldn't vote for any of them. And the Democrats are not any better. The United States needs a President who will actually do something for the people- not a politician who is there for his/her own agenda which is to get elected again and while in power take care of the wealthy The American tax law needs a massive reform in which the wealthy pay for their fair share and not be able to find quirks to get away with paying nothing. Education is a disaster- way too expensive- my daughter just finished her Master's degree and owes $242,000 for her education- all financed with government loans. Even though she makes good money- it will take about 15-20 years to repay her loan. Health care needs reform- the Obamacare law is absurd- using the IRS to penalize people who can't afford health insurance while insurance companies get richer. The solution is easy- expand Medicare to cover everyone- a single payer- paid by a percentage of your income. If you are not working or retired- you get free medical care and it should apply to those of us overseas who have paid into the system for many, many years.The Department of Defense is bloated and needs to be reformed. The Veterans Administration allows Veterans to die and then covers it up. There is not one candidate who has the guts to address these issues let alone actually fix them. America is no longer a real democracy. It is a country mired in materialistic capitalism-money buys and controls everything. I am glad I am in Thailand where I don't have to hear the so called news analysts provide information based upon nonsense and a lack of what people really face in their lives. When I was growing up America was a great country- now it is a shadow of its former self. Americans are fed up with their government and their politicians-one day they are actually going to do something about it.

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I wouldn't vote for any of them. And the Democrats are not any better. The United States needs a President who will actually do something for the people- not a politician who is there for his/her own agenda which is to get elected again and while in power take care of the wealthy The American tax law needs a massive reform in which the wealthy pay for their fair share and not be able to find quirks to get away with paying nothing. Education is a disaster- way too expensive- my daughter just finished her Master's degree and owes $242,000 for her education- all financed with government loans. Even though she makes good money- it will take about 15-20 years to repay her loan. Health care needs reform- the Obamacare law is absurd- using the IRS to penalize people who can't afford health insurance while insurance companies get richer. The solution is easy- expand Medicare to cover everyone- a single payer- paid by a percentage of your income. If you are not working or retired- you get free medical care and it should apply to those of us overseas who have paid into the system for many, many years.The Department of Defense is bloated and needs to be reformed. The Veterans Administration allows Veterans to die and then covers it up. There is not one candidate who has the guts to address these issues let alone actually fix them. America is no longer a real democracy. It is a country mired in materialistic capitalism-money buys and controls everything. I am glad I am in Thailand where I don't have to hear the so called news analysts provide information based upon nonsense and a lack of what people really face in their lives. When I was growing up America was a great country- now it is a shadow of its former self. Americans are fed up with their government and their politicians-one day they are actually going to do something about it.

Can't find anything to disagree with. This is why I am following Bernie Sanders. See where the chinks in his amour is...appears to be consistent in focusing on the problems. Rather attracted to his style versus Trump, for example.

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I wouldn't vote for any of them. And the Democrats are not any better. The United States needs a President who will actually do something for the people- not a politician who is there for his/her own agenda which is to get elected again and while in power take care of the wealthy The American tax law needs a massive reform in which the wealthy pay for their fair share and not be able to find quirks to get away with paying nothing. Education is a disaster- way too expensive- my daughter just finished her Master's degree and owes $242,000 for her education- all financed with government loans. Even though she makes good money- it will take about 15-20 years to repay her loan. Health care needs reform- the Obamacare law is absurd- using the IRS to penalize people who can't afford health insurance while insurance companies get richer. The solution is easy- expand Medicare to cover everyone- a single payer- paid by a percentage of your income. If you are not working or retired- you get free medical care and it should apply to those of us overseas who have paid into the system for many, many years.The Department of Defense is bloated and needs to be reformed. The Veterans Administration allows Veterans to die and then covers it up. There is not one candidate who has the guts to address these issues let alone actually fix them. America is no longer a real democracy. It is a country mired in materialistic capitalism-money buys and controls everything. I am glad I am in Thailand where I don't have to hear the so called news analysts provide information based upon nonsense and a lack of what people really face in their lives. When I was growing up America was a great country- now it is a shadow of its former self. Americans are fed up with their government and their politicians-one day they are actually going to do something about it.

There is not one candidate who has the guts to address these issues

Trump has come out strongly on the failing VA.

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2016 Republicans use Trump

Wasn't sure if the "2016" referred to the election year or the current number of candidates.

Hopefully Trump will decide to use his billions to run as an independent and split the right wing wacko vote. He can campaign on traditional family values with his 3 wives and use his four corporate bankruptcies to demonstrate his financial/economic acumen.

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2016 Republicans use Trump

Wasn't sure if the "2016" referred to the election year or the current number of candidates.

Hopefully Trump will decide to use his billions to run as an independent and split the right wing wacko vote. He can campaign on traditional family values with his 3 wives and use his four corporate bankruptcies to demonstrate his financial/economic acumen.

Trump - a Former Democrat and contributor to the Clinton Foundation and to the Clinton Senate Campaign is hardly Right Wing ... You could comment on TVF Topic Threads about Astrophysics but I doubt you would know anything about that either...

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Politico’s Mike Allen’s Playbook on Sunday morning—using data calculated by his Politico colleague Steve Shepard from various polls—concluded that the following eight GOP candidates are definitely going to be on the debate stage on Aug. 6 in Cleveland, Ohio:

Trump, Bush, Walker, Huckabee, Rand, Rubio, Carson and Cruz.


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Why isn't it called Fox Entertainment? They like the facade of being a "news" channel. That and for most of the people watching Fox that is their only news. It's on 24/7 at the old folks home. Liberals like actual entertainment rather than news. That's why they don't have anything like Fox. The Daily Show is the closest thing to Fox News, an actual comedy show rather than a comedy show masking itself as news.

I'm so disappointed all of them aren't going to be on stage. Yeah, 10 of them at once is ridiculous, but 16 at once could be comedy gold! Why deprive the American people of this once in a lifetime opportunity? Just like Republicans...no sense of humor.

Now the thin veil is off the Republican racism and calling each other insulting names is de rigueur, the world can look forward to seeing the GOP for what it really is...a mean spirited, racist, paranoid, group of nutters. Anyone has ever listened to wing nut radio in the States, knows that what Trump has been doing is not only accepted but demanded by Republicans. It's going to be so much fun.

Put the beer on ice Darling, oh and see if we get Fox News on the TV. clap2.gif

And all the Republican candidates are household names now. Thanks to people like you constantly talking about them. Since the dem candidates are so boring, except for Hilary, but that's because she keeps chewing on her shoes. Please do watch the debates. Get more people interested.

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Trump would probably take as many, if not more votes from the dem side. Careful what you wish for.

How on earth do you come to that conclusion?

The only reason he's up there now is because of the media attention, and that's more because of the howlers he keeps coming out with.

He has only motivated the angry white racist base, who clearly aren't as impressed with McCain as people thought.

That will evaporate when he's asked to actually come up with something more substantial than soundbites.

The only thing he has going for him is that him keeping one professional politician off the debate stage is one less person going for his throat.


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Trump would probably take as many, if not more votes from the dem side. Careful what you wish for.

How on earth do you come to that conclusion?

The only reason he's up there now is because of the media attention, and that's more because of the howlers he keeps coming out with.

He has only motivated the angry white racist base, who clearly aren't as impressed with McCain as people thought.

That will evaporate when he's asked to actually come up with something more substantial than soundbites.

The only thing he has going for him is that him keeping one professional politician off the debate stage is one less person going for his throat.


Because I know American politics. Media attention is what matters in this day and age. That "angry white racist base" has been losing too many jobs to illegals, is getting tired of political correctness, and getting fed up with the regular politicians. And those people make up the largest section of the American voting public. The last successful 'insider' campaign was George Bush the 1st. It's why governors run so well. But, since you think it is "angry white racist base" , I'll forgive your stone age thinking. Trump sells tickets. The media notices, likes them greenbacks.

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Why isn't it called Fox Entertainment? They like the facade of being a "news" channel. That and for most of the people watching Fox that is their only news. It's on 24/7 at the old folks home. Liberals like actual entertainment rather than news. That's why they don't have anything like Fox. The Daily Show is the closest thing to Fox News, an actual comedy show rather than a comedy show masking itself as news.

I'm so disappointed all of them aren't going to be on stage. Yeah, 10 of them at once is ridiculous, but 16 at once could be comedy gold! Why deprive the American people of this once in a lifetime opportunity? Just like Republicans...no sense of humor.

Now the thin veil is off the Republican racism and calling each other insulting names is de rigueur, the world can look forward to seeing the GOP for what it really is...a mean spirited, racist, paranoid, group of nutters. Anyone has ever listened to wing nut radio in the States, knows that what Trump has been doing is not only accepted but demanded by Republicans. It's going to be so much fun.

Put the beer on ice Darling, oh and see if we get Fox News on the TV. clap2.gif

And all the Republican candidates are household names now. Thanks to people like you constantly talking about them. Since the dem candidates are so boring, except for Hilary, but that's because she keeps chewing on her shoes. Please do watch the debates. Get more people interested.

Now Obama has contributed to the Trump publicity campaign with his utterly inapropriate rantings about Trump in Ethiopia ( average Ethiopian- who's Trump? ). Talk about putting his foot in it! With publicity like that Trump doesn't need to spend a cent on advertising.

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Trump would probably take as many, if not more votes from the dem side. Careful what you wish for.

How on earth do you come to that conclusion?

The only reason he's up there now is because of the media attention, and that's more because of the howlers he keeps coming out with.

He has only motivated the angry white racist base, who clearly aren't as impressed with McCain as people thought.

That will evaporate when he's asked to actually come up with something more substantial than soundbites.

The only thing he has going for him is that him keeping one professional politician off the debate stage is one less person going for his throat.


Because I know American politics. Media attention is what matters in this day and age. That "angry white racist base" has been losing too many jobs to illegals, is getting tired of political correctness, and getting fed up with the regular politicians. And those people make up the largest section of the American voting public. The last successful 'insider' campaign was George Bush the 1st. It's why governors run so well. But, since you think it is "angry white racist base" , I'll forgive your stone age thinking. Trump sells tickets. The media notices, likes them greenbacks.

Would be nice if you read my posts, but for the sake of argument, I'll elaborate.

Romney was looking good in the polls and had the media fawning over him until he was asked detailed questions about his policies.

And in almost every instance he proved that while he was saying he was going to do great things, he had absolutely no answers as to how he was going to pay for them.

Trump has not said much yet apart from "I'm going to send all the illegals back to Mexico" and "I'm going to stop IS". They are just soundbites, and when he starts getting asked for specifics he will flounder like Romney did. You'd better hope he does, because when it comes to a Presidential campaign, he'll collapse like the clowns car he's driving.

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Trump's empty rhetoric and Fox deciding who gets airtime will kick at least a third of the "candidates" out of the clown car.

The debates should be a hoot.

Sigh. Yet again with the misinformation. Fox won't decide, it'll be the top 10 candidates as in a poll.

Let's try that again shall we?

Who decides which national polls will be used to select the top ten?

I'll give you a minute to think about that before you answer.


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