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Cecil the lion: US dentist Walter Palmer rarely discussed hunting with patients

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"Cecil the lion: US dentist Walter Palmer rarely discussed hunting with patients"

I'm sure he will continue that policy - he won't have any patients, one way or the other.

Hopefully, he'll be discussing his hunting with legal authorities.

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I'm glad it's come down to this. Palmer deserves everything that is now happening to his life and I have no pity on the fool.
Time for this type of killing to be stopped.

Now just get it done here in SEA with the elephants, tigers and what ever else is left is these dying forests.


The man paid 50,000 dollars to get permission to hunt and kill a lion in Zimbabwe, plus he had to pay and be accompanied by a professional liscensed hunting guide who is present to insure the hunt is conducted legally and hopefully succesful. Palmer uses a cross bow for his hunts for the kill. In this case he only wounded the critter thus the trackdown and subsquent shooting of the lion to put it out of its misery. The lion was reported to be 13 years of age which is longer than most male lions live in the wild. he was past prime and a younger male or two were waiting to drive him out and take over the pride.

The baiting of feline prey in big game hunting is not uncommon nor illegal in most countries. The dentist is a trophy hunter judging by the press and the photo of the rino he had taken, also with a crossbow. The report of a night hunt does not sound right, either poor reporting or mis information being delibertly put out. When you hunt a baited cat, its done from a ''hide'' with the bait hung to bring the cat into range/view. Normal feeding time for lion, etc is dawn and dusk thus that is normal shooting time, Baiting and using a vehicle (spotlighting) for nightime hunting/poaching are not done together.and the latter is illegal.

I know quite a number of big game hunters who hunt in Africa and some parts of noth america and those i have dealt with are true sportsmen. My dealing with them was commercial as they favored larger bore (470 caliber as an example,) double rifles, which I had access to and would sell for the right price.

Does sitting in a hide with bait hung outside fall within your definition of a true sportsman? Sitting duck springs to mind.


It does not matter what I define as a sportsmen nor those of you, who are calling for a lynching of the man who is involved. The money generated is vital to those who manage the wildlife parks where hunting is allowed, just to have the chance to shoot any of the ''big 4 ''. This income contributes a part of the funds spent to protect what free roaming wildlife is left in this old world.

Everyone involved in this screw up are going to be pointing at someone else and offering excuses, giving testimony as to the evils of killig wild animals and in some cases preach against the practice of even allowing hunting anywhere for any of gods creatures, including those in the oceans of the world. Life and especially death bring the realalities of life to the publics attention, and it can be harsh at times.


Anyone who actually gets pleasure out of killing an animal really does have something wrong with them.

They are mentally ill.

There is no doubt about that.

Nothing to do with legal or illegal, it is just sick.

This waste of space deserves everything that is going to come his way.


I agree with all above comments, but why is it that a dead lion gets more attention than a child killed by a drunk driver?

Because a drunk driver seldom wings a child with a car and then tracks the fleeing child so as to finish it off 40 hours later with a gunshot?


They call it a sport...

Nothing sporting about it, just an insult to participants of real sports.

Italian ancestry by any chance???



Now with social media anyone who participates in activities disliked by the mob can find their entire lives destroyed.

Good point.

He does seem a pompous game hunting Aey-hull but his deeds are being artificially amplified to a ridiculous degree. On the other hand he did commit a major crime in a foreign land and why should he above the law?


Now with social media anyone who participates in activities disliked by the mob can find their entire lives destroyed.

Good point.

He does seem a pompous game hunting Aey-hull but his deeds are being artificially amplified to a ridiculous degree. On the other hand he did commit a major crime in a foreign land and why should he above the law?

In a week or two the mob care more about something else that tugs at their heartstrings.


It doesn't take the courage of a lion to diss the killer of the adorable lion with the cute name. I see what you mean. It's a fad type thing.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like this dentist and I do see an argument that he should face justice but the trouble with that is the type of government where he would be facing justice ... that adds a twist to this. If it happened in France, it would be different.


It doesn't take the courage of a lion to diss the killer of the adorable lion with the cute name. I see what you mean. It's a fad type thing.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like this dentist and I do see an argument that he should face justice but the trouble with that is the type of government where he would be facing justice ... that adds a twist to this. If it happened in France, it would be different.

This is Africa, after all, worse it's Zimbabwe, a long way from ordered Rhodesian rule.


Anyone who actually gets pleasure out of killing an animal really does have something wrong with them.

They are mentally ill.

There is no doubt about that.

Nothing to do with legal or illegal, it is just sick.

This waste of space deserves everything that is going to come his way.

If no animals were allowed to be killed there would be no food on the table.

As far as I recall, most the rich people including the Royals from most Western countries, are famous for their hunting adventures.

If it is against the law, why there are hunting licenses?


Anyone who actually gets pleasure out of killing an animal really does have something wrong with them.

They are mentally ill.

There is no doubt about that.

Nothing to do with legal or illegal, it is just sick.

This waste of space deserves everything that is going to come his way.

If no animals were allowed to be killed there would be no food on the table.

As far as I recall, most the rich people including the Royals from most Western countries, are famous for their hunting adventures.

If it is against the law, why there are hunting licenses?

Theres a big difference between "Game" hunting on the moors of Scotland for Grouse that are eaten and going out killing an endangered species for fun. However I am sure you will continue to argue black is white, another apologist for barbaric "sports"


Anyone who actually gets pleasure out of killing an animal really does have something wrong with them.

They are mentally ill.

There is no doubt about that.

Nothing to do with legal or illegal, it is just sick.

This waste of space deserves everything that is going to come his way.

If no animals were allowed to be killed there would be no food on the table.

As far as I recall, most the rich people including the Royals from most Western countries, are famous for their hunting adventures.

If it is against the law, why there are hunting licenses?

Theres a big difference between "Game" hunting on the moors of Scotland for Grouse that are eaten and going out killing an endangered species for fun. However I am sure you will continue to argue black is white, another apologist for barbaric "sports"

So everyone in the world is hunting in Scotland these days?

From Slapout's post.

The lion was reported to be 13 years of age which is longer than most male lions live in the wild. he was past prime and a younger male or two were waiting to drive him out and take over the pride.


So everyone in the world is hunting in Scotland these days?

From Slapout's post.

The lion was reported to be 13 years of age which is longer than most male lions live in the wild. he was past prime and a younger male or two were waiting to drive him out and take over the pride.

Part of the point is this was a lion that had been given a name. He is an impressive beast and there isn't much sport in getting a lion that is past his prime and has been lured off a game reserve with meat.

Personally, I think it is tragic and sad. The Dentist should be sentenced to 6 months of fixing teeth for the poor in Zimbabwe for laws he's broken.


Yup, from what i have been reading. Jericho was killed by poachers on Saturday.

He was Cecil's "brother" and was looking after the cubs. So now those cubs and their mothers are without a male to watch over them.

That "not nice person" with his bow and arrow has started to anihilliate a whole pride of lions.

I hope he sleeps well wherever he is.


Anyone who actually gets pleasure out of killing an animal really does have something wrong with them.

They are mentally ill.

There is no doubt about that.

Nothing to do with legal or illegal, it is just sick.

This waste of space deserves everything that is going to come his way.

If no animals were allowed to be killed there would be no food on the table.

As far as I recall, most the rich people including the Royals from most Western countries, are famous for their hunting adventures.

If it is against the law, why there are hunting licenses?

Torturing and shooting any animal for fun is twisted and sick. Nothing to do with providing food.

Actually getting pleasure from this is beyond belief.


Anyone who actually gets pleasure out of killing an animal really does have something wrong with them.

They are mentally ill.

There is no doubt about that.

Nothing to do with legal or illegal, it is just sick.

This waste of space deserves everything that is going to come his way.

If no animals were allowed to be killed there would be no food on the table.

As far as I recall, most the rich people including the Royals from most Western countries, are famous for their hunting adventures.

If it is against the law, why there are hunting licenses?

Torturing and shooting any animal for fun is twisted and sick. Nothing to do with providing food.

Actually getting pleasure from this is beyond belief.

For me It's not the killing of the animal that's disturbing. After all, if we eat meat at all we're complicit in the killing of other animals. What's disturbing in this case is that so much effort and treasure has gone into obtaining the pleasure of killing the animal. It's a pleasure taken in killing for it's own sake. The animal being dead makes me feel more alive - pretty sick sensibility, commensurate with the sensibility of those who murder for pleasure.

Here's a suggestion. Those who really want to satiate their desire to kill large mammals can pay their $40,000 and be allowed to man the kill chain in our abattoirs. For less money they can man the kill chain in a poultry processing factory.


It doesn't take the courage of a lion to diss the killer of the adorable lion with the cute name. I see what you mean. It's a fad type thing.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like this dentist and I do see an argument that he should face justice but the trouble with that is the type of government where he would be facing justice ... that adds a twist to this. If it happened in France, it would be different.

In fact, the real outrage should be directed towards the murderous government of Robert Mugabe who has a practice of murdering human beings. It is also the government practice to license these animal hunts (remember, the guy actually had spent money getting what he thought was the proper permits). Fact is, Zimbabwe has decimated its own wildlife population in granting these permits and lining up its own animals for decimation. But nothing is being said about this. The criticism is myopic and based on a Disney view of lions in the wild. This is what happens when small children respond to the death of Bambi's mother. Yes, Palmer is guilty of government sanctioned leocide. And now that same government wants to extradite him in order to deflect people looking into its own murderous ways.


If the Zimbabwe government was keen to ensure that no one looks into their murderous ways, I reckon that the best thing would have been to say and do absolutely nothing and let the "news" cycle run it's course. By next week there will surely be another baby in the well.


I don’t know why this lion achieved such pop star status, was he cuddlier than the others, had a nice name, and was old or something? But big game hunting will continue and in a week or two the lynch mob will care more about something else that tugs at their heartstrings.


i cant believe i missed that he had shot it first with a cross-bow, to add what i already said should happen to him,this should be his treat,extract his teeth with a pair of plyers

WITHOUT ANY PAINKILLER.so he cant bite back.

He actually shot it with a bow and arrow, the lion was then tracked down and found still alive 40 hours later when it was finished off with a rifle. Walter Palmer should have had someone standing over him with a shot gun and forced to eat it.

he wont get much meat in the slammer there, EXTRADITION PAPERS ON THE WAY.

the hunt is on,trophy hunters are seaching high and low,prize is the jaws with teeth still in tack of palmer the extractor.crazy.gif


I see the Thaivisa's PC brigade is well alive and kicking, but I'm sure that if I would offer an all paid for Safari hunting to Zimbabwe for the first who send me a PM, that my inbox would be red hot .

By the way I am not anti gun, I have spent many a day shooting pigeons, annihilated a few, winged a few, and really enjoyed it...

that was clay pigeons by the way... and fancied a bit of duck shooting too...


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