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I use a roll-on. Probably used all the brands available at the 7/11 or Tesco and they all work as good as each other. They tend to be as effective but more subtle than the spray on's - and the heat has the effect of making some spray on's smell a bit too over powering.

Just don't do what some of the 2 week millionaires do.

They must spray paint themselves with a can and a half of deodorant followed by half a litre of aftershave of dubious quality in an effort to keep the sweat down and smell nice for the ladies.

It has the opposite effect and has them ( and me) gagging as they run to hurl down the toilet. facepalm.gif

I swear that some of them are so flammable I'm scared to light up a smoke within 15 feet of them, which is about as far away as you have to be to avoid choking on the fumes they emit.blink.png

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Just get yourself fit well be a big help for most expats,, if you can eat actually commit and spend an hour a day jogging in the park or lifting weights etc you won't break a sweat doing the normal things anymore

Cut down on things like fast foods, binge Drinking, cigarettes, cans of coke and Pepsi etc and sweet Thai coffee drinks will have a major effect on your body acclimatisation, I only exercise for 45-60min most days and i don't even need to use aircon anymore

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I use a crystal stick from Boots (not Boots branded). Wet the stick and rub it under your arms... it doesn't stop you sweating (you need to sweat to regulate body temperature) but it does stop you smelling.

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I just ventured to 7/11...

Has anyone tried that cooling powder stuff for deodorant under your arms?

I might try that for under the arms and for other warm parts of the body.

The brand was called snake brand?

Also, anyone try this: http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Vi3nIFXXXXacXXXXq6xXFXXXg/JT-font-b-Thai-b-font-herbal-natural-font-b-deodorant-b-font-powder-stop-odor.jpg

7/11 had it for 39baht

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you can get any western brands by ordering them on Ebay. I recently received a five-pack of my favorite for 800THB shipping included.

I tried Ebay first, but I've had no luck. And 800 baht isn't very cheap, IMO. I'd rather buy some decent stuff here for a fraction of that cost.

Beer money, airfare, food, etc...

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Become a vegetarian then you won't need any. I have never used deodorant here.

Being a vegetarian i can understand this as according to the description below, you don't really do much.


Sorry Neeranam, that T-shirt just tickles me..................tongue.png

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I had a sweating problem for most of my life. My armpits would always be sweaty.

Then one day I stopped using deodorant, and began using a "special" product which you apply once per week before going to bed:


This one is from Sweden, but I'm certain you can find similar one's here at a pharmacy.

My advice is to skip the deodorant. At least for me, deodorant seemed to be the cause of the sweating. I do not sweat anymore, and NO I also do not smell.

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All deodorants are a rip off here. Especially the name brands like Nivea and Rexona.

You are on the right track with "thai crystal".

The active ingredient in most deodorants is aluminum chlorohydrate, just read the back of anything you pick up in 7 or the supermarket.

You can bury aluminum chlorohydrate crystals from many mom and pop thai stores. It is just sold in a plactic bag containing a half dozen or so crystals.

The thai name is for these crystals is pronounced "san som".

When buying your san som crystals look for a bag that has just a couple of bigger crystals and not a lot of smaller ones. The big crystals are much easier to use, and with time and use become smooth and shaped to your underarm. The last bag I bought was about two years ago in a mom and pop market in Phuket. Cost just 20THB. It had four big crystals in it. I am still using the first big crystal. A single big crystal basically lasts forever.

I leave mine in the shower in the shampoo rack. When I have dryed off, I wet the crystal and then smear it under my arm.

The aluminum chlorohydrate stops you from sweating, but it has no smell, the other major ingredient in off the shelf deodorants is a scent or fragrance.

The cheap and most effective solution is to buy what Thais refer to as "Nam Hom".

I use one called Tros. The Unlock flavour as the TG likes it. Another added advantage is that you can have a number of different nam homs and mix them up from time to time. A large bottle of Tros is about 50 or 60 baht. It will last you 3 - 6 months. Smear with the crystal, let dry, and then spray on your scent. It is a pump spray so no flourocarbons to worry about.

And so you can have good protection with a change in scent whenever you want for less than 100 THB per year.

Neeranam is being labelled a "dirty hippy" in this thread because he suggests not using deodorant is the best option. Fact is he is correct. Deodorants, including san som, have been identified as a significant health risk:


Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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This topic is a little redundant.

There is currently an active thread on the TV forum about " Perfume for men in a hot and humid climate"

You should read it.

In summary, most posters agree that when you live in a hot and humid climate you should shower at least two times per day.

Put on clean clothes after each shower.

Some recommend wiping down with alcohol to kill order causing bacteria after each shower as well.

These steps alone will eliminate offensive body odor.

Unless you feel the need to smell flowery and unnatural, there is no need for deodorant or perfumes.

Yes, the deodorants sold for westerners at 7-11 and Lotus do work,

But so does good hygiene.

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It's weird- back home always used a deodorant - here I never use one ( and because I usually get shot down in flames ) I always smell quite delicious ( Hermes)

Maybe because you are not wearing a suit in the office or because you tend to shower a lot more - given up on chemicals - can't do you much good.

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