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Calais migrant crisis: UK police and social services plead for help

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To those who believe, wrongly, that should they reach the UK these 'migrants' will immediately be given a council house and state funded income, I refer you to this post in another topic.

To those who believe all these 'migrants' want to come to the UK only, I refer you to this post in that same topic.

"If the UK is such a soft touch as some believe, maybe someone can explain the following figures for asylum claims in 2014

  1. Germany: 202,815
  2. Sweden: 81,325
  3. Italy: 64,625
  4. France: 64,310
  5. Hungary: 42,775
  6. UK: 31,945

Table taken from Which EU countries had the most asylum seekers?

The UK is sixth in the table; it seems we're not that attractive after all; certainly not as attractive as Germany with over 6 times as many applications as the UK!"


To those who believe, wrongly, that should they reach the UK these 'migrants' will immediately be given a council house and state funded income, I refer you to this post in another topic.

To those who believe all these 'migrants' want to come to the UK only, I refer you to this post in that same topic.

"If the UK is such a soft touch as some believe, maybe someone can explain the following figures for asylum claims in 2014

  • Germany: 202,815
  • Sweden: 81,325
  • Italy: 64,625
  • France: 64,310
  • Hungary: 42,775
  • UK: 31,945
Table taken from Which EU countries had the most asylum seekers?

The UK is sixth in the table; it seems we're not that attractive after all; certainly not as attractive as Germany with over 6 times as many applications as the UK!"

Have been happily munching on my popcorn watching the anti immigtant economic migrants to Thailand have their heads explode over this thread.

I'm sure that there is a sense of national pride in all of these posts, that England couldn't be anything but the land of milk and honey (with the occasional football riot).

Fact is though if I was a welfare shopper Id head for a strong economy with a good welfare system - or Germamy or Sweden. So either these guys are actually really stupid (80 quid a week and miserable summers anyone?) or that there maybe something else motivating them.

I for the life of me can't imagine that it is a miserable dole in a miserable country which is the attraction.


To those who believe, wrongly, that should they reach the UK these 'migrants' will immediately be given a council house and state funded income, I refer you to this post in another topic.

To those who believe all these 'migrants' want to come to the UK only, I refer you to this post in that same topic.

"If the UK is such a soft touch as some believe, maybe someone can explain the following figures for asylum claims in 2014

  • Germany: 202,815
  • Sweden: 81,325
  • Italy: 64,625
  • France: 64,310
  • Hungary: 42,775
  • UK: 31,945
Table taken from Which EU countries had the most asylum seekers?

The UK is sixth in the table; it seems we're not that attractive after all; certainly not as attractive as Germany with over 6 times as many applications as the UK!"

Have been happily munching on my popcorn watching the anti immigtant economic migrants to Thailand have their heads explode over this thread.

I'm sure that there is a sense of national pride in all of these posts, that England couldn't be anything but the land of milk and honey (with the occasional football riot).

Fact is though if I was a welfare shopper Id head for a strong economy with a good welfare system - or Germamy or Sweden. So either these guys are actually really stupid (80 quid a week and miserable summers anyone?) or that there maybe something else motivating them.

I for the life of me can't imagine that it is a miserable dole in a miserable country which is the attraction.

It's merely the cheap pints in J D Weatherspoon that has most magnetic pull.


To those who believe, wrongly, that should they reach the UK these 'migrants' will immediately be given a council house and state funded income, I refer you to this post in another topic.

To those who believe all these 'migrants' want to come to the UK only, I refer you to this post in that same topic.

"If the UK is such a soft touch as some believe, maybe someone can explain the following figures for asylum claims in 2014

  • Germany: 202,815
  • Sweden: 81,325
  • Italy: 64,625
  • France: 64,310
  • Hungary: 42,775
  • UK: 31,945
Table taken from Which EU countries had the most asylum seekers?

The UK is sixth in the table; it seems we're not that attractive after all; certainly not as attractive as Germany with over 6 times as many applications as the UK!"

Have been happily munching on my popcorn watching the anti immigtant economic migrants to Thailand have their heads explode over this thread.

I'm sure that there is a sense of national pride in all of these posts, that England couldn't be anything but the land of milk and honey (with the occasional football riot).

Fact is though if I was a welfare shopper Id head for a strong economy with a good welfare system - or Germamy or Sweden. So either these guys are actually really stupid (80 quid a week and miserable summers anyone?) or that there maybe something else motivating them.

I for the life of me can't imagine that it is a miserable dole in a miserable country which is the attraction.

It's merely the cheap pints in J D Weatherspoon that has most magnetic pull.
Soggy fish and chips or jellied eel perhaps? Followed up by a deep fried mars bar? A chance to learn Morris dancing maybe?

As the Human Rights advocates keep saying - these are poor people who are looking for a safe haven as they are persecuted in their homeland. As a developed and compassionate country, should not the UK accommodate these poor helpless human beings?

On one side some developed nations are pulverising other nations who dont tow their line politically, then on the other side these same developed nations are trying to ignore the repercussions of their own acts.

Yes, what is the root cause of these migrant/refugee influx?

Is it 'humanitarian' as widely advertised or is it not 'economic'?

Why are they being persecuted in their own countries? Did they rebel?

It's all BS anyway. The root cause of all these problems is overpopulation. They have overpopulated their own countries to the point there are no jobs, so now they want to move somewhere else and eventually overpopulate that country as well. Some of these people think it's OK to have 10 children !!!!!!!

"They have overpopulated their own countries to the point there are no jobs"

Yes, this is just one reason.

"Why are they being persecuted in their own countries? Did they rebel?"

Most are terrorists, but to day some people prefer to call them in a different name. eg. freedom fighters.

99% of these travel 100's of miles instead of the closest country (as one would expect if they were REALLY persecuted in their own country).

Today, this is a big business.


The British government is doing everything in its power to address the situation. Here is the problem.

It is not a British problem initially, it is a European problem, specifically a French problem.

To stop it being a British problem, first we need a government that is prepared to act against the 'threat' and assume a pro-active stance instead of trying to appease the rest of the European communities governments with PC statements. Yes, I know it is politics......................sad.png

Time for the British government, specifically Cameron to grow a pair and put a deterrent on the table for these alleged refugees attempting an invasion of British soil instead of kow towing his 'masters'.

And to all those opposed, there is nothing wrong with calling on the armed forces in times of crisis.

They are at the end of the day an organization of men & women established to rectify the mistakes of governments...................................wink.png

For starters they could stop sending navy ships to rescue illegal economic migrants off the coast of Libya and transport them to Italy ( they should return them to Libya ). Where do they think those people will end up?

I saw a news item about Hungary. In response to the EU request to to take some of the thousands currently flooding into the EU they have said they will take NO illegal economic migrants, LOL. The only country with any common sense.


As the Human Rights advocates keep saying - these are poor people who are looking for a safe haven as they are persecuted in their homeland. As a developed and compassionate country, should not the UK accommodate these poor helpless human beings?

On one side some developed nations are pulverising other nations who dont tow their line politically, then on the other side these same developed nations are trying to ignore the repercussions of their own acts.

Yes, what is the root cause of these migrant/refugee influx?

Is it 'humanitarian' as widely advertised or is it not 'economic'?

Why are they being persecuted in their own countries? Did they rebel?

It's all BS anyway. The root cause of all these problems is overpopulation. They have overpopulated their own countries to the point there are no jobs, so now they want to move somewhere else and eventually overpopulate that country as well. Some of these people think it's OK to have 10 children !!!!!!!

"They have overpopulated their own countries to the point there are no jobs"

Yes, this is just one reason.

"Why are they being persecuted in their own countries? Did they rebel?"

Most are terrorists, but to day some people prefer to call them in a different name. eg. freedom fighters.

99% of these travel 100's of miles instead of the closest country (as one would expect if they were REALLY persecuted in their own country).

Today, this is a big business.

I wish someone would explain how people supposedly fleeing for their lives from oppression can have access to the thousands of dollars it takes to pay scum traffickers, and why, if they are genuine refugees they choose to leave their families behind to ?????????? Surely by now there must be thousands of starving women and children in the countries they "flee" from but we never hear about them.


The British government is doing everything in its power to address the situation. Here is the problem.

It is not a British problem initially, it is a European problem, specifically a French problem.

To stop it being a British problem, first we need a government that is prepared to act against the 'threat' and assume a pro-active stance instead of trying to appease the rest of the European communities governments with PC statements. Yes, I know it is politics......................sad.png

Time for the British government, specifically Cameron to grow a pair and put a deterrent on the table for these alleged refugees attempting an invasion of British soil instead of kow towing his 'masters'.

And to all those opposed, there is nothing wrong with calling on the armed forces in times of crisis.

They are at the end of the day an organization of men & women established to rectify the mistakes of governments...................................wink.png

Maggie Thatcher didn't seem to have much problem using the Army and Police to disperse her own people that were trying to preserve their jobs (the miners), so I can't see why there should be any problem in using them against illegal immigrants!

The army is a different beast now than it was then. Been cut back so much there probably aren't any spare squaddies around.


It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

regards worgeordie

Do not believe that, there are any many migrants to other major European countries. Just those that go in the UK by road necessarily pass through Calais where they are visible.

Good theory - but does not explain why they trek across one 'safe haven' to get to another. Or why they leave their wives and children behind to face persecution while they queue up outside the Channel Tunnel.

It's a simple economic driver fueled by the people trafficking businesses who spin a yarn about a land where the streets are paved with DHSS cheques. And if they were looking for work they'd head to Germany which is also a simpler land border.

The reason is simple: they go where they already have relatives or family. So more you have refugees today even more you will have tomorrow.


I would venture to guess that most of these people are economic migrants and not political refugees. Most political refugees would know there best chance is to declare asylum in the first country, probably Italy, if they come by sea. Once you pass the country of first asylum, you start damaging your credibility as a genuine refugee.

Why do they leave the women at home? I am guessing that most of the economic migrants are young and unmarried. Once they get settled and get citizenship or a passport, they can return to the country of origin, marry and then legally bring the wife back.

If they are a genuine refugee, the family is allowed to join them. Refugee status is usually conferred to all members of a household, so if dad is a refugee so are the wife and kids.


anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

I thought the UK went around the globe for the last several centuries exploiting and murdering indigenous populations in the name of imperialism. I don't buy that 3rd world poor folks never contributed to Her Majesties wealth.

anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

I thought the UK went around the globe for the last several centuries exploiting and murdering indigenous populations in the name of imperialism. I don't buy that 3rd world poor folks never contributed to Her Majesties wealth.

As did ALL European countries. Belgium was big in the Congo, but I don't know of any Congolese queuing up to enter Belgium. France was a big coloniser, but while they have lots from their colonies not many of the current mob seem to want to stay there- just pass through on the way to the UK.

Spain was big in South America, but not many of them trying to enter Spain.

All countries had illegal immigrants if you go back far enough, except somewhere in Africa, but at some point you have to say the world is full, let's stop having too many children so we don't have to keep moving on.


anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

I thought the UK went around the globe for the last several centuries exploiting and murdering indigenous populations in the name of imperialism. I don't buy that 3rd world poor folks never contributed to Her Majesties wealth.
. So in your book Germans should suffer because of Hitler. Are you responsible for your Grandfathers actions.

anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

I thought the UK went around the globe for the last several centuries exploiting and murdering indigenous populations in the name of imperialism. I don't buy that 3rd world poor folks never contributed to Her Majesties wealth.
. So in your book Germans should suffer because of Hitler. Are you responsible for your Grandfathers actions.
Sins of the father being visited upon the son (wives bothers and sisters) seems to be a perfectly acceptable solution for Thai visa's finest if it happens to involve a muslim doing something wrong. 'Deport them all!' is the cry

anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

I thought the UK went around the globe for the last several centuries exploiting and murdering indigenous populations in the name of imperialism. I don't buy that 3rd world poor folks never contributed to Her Majesties wealth.
. So in your book Germans should suffer because of Hitler. Are you responsible for your Grandfathers actions.
Probably not. And I'm against hordes of immigrants as well. A situation that is going to continue to worsen.

But sometimes the indignation and moral outrage expressed when some persons may take a piece of yours sort of gets on my nerves. The same crap still goes on but presently in a more sophisticated and obscure manner: IMF, trade agreements, sanctions and so on.


What annoys me so much is the French do nothing about them... even when they are found hidden in lorries and have done thousands of pounds of damage, the British immigration people bus them back to the port gates and some French policeman sends them on their way with "better luck next time"...

I believe we should be doing are part to help genuine asylum seeker, but most of those at Calais are not...

Simply any person who enters the UK illegally should be automatically refused asylum, except in exceptional circumstances by appealing to the Home Secretary...

Lot more immigration camps, make it an criminal offence to enter the UK illegally so they can be imprisoned in the camps, no more of the immigration people rounding them up and then having to let them go because they have no where to send them.

Let them have access to fax machine so they can beg for money from back home for a ticket home.

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