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Ex-PM Somchai resorts to magic rite at a temple to ward off his bad luck

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Stories like this remind us farang of just how backward attitudes and beliefs can be in Thailand sometimes - especially red-shirts red-necks from out in the boonies.

I can live with that as far as it goes, but the thing which amazes me the most is how sure they are that they are right. Even down to spirits in the trees.

I suppose ignorance really is bliss. They all seem happy with it.

Is this really any different from a first world leader saying something like "I prayed to God and he told me what to do"?

I generally look for the speakers straight jacket when they say god told me to do it. The same applies to those who believe in magic rites.

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Most level headed people would read this crap and laugh......but in Thailand........it pretty much sums up the level of inteligence of Thai politicians...whether they be military or the typical Thai public..........magic rules......!!

It'd be funny if it wasn't so freakin' serious!!

........ and not a note of humour, sarcasm or general p!55 taking evident in the news report...


Yep. Political leaders using magic to guide them. Unbelievable! And publicly proud of doing this. Double unbelievable!

How's it any different that leaders in the west going into various kinds of churches and praying to an unseen god (and in the case of Christians, his human son who rose from the dead and walked on water) and asking him (them?) for all the stuff they want?

One group calls it magic and another calls it the power of the holy spirit (aka holy ghost)...

Same same...

I was going to make that same point.

The states could of had a Mormon in charge if things went differently in the last election!


Stories like this remind us farang of just how backward attitudes and beliefs can be in Thailand sometimes - especially red-shirts red-necks from out in the boonies.

I can live with that as far as it goes, but the thing which amazes me the most is how sure they are that they are right. Even down to spirits in the trees.

I suppose ignorance really is bliss. They all seem happy with it.

Is this really any different from a first world leader saying something like "I prayed to God and he told me what to do"?



One of the last coups (was it Prem?) was organised on a day chosen by an astrologist.

Perhaps this will be the beginning of national reconciliation, as it is clear that reds and yellows DO have common beliefs after all.


Stories like this remind us farang of just how backward attitudes and beliefs can be in Thailand sometimes - especially red-shirts red-necks from out in the boonies.

I can live with that as far as it goes, but the thing which amazes me the most is how sure they are that they are right. Even down to spirits in the trees.

I suppose ignorance really is bliss. They all seem happy with it.

Is this really any different from a first world leader saying something like "I prayed to God and he told me what to do"?

Which particular one?


Most of the rest of the world is living in the 21st century, Thailand not so much. You really can't make this stuff up.


A bad dream....No surprise there.....considering all of what he did in his past coming back to Haunt him....including the skeletons in his closet.



Pharaoh, a king of Egypt, consulted with Joseph about his bad dreams. Joseph's interpretation helped Egypt avoid a famine after seven lean years. Is this year's drought the first of Thailand's lean years? Prayuth has already been seen trying on a coat of many colours.


Experiencing Witchcraft and Black magic + other extreme nonsens in Africa for some years I have to say that Thailand takes the #1 Prize as being the most laughable (dont want to be banned so real Word kept for my self) place I have lived ... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif


The visit to the monk to ward off bad luck comes a generation too late. His mother and father missed 2 chances, they should have made this trip before he was conceived and having missed there , a trip prior to his marriage might have been of some help


Stories like this remind us farang of just how backward attitudes and beliefs can be in Thailand sometimes - especially red-shirts red-necks from out in the boonies.

I can live with that as far as it goes, but the thing which amazes me the most is how sure they are that they are right. Even down to spirits in the trees.

I suppose ignorance really is bliss. They all seem happy with it.

Is this really any different from a first world leader saying something like "I prayed to God and he told me what to do"?

Which particular one?

Well, Bush for instance:

"President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."


I would have to say luck is not exactly a quality this man possesses. After taking over for Samak Sundaravej, the magic cook, he led the country for 10 weeks. Then he was ousted. So, he needs to continue working on his luck.


Yep. Political leaders using magic to guide them. Unbelievable! And publicly proud of doing this. Double unbelievable!

How's it any different that leaders in the west going into various kinds of churches and praying to an unseen god (and in the case of Christians, his human son who rose from the dead and walked on water) and asking him (them?) for all the stuff they want?

One group calls it magic and another calls it the power of the holy spirit (aka holy ghost)...

Same same...

No it's not.

While I agree all religion is nothing more than fairy tales this is not what is going on here.

What this man did is akin to a christian leader of a country consulting fortune tellers or other such charlatans to explain their dreams.

In effect BS that should not be considered part of the faith.

And any one doing it deserves to be ridiculed.

You can slice it however you like... whatever works for you... but in my opinion, it is EXACTLY the same thing.

If a christian lawmaker goes to a priest asking for "god's guidance" on an issue, all they get is the churches dogma filtered through the priests own personal beliefs. Then that fool is going to go out and take a position against abortion or whatever "because they KNOW it is wrong because GOD said so."

It is all bullshit, hocus pokus, superstition that is designed to control and manipulate the masses of people for the benefit of the few. Stupid people all over the world suck down this vapid pablum, Unfortunately, as good a job as Thailand does on this issue, they are not the HUB of superstitious stupidity.

This example may be the Thai flavor of the koolaid, but it's all the same thing and it all leaves the same bitter aftertaste for anyone who thinks for themselves instead of being a blind follower of charlatans and witch doctors.

Religion is for people that lack confidence in themselves.


Yep. Political leaders using magic to guide them. Unbelievable! And publicly proud of doing this. Double unbelievable!

What's your view on the most powerful presidents and PM's in the world being guided by invisible beings?


Yep. Political leaders using magic to guide them. Unbelievable! And publicly proud of doing this. Double unbelievable!

How's it any different that leaders in the west going into various kinds of churches and praying to an unseen god (and in the case of Christians, his human son who rose from the dead and walked on water) and asking him (them?) for all the stuff they want?

One group calls it magic and another calls it the power of the holy spirit (aka holy ghost)...

Same same...

No it's not.

While I agree all religion is nothing more than fairy tales this is not what is going on here.

What this man did is akin to a christian leader of a country consulting fortune tellers or other such charlatans to explain their dreams.

In effect BS that should not be considered part of the faith.

And any one doing it deserves to be ridiculed.

You can slice it however you like... whatever works for you... but in my opinion, it is EXACTLY the same thing.

If a christian lawmaker goes to a priest asking for "god's guidance" on an issue, all they get is the churches dogma filtered through the priests own personal beliefs. Then that fool is going to go out and take a position against abortion or whatever "because they KNOW it is wrong because GOD said so."

It is all bullshit, hocus pokus, superstition that is designed to control and manipulate the masses of people for the benefit of the few. Stupid people all over the world suck down this vapid pablum, Unfortunately, as good a job as Thailand does on this issue, they are not the HUB of superstitious stupidity.

This example may be the Thai flavor of the koolaid, but it's all the same thing and it all leaves the same bitter aftertaste for anyone who thinks for themselves instead of being a blind follower of charlatans and witch doctors.

Religion is for people that lack confidence in themselves.

I agree faith is used to justify horrific actions, maintain social control of the people and support the political structures that back the faith. I agree most major religions restrict thought and innovation.


Some aspects of Christianity I like. The 10 commandments are a useful guide to living a moral life (except number 1 of course) but I don't need the fear of a big beard in the sky to follow them. Same with other faiths I assume.

I just don't see people seeking magic to solve their problems as the same thing. More of a quick fix they want to have without going through the tedious business of faith.

Anyway I think we'll just have to disagree.

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