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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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Oh look it's the western people who were only just 1 century ago that was busy enslaving people of african descent and native peoples from lands like australia, usa, canada to name a few and afterwards freeing them but still discriminating starts to throw a hissy fit at something as tiny as a textbook description. You see the contrast here?

How can the western people aka farang actually try to lecture thais/asians on racism when they were the ones making slaves out of africans, segregating them from bathrooms, restaurants, public places just 60 years ago and still having the police harrassing black people on the streets and then suddenly acting all self righteous all because of a textbook description that did not even imply that blacks are ugly just that the illustration happens to be a man that's black.

Please take your white guilt and white man's burden elsewhere. It's true that after the civil rights movement and the collective efforts of groups like the black panthers, NAACP etc farangs started to become super sensitive towards blacks compared to all other minorities and are very afraid of being called racist especially towards blacks but please that is due to your own white guilt and burden. Don't try to bring that over to other nationalities like the thais who have done nothing of that sort to black people. You see the irony? On the one hand farangs are responsible for how blacks/africans have suffered in countries like the US and their own native africa but decide they need to lecture a country's people who have not even done 1% of the damage they did to black people and try to show how racist thais are. whistling.gif

I like your post but i don't feel the least bit guilty, i haven't any slaves to whip and don't think i would have the energy or skill, using a bull whip isn't easy.

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I have no problem with people questioning the sensitivity or ignorance in using the photo but to call it racist is both ignorant and comical considering the people screaming racism have no issue painting an entire group such as Thais in a negative way.

People who are claiming racism seem to either be racist or bigoted them selves or simply don't understand different cultures. If they were in a restaurant in their home country they would be shocked to hear a racist say, "that food is for the Asian guy over there" but here it is okay to state the obvious such as pointing out the food is for a "farang" in an otherwise crowded restaurant of asian. There is nothing racist about pointing out the obvious and nothing racist in using a word in Thai that described white foreigners. It certainly can be insensitive to somebody who feels insecure about who they are and even be surprising to people who don't understand or have not spent the time to learn the culture but it is not racist.

The picture is wrong and was a mistake in my opinion but it is not inaccurate. Although the dark skin was not the only thing making the photo ugly, it added to it. Regardless of what traits, the person in the photo had that made this generally considered an ugly person, they could have substituted a pike or rotting garbage or something else that would be less damaging to young people's self view or reinforce social views on attraction. Then again, it is not unhealthy in my opinion for people to have a realistic view of how others may perceive their looks but kids change and ugly ones can grow up to be attractive and regardless, not something they need to be considering at this age.

Bottom line, somebody didn't put a lot of thought into something and it took a while before people pointed it out. Happens every day all over the world including with large companies with huge marketing budgets.

Haven't 'seen' any screaming on this topic yet, either from the pro or anti racist arguers.

I reckon its clearly racist but I never said all Thais are racist or all Thais are this or that because of their 'race'.

So I guess my claims aren't ignorant or comical.

Bottom line is, somebody produced a poster that can be interpreted with a racist message, which makes it racist.

Well I guess that makes you fall into the other group in my opinion ... someone with a lack of understanding of other's culture.

Had to stop reading after the last comment above because that is just plain comical, if not so ignorant, to state that because some may interpret something as racist by definition makes it racist. That is simply bizarre logic.

Well no John, if the picture passes on a racist message then it is racist - its not necessary that 100% of people who see it assimilate that message.

Nothing comical or ignorant about that. Pretty plain logic actually.

Try it some time (plain logic that is).


Oh look it's the western people who were only just 1 century ago that was busy enslaving people of african descent and native peoples from lands like australia, usa, canada to name a few and afterwards freeing them but still discriminating starts to throw a hissy fit at something as tiny as a textbook description. You see the contrast here?

How can the western people aka farang actually try to lecture thais/asians on racism when they were the ones making slaves out of africans, segregating them from bathrooms, restaurants, public places just 60 years ago and still having the police harrassing black people on the streets and then suddenly acting all self righteous all because of a textbook description that did not even imply that blacks are ugly just that the illustration happens to be a man that's black.

Please take your white guilt and white man's burden elsewhere. It's true that after the civil rights movement and the collective efforts of groups like the black panthers, NAACP etc farangs started to become super sensitive towards blacks compared to all other minorities and are very afraid of being called racist especially towards blacks but please that is due to your own white guilt and burden. Don't try to bring that over to other nationalities like the thais who have done nothing of that sort to black people. You see the irony? On the one hand farangs are responsible for how blacks/africans have suffered in countries like the US and their own native africa but decide they need to lecture a country's people who have not even done 1% of the damage they did to black people and try to show how racist thais are. whistling.gif

Not many black people in Thailand at the time, so Thais had there own, different coloured, slaves, which they did eventually free, quite a while after most farangs freed theirs. Dumbass.

different colour, right, so it's all down to shades of grey now, The Romans had slave galleys with whites as slaves, hey lets have a go at the Romans, what have the Romans ever done for us ? I saw the film Sparticus so i'm an expert.

'What have the Romans ever done for us?'.

Classic! I take it you're a Monty Python fan.


Oh look it's the western people who were only just 1 century ago that was busy enslaving people of african descent and native peoples from lands like australia, usa, canada to name a few and afterwards freeing them but still discriminating starts to throw a hissy fit at something as tiny as a textbook description. You see the contrast here?

How can the western people aka farang actually try to lecture thais/asians on racism when they were the ones making slaves out of africans, segregating them from bathrooms, restaurants, public places just 60 years ago and still having the police harrassing black people on the streets and then suddenly acting all self righteous all because of a textbook description that did not even imply that blacks are ugly just that the illustration happens to be a man that's black.

Please take your white guilt and white man's burden elsewhere. It's true that after the civil rights movement and the collective efforts of groups like the black panthers, NAACP etc farangs started to become super sensitive towards blacks compared to all other minorities and are very afraid of being called racist especially towards blacks but please that is due to your own white guilt and burden. Don't try to bring that over to other nationalities like the thais who have done nothing of that sort to black people. You see the irony? On the one hand farangs are responsible for how blacks/africans have suffered in countries like the US and their own native africa but decide they need to lecture a country's people who have not even done 1% of the damage they did to black people and try to show how racist thais are. whistling.gif

Not many black people in Thailand at the time, so Thais had there own, different coloured, slaves, which they did eventually free, quite a while after most farangs freed theirs. Dumbass.

different colour, right, so it's all down to shades of grey now, The Romans had slave galleys with whites as slaves, hey lets have a go at the Romans, what have the Romans ever done for us ? I saw the film Sparticus so i'm an expert.

Not sure if you are having a go at what I said, but I was using the different colour bit to emphasise that the slaves Thailand had weren't of African descent (that I know of, anyway). I don't think slavery of people of any colour is correct, because I am a human..

I had the vague feeling you were human since you are using a computer. I wasn't having a go at you specifically, i'm a democratic bigot who wants his daughter to marry inside her own ethnic group and i hate everybody equally.


Yeah I'm wrong I agree with the person above that beauty is in the eye of beholder . It's up with trend and fashion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not me.
There are multiple criteria to differentiate the beautiful from the ugly. We can name a few such as mass balance, the harmony of colors and all aspects that delight us: youth, strength, health, suggestion, masculinity, femininity, purity, light etc ...
To deny this is tantamount to denying the art.
But to associate skin color to beautiful criteria is a real ugly grossness.

And one might add, associating blackness with ugly, is real grossness, and an ugly attitude, combined with a extraordinary lack of consciousness, and a rather closed minded approach to life.


I have no problem with people questioning the sensitivity or ignorance in using the photo but to call it racist is both ignorant and comical considering the people screaming racism have no issue painting an entire group such as Thais in a negative way.

People who are claiming racism seem to either be racist or bigoted them selves or simply don't understand different cultures. If they were in a restaurant in their home country they would be shocked to hear a racist say, "that food is for the Asian guy over there" but here it is okay to state the obvious such as pointing out the food is for a "farang" in an otherwise crowded restaurant of asian. There is nothing racist about pointing out the obvious and nothing racist in using a word in Thai that described white foreigners. It certainly can be insensitive to somebody who feels insecure about who they are and even be surprising to people who don't understand or have not spent the time to learn the culture but it is not racist.

The picture is wrong and was a mistake in my opinion but it is not inaccurate. Although the dark skin was not the only thing making the photo ugly, it added to it. Regardless of what traits, the person in the photo had that made this generally considered an ugly person, they could have substituted a pike or rotting garbage or something else that would be less damaging to young people's self view or reinforce social views on attraction. Then again, it is not unhealthy in my opinion for people to have a realistic view of how others may perceive their looks but kids change and ugly ones can grow up to be attractive and regardless, not something they need to be considering at this age.

Bottom line, somebody didn't put a lot of thought into something and it took a while before people pointed it out. Happens every day all over the world including with large companies with huge marketing budgets.

Haven't 'seen' any screaming on this topic yet, either from the pro or anti racist arguers.

I reckon its clearly racist but I never said all Thais are racist or all Thais are this or that because of their 'race'.

So I guess my claims aren't ignorant or comical.

Bottom line is, somebody produced a poster that can be interpreted with a racist message, which makes it racist.

Well I guess that makes you fall into the other group in my opinion ... someone with a lack of understanding of other's culture.

Had to stop reading after the last comment above because that is just plain comical, if not so ignorant, to state that because some may interpret something as racist by definition makes it racist. That is simply bizarre logic.

Well no John, if the picture passes on a racist message then it is racist - its not necessary that 100% of people who see it assimilate that message.

Nothing comical or ignorant about that. Pretty plain logic actually.

Try it some time (plain logic that is).

The picture shows an ugly person - that is it. The picture would not show an ugly person if it was just a dark skinned person. The facial features make this an ugly person as do the ugly tats on the face and whatever is crawling on his eyebrow. Looks like a low class gangster. If they put a white person without stylish hair, ugly tats and bad facial proportions it too would be an ugly person. It is FACT that lighter skin is seen as more attractive .... not white but lighter skinned. I guess every magazine, advertiser, TV show or movie which uses attractive light skin people to promote their product is racists too as opposed to simply catering to what people find attractive.

The picture shows a fact ... a picture of what most would consider an ugly person. It should not have used the darker skin for a number of reasons but it doesn't make it racist ... just makes it less though-tout. If they put a picture of a white red head freckle faced kid with ugly facial tats and disproportional facial features would it be racist too? Keep in mind freckles, red hair and very white skin is also not generally considered attractive.

Seems many folks want to label others as being racist for some other motivation than using any kind of logic as well as ignoring reality. I suppose making an observation that black people accelerate at professional basketball than white is also racist or is it just an accurate observation and reality? Just plain nonsense to ignore reality because of political correctness definitions in some cultures. Accepting their are differences between some races is the only way to have equality ... not pretending differences don't exist. Having difference regardless if positive or negative is a reality of evolution and there is no reason to be judgmental. Being a white person I have no issue stating other races generally excel at certain things about whites including intelligence. It was not long ago that the world was much more cut off and different tribes needed to evolve different strength to survive.

Attractiveness is mainly based on the need to reproduce offspring that will go on to reproduce as well as environmental factors but these also generally grow out of the desire to have healthy offspring. The bottom line is ignoring reality is just as ignorant as the choice to use this picture to describe ugly when not using a face would have also communicated this or even a picture of an ugly creature.


But to most Asian. People still prefer white skin. But it's the clear skin that most people think it attractive. They prefer clear skin. You can search google how many people try to search about how to make their skin appear clearer; try to reduce acne, scar and facial pore.

And lol I think guy know instantly which girl is hotter . Even they was brought up in Asian . Same go with girl In Asian. We can't deny that dark skin make guy look more masculine but it doesn't make handsome guy who have white skin less handsome


All these girl is extremely hot to me!

I am lazy to add guy pics. Don't want my post to be too long

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The dark skinned girl is the prettiest. The middle one looks like a ghost. Very little that is attractive about super white skin. To me, it does not look healthy. And considering maybe half the people on the planet have darker skin, there is nothing positive and productive about teaching these kids to dislike dark skin, it is simply the product of a dark heart, and a blind soul. Anyone who thinks white skin is more beautiful may have some bigotry that has to be resolved, or has been hypnotized by the media. To me, dark skin is gorgeous.

You shouldn't teach people to like only dark skin too

What about people who were born white


They have to go tan themself and get skin cancer or sunburn

To me skin color not matter much

It's the face.

Well I open new topic about that but moderator close it cuz it not related in Thailand. Som nam na myself TT

I even am not that fair skin. I have light olive almost tan now I think

But why I fight , cuz what your guy said not the truth well according from the studies

Why it's only most white men chase after tan skin asian girl

Why most black men chase after white girl or blacks girl who is farrier than thwmself

And why most Asian men chase after girl who is also fairer than themself

And don't forget I used word "MOST"

Not all

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yeah I'm wrong I agree with the person above that beauty is in the eye of beholder . It's up with trend and fashion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not me.
There are multiple criteria to differentiate the beautiful from the ugly. We can name a few such as mass balance, the harmony of colors and all aspects that delight us: youth, strength, health, suggestion, masculinity, femininity, purity, light etc ...
To deny this is tantamount to denying the art.
But to associate skin color to beautiful criteria is a real ugly grossness.

And one might add, associating blackness with ugly, is real grossness, and an ugly attitude, combined with a extraordinary lack of consciousness, and a rather closed minded approach to life.

It's a personal choice, i don't like fat, arrrrrh, a crime against obesity, he doesn't like black, arrrrrh racist.


Oh look it's the western people who were only just 1 century ago that was busy enslaving people of african descent and native peoples from lands like australia, usa, canada to name a few and afterwards freeing them but still discriminating starts to throw a hissy fit at something as tiny as a textbook description. You see the contrast here?

How can the western people aka farang actually try to lecture thais/asians on racism when they were the ones making slaves out of africans, segregating them from bathrooms, restaurants, public places just 60 years ago and still having the police harrassing black people on the streets and then suddenly acting all self righteous all because of a textbook description that did not even imply that blacks are ugly just that the illustration happens to be a man that's black.

Please take your white guilt and white man's burden elsewhere. It's true that after the civil rights movement and the collective efforts of groups like the black panthers, NAACP etc farangs started to become super sensitive towards blacks compared to all other minorities and are very afraid of being called racist especially towards blacks but please that is due to your own white guilt and burden. Don't try to bring that over to other nationalities like the thais who have done nothing of that sort to black people. You see the irony? On the one hand farangs are responsible for how blacks/africans have suffered in countries like the US and their own native africa but decide they need to lecture a country's people who have not even done 1% of the damage they did to black people and try to show how racist thais are. whistling.gif

Firstly get your facts straight. Continental Europe and Canada did not import African slaves, so white (farang) guilt is misplaced.

It has been 150 years since slavery ended in the US, longer in the UK. That's 5 generations ago.

There is no guilt, we had nothing to do with it.

Over the generations countries have grown up and changed their attitudes towards race, civil rights, and gender equality.

Posters are just pointing out how wrong this lesson is, like they do about the Nazi symbols and other backwards things they see here.

They're just asking Thailand to "grow up"

I have no problem with people questioning the sensitivity or ignorance in using the photo but to call it racist is both ignorant and comical considering the people screaming racism have no issue painting an entire group such as Thais in a negative way.

People who are claiming racism seem to either be racist or bigoted them selves or simply don't understand different cultures. If they were in a restaurant in their home country they would be shocked to hear a racist say, "that food is for the Asian guy over there" but here it is okay to state the obvious such as pointing out the food is for a "farang" in an otherwise crowded restaurant of asian. There is nothing racist about pointing out the obvious and nothing racist in using a word in Thai that described white foreigners. It certainly can be insensitive to somebody who feels insecure about who they are and even be surprising to people who don't understand or have not spent the time to learn the culture but it is not racist.

The picture is wrong and was a mistake in my opinion but it is not inaccurate. Although the dark skin was not the only thing making the photo ugly, it added to it. Regardless of what traits, the person in the photo had that made this generally considered an ugly person, they could have substituted a pike or rotting garbage or something else that would be less damaging to young people's self view or reinforce social views on attraction. Then again, it is not unhealthy in my opinion for people to have a realistic view of how others may perceive their looks but kids change and ugly ones can grow up to be attractive and regardless, not something they need to be considering at this age.

Bottom line, somebody didn't put a lot of thought into something and it took a while before people pointed it out. Happens every day all over the world including with large companies with huge marketing budgets.

Haven't 'seen' any screaming on this topic yet, either from the pro or anti racist arguers.

I reckon its clearly racist but I never said all Thais are racist or all Thais are this or that because of their 'race'.

So I guess my claims aren't ignorant or comical.

Bottom line is, somebody produced a poster that can be interpreted with a racist message, which makes it racist.

Well I guess that makes you fall into the other group in my opinion ... someone with a lack of understanding of other's culture.

Had to stop reading after the last comment above because that is just plain comical, if not so ignorant, to state that because some may interpret something as racist by definition makes it racist. That is simply bizarre logic.

Well no John, if the picture passes on a racist message then it is racist - its not necessary that 100% of people who see it assimilate that message.

Nothing comical or ignorant about that. Pretty plain logic actually.

Try it some time (plain logic that is).

The picture shows an ugly person - that is it. The picture would not show an ugly person if it was just a dark skinned person. The facial features make this an ugly person as do the ugly tats on the face and whatever is crawling on his eyebrow. Looks like a low class gangster. If they put a white person without stylish hair, ugly tats and bad facial proportions it too would be an ugly person. It is FACT that lighter skin is seen as more attractive .... not white but lighter skinned. I guess every magazine, advertiser, TV show or movie which uses attractive light skin people to promote their product is racists too as opposed to simply catering to what people find attractive.

The picture shows a fact ... a picture of what most would consider an ugly person. It should not have used the darker skin for a number of reasons but it doesn't make it racist ... just makes it less though-tout. If they put a picture of a white red head freckle faced kid with ugly facial tats and disproportional facial features would it be racist too? Keep in mind freckles, red hair and very white skin is also not generally considered attractive.

Seems many folks want to label others as being racist for some other motivation than using any kind of logic as well as ignoring reality. I suppose making an observation that black people accelerate at professional basketball than white is also racist or is it just an accurate observation and reality? Just plain nonsense to ignore reality because of political correctness definitions in some cultures. Accepting their are differences between some races is the only way to have equality ... not pretending differences don't exist. Having difference regardless if positive or negative is a reality of evolution and there is no reason to be judgmental. Being a white person I have no issue stating other races generally excel at certain things about whites including intelligence. It was not long ago that the world was much more cut off and different tribes needed to evolve different strength to survive.

Attractiveness is mainly based on the need to reproduce offspring that will go on to reproduce as well as environmental factors but these also generally grow out of the desire to have healthy offspring. The bottom line is ignoring reality is just as ignorant as the choice to use this picture to describe ugly when not using a face would have also communicated this or even a picture of an ugly creature.

John, I take your point, and I would like to say that all of us, myself included, say think and sometimes even do racist things all the time. I dont put myself on a pedestal and I dont look down on anybody except intentional, repeat offender racists (and buffoons, I do think Im superior to buffoons). Nazis for instance, the KKK, those who deliberately embrace racism as valid. Not dumb producers of ill advised kids posters.

Crikey, Im an Aussie, the most hypocritcally racist mob in the world (we're not overt, we have made a science of the expression of subtle racism).

Racism is deeply entrenched in all of us. Its probably human nature. But its not constructive. Thats why we have to call it for what it is when we see it.

Now I hope I can drop the PC cause its making me choke.


This debate can go on and on but, really, what you have in the end is a national educational system using a picture of a white skinned man to define the word 'handsome' and a dark skinned man to define the word 'ugly'. Any way you look at it, that is just WRONG and no half-baked explanations are going to change my mind. Individuals can be racist or not racist and have their own standards on what they consider handsome and ugly but an educational system needs to set a high standard.


This debate can go on and on but, really, what you have in the end is a national educational system using a picture of a white skinned man to define the word 'handsome' and a dark skinned man to define the word 'ugly'. Any way you look at it, that is just WRONG and no half-baked explanations are going to change my mind. Individuals can be racist or not racist and have their own standards on what they consider handsome and ugly but an educational system needs to set a high standard.

Not in Thailand it doesn't


But to most Asian. People still prefer white skin. But it's the clear skin that most people think it attractive. They prefer clear skin. You can search google how many people try to search about how to make their skin appear clearer; try to reduce acne, scar and facial pore.

And lol I think guy know instantly which girl is hotter . Even they was brought up in Asian . Same go with girl In Asian. We can't deny that dark skin make guy look more masculine but it doesn't make handsome guy who have white skin less handsome


All these girl is extremely hot to me!

I am lazy to add guy pics. Don't want my post to be too long

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The dark skinned girl is the prettiest. The middle one looks like a ghost. Very little that is attractive about super white skin. To me, it does not look healthy. And considering maybe half the people on the planet have darker skin, there is nothing positive and productive about teaching these kids to dislike dark skin, it is simply the product of a dark heart, and a blind soul. Anyone who thinks white skin is more beautiful may have some bigotry that has to be resolved, or has been hypnotized by the media. To me, dark skin is gorgeous.
You shouldn't teach people to like only dark skin too

What about people who were born white


They have to go tan themself and get skin cancer or sunburn

To me skin color not matter much

It's the face.

Well I open new topic about that but moderator close it cuz it not related in Thailand. Som nam na myself TT

I even am not that fair skin. I have light olive almost tan now I think

But why I fight , cuz what your guy said not the truth well according from the studies

Why it's only most white men chase after tan skin asian girl

Why most black men chase after white girl or blacks girl who is farrier than thwmself

And why most Asian men chase after girl who is also fairer than themself

And don't forget I used word "MOST"

Not all

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Would it be sexist to ask for your phone number?

I have clean white skin I promise.


“Bigotry dwarfs the soul by shutting out the truth.”

E.H. Chapin

The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple

Oscar Wilde

There is nothing pure or simple about bigotry.

Nor does it bear any relation to the truth.


“Bigotry dwarfs the soul by shutting out the truth.”

E.H. Chapin

The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple

Oscar Wilde

“First, they came for the bigots, and I said nothing, because I didn’t believe I was a bigot, then…it was really nice, it turned out it was the bigots who’d been the main issue. We just all went out and had a lovely picnic together.”

Robin Ince

There is nothing pure or simple about bigotry.

tell me about it


I cannot understand the surprise expressed here. This is LOS!!!! Leave it to interpretation

Too late for that, they are all swinging themselves higher and higher with artificial indignation, i think the brownie points are given out when the post is finished.


Just a question,,,Are there any Black teachers in Thailand ? if so,that may cause a problem,as far as the chart is concerned


Just a question,,,Are there any Black teachers in Thailand ? if so,that may cause a problem,as far as the chart is concerned

He or she ( must be careful here, women can be teachers to, no sexist remarks ) could say ''i am handsome or pretty as the case may be ( being PC is so complicated ) because i don't have tattoos'', my apologies to all those who have tattoos or are thinking of getting tattoos or have family members or friends who have tattoos if my remarks have caused embarrassment or mental anguish.


In deeply Christian Uganda or many Muslim- countries, they punish people for being gay!

It is their country and their culture, therefore we all should look the other way, right!?

This is Thailand...and morally wrong is morally wrong!


I cannot understand the surprise expressed here. This is LOS!!!! Leave it to interpretation

Too late for that, they are all swinging themselves higher and higher with artificial indignation, i think the brownie points are given out when the post is finished.

Artificial indignation?

Not sure indignation is the right word, I feel, contempt for bigotry yes, but indignation...

However, why is it artificial?

Because you don't share it?


People often call fighting discrimination being "PC" because they don't want their own unearned privileges challenged.”

DaShanne Stokes

I'm not fighting discrimination, i just find the artificial earnest approach that many take here amusing. As farang we get discriminated against now and again, doesn't bother me. If my Thai/British son was discriminated against for being luk krueng i'm sure that would annoy me but i cant be by his side all day long and he would have to deal with it, the world isn't fair, accept it, bending with the wind is far easier.


I cannot understand the surprise expressed here. This is LOS!!!! Leave it to interpretation

Too late for that, they are all swinging themselves higher and higher with artificial indignation, i think the brownie points are given out when the post is finished.

Artificial indignation?

Not sure indignation is the right word, I feel, contempt for bigotry yes, but indignation...

However, why is it artificial?

Because you don't share it?

because it looks artificial, everybody seems to be trying to out do each other until they run out of adjectives, each new post is a repeat in indignation and contempt between coffee breaks. Now someone is starting on gays being punished in Uganda, has it got anything to do with this post ? yes i suppose so, they are black gays after all, still a refreshing break in the boredom of uniformity, i'm going for a walk.


People often call fighting discrimination being "PC" because they don't want their own unearned privileges challenged.

DaShanne Stokes

I'm not fighting discrimination, i just find the artificial earnest approach that many take here amusing. As farang we get discriminated against now and again, doesn't bother me. If my Thai/British son was discriminated against for being luk krueng i'm sure that would annoy me but i cant be by his side all day long and he would have to deal with it, the world isn't fair, accept it, bending with the wind is far easier.

Nothing artificial about how I feel about racism and bigotry.

Would not call it indignation either, more like contempt.


In deeply Christian Uganda or many Muslim- countries, they punish people for being gay!

It is their country and their culture, therefore we all should look the other way, right!?

This is Thailand...and morally wrong is morally wrong!

There is lots wrong in the world, starving children, people who have no fresh drinking water, lack of hospitals etc. you can't bleed for the whole world, if you want to break a lance for some gays getting punished in Uganda, up to you, i cant share your indignation, i'm not gay and i am not in Uganda, i don't know any gays in Uganda. Perhaps they are black ugly gays who would like to teach in Thailand then it would have something to do with this post.

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