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Phetchaburi Muslim community protests bacon factory

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You are conflating the issue...these are Thai Muslims in Thailand. Lets change the sentence without changing the meaning, ....these are Thais living in Thailand. Should they accept everything that they don't like?

Solution -integrate-do not colonize. but being a minority as such and living in a little ghetto you conform to the wishes of the masses same Islamic states.

So, in your view, all the western enclaves in Muslim countries should not have a blind eye turned away from them for alcohol? The Western oil execs should stop drinking?

Oil execs ?? assisting arabs how to do so they get wealthy. Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

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Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?


It's quite amazing that so few people can make such news. I hardly think that 50 people objecting to a pig processing plant will Cary much weight with objections, religious based or not.

What on earth has religion got to do with it???


I dont like the way they kill their animals, i think it is in humane, but i wont protest, they dont have to eat the pork do they, this religion is getting beyond with all the demands, my town is mostly a christian town, and we dont want your mosques, but we will not protest if you want to build one, i wont go in there so i have no course to complain, neither have you to the pig factory, you will not go in there so you have nothing to complain about, if you are worried about the water buy fresh, most do in Thailand, or rain water, stop moaning about everything, your religion is starting to annoy most of the world now


There was a mosque within earshot of my house in Amsterdam. It rang bells constantly for 10-15 minutes at a time, five times a day, every day, starting at sunrise. That's probably the reason they banned church bells.

In Muslim countries they make no accommodations for non Muslims. When they move to another country, they expect to be treated like they're still in a Muslim country. I can't think of a bigger group of hypocrites.

Bring on the bacon.

As they are not forced to enter the factory this matter can be considered solved.

I - for one - lived here for a while before the first mosque (with minaret) was erected. Now I have four of these noise-polluters around me blasting non-Thai commercials of their fidel messages to all those who are also not interested in their (wrong) songs.

Nice would be if they would be starting all at the same time but this, of course, is not possible so we have five noise breaks daily.

Rather ten bacon factories around me than one mosque as bacon does not scream, does not create traffic jams and also does not create hatred. Last not least bacon is produced considerably more human than their halal-slaughtering business of theirs.

I don't mind but maybe they shut up - for once - too.

I couldn't avoid the mosques when I was living in Indonesia. I really disliked them , and as there was a mosque with speakers, trying to out-compete the next one a few hundred metres away, it was hell!

I try to get along with all religions, but when they ram their speakers in my face five times a day, it doesn't help.

In the Netherlands, some councils were successful in having speakers banned, but the matter was taken to court and church bells were also banned.

Now there is a new law before parliament, which virtually closes down the Dutch attempts of integration, and migrants will now conform to the Dutch way of life, dress and customs, or they are free to return to their home countries.

However, I think it's a bit thoughtless, planning a pork processing plant in a known Muslim community.


I dont like the way they kill their animals, i think it is in humane, but i wont protest, they dont have to eat the pork do they, this religion is getting beyond with all the demands, my town is mostly a christian town, and we dont want your mosques, but we will not protest if you want to build one, i wont go in there so i have no course to complain, neither have you to the pig factory, you will not go in there so you have nothing to complain about, if you are worried about the water buy fresh, most do in Thailand, or rain water, stop moaning about everything, your religion is starting to annoy most of the world now

Once more.

They were asked for their opinion as Thai citizens as to whether an as yet unbuilt factory should be granted a license to operate in their community.

They gave it.


Sooner or later, a group of Muslims will make the massive mistake of violating the Lese Majeste laws. That will be the beginning of the end for Islam in Thailand.


Sooner or later, a group of Muslims will make the massive mistake of violating the Lese Majeste laws. That will be the beginning of the end for Islam in Thailand.

Yeah great, thanks for that.

Help me out will you, how does that in anyway relate to a topic about Thai citizens giving their opinion as part of a survey into setting up a factory in their community?

An opinion they were asked for.

And have given in a legal and peaceful manner.

I'm struggling to make the connection.


Going by the logic of some on here, if there where plans to build a mosque right next to their home and they were asked to give their opinion on whether they would like it or not then going by their own comments here they would say nothing and just accept it and never complain about it.


Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?

There is no problem for any religion here, BUT small communities should keep MUM especially when it tries to dictate to the masses Buddhists what they should do----this is a no go. Same in any country.

I did not just tell them to go home as your post suggested--------are you trying to pick up brownie points to look good.?? I am aware that Christians have been part of many Arab countries but --example--when it was suggested you build a mosque on the 9-11 site you are asking for trouble---GET MY DRIFT ??


Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?

There is no problem for any religion here, BUT small communities should keep MUM especially when it tries to dictate to the masses Buddhists what they should do----this is a no go. Same in any country.

I did not just tell them to go home as your post suggested--------are you trying to pick up brownie points to look good.?? I am aware that Christians have been part of many Arab countries but --example--when it was suggested you build a mosque on the 9-11 site you are asking for trouble---GET MY DRIFT ??

Why should they keep MUM when they where ASKED for their opinion?


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

you are so right,what ever happened to tolerance?why do they always demand special treatment,they are like spoiled children.So there's a bacon factory down the road,so what!They dont like pork?well i dont like burger king,but i dont demand that it should be moved.


Incredible how any story with just the word Muslim in it brings out the hatred in so many.


I can think of many reasons why it's not only the word that brings out the emotions , as many have indicated its the "special treatment" name any other region in which its followers pushes for this "special treatment" let alone if you went to an Islamic country and started trying to push. Your western ways and change their laws. It is only one religion of this day and age that does this. It's not racism or religious profiling it's facts.


Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?

There is no problem for any religion here, BUT small communities should keep MUM especially when it tries to dictate to the masses Buddhists what they should do----this is a no go. Same in any country.

I did not just tell them to go home as your post suggested--------are you trying to pick up brownie points to look good.?? I am aware that Christians have been part of many Arab countries but --example--when it was suggested you build a mosque on the 9-11 site you are asking for trouble---GET MY DRIFT ??

Why should they keep MUM when they where ASKED for their opinion?

Live their way--in private more up to them--WHY ask for their opinion there was only 50 it said. Why rattle cages get on with your own thing without trying to impose your views. Is this an intrusion the same we are seeing world wide ?? is it a test to see how far they can push.

Christians living in India for generations do not start killing the cows or ordering them off the streets because they do not approve, when in ROME DO ..........??


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

you are so right,what ever happened to tolerance?why do they always demand special treatment,they are like spoiled children.So there's a bacon factory down the road,so what!They dont like pork?well i dont like burger king,but i dont demand that it should be moved.

There isn't a factory. There is a proposal to grant a licence to build one. The local community were asked their opinion about it. So they gave it. Legally and peacefully. As they are entitled to do.


Incredible how any story with just the word Muslim in it brings out the hatred in so many.


I can think of many reasons why it's not only the word that brings out the emotions , as many have indicated its the "special treatment" name any other region in which its followers pushes for this "special treatment" let alone if you went to an Islamic country and started trying to push. Your western ways and change their laws. It is only one religion of this day and age that does this. It's not racism or religious profiling it's facts.
A local community were asked how they feel about a factory being built in their community.

A factory that is not there.

They gave their views and concerns.

One of them was faith based. It was not the only one.

No one is forcing change on anyone.

It could be said this is the opposite as these Thai citizens are voicing concern over a change they may view as disruptive to their established community.

The post of mine you quote was in response to one directly above it at the time which contained a statement that was designed to incite hate and bore no relevance to this story.


Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?

There is no problem for any religion here, BUT small communities should keep MUM especially when it tries to dictate to the masses Buddhists what they should do----this is a no go. Same in any country.

I did not just tell them to go home as your post suggested--------are you trying to pick up brownie points to look good.?? I am aware that Christians have been part of many Arab countries but --example--when it was suggested you build a mosque on the 9-11 site you are asking for trouble---GET MY DRIFT ??

Why should they keep MUM when they where ASKED for their opinion?

Too many on this forum promote anti democratic curtailing of freedom of speech.


Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?

There is no problem for any religion here, BUT small communities should keep MUM especially when it tries to dictate to the masses Buddhists what they should do----this is a no go. Same in any country.

I did not just tell them to go home as your post suggested--------are you trying to pick up brownie points to look good.?? I am aware that Christians have been part of many Arab countries but --example--when it was suggested you build a mosque on the 9-11 site you are asking for trouble---GET MY DRIFT ??

Why should they keep MUM when they where ASKED for their opinion?

Live their way--in private more up to them--WHY ask for their opinion there was only 50 it said. Why rattle cages get on with your own thing without trying to impose your views. Is this an intrusion the same we are seeing world wide ?? is it a test to see how far they can push.

Christians living in India for generations do not start killing the cows or ordering them off the streets because they do not approve, when in ROME DO ..........??

They are not expats, they are Thai. So when in ROME DO... They are.

It does not matter why they were asked, the simple fact is that they were asked.

In societies those in power do ask what their locals want and dont want, its normal. People the world over do protest against things like McDonalds and Burger King opening in areas the locals dont want.

You make it sound like Islam is the only religion that tries to force their views on others. But not so, mormons have their 2 years of door knocking, Christians in Africa trying to convert others.


Incredible how any story with just the word Muslim in it brings out the hatred in so many.


I can think of many reasons why it's not only the word that brings out the emotions , as many have indicated its the "special treatment" name any other region in which its followers pushes for this "special treatment" let alone if you went to an Islamic country and started trying to push. Your western ways and change their laws. It is only one religion of this day and age that does this. It's not racism or religious profiling it's facts.
A local community were asked how they feel about a factory being built in their community.

A factory that is not there.

They gave their views and concerns.

One of them was faith based. It was not the only one.

No one is forcing change on anyone.

It could be said this is the opposite as these Thai citizens are voicing concern over a change they may view as disruptive to their established community.

The post of mine you quote was in response to one directly above it at the time which contained a statement that was designed to incite hate and bore no relevance to this story.

IMO you are twisting the story. Indeed there is an ongoing petiton BUT there was a group of 50 Muslims protesting the construction. They could have signed the petition without protest right?

Incredible how any story with just the word Muslim in it brings out the hatred in so many.


I can think of many reasons why it's not only the word that brings out the emotions , as many have indicated its the "special treatment" name any other region in which its followers pushes for this "special treatment" let alone if you went to an Islamic country and started trying to push. Your western ways and change their laws. It is only one religion of this day and age that does this. It's not racism or religious profiling it's facts.
A local community were asked how they feel about a factory being built in their community.

A factory that is not there.

They gave their views and concerns.

One of them was faith based. It was not the only one.

No one is forcing change on anyone.

It could be said this is the opposite as these Thai citizens are voicing concern over a change they may view as disruptive to their established community.

The post of mine you quote was in response to one directly above it at the time which contained a statement that was designed to incite hate and bore no relevance to this story.

IMO you are twisting the story. Indeed there is an ongoing petiton BUT there was a group of 50 Muslims protesting the construction. They could have signed the petition without protest right?

From the original story

"A municipal official said authorities have yet to grant a license for the company to construct the bacon factory.

Currently, it is under the process of announcing the plan to the people, and to collect their opinion, Nat Areekul, director of the municipal factory registration division, said yesterday."


So they want everyone else to follow their rules/customs/laws everywhere they are, even if they are a minority???

And what's next? 7/11 stores wont be allowed to sell bacon & pork sausages in the "vicinity" of mosques?


Off topic post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


So they want everyone else to follow their rules/customs/laws everywhere they are, even if they are a minority???

And what's next? 7/11 stores wont be allowed to sell bacon & pork sausages in the "vicinity" of mosques?

Read all the story.


they can also go back to Malaisia or Indonesia or south Arabia then they can live in

piece with there's religion. Insteed they want to change Thailand to those contry they maybe have run

away frombah.gifbah.gifhit-the-fan.gifhit-the-fan.gif


they can also go back to Malaisia or Indonesia or south Arabia then they can live in

piece with there's religion. Insteed they want to change Thailand to those contry they maybe have run

away frombah.gifbah.gifhit-the-fan.gifhit-the-fan.gif

They are Thai.

This is their country.

They are not trying to change anything.

They are giving an opinion as part of a survey.

Read all the story.


Muslims here have escaped their own countries and selected a religion alien to theirs---their choice to accept or go back.

Muslims have been here for dozens of generations. Their ancestors were here for hundreds of generations before they converted to Islam.

Where, exactly, would you have them go back to?

There is no problem for any religion here, BUT small communities should keep MUM especially when it tries to dictate to the masses Buddhists what they should do----this is a no go. Same in any country.

I did not just tell them to go home as your post suggested--------are you trying to pick up brownie points to look good.?? I am aware that Christians have been part of many Arab countries but --example--when it was suggested you build a mosque on the 9-11 site you are asking for trouble---GET MY DRIFT ??

Why should they keep MUM when they where ASKED for their opinion?

The OP said a petition was started by the Muslim community to ban the factory.

A little different from the way you present it, that they were asked their opinion, like someone knocked on their door doing a survey.


From the original story if you follow the link.

"A municipal official said authorities have yet to grant a license for the company to construct the bacon factory.

Currently, it is under the process of announcing the plan to the people, and to collect their opinion, Nat Areekul, director of the municipal factory registration division, said yesterday."


I dont like the way they kill their animals, i think it is in humane, but i wont protest, they dont have to eat the pork do they, this religion is getting beyond with all the demands, my town is mostly a christian town, and we dont want your mosques, but we will not protest if you want to build one, i wont go in there so i have no course to complain, neither have you to the pig factory, you will not go in there so you have nothing to complain about, if you are worried about the water buy fresh, most do in Thailand, or rain water, stop moaning about everything, your religion is starting to annoy most of the world now

Once more.

They were asked for their opinion as Thai citizens as to whether an as yet unbuilt factory should be granted a license to operate in their community.

They gave it.

Did they ask the non Muslim who live in the same community who like bacon as wel, did they like it, its crap and not valid, build it as it is in no violation of anyone, Thailand is not a Muslim country THEY JUST MAKE UP A SMALL MINORITY AS THEY DO IN ALL OTHER COUNTRIES, if it was a Muslim country do you think they would ask a non Muslim about putting a goat killing factory there, when they want to do something that may offend another religion they dont give a dam, the answer is no, they only care for their own religion, all others are non existent to them, but considering it was only a handful that put up a petition, it should be built as the minority should not affect the most

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