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Debate field is set: Trump, Bush in; Santorum, Fiorina out


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I can just see Jeb Bush in the Debates saying all sorts of apologetic mush mouth things...

From Politico.com ... amazing

Is JEB BUSH ANOTHER - Michael Dukakis?

Wonkish and mealy-mouthed, Jeb needs to start riling up his supporters—before Donald Trump wins them all over.


Oh you mean old"Ah shucks just call me Jeb" Kind of reminds me of the Beverly Hillbillies bank roll and all. I clicked on the link where it shows him with his hand to his chest. Is he taking some kind of oath? He looks a little thin. He should take some of that 120 million he has collected and buy a decent meal. He looks a little peaked. He could use some new threads and a tie to or is he dressed this way to try and garner a larger handout from the evil twins? He must be staying awake nights wondering why "The Donald" is in the lead. Again The Donald is talking about the here and now problems not painting some glorious down the Yellow Brick road future under the "Just call me Jeb" presidency. The chickens have come home to roost its the "here and now" that has peoples attention. People are tired of all this future junk and all they have to do is look to the past to see where that has gotten them and its not pretty.

Edited by elgordo38
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Looking at this field of candidates, I really REALLY SERIOUSLY fear for the USA!

If it comes down to one of these clowns vs. Clinton...I am an atheist, but let me say: May God help America!

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And why not? Contrary to the would-be experts sometimes posting here, Fox News has more prime time viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. It's viewership is growing especially among the 24 - 54 age group. Fox has led the prime time ratings for years.

Fox gets more prime time viewers in one day than the Huffington Post does in a week. Just because Fox isn't popular with the OP doesn't mean it isn't powerful already.



Yes the increasing number of sheeple is indeed amazing. Now just corral all them little doggies and head them off to the election booth and hold their hand over the GOP delegate and make their X. Must be a subliminal TV message or has hopelessness reached new staggering heights.

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Kasich garnered barely about 3% in the combined Polls ... how in the world can anyone think he has a chance in hell at 3% at this stage... The only reason he is in the top 10 debate rather than being placed in the 5:00 p.m. ALSO RAN debate was GOP lobbying to FoxNews.

There are no big money backers giving money to Kasich and none are going to... So.... ??? He is a contender? -- NOPE?

Kasich is not known by the Republican electorate, he has little money to get known... Daydreaming will not get him past any of the current top 5 in the Debate... Even if Mother Teresa appeared over his shoulder on the debate stage placing a halo over Kasich's head --- Kasich will still be back to only being the Governor of Ohio in a month or so.

Rick Perry got shut out of the big 10 Debate to allow Kasich in ... easy to do for the GOP as they hate Perry... so the GOP pressures Fox to fudge the numbers.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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The one to watch.

At the end of this debate, his numbers will go up 10 percent.

Kasich and Jeb Bush should go run in the Democrat Primary ... they need some choice over there and both these guys have a Democrat agenda... should fit well

Kasich would have my vote his wife is really gorgeous but the my g/f is to. I change my vote to her.

Edited by elgordo38
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An American election is always entertaining for the outside world and characters like Trump will increase the entertainment value greatly.

More popcorn please!

No doubt.

Bread and circuses.

Trump's got the bread and he is the circus.

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Looking at this field of candidates, I really REALLY SERIOUSLY fear for the USA!

If it comes down to one of these clowns vs. Clinton...I am an atheist, but let me say: May God help America!

Hillary Clinton is not to be feared, except by the military enemies of the USA as she will be stronger than Obama in that area.

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The same people here who are laughing at the Republican Debate coming up, Who laughed at Donald Trump, etc. lampooning Trump, and worse... Make note Trump is at about 28% average in the combined polls and Bush is about 14% and all those know it alls said Trump would scare off the Hispanics ... WRONG ON ALL COUNTS you were... .



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I'm just sitting here chuckling at all those who said Trump didn't stand a chance in hell. Well, he might not in Hell, but he's doing a damn good job of leading in the U.S. coffee1.gif

In spite of having a 'standing room only' audience the Republican party has, for some time, been presenting an essentially empty platform. Mr. Trump has decided (for whatever reasons) to occupy the vacant spotlight. His mixture of irreverence, energetic eccentricity and compulsive flamboyance has predictably gotten a reacction.

So as the other so-called performers find themselves huddling uncertainly off stage, Mr.Trump enjoys the attention of a previously bored audience. While somewhat vague on substance, Mr. Trump's confrontational and entertaining style has struck a momentary chord. It's not as much what he says as how he says it. How long this all may last is anyone's guess, but right now it seems a one ring circus.

Edited by Hayduke
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The same people here who are laughing at the Republican Debate coming up, Who laughed at Donald Trump, etc. lampooning Trump, and worse... Make note Trump is at about 28% average in the combined polls and Bush is about 14% and all those know it alls said Trump would scare off the Hispanics ... WRONG ON ALL COUNTS you were... .



That's a bit unfair.

Not only am I laughing at Donald Trump, but I'm laughing even louder at the witless numpties that think he's worth electing!


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I'm just sitting here chuckling at all those who said Trump didn't stand a chance in hell. Well, he might not in Hell, but he's doing a damn good job of leading in the U.S. coffee1.gif

In spite of having a 'standing room only' audience the Republican party has, for some time, been presenting an essentially empty platform. Mr. Trump has decided (for whatever reasons) to occupy the vacant spotlight. His mixture of irreverence, energetic eccentricity and compulsive flamboyance has predictably gotten a reacction.

So as the other so-called performers find themselves huddling uncertainly off stage, Mr.Trump enjoys the attention of a previously bored audience. While somewhat vague on substance, Mr. Trump's confrontational and entertaining style has struck a momentary chord. It's not as much what he says as how he says it. How long this all may last is anyone's guess, but right now it seems a one ring circus.

The reason for the Republican 'empty platform' - from the last Presidential Election to this one - is that Republican Presidential candidates are cowed by the shrieking and shrill screams of violations of Political Correctness flung at them by the Liberal-Left-Progressives- the OFFENDED ONES. These Presidential Candidates just do not have the courage or ability to combat it. And much of it nothing more than over done frantic - even false claims of offending someone or some group. So the Republican Candidates just master the art of muddling through so as to avert and avoid the shrill chorus of leftist PC mud throwing. The net result of this is that Republican Presidential Candidates talk mush and platitudes instead of dealing with problems and suggesting solutions.

This is quite an effective weapon the Political Liberal-Left-Progressives have devised. They and their constituencies have become a group of the constantly and continually offended - all at the drop of a hat. It WORKS - it shuts up Republicans... The main reason it works -- benefactors who finance the campaigns of Republicans cannot handle the PC heat and threaten to cut off funds ... so Republicans become meek sheep and dummy up.

Trump has the money and he just doesn't give a damn and will speak his mind because no one is going to cut off his funding. For the time being Trump is Teflon Man and nothing sticks. Personally I hopes it lasts all the way through the November 2016 Presidential Elections -- and Trump tells all the perpetually offended to GO SUCK AN EGG....

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I'm just sitting here chuckling at all those who said Trump didn't stand a chance in hell. Well, he might not in Hell, but he's doing a damn good job of leading in the U.S. coffee1.gif

In spite of having a 'standing room only' audience the Republican party has, for some time, been presenting an essentially empty platform. Mr. Trump has decided (for whatever reasons) to occupy the vacant spotlight. His mixture of irreverence, energetic eccentricity and compulsive flamboyance has predictably gotten a reacction.

So as the other so-called performers find themselves huddling uncertainly off stage, Mr.Trump enjoys the attention of a previously bored audience. While somewhat vague on substance, Mr. Trump's confrontational and entertaining style has struck a momentary chord. It's not as much what he says as how he says it. How long this all may last is anyone's guess, but right now it seems a one ring circus.

The reason for the Republican 'empty platform' - from the last Presidential Election to this one - is that Republican Presidential candidates are cowed by the shrieking and shrill screams of violations of Political Correctness flung at them by the Liberal-Left-Progressives- the OFFENDED ONES. These Presidential Candidates just do not have the courage or ability to combat it. And much of it nothing more than over done frantic - even false claims of offending someone or some group. So the Republican Candidates just master the art of muddling through so as to avert and avoid the shrill chorus of leftist PC mud throwing. The net result of this is that Republican Presidential Candidates talk mush and platitudes instead of dealing with problems and suggesting solutions.

This is quite an effective weapon the Political Liberal-Left-Progressives have devised. They and their constituencies have become a group of the constantly and continually offended - all at the drop of a hat. It WORKS - it shuts up Republicans... The main reason it works -- benefactors who finance the campaigns of Republicans cannot handle the PC heat and threaten to cut off funds ... so Republicans become meek sheep and dummy up.

Trump has the money and he just doesn't give a damn and will speak his mind because no one is going to cut off his funding. For the time being Trump is Teflon Man and nothing sticks. Personally I hopes it lasts all the way through the November 2016 Presidential Elections -- and Trump tells all the perpetually offended to GO SUCK AN EGG....

Sure, blame the liberals for the lack of quality in Republican politicians.
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I'm just sitting here chuckling at all those who said Trump didn't stand a chance in hell. Well, he might not in Hell, but he's doing a damn good job of leading in the U.S. coffee1.gif

In spite of having a 'standing room only' audience the Republican party has, for some time, been presenting an essentially empty platform. Mr. Trump has decided (for whatever reasons) to occupy the vacant spotlight. His mixture of irreverence, energetic eccentricity and compulsive flamboyance has predictably gotten a reacction.

So as the other so-called performers find themselves huddling uncertainly off stage, Mr.Trump enjoys the attention of a previously bored audience. While somewhat vague on substance, Mr. Trump's confrontational and entertaining style has struck a momentary chord. It's not as much what he says as how he says it. How long this all may last is anyone's guess, but right now it seems a one ring circus.

The reason for the Republican 'empty platform' - from the last Presidential Election to this one - is that Republican Presidential candidates are cowed by the shrieking and shrill screams of violations of Political Correctness flung at them by the Liberal-Left-Progressives- the OFFENDED ONES. These Presidential Candidates just do not have the courage or ability to combat it. And much of it nothing more than over done frantic - even false claims of offending someone or some group. So the Republican Candidates just master the art of muddling through so as to avert and avoid the shrill chorus of leftist PC mud throwing. The net result of this is that Republican Presidential Candidates talk mush and platitudes instead of dealing with problems and suggesting solutions.

This is quite an effective weapon the Political Liberal-Left-Progressives have devised. They and their constituencies have become a group of the constantly and continually offended - all at the drop of a hat. It WORKS - it shuts up Republicans... The main reason it works -- benefactors who finance the campaigns of Republicans cannot handle the PC heat and threaten to cut off funds ... so Republicans become meek sheep and dummy up.

Trump has the money and he just doesn't give a damn and will speak his mind because no one is going to cut off his funding. For the time being Trump is Teflon Man and nothing sticks. Personally I hopes it lasts all the way through the November 2016 Presidential Elections -- and Trump tells all the perpetually offended to GO SUCK AN EGG....

Sure, blame the liberals for the lack of quality in Republican politicians.

NO - I blame the lack of backbone, lack of resoluteness and having no political courage on the part of Republicans for not facing up to the challenge as Donald Trump is doing now. The dumb butt Republicans fell into a conventional wisdom that just be Go Along To Get Along be Politically Correct nicey nicey guys --- do not stand up for what you believe in SHEEP. And the other side has been beating them at the Presidential Level. Had McCain and / or Romney acted like a Donald Trump there never would have been a President Obama and certainly not a second election for him ... But McCain and Romney were WIMPS because they let themselves be controlled totally by the GOP/RNC / U.S. Chamber of Commerce and tried to be everything to everybody and could not then be distinguished from a doormat ....

If you read I was blaming Democrats -- you can't read.

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The republican circus kicks off. Can you imagine a pre-election debate in Thailand?

You're right. Thais can't even get to square 1 with campaign debates. Two basic reasons:

>>> afraid of defamation of character lawsuits. We can thank Thaksin for that.

>>> expect everyone to already know what their party (who appointed them candidate) stands for, so what's the use of saying anything?

What we really want to see: Trump vs Sanders. They're both honest and have not been purchased by the Koch's. #feelthebern

Trump is honest like a tuna is a good tree climber. Every step of Trump's feverish climb to the top of the money heap is paved with lies and deception.

Edited by boomerangutang
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I'm surprised Carson got in over some better known rivals.

Why? He's the best candidate if one takes the process seriously. Black ( 100% ), worked his way up from humble beginnings ( the real American success story deal ), helps people ( doesn't just move money around ), NOT a politician and most important- he's NOT a lawyer.

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It's anything can happen day in the USA today as the Republican debates begin, the 1+9 Sessions.

Normally at party debates the candidates attack the frontrunner, so we'll see whether this pattern holds. While someone has to take down Trump, the nine who are behind The Donald in the polls also have to avoid offending Republicans who do support and adore Trump.

Bush has to overcome increasing doubts he's tough enough to take on Mrs Clinton so roughing up The Donald might be in Jeb's interests, long term and overall. Fact is however a couple of the hard core rightwing posters at TVF would make short work of Jeb.

The others, especially Walker and Rubio also throw in Kasich have to present themselves to the R party audience as an introduction so they don't want any spats with The Donald or any distractions that could continue to bury their messages and candidacies.

Trump meanwhile knows he has to be on his best behavior for the majority of the Republican party who consider him vulgar, while flame broiling enough red meat to the minority of Republicans watching to make them happy.

Reality is btw Donald Trump is in the consistent lead for the R party nomination while the others are stuck behind him.

Edited by Publicus
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Oh -- I forgot there is Jeb Bush ...

Jeb Bush is the Republican to vote for if you're really rather have a Democrat.

Not really. Two centerpieces of his "platform" thinking thus far are:

1. "Phasing out" Medicare

2. Recommending workers put in more hours.

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As a democrat, I think it's wrong to characterize Kasich as a RINO. I know some are obsessed with his expanded Medicare decision in Ohio but when you look at his record and position on pretty much all the issues, he is firmly in the VERY RIGHT WING category. More so than Jeb Bush, that's for sure. No, not as extreme as Ted Cruz who you're welcome to nominate as the landslide against him would be fun to see. The appeal of Kasich is he has this safe and folksy quality that is capable of FOOLING a majority of the all important swing voters that he isn't as right wing as he really is. He can definitely beat Hillary and if republicans care about that, they should support him. Of course I hope they don't.

I have not been paying that much attention yet, but, so far, I agree with you on Kasich. I liked the way he supported a higher minimum wage, even though it hurt him with the far right. I don't like the candidates - on either side - that are too ideological. To me, raising the minimum wage considerably is just the right thing to do. However, I think there should be a lower rate for teenagers that are mew to the job market.

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- because physical size is all Trump has over Sanders.

Physical size and lots and LOTS of cash.

Trump also has 8 years of American's seeing exactly what it means to "spread the wealth." Sanders is one thing, consistent. Whether agreeable or not as a candidate he is far more honest than the remainder of his fold. But, he is a socialist- at least he is one name dem who admits it.

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