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If You Could Make The City A Nicer Place...


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More or atleast some pedistriancrossings or traffic lights ,yeah and get rid of that horrible street market in central chiang mai taking over walking areas looks like something from downtown India ,heavy fines for anyone including dropping litter

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I would open more bars and more sex ..... drunk.gif

Moves to Thailand..

..complains there's not enough bars and sex. rolleyes.gif

[ As if you're ever more than a mile away from a bar with pretty girls, anywhere in/around Chiang Mai.. I mean I live pretty far out, but if I walk out of my front door right now I'll hit little karaoke shacks with booze and young ladies in under 10 minutes. ]

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Ban the Chinese!

You know, if someone came out and said "Ban All Blacks" or "Ban All Indians" there would be a shitstorm and you would be heckled and hounded for being a fascist racist bigot, but because it relates to "Chinese" it seems acceptable.

Not really having a dig at your opinion, just the way there are double standards here where trashing Chinese is fine but never call a Spade a Spade!

Actually, I agree with you.

The point is that there have been so many 'incidents' involving Chinese tourists, and I have witnessed some really bad behaviour myself, that they set themselves apart to be criticised and shamed.

But, you are right, double standards in a sense but I certainly don't consider myself racist because I draw attention to the frequency of bad manners and behaviour that seems to characterise that group of tourists in particular.

I rather thought I was calling a spade a spade!

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Trees, trees, trees....


That is only going to be possible if you bury the cables and wires. Because mostly they compete with the trees for space. In fact as well as aesthetics this is the major reason it needs to be done. Chiang Mai needs shade, it is blisteringly hot most of the year.

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Ban the Chinese!

You know, if someone came out and said "Ban All Blacks" or "Ban All Indians" there would be a shitstorm and you would be heckled and hounded for being a fascist racist bigot, but because it relates to "Chinese" it seems acceptable.

Not really having a dig at your opinion, just the way there are double standards here where trashing Chinese is fine but never call a Spade a Spade!

Actually, I agree with you.

The point is that there have been so many 'incidents' involving Chinese tourists, and I have witnessed some really bad behaviour myself, that they set themselves apart to be criticised and shamed.

But, you are right, double standards in a sense but I certainly don't consider myself racist because I draw attention to the frequency of bad manners and behaviour that seems to characterise that group of tourists in particular.

I rather thought I was calling a spade a spade!

^ Anyone need reminding of 'incidents' involving Farang visitors over the pas decades, and continuing to this day?

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Create a proper bus service to cover the city and major

outlying areas,that is reliable,affordable,and free from

mafia influences,then they could get rid of the myriad

of Red buses that clog the streets,

Get rid of and make it an offense to put poster boards

on electrical posts ,and get rid of those LED signs,that

would be a good start.

regards worgeordie

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Some serious and funny posts above as well as some serious ones. Some suggestions are expensive and or difficult, some are not. Some just reflect different priorities Some require an understanding of municipal, provincial and state budgets. A constant (as in ANY place) is some cronyism. Deal with it!

There seem to be some strains of criticism with Chiang Mai (or Thailand in general, as in "TIT") that indicate a lack of "home country" memory for some expatriates who have moved here. One of these is the "Anti-Nanny-State Crowd." Another is the "Sunnier-and-Cheaper-Place to Live Crowd." A third must be the "My-Children-Bought-Me-a-One-way Ticket-to-Thailand Crowd." Then, there's the "I-Woke-Up-on-the-Plane-and Forgot Where-I-Came-From-Crowd."

Edited by Mapguy
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Create a proper bus service to cover the city and major

outlying areas,that is reliable,affordable,and free from

mafia influences,then they could get rid of the myriad

of Red buses that clog the streets,

Get rid of and make it an offense to put poster boards

on electrical posts ,and get rid of those LED signs,that

would be a good start.

regards worgeordie

Regarding your first suggestion, Worgeordie, check out the posts about the Chinag Mai bus system that is very poorly titled by someone at "Noticed Bus Stops," or something like that. It does deserve a better title.

Otherwise, if you have the appropriate "Super Fixer" disguises with rubber-soled shoes that you and I can wear plus a couple of well-insulated (against being electrocuted) snippers, we might be able to put a fizzle to this problem.

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Start by making sure the paths are kept completely clear at all times and are wide enough for at least two people to walk side by side.

Having to step out onto the road every five meters because of a M/C or car parked on the path of some shop has taken the path to display there wears is the biggest piss off.

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Make CM as expensive as NYC. The poor backpackers and retirees drain the economy......and the positive vibe that once existed. plus all these poor college kids who are vegan. plus the ones running from the law and trying to make the baht go farther....we must send them away!!!!

instead of CM being only for poor people happy about things being cheap, let's attract better humans!!!!

send the poor to Antarctica!!!

Note: just bought a rolex for 400 baht. what's up??!!!

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Make CM as expensive as NYC. The poor backpackers and retirees drain the economy......and the positive vibe that once existed. plus all these poor college kids who are vegan. plus the ones running from the law and trying to make the baht go farther....we must send them away!!!!

instead of CM being only for poor people happy about things being cheap, let's attract better humans!!!!

send the poor to Antarctica!!!

Note: just bought a rolex for 400 baht. what's up??!!!


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Some serious and funny posts above as well as some serious ones. Some suggestions are expensive and or difficult, some are not. Some just reflect different priorities Some require an understanding of municipal, provincial and state budgets. A constant (as in ANY place) is some cronyism. Deal with it!

There seem to be some strains of criticism with Chiang Mai (or Thailand in general, as in "TIT") that indicate a lack of "home country" memory for some expatriates who have moved here. One of these is the "Anti-Nanny-State Crowd." Another is the "Sunnier-and-Cheaper-Place to Live Crowd." A third must be the "My-Children-Bought-Me-a-One-way Ticket-to-Thailand Crowd." Then, there's the "I-Woke-Up-on-the-Plane-and Forgot Where-I-Came-From-Crowd."

Although I can understand where you are coming from, I also have to question as to what you are contributing to the OP. Bugger all methinks.

Give us something positive would help..

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If the CM local authorities were serious in improving or promoting the city then they would look at improving the infrastructure. Footpaths and traffic flow must be up there as a starter. The CBD just isn't user friendly at the moment. It is very quaint with the moat but what a bastard to move around. Just my opinion

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We believe that a section of the Chiang Mai Zoo set aside for Farangs would be a wonderful addition to the rich cultural life of our cherished city.

In this section, at any given time, Farangs from different nations/countries/ethnic groups would be actually living there; the public would be able to see them going about their daily business (except, of course, for intimate personal activities). There could be a mix of Farang back-packers, Farang long-term expats male/female/trans, young/old, active/disabled, Farangs with/without Thai family, husbands/wives/menages, etc.

Of course, we'd want to make it more interesting by having a bar-beer on-site, set-up staffed by real Thais.

I predict this section of the zoo would be wildly popular: in fact, as popular as the monkey-house.

The living sections for Farangs would have transparent walls, and microphones, with audio being broadcast by wi-fi so zoo-goers could listen in.

If we were not banned from the zoo, we would propose this idea to the zoo management, but, that's another story.

cheers, ~o:37;

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Smooth roads and sidewalks suitable for roller-blades.

SIDEWALKS! You are joking right? Never mind for rollerblades any sidewalk/footpath/pavement unencumbered by a tree, utility pole, food stall or other business would be welcome.
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