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PM says Thaksin's police rank case is now over


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Poor T. Now he's got to print new business cards and stationery.

Thaksin Shinawatra's new business card-

no longer a top policeman

a fugitive in exile

a man that works hard to tear apart the fabric of his homeland

a desperado

a megalomaniac

and proud of it all


ex PM

loved by majority of Thais

voted in at every election

vilified by the elite

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank

so what??? he's not coming back and this obsession with Thaksin, who has not been in power since 2006, is just a great propaganda smokescreen for the real reason all this has happened.

But who cares about the truth eh?

You obviously don't.

He first election win was nearly cancelled due to the "honest mistake" of forgetting to declare billions of HIS money held in the names of his maids, security guards and drivers. Several years later at least 2 judges admitted that they did not follow the rule of law in acquitting him.

His second election was null and void due to the Democrats abstaining.

After that the third election was won by Samak Sunderavej using the PTP.

After Samak lost his court case Thaksins brother in law, Somchai Wongsawat was made PM even though lrgally Samak could have stayed as PM but was clearly NOT family.

Under Somchai the PPP was disbanded for election fraud and the Democrats took over

After them the PTP won and the new PM was surprise Thaksins sister who had zero political experience.

For the PPP and the PTP Thaksin was a criminal fugitive and thus legally barred from standing in ANY election.

Loved by many Thais but NEVER by the majority.

The legal government as approved by the Highest person in the land has effectively stripped an convicted criminal of his former police rank and you think this is wrong?

But quote "who cares about the truth eh?" LannaGuy, on 13 August 2015 - 10.32

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His passports have already been revoked !! Have you been asleep in recent months?

Which one? The one from Montenegro or the one from Uganda?

Thailand cannot revoke any other passport other than their own, revoking any of his other passports has to be done by the host nation of held passport.

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"have to check with the human resources department first about how to move next as the case was unprecedented"

I guess Thakin was the first and till now only former police officer who became a criminal fugitive, or was he just the first to cling to the rank?

Do you have proof to show he was "clinging" to his rank. I would say that until now, no one thought it important enough to do anything about. Including the man in Dubai.

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Who in this world cares? This man will never be allowed to step back into Thailand so what is the point?

What is different now. Thailand's national security is more secure?

What a colossal waste of time, energy, and money.

'Nothing particularly "colossal" about it. ... Except the moaning that goes on here over it happening to him. It's just a bit of red tape and a minor talking point for the PM. Nothing more; nothing less. Media and shin rouge obsession with it (ex., trying to contextualize it with "national security" - LOL; like anybody ever said it had anything to do with that) shouldn't be confused with any actual mountains of effort required, except maybe to get some people who're all wobbly over the possibility of future retribution to do their JOBS. The guy's a convict and a fugitive and he needs to be stripped of his police rank; simple and obvious. 'Shouldn't be any big deal at all. Just get 'er done!

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Poor T. Now he's got to print new business cards and stationery.

Thaksin Shinawatra's new business card-

no longer a top policeman

a fugitive in exile

a man that works hard to tear apart the fabric of his homeland

a desperado

a megalomaniac

and proud of it all


ex PM

loved by majority of Thais

voted in at every election

vilified by the elite

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank

so what??? he's not coming back and this obsession with Thaksin, who has not been in power since 2006, is just a great propaganda smokescreen for the real reason all this has happened.

But who cares about the truth eh?

ex PM..................................................Definitely

loved by majority of Thais.............Minority

voted in at every election..............Certainly, while he was running as a politician and not a fugitive.

vilified by the elite...........................And millions of ordinary Thais

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank........Justifiably

And life goes on without him.

haha funny...

ex PM..................................................Definitely - we agree!

loved by majority of Thais.............Minority - no election to find out but his sister won AGAIN last time elections were held

voted in at every election..............Certainly, while he was running as a politician and not a fugitive - sister won AGAIN last time elections were held

vilified by the elite...........................And millions of ordinary Thais - maybe but not by the majority - sister won AGAIN last time elections were held

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank........Justifiably - 'justifiably' unelected? I'm not suggesting keeping rank or not but the process stinks

My point was this is irrelevant as the REAL reason has nothing to do with Thaksin and my point this is all a smokescreen and some of you are falling for it alas

Edited by LannaGuy
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'Nothing particularly "colossal" about it.

Given the amount of press devoted to this issue, the number of organizations involved and the number of times senior Junta leadership has publicly commented on it, it certainly appears to be colossal.

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HR will tell now,

they can stripp off the rank only, when the uniform with the latter is in front of them available;

So - Mr Bean - where is his jacket ??

give order quick to RTP to locate it !

Than ask the court for right to take it !!

and than ....

and than .....

and than we back in Thailand !!

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His passports have already been revoked !! Have you been asleep in recent months?

Which one? The one from Montenegro or the one from Uganda?

Thailand cannot revoke any other passport other than their own, revoking any of his other passports has to be done by the host nation of held passport.

The AlQahol is destroying his thinking.

In Dubai Alco... ?

They serve Camel milk !! 5555555555

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Pol Lt-Gen Prawuth Thavornsiri, the assistant national police chief and spokesman of the RNPO, said the police office would have to check with the human resources department first about how to move next as the case was unprecedented.

Did Pol Lt-Gen Prawuth Thavornsiri say this before or after Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said:

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatras police lieutenant colonel rank issue was over after it was ruled Tuesday by a special panel that he could be stripped of his police rank

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'Nothing particularly "colossal" about it.

Given the amount of press devoted to this issue, the number of organizations involved and the number of times senior Junta leadership has publicly commented on it, it certainly appears to be colossal.

Nah. Most of the mountain-out-of-a-mole-hill making goes on right here on TV ... It's hardly "news" at all. Besides, I thought it was the "time, energy, and money" being expended on the effort that was being described as "colossal", not the media buzz. As for what the media does on its slow days, only someone who really is a slave to "appearances" is going to take that very seriously. Besides, it doesn't get any more press than any of the other shenanigans that pass for news in the LOS.

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Oh thank god. Now can he focus on the very more pressing issues at hand and stop boring us with this token, distraction causing nonsense.

Look at the picture of the P.M. This is a man that wants his people to be happy but cannot find inner happiness as long as pressing issues like Thaksin's rank, stripping thereof, need to be sorted.

Now that it is out of the way perhaps he can get a good night's sleep.

said without the least bit of Irony too!

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This is going to hurt Thaksin so much the chances are he will jump into his private jet fly back and turn himself in, and the Junta PM will go down in the history books as the one who influenced the ex-prime minister to hand himself in and also stopped boy racers forever.

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Another big, drawn out, non-issue being non-resolved... I looked just to see the junta cheerleaders declaring it a "step in the right direction". It was only seven posts down...the yellow tinted glasses need new lenses..those girls are getting slow....

Fracking yawn.


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It along with passports etc, should have been automatically cancelled 5 minutes after he absconded as a fugitive from justice. It certainly isn't rocket science to understand such a fundimental concept of criminal actions.

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Thailand cannot revoke any other passport other than their own, revoking any of his other passports has to be done by the host nation of held passport.

The AlQahol is destroying his thinking.

In Dubai Alco... ?

They serve Camel milk !! 5555555555

Some of the best nights I've ever had have been on the lash in Dubai, your ignorance is showing, and clearly you've never been in Dubai either. Plenty of places to get blotto!!!

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The title of this thread is wrong: The police rank case is not over - until he is officially stripped of ranks or until the whole case is dropped. It should have happened 10 yrs ago, along with other citations and commemorations.

As for passports: There was talk among officialdom of him getting his Thai passports pulled. I say passports in plural, because there was a regular one and a diplomatic one. Did one or both actually get officially pulled, or was it just lip service, as is so much else which comes down from on high.

Even if it happened, he will still have more passports than a mafia don or a drug kingpin or Carlos the Jackal. And then there's his fake name: Takki Shinegra.

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I've learned years ago that rank is not necessarily an indicator of intelligence, ability or moral upstanding. In some individuals, rank and the accompanying trinkets, is merely an opportunity to strut in peacock fashion and support an ever expanding ego.

I was a peacock once-upon-a-time. Now, I'm just an ordinary dove.wink.png

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'Nothing particularly "colossal" about it.

Given the amount of press devoted to this issue, the number of organizations involved and the number of times senior Junta leadership has publicly commented on it, it certainly appears to be colossal.

Given the number of posters who try to convince us that it doesn't really matter, some after first trying to convince that it's illegal, all those resources should be put on the economy (all two people from the Justice Dept. assigned to this), etc., etc. it would seem to some it does matter, to some it does seem to hurt.

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I've learned years ago that rank is not necessarily an indicator of intelligence, ability or moral upstanding. In some individuals, rank and the accompanying trinkets, is merely an opportunity to strut in peacock fashion and support an ever expanding ego.

I was a peacock once-upon-a-time. Now, I'm just an ordinary dove.wink.png

Let me guess, you learned the difference between 'higher ranking' and 'superior'

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I've learned years ago that rank is not necessarily an indicator of intelligence, ability or moral upstanding. In some individuals, rank and the accompanying trinkets, is merely an opportunity to strut in peacock fashion and support an ever expanding ego.

I was a peacock once-upon-a-time. Now, I'm just an ordinary dove.wink.png

Let me guess, you learned the difference between 'higher ranking' and 'superior'

JUust because somebody holds a rank does not mean that they get the respect that goes with it. Rank can be bought (especially on Thailand). Outside of Thailand respect is earned, inside Thailand the more money you have, the more respect you are given.

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