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Email troubles persisting, Clinton camp reassures backers


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Email troubles persisting, Clinton camp reassures backers

WASHINGTON (AP) — Try as she might to focus on the policies she wants to enact if elected president, Hillary Rodham Clinton just can't dig out of her inbox.

Clinton's email problems are getting worse. She agreed to turn over her private server to the Justice Department this week on the same day Congress got word that at least two emails that traversed the device while she was secretary of state contained information that warranted one of the government's highest levels of classification.

The developments suggest the investigation into the security of Clinton's email setup could run deep into 2016, as she is trying to win the Democratic nomination for president and, potentially, the general election.

Clinton campaign aides argue there's nothing for investigators to find. What worries them more is the lingering whiff of political scandal in a tightening primary race, and they pushed back hard on Wednesday, trying their best to dismiss the matter as nothing more than politics.

"Look, this kind of nonsense comes with the territory of running for president. We know it, Hillary knows it, and we expect it to continue from now until Election Day," campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri wrote in an email to campaign supporters.

While her Democratic rivals have yet to seize on the issue, it has become a major part of the GOP case against Clinton.

"I think it's about time that she dealt with the consequences of this," said GOP candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. "This is something that isn't just a matter of her not being able to tell the truth; this is something that has put national security at risk and highly questions her ability to be the commander in chief of the United States."

Clinton's campaign said she would turn over the server just hours after she wrapped up two days of campaigning in New Hampshire, where she outlined a plan to address college affordability and student loan debt — a centerpiece proposal of her policy platform.

The announcement about her email server, which got much more attention that her college affordability plan, marked a retreat for Clinton. She had previously refused to turn over the server to a House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Clinton's attorney said then the server had been wiped clean and no emails remained on the device.

The reversal comes as her chief Democratic rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, is drawing some of the largest crowds of the presidential primaries. A self-described "democratic socialist," Sanders has avoided addressing Clinton's email saga, keeping focused on policy disagreements over the economy, trade and the Keystone XL pipeline.

"From our perspective, we want to keep this about Bernie and his message," said Sanders campaign strategist Tad Devine. He added, "If you look at the polling, people are coming to the view that this is not an inevitable nomination anymore."

Recent polls have shown a tighter race between Clinton and Sanders in the early contests of Iowa and New Hampshire than many expected, and Vice President Joe Biden — vacationing this week in South Carolina — has indicated that he will make a decision on whether to get into the race next month.

The email controversy, aides and supporters argue, won't change existing views of a candidate who has spent decades in the political spotlight.

"I don't think it really hurts her one way or another," said Jan Bauer, the Democratic chair in Story County, Iowa, who is backing Clinton.

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

Clinton said in March she had exchanged about 60,000 emails during her four years in the Obama administration, about half of which were personal and deleted. She turned over the others to the State Department, which is reviewing and releasing them on a monthly basis.

The next batch, on Aug. 31, will come two days after Clinton and her primary challengers are scheduled to address members of the Democratic National Committee in Minneapolis. The final installment, on Jan. 29, 2016, will arrive three days before the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1.

Each will give Republicans another opportunity to remind voters of the issue, as Rep. Darrell Issa did Wednesday, saying Clinton should be investigated criminally.

"If any other American had shown the same disregard for securing classified information that Hillary Clinton showed, the United States government would move quickly and decisively to hold them responsible," he said in a statement.

A referral from the inspector general of the intelligence community to the Justice Department that led to the current investigation did not allege any criminal wrongdoing, and Clinton's attorney has said federal authorities simply want assurances that the emails continue to be properly stored.

Even so, the rules covering the release of classified material are subject to interpretation and nuance. The Justice Department has been criticized by defense lawyers and secrecy experts alike for an approach they say is inconsistent.

Some of those same concerns are likely to be resurrected as Clinton's server is inspected.

"I think people assume that the classification system is a rigorous and perfectly logical set of rules, but it's not. It is a fuzzy subjective system that lends itself to conflicting interpretations" said Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy expert at the Federation of American Scientists.

Associated Press writers Eric Tucker and Ken Dilanian in Washington, Catherine Lucey in Des Moines, Iowa, and Kathleen Ronayne in Concord, New Hampshire, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-13

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It seems that this women is clearly not a presidential material, being dis honest, sneaky and manipulative

in just about any thing she dose and say, plus, she is an elitist person and see herself above anyone else,

It seems that this women is wasting her time and money trying to be elected as the public trust in her

is pretty low, and once the people don't trust you, your goose is pretty much cooked...

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Regardless of how this goes this is very bad news for HRC

even if the justice dept finds nothing wrong, expect the Republicans to claim Democratic cover up since the Justice dept is run by the Democrats

The dragon lady's goose is cooked .

Edited by sirineou
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It seems that this women is clearly not a presidential material, being dis honest, sneaky and manipulative

in just about any thing she dose and say, plus, she is an elitist person and see herself above anyone else,

It seems that this women is wasting her time and money trying to be elected as the public trust in her

is pretty low, and once the people don't trust you, your goose is pretty much cooked...

Quiet the opposite. Those are all qualities that an American president usually possesses. All but Carter perhaps.

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It certainly appears she is doomed. I am wondering why on earth she would have used the Clinton Foundation server for those emails. Seems like there would have been a more discreet way to send them. Seems like either a major oversight, or a bit of megalomania. Either way, it was pure dumb. A real brain fart. She is very smart, and was an effective NY Senator. And a decent Secretary of State (if you exclude the whole Bengazi fiasco). She would probably make a decent president. But, I do not think that is going to happen.

Not sure Biden is the answer either. He is a seemingly ineffective VP, though alot of that was due to the fact that Blundering Barry did not want to share the limelight, I am sure. I do not think he has what it would take, is too old, and is not telegenic enough? Seems like the days of an older guy getting elected are behind us. That is a shame, as Sanders would be a good president, in my opinion. Of all the candidates out there, he is the least whorish, of the whole bunch. I do not think he is bought and paid for. I know some will say the same of Disgusting Donald. But, he is a natural whore, so he does not have to be bought and paid for, to manifest that quality. It is in his blood. And Trump is too ugly and probably too smelly to become President. And that fluid that leaks from his ears is probably an issue too. LOL.

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I can't see Hilary as smart. She made a bed of nails, now she has to sleep in it. At some point she will have to talk about her accomplishments. Or lack, thereof. And her past failures.

That's the thing, she's berift of accomplishments on her own and has so much baggage only the LIV's are going to vote for her. Scandal after Scandal has followed both Clintons and they're very lucky not to be in more serious trouble at this point.

Edited by Boon Mee
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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

Honestly, Clinton has more to worry with Sanders and possibly Biden. As for the GOP....well this is a really good article which pretty much spells out what the rest of America (i.e., non-GOP) thinks:


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Emails and Trump. Neither side is talking about the real issues tearing the country apart, like, oh, minimum wage stupidity, sending jobs overseas (again both sides), infrastructure, or the sudden announcement we have no money for Social Security but several billions to update our nukes...

I am not being sucked into any argument that is so secondary that it isn't even relevant.

I'm voting for Sanders and his proposal that we socialize some parts of the private sector, including health care and education (like the British and Australians successfully did).

What a clown show. I'm not buying a ticket.thumbsup.gif

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The right had decided the only way they can possibly win the election is by hook or by crook.

Create enough smoke and maybe a fire will break out.

Campaigns for prez were never for the squeamish or the weak kneed. This one began early enough so that 12 months from now we'll be in a different dimension....sooner in fact.
Run Donald run. Run 'em down and run 'em over.
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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

Honestly, Clinton has more to worry with Sanders and possibly Biden. As for the GOP....well this is a really good article which pretty much spells out what the rest of America (i.e., non-GOP) thinks:


If nobody outside the Republican Party seems to care, why does Rolling Stone feel the need to publish such a biased hit piece?

If you think the "rest of America" reads this trash, you are very sadly misinformed.

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

Honestly, Clinton has more to worry with Sanders and possibly Biden. As for the GOP....well this is a really good article which pretty much spells out what the rest of America (i.e., non-GOP) thinks:


If nobody outside the Republican Party seems to care, why does Rolling Stone feel the need to publish such a biased hit piece?

If you think the "rest of America" reads this trash, you are very sadly misinformed.

I expected those on your side to disregard that article. I thought it was rather well written...and in an amusing, yet cutting sort of way. Your question is rather disingenuous. Of course the "rest of America" is going to be interested in this stuff. I'm outside the Republican party and I'm keenly interested. Why? This campaign is for the leader of the free world. So of course, those of us not in the GOP would be interested to know who we're going up against. And the fact that the GOP process is so entertaining, nevermind comical, all the better. Keep believing that your side has a chance.

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If the only way the democratic party can keep the presidency now is with Hillary Clinton, then they don't DESERVE to keep it.

Time to take a look at the other options including ones totally off the radar now.

If only we could find a time machine for Jerry Brown. SIGH!

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The right had decided the only way they can possibly win the election is by hook or by crook.

B.S.. Grandma's going down on her own merit, bud clap2.gif

Who is Bud? Don't know the guy.

What, he just arrive on the Republican right by hook or by crook...

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The right had decided the only way they can possibly win the election is by hook or by crook.

B.S.. Grandma's going down on her own merit, bud clap2.gif
This is exactly the sort of thing that I referred to earlier. If a Republican were to say something like this on TV, it would motivate countless women to run away from the GOP.

And by the way, Secretary Clinton is 67. How old are you? :rolleyes:

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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It certainly appears she is doomed. I am wondering why on earth she would have used the Clinton Foundation server for those emails. Seems like there would have been a more discreet way to send them. Seems like either a major oversight, or a bit of megalomania. Either way, it was pure dumb. A real brain fart. She is very smart, and was an effective NY Senator. And a decent Secretary of State (if you exclude the whole Bengazi fiasco). She would probably make a decent president. But, I do not think that is going to happen.

Not sure Biden is the answer either. He is a seemingly ineffective VP, though alot of that was due to the fact that Blundering Barry did not want to share the limelight, I am sure. I do not think he has what it would take, is too old, and is not telegenic enough? Seems like the days of an older guy getting elected are behind us. That is a shame, as Sanders would be a good president, in my opinion. Of all the candidates out there, he is the least whorish, of the whole bunch. I do not think he is bought and paid for. I know some will say the same of Disgusting Donald. But, he is a natural whore, so he does not have to be bought and paid for, to manifest that quality. It is in his blood. And Trump is too ugly and probably too smelly to become President. And that fluid that leaks from his ears is probably an issue too. LOL.

One plausible reason for not wanting to use official channels for communications is that after the unpleasantness of the nomination process, she wasn't going to trust Obama not tapping her communications. This is hardly something she can own up to even now.

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It certainly appears she is doomed. I am wondering why on earth she would have used the Clinton Foundation server for those emails. Seems like there would have been a more discreet way to send them. Seems like either a major oversight, or a bit of megalomania. Either way, it was pure dumb. A real brain fart. She is very smart, and was an effective NY Senator. And a decent Secretary of State (if you exclude the whole Bengazi fiasco). She would probably make a decent president. But, I do not think that is going to happen.

Not sure Biden is the answer either. He is a seemingly ineffective VP, though alot of that was due to the fact that Blundering Barry did not want to share the limelight, I am sure. I do not think he has what it would take, is too old, and is not telegenic enough? Seems like the days of an older guy getting elected are behind us. That is a shame, as Sanders would be a good president, in my opinion. Of all the candidates out there, he is the least whorish, of the whole bunch. I do not think he is bought and paid for. I know some will say the same of Disgusting Donald. But, he is a natural whore, so he does not have to be bought and paid for, to manifest that quality. It is in his blood. And Trump is too ugly and probably too smelly to become President. And that fluid that leaks from his ears is probably an issue too. LOL.

One plausible reason for not wanting to use official channels for communications is that after the unpleasantness of the nomination process, she wasn't going to trust Obama not tapping her communications. This is hardly something she can own up to even now.

It appears Obama is listening to her conversations, my conversations, your conversations, the conversations of the Brazilians, The Germans, the French, and just about everyone else on the planet. He has ramped up the so called "intelligence" gathering dramatically. Nearly a million Americans now involved in the intelligence services. An unprecedented buildup, and they are listening to your grandmothers phone calls and reading her emails too. She is a real threat to the nation.

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You can't make this stuff up...

Hillary had requested a book on how to delete email, permanently... clap2.gif



Tips on Deleting Emails From Email Book Hillary Clinton Wanted to Read
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facts is facts:

Improper handling of such info violates federal law. A violation occurs when anyone entrusted with the information, “through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed.”

The feds have prosecuted two CIA chiefs for putting classified info on their home computers. Why not a secretary of state?NY Post


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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

Honestly, Clinton has more to worry with Sanders and possibly Biden. As for the GOP....well this is a really good article which pretty much spells out what the rest of America (i.e., non-GOP) thinks:


If nobody outside the Republican Party seems to care, why does Rolling Stone feel the need to publish such a biased hit piece?

If you think the "rest of America" reads this trash, you are very sadly misinformed.

I expected those on your side to disregard that article. I thought it was rather well written...and in an amusing, yet cutting sort of way. Your question is rather disingenuous. Of course the "rest of America" is going to be interested in this stuff. I'm outside the Republican party and I'm keenly interested. Why? This campaign is for the leader of the free world. So of course, those of us not in the GOP would be interested to know who we're going up against. And the fact that the GOP process is so entertaining, nevermind comical, all the better. Keep believing that your side has a chance.

Don't worry. The Democrats' sideshow is about to become center stage. In all its' ignomius glory.

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

Honestly, Clinton has more to worry with Sanders and possibly Biden. As for the GOP....well this is a really good article which pretty much spells out what the rest of America (i.e., non-GOP) thinks:


If nobody outside the Republican Party seems to care, why does Rolling Stone feel the need to publish such a biased hit piece?

If you think the "rest of America" reads this trash, you are very sadly misinformed.

I expected those on your side to disregard that article. I thought it was rather well written...and in an amusing, yet cutting sort of way. Your question is rather disingenuous. Of course the "rest of America" is going to be interested in this stuff. I'm outside the Republican party and I'm keenly interested. Why? This campaign is for the leader of the free world. So of course, those of us not in the GOP would be interested to know who we're going up against. And the fact that the GOP process is so entertaining, nevermind comical, all the better. Keep believing that your side has a chance.

Don't worry. The Democrats' sideshow is about to become center stage. In all its' ignomius glory.

The pic below is an example of how the Dems are going to drag HRC across the finish line! laugh.png


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You can't make this stuff up...

Hillary had requested a book on how to delete email, permanently... clap2.gif



Tips on Deleting Emails From Email Book Hillary Clinton Wanted to Read

People reading this have deleted emails and have read about computers, the internet, the www. Indeed, I would not want anyone who is not a recipient of my PMs reading them and neither would anyone else sending PMs like it.

The 'Tips' book is anyway old news reported several weeks ago. This did not stick to the wall back then so it stinks even worse now.

The present issue is to remove from the public domain materials that are classified now which were not classified at the time SecState Clinton held the office. Except that is for the Republican party and the far out right which know they don't have enough votes to win the election.

HRC remains ahead in the polls and this morning remains at even odds to be the next president.

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facts is facts:

Improper handling of such info violates federal law. A violation occurs when anyone entrusted with the information, “through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed.”

The feds have prosecuted two CIA chiefs for putting classified info on their home computers. Why not a secretary of state?NY Post


The Republican right loves to quote and link the Robert Murdoch owned New York Post where "facts is facts" even if they are not connected facts. Robert Murdoch, Roger Ailes & Co.

In this transparent and colorful fraud we given the riot act with the disconnected throwing in of a reference to Hillary Clinton, at the end of it in this instance. It is presented as if there were a connection. There isn't any connection, not in law or in any respect.

There is no real world connection because former SecState Clinton is not under FBI investigation for anything, and the FBI inquiry is a "security" inquiry. It is not a criminal inquiry. No person or persons are being "investigated" in the FBI inquiry. The review is of the government's own disjointed and myriad classifications, which are in a criss-cross of conflict and inconsistency.

Edited by Publicus
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