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i need help, i plain to live in the jungle for some time, can u give me advice?


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so you want to live in the jungle like a scrub turkey, best of luck. be sure to take some seeds of that good stuff you are smoking. maybe best to stay where you are and start taking your medicine

the mind BOGGLES

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Me tinks he has already found a batch of schrooms and has been eating them like popcorn...


My advise to you is enjoy your solitude and meditation

thank you


"i want to meditate in a cave, i'm only interested if i can find a cave, there are a lot of caves in the jungle? how to find them?"

Caves are usually found by looking for a lump of rock with a hole in it. Hope this helps.

i know thats obvious probably you are trolling but i want to know if there are many caves in the jungle


You do not need to overstay. You can manage your outdoor pursuit visa online
Wifi is available in most jungle areas

of course there isnt wifi in the jungle LOL xd there are no wifi in the middle of the jungle rainforest xdxdxdxd

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Living a couple of years in the jungle?

What visa do you get for that?

The 90 day reporting may be a problem.

i would overstay it its obvious, can't manage a visa while im in the jungle, i prefer not to talk to you in important post, you could come to try to hurt me like you did in the other post, i know that 99% wear flip flops is not true but if i wasn't informed it could had deceived me (im not good with the use of have,

You do not need to overstay. You can manage your outdoor pursuit visa online

Wifi is available in most jungle areas

There is even free wifi at the jungle branches of Star bucks so the OP can become a digital nomad and flog stuff on ebay or open a poker grind and do gay porn movies on the side

i never said i was gay, nor did i said that i was in gay porn, so you are saying it to disrespect, i know the people like you, im not gay and i dont do porn but im saying that its ok for me the people who are gay and do straight porn and gay porn, except the most extreme material which can pervert the minds of the people

you crossed the line with that one

the rest was funny very funny i laughed very much the starbucks digital nomad HAHA but that last one

its like saying nigger in a disrespectful way

i don't even put your profile photo above the quote as i always do because you are not worthy of it, ill remember your username next time u are death to me ill ignore you

I think this sounds like a fantastic idea OP... Then we will not have to endure your trollish threads.

you don't have to endure them either, you can ignore them, also they are not troll because they are for real

many people in this forum dont know what troll means

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No never went naked, when you have had a few insect bites on your John Thomas you tend to keep him cover up. i forgot, If you rub urine on your legs it deters leaches, So just feel free to piss up a Thai mans leg,

na nigga is not like that, you ever heard of the Zoe in the amazon tropical rainforest?

they go naked and they are perfectly

the urine advice can be valuable but ill prefer to pass im kind of picky, i would do it in extreme case, like bear grills

piss up a Thai mans leg? is that for real or trolling?


You should go to the mountains of Yamagata prefecture Japan and sincerely be "Yamabushi". You will be respected.

thank you very much arunsakda u are great as always, didnt know about the yamabushi, i like them, but i prefer thailand as it has an ecuatorial tropical rainforest, mountains of yamagata are cold

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Durian are plentiful but they are seasonal (in season now)

Mangosteens and oranges can be found wild in the jungle as well as bananas and tamarind of course.
But not everywhere, you have to either know where they are (the Mangosteens and orange trees anyway)

Caves are abundant in Thailand.
Was in one just today in Krabi province.

Travelled with a monk who's mentor lived in a cave for 9 months and caught water dripping into a cup (takes lots of patience)I'd take a mosquito net though.

I'd take a mosquito net though.

You can live without food if you are good at the meditation thing.
You can google "breathairian" to find out more.

Have fun out there.

thank you for the information thats helpful

so there are many fruits

yes caves! so it would be easy to find one in the jundle rainforest? awesome *-*

i heard about krabi, the mentor lived in a cave in krabi or other place? cause seems very populated that place

dripping is a good technique, but also i saw you can obtain water from bambu thats more easy i think, and also filter the rain another technique

i would go as raw as possible ill take my chances going without the mosquito net

i never believed much in the breatharism thou, good that you mention it, after seeing pralah jani and the buddha boy i think probably if great enough feeding with the sun

but i prefer not to prove it, i'll stick with fruits, and some insects probably like thermites even thou im vegan, and in case of survival ill have to kill some animal, fish or mammal, but only in extreme case,

the title is not good thou i think, the scientist said he believed he fed with the sun if i remember well

works for pralah jani thou, scientists studied him, and he succeded 15 days without food and water

its almost a death wish to try, some have died for trying it, i don't think everyone is up to it, only a minority if is true


Good Luck on your Quest!

thank you♥


if you want to try the islands off sinoukville you will find island jungles.

possibly a few military out there but they will let you stay if you bring them some ciggarettes or whisky and by a few of there chickens. ..good luck with your mission .

thank you very much, cambodia seems cool, althou i prefer thailand, jungles of thailand, indonesia, malaysia > jungles of cambodia and vietnam for me althou they are are all good

nah i would never offer things like that because my values are against them, not to be a holier than thou haha but truly i have high values

thank you


Go to Khlong Saeng in Surat Thani province. Lots of jungle to get lost in. Hire a boat driver at the Chiew Larn Dam to take you out there. Arrange some supplies to be sent out to you every week. You can live out on the lake on a bamboo raft, fish and walk in the forest and enjoy nature.

thank you, that area seems great, the rivers

i prefer to go raw, survive in the jungle with no help of others

your comment was helpful, i like that zone, actually i was planning in the right side of thailand, so i was thinking that zone and below

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Thailand does have some awesome caves ... google their locations.

But best stay out of the national parks as between traffickers and poachers you are likely to be killed on site by them or the military/police.

Unfortunately, even in private jungle areas legal ownership can be dubious and equally dangerous.

Have you considered a desert environment?

thanks, its not being easy to find info about caves in the middle of the jungle thou, many mentions krabi

that info is good, there are many traffickers? the military will respect me i think although i think it would be not easy to find them

i dont like deserts, i would have to depend on others to survive there, but even if i could survive well on my own i wouldn't


If he was serious about this he could have found all required information in a search engine rather than coming here to get attention. OP is a time waster, if his topic is genuine he's also a deluded dreamer.

i did search, i found a lot, but not so much, specially about the caves, and also the opinions of some users here are valuable-very valuable so asking for their help is wise

you waste your own time

its genuine and if you so great that retiring to do meditation like some monks do, or even buddha did is so ridiculous then you could illuminate us with what your goals and dreams are your holiness


Is your name George?

no o.O

try to contact this one.. (FB account)
as i bet he wouldn't want to do the same (in the same conditions you mention) , he'd rather advice you to forget this idea , i can assure you he knows the jungle...


i tried but says the link is broken or somtething like that

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No never went naked, when you have had a few insect bites on your John Thomas you tend to keep him cover up. i forgot, If you rub urine on your legs it deters leaches, So just feel free to piss up a Thai mans leg,

na nigga is not like that, you ever heard of the Zoe in the amazon tropical rainforest?

they go naked and they are perfectly

the urine advice can be valuable but ill prefer to pass im kind of picky, i would do it in extreme case, like bear grills

piss up a Thai mans leg? is that for real or trolling?


You should go to the mountains of Yamagata prefecture Japan and sincerely be "Yamabushi". You will be respected.

thank you very much arunsakda u are great as always, didnt know about the yamabushi, i like them, but i prefer thailand as it has an ecuatorial tropical rainforest, mountains of yamagata are cold

fact Urine dentures leaches,

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im having a bad feeling for created this post i hate when seeking for kind of aprobation althou it was more about curiosity help

i hate everybody do it everyone happy and sht its bullshit for me u can judge i dont give a

telling my plans and not keeping hide im very enraged about myself my motivation to go to the jungle is not so much after doing this post damn myself

talking about that in a aprobation way damn it so fugly i deserve to be punished for it


too bad i can't erase it

i only like talking about my intentions when i defy and f word up people, seeking aprobation or everyone happy with it makes me want to vomit

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As a matter of fact I happen to be living in a cave on the surin-cambodia right now and there is a vacant cave just opened up about 1 hour west of me. If you need any help getting established in the forest naked meditation lifestyle PM me and I'll send you an information package

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Bats, great big pooing bats in caves. Scary. And they would come flapping and screeching down at you as you slept and bite you with their little bat teeth. And leave their guana on your head. Which you could probably collect to make a fire.


Being nekkid might be fun though. traipsing through the horrible tropical forest. tripping over tree roots and snakes landing on your head too. Leeches, mosquitoes, etc.

Will you take a tent?

You could take your i pod and listen to Meatloaf.

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Bats, great big pooing bats in caves. Scary. And they would come flapping and screeching down at you as you slept and bite you with their little bat teeth. And leave their guana on your head. Which you could probably collect to make a fire.


Being nekkid might be fun though. traipsing through the horrible tropical forest. tripping over tree roots and snakes landing on your head too. Leeches, mosquitoes, etc.

Will you take a tent?

You could take your i pod and listen to Meatloaf.

Speaking of BATS..... Me thinks the following just about sums this post up... totally.

"Bats in the belfry" Meaning

Crazy; eccentric.


"Bats are, of course, the erratically flying mammals and 'belfries' are bell towers, sometimes found at the top of churches. 'Bats in the belfry' refers to someone who acts as though he has bats careering around his topmost part, that is, his head."

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As a matter of fact I happen to be living in a cave on the surin-cambodia right now and there is a vacant cave just opened up about 1 hour west of me. If you need any help getting established in the forest naked meditation lifestyle PM me and I'll send you an information package

Do you know what the minimum rental is on the cave ?

I would be interested but I want back home again for my Christmas lunch

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im having a bad feeling for created this post i hate when seeking for kind of aprobation althou it was more about curiosity help

It's alright, you can't blame yourself for other people's reactions. At least you got some decent help along the way with it. Hope you find your cave.

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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry to responde so late maybe admins dont like it that responde so late

As a matter of fact I happen to be living in a cave on the surin-cambodia right now and there is a vacant cave just opened up about 1 hour west of me. If you need any help getting established in the forest naked meditation lifestyle PM me and I'll send you an information package

please can send me an information package?

patsycat u changed your profile hpto was very cool

and bats is ok

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im having a bad feeling for created this post i hate when seeking for kind of aprobation althou it was more about curiosity help

It's alright, you can't blame yourself for other people's reactions. At least you got some decent help along the way with it. Hope you find your cave.

no it was because i talked in a aprobation way in part i felt i think like in approval seeking or something giving worth away

srl1, are you in the jungle yet ? what jungle ? is it wet ? did you see any killer animals ??

no im not yet thank you for your interest

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I highly recom you go Wat Umong at chiangmai for your meditate.

appreciate it but i dont like chiangmai, its in the north, i want close to the equator

Well if you want to be on/close the Equator, you shouldnt even be in Thailand, Indonesia would be more appropriate.

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im having a bad feeling for created this post i hate when seeking for kind of aprobation althou it was more about curiosity help

It's alright, you can't blame yourself for other people's reactions. At least you got some decent help along the way with it. Hope you find your cave.

no it was because i talked in a aprobation way in part i felt i think like in approval seeking or something giving worth away

srl1, are you in the jungle yet ? what jungle ? is it wet ? did you see any killer animals ??

no im not yet thank you for your interest

oh, I've been so worry about you ... I'm glad you are not wet or in the jungle yet !!

when do you go ? where ? do you have food ? I can help !!!

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Good read.

And yes, OP, i changed my avatar to that of Cecil the Lion who was illegally killed by an American "man" who thought it was fun.

Just to remind people that hunting should be irradicated everywhere. Unless for culling.

But, i can still have fun and joke on TVF, as you all know!! I hope.

I also know who the OP is...

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There is no "alone" in Thailand. Even when you think you are miles from civilization there will be a local behind the nearest tree. If you are seen walking around naked you might find yourself in a cozy cell squashed in with a few dozen others.

So, you mean to say there are...er... many naked 'others'?

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Good read.

And yes, OP, i changed my avatar to that of Cecil the Lion who was illegally killed by an American "man" who thought it was fun.

Just to remind people that hunting should be irradicated everywhere. Unless for culling.

But, i can still have fun and joke on TVF, as you all know!! I hope.

I also know who the OP is...

... and fleas, nice ladies, I agree. How about shooting trolls?

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why the jungle? pick any isaan village and you would be away from anything civilized.

Nearest shop would be at least 40 mins drive, so you can join the locals in eradicating anything living or breathing.

What Isaan villages are YOU talking about?

I've lived in Isaan for several years and they all seem to be very modern with shops 1 or 2 villages away, all with power and mobile internet.

Some of the kids these days won't even eat animals like frogs, lizards ( mostly the girls ) and only eat meat that their parents buy from TESCO Lotus....

Do these villages you speak of exist? If so tell me what province they're in so I can go.

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I live in a village outside of Udon......not uncommon at all to see young kids catching lizards to take home for a meal of lahb, or villagers catching a snake to make spicy hot stir fry, or ant eggs or jungle veggies/herbs that most from outside the village can no longer identify. That said, I have noticed that for those lucky youngsters who get to go to better schools in the city, they tend to relish things like KFC and McD. Three years ago, I took a handicapped man and his 10 year old niece to Udon for the day. One of the stops was Swenson's. The young girl hardly touched her sundae.....not for lack of hunger......it just wasn't something she was used to having. A scoop of motorcycle-ice-cream, on the other hand, no problem

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