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Islamic State leader abused American hostage, US finds

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Islamic State leader raped American hostage, US finds
KEN DILANIAN, AP Intelligence Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — American hostage Kayla Mueller was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group, U.S. intelligence officials told her family in June.

The news is but the latest in a litany of horrors perpetrated by the Islamic State group, which has beheaded, burned and crucified male captives while passing around women as sex slaves.

Mueller was held for a time by Islamic State financier Abu Sayyaf and his wife, known as Umm Sayyaf. Al-Baghdadi took Mueller as a "wife," repeatedly raping her when he visited, according to a Yazidi teenager who was held with Mueller and escaped in October 2014.

The 14-year-old made her way to Iraqi Kurdistan, where she talked to U.S. commandos in November 2014. Intelligence agencies corroborated her account and American officials passed it on to her parents in June.

"They told us that he married her, and we all understand what that means," Carl Mueller, Kayla's father, told The Associated Press on Friday, which would have been his daughter's 27th birthday. Her death was reported in February.

Her mother, Marsha Mueller, added, "Kayla did not marry this man. He took her to his room and he abused her and she came back crying."

Umm Sayyaf confirmed that al-Baghdadi had "owned" Kayla during Umm Sayyaf's lengthy American interrogation in Iraq, the Muellers said they were told by American officials.

A U.S. official confirmed their account, first reported by London's Independent newspaper. The official was not authorized to be quoted by name and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Abu Sayyaf was killed in a Delta Force raid of his Syrian compound in June, which resulted in a treasure trove of intelligence about the Islamic State group. Umm Sayyaf has been turned over to the Iraqi Kurds for trial.

The Muellers have been told she can be expected to serve a long prison sentence, said a family spokeswoman, Emily Lenzner.

Mueller was held with three other women, all Yazidis, the Muellers were told. All were sexually abused. When al-Baghdadi visited, he would take Mueller to his room, the witness told American officials. She would tell her fellow captives — sometimes tearfully — what had happened.

"Kayla tried to protect these young girls," her mother said. "She was like a mother figure to them."

When the teenaged Yazidi girl escaped with her sister, she asked Mueller to accompany her, the parents were told, but Kayla refused, worrying that her obvious Western appearance would lead to their capture.

By the time the Yadizi escapee reported the situation to Delta Force commandos in Iraq, Kayla had been moved, her parents were told.

U.S. intelligence officials found information on Sayyaf's computer indicating that Mueller, who spoke some Arabic, had been searching for information about fertility to help Umm Sayyaf, who was trying to get pregnant, according to two U.S. officials who refused to be quoted because the information is classified.

Mueller, from Prescott, Arizona, was taken hostage with her boyfriend, Omar Alkhani, in August 2013 after leaving a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria, where he had been hired to fix the Internet service for the hospital.

Mueller had begged him to let her tag along because she wanted to do relief work in the war-ravaged country.

Alkhani was released after two months, having been beaten.

The Islamic State group claimed Mueller was killed in a Jordanian air strike near Raqqah, the group's self-declared capital in Syria. U.S. officials confirmed the death but not the circumstances.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-15

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Oh well, now that we have a positively identified American victim, the American media can start beating the drums. I know America is carrying out air strikes but without ground troops it's no more than a PR exercise.

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Oh well, now that we have a positively identified American victim, the American media can start beating the drums. I know America is carrying out air strikes but without ground troops it's no more than a PR exercise.

There are ground forces deployed. What do you call the 5,000 active service troops in Iraq? If you don't realize that there are special forces in Syria calling in airstrikes you are deluded. The USA isn't alone. The UK, and Canada have special forces deployed as well.

Tgus isn't a PR exercise, it is the USA being forced to stop a genocide once again, while the UN long dominated by parasites, China and Russia vassal states along with some of the most disgusting thugs the developing world has to offer does nothing.

There would no need for expensive airstrikes or more casualties if the developed world put a strong glass cover on trouble spots. It only needs to be done once and the locals will get the message.

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Oh well, now that we have a positively identified American victim, the American media can start beating the drums. I know America is carrying out air strikes but without ground troops it's no more than a PR exercise.

The American media is also reporting chemical attacks, mass killings, kidnapping and sexual slavery. Is that 'beating the drums' too?

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What did the US expect their war pig creation would do once it is unleashed? Cuddle???

I don't understand your first question. Why don't you provide more detail so we can clear up your ignorance.

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Oh well, now that we have a positively identified American victim, the American media can start beating the drums. I know America is carrying out air strikes but without ground troops it's no more than a PR exercise.

There are ground forces deployed. What do you call the 5,000 active service troops in Iraq? If you don't realize that there are special forces in Syria calling in airstrikes you are deluded. The USA isn't alone. The UK, and Canada have special forces deployed as well.

Tgus isn't a PR exercise, it is the USA being forced to stop a genocide once again, while the UN long dominated by parasites, China and Russia vassal states along with some of the most disgusting thugs the developing world has to offer does nothing.

There would no need for expensive airstrikes or more casualties if the developed world put a strong glass cover on trouble spots. It only needs to be done once and the locals will get the message.

I would be very surprised if the 5,000 had ammunition for their weapons on bases. I would be very surprised if SF was in Syria except in specific mission scenarios, and then extracted asap. The US is not stopping a genocide. The US has actually enabled the very environment that had this woman as a victim. The US as significantly funded and armed the entire IS operation. The US, by their own admission, does not have a strategy. It would be absurd to conclude this is more than a PR operation without a plan. US commanders have overwhelmingly concluded or confessed that the US has either switched sides on the war on terror or otherwise directly built up and supported IS. Hard to see this current facade as anything more than that. So, while the US did not kill or rape this woman the US decidedly fostered the environment for which it took place- to the tune of billions of dollars.

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Oh well, now that we have a positively identified American victim, the American media can start beating the drums. I know America is carrying out air strikes but without ground troops it's no more than a PR exercise.

There are ground forces deployed. What do you call the 5,000 active service troops in Iraq? If you don't realize that there are special forces in Syria calling in airstrikes you are deluded. The USA isn't alone. The UK, and Canada have special forces deployed as well.

Tgus isn't a PR exercise, it is the USA being forced to stop a genocide once again, while the UN long dominated by parasites, China and Russia vassal states along with some of the most disgusting thugs the developing world has to offer does nothing.

There would no need for expensive airstrikes or more casualties if the developed world put a strong glass cover on trouble spots. It only needs to be done once and the locals will get the message.

I would be very surprised if the 5,000 had ammunition for their weapons on bases. I would be very surprised if SF was in Syria except in specific mission scenarios, and then extracted asap. The US is not stopping a genocide. The US has actually enabled the very environment that had this woman as a victim. The US as significantly funded and armed the entire IS operation. The US, by their own admission, does not have a strategy. It would be absurd to conclude this is more than a PR operation without a plan. US commanders have overwhelmingly concluded or confessed that the US has either switched sides on the war on terror or otherwise directly built up and supported IS. Hard to see this current facade as anything more than that. So, while the US did not kill or rape this woman the US decidedly fostered the environment for which it took place- to the tune of billions of dollars.

We would all be surprised if you actually did a little research, instead of embarrassing yourself.

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Soon its gonna be time to wipe out these wanna be ISIS psychoes that reside in Europe, US, AUS etc. Find them and eradicate them ...

Alas it is too late for that, they are mingling in the crowds, you will never eradicate them. Look at the news last week about isis using the net to recruit. Sorry, but due to the bleeding heart "Human Rights" Brigade with there "freedom" agenda they will always be among us now.coffee1.gif

Should have done as Bulgaria has, Rows of razor wire all around the borders.sad.png

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These Islamic jihadists are abusing young women wherever they raid a village or hold caliphate territory...these folks present themselves as paragons of the moral high road...America as the great Satan...yet they abuse and kill innocent civilians wherever and whenever they can...

This is the future for the world...if nations do not put away their differences and band together to defeat these folks who live and breed like animals...and death is their answer to all problems...

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These Islamic jihadists are abusing young women wherever they raid a village or hold caliphate territory...these folks present themselves as paragons of the moral high road...America as the great Satan...yet they abuse and kill innocent civilians wherever and whenever they can...

This is the future for the world...if nations do not put away their differences and band together to defeat these folks who live and breed like animals...and death is their answer to all problems...

Actually Daesh provide a salary, housing, vehicles and so on; one of the reasons their propaganda is effective in attracting recruits. To understand the politics of the ultra violence used by Daesh read "Management of Savagery".

Unfortunately a number of analysts, including Western military, are now claiming it's going to take up to ten years to comprehensively defeat Daesh, perhaps even a stalemate, based upon current coalition strategy.

Edited by simple1
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US commanders have overwhelmingly concluded or confessed that the US has either switched sides on the war on terror


Care to clarify your claim of "switched sides"?

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These Islamic jihadists are abusing young women wherever they raid a village or hold caliphate territory...these folks present themselves as paragons of the moral high road...America as the great Satan...yet they abuse and kill innocent civilians wherever and whenever they can...

This is the future for the world...if nations do not put away their differences and band together to defeat these folks who live and breed like animals...and death is their answer to all problems...

Actually Daesh provide a salary, housing, vehicles and so on; one of the reasons their propaganda is effective in attracting recruits. To understand the politics of the ultra violence used by Daesh read "Management of Savagery".

Unfortunately a number of analysts, including Western military, are now claiming it's going to take up to ten years to comprehensively defeat Daesh, perhaps even a stalemate, based upon current coalition strategy.

A US general was being interviewed on TV this past week...(sorry I do not remember his name)...and he made a telling statement...remarking that the geography of Iraq will likely never be the same...new lines will have to be drawn..

Sounds as though the US is already conceding Iraqi land to the caliphate...

What a convoluted mess the US has initiated by removing Hussein...and then retreating back home to see what might happen...

Iran is in the driver's seat...will be dictating policy for much of the region before this is over...Israel is pretty much on their own now...

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These Islamic jihadists are abusing young women wherever they raid a village or hold caliphate territory...these folks present themselves as paragons of the moral high road...America as the great Satan...yet they abuse and kill innocent civilians wherever and whenever they can...

This is the future for the world...if nations do not put away their differences and band together to defeat these folks who live and breed like animals...and death is their answer to all problems...

Actually Daesh provide a salary, housing, vehicles and so on; one of the reasons their propaganda is effective in attracting recruits. To understand the politics of the ultra violence used by Daesh read "Management of Savagery".

Unfortunately a number of analysts, including Western military, are now claiming it's going to take up to ten years to comprehensively defeat Daesh, perhaps even a stalemate, based upon current coalition strategy.

A US general was being interviewed on TV this past week...(sorry I do not remember his name)...and he made a telling statement...remarking that the geography of Iraq will likely never be the same...new lines will have to be drawn..

Sounds as though the US is already conceding Iraqi land to the caliphate...

What a convoluted mess the US has initiated by removing Hussein...and then retreating back home to see what might happen...

Iran is in the driver's seat...will be dictating policy for much of the region before this is over...Israel is pretty much on their own now...

From my reading the Iraqi government have bought the ongoing disaster upon their own heads by refusing to work with the Sunni tribes, especially in Anbar, who are opposed to Daesh. In addition the out of control Shiite militias who are cementing the Sunni opposition by crimes against humanity.

With regard to Iraq, Daesh made it clear from the outset they wish to erase geopolitical boundaries put in-place by the Sykes-Picot Agreement.


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Soon its gonna be time to wipe out these wanna be ISIS psychoes that reside in Europe, US, AUS etc. Find them and eradicate them ...

Heading off topic but I think things are going the opposite way on that one.

They have flooded into southern Europe and continue to do so, and are massing at the closest point to the UK on the Continent.

I seriously believe this is an invasion.

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Soon its gonna be time to wipe out these wanna be ISIS psychoes that reside in Europe, US, AUS etc. Find them and eradicate them ...

Heading off topic but I think things are going the opposite way on that one.

They have flooded into southern Europe and continue to do so, and are massing at the closest point to the UK on the Continent.

I seriously believe this is an invasion.

Yes, I seriously believe they are digging up Napoleon to lead it! However I do kind of agree with your sentiments . Far to many imigrants in the UK who do not want to live by UK laws and actively work against peaceful co - existance of different races and have fataly damaged religion and education.
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