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Phuket Positive

Old Croc

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There have been many threads of late, and several posters, who have claimed the Province and the town of Patong in particular are heading towards some sort of biblical "end of days".

There has even been a poll asking which members of the expat community here plan to move elsewhere between now and anytime in the future.

I, and, I'm sure, many others who have no plans to move on, didn't bother to complete this survey. Nevertheless, some doomsayers point to the figures as some sort of valid evidence that the majority of the, nomadic by nature, expats are fleeing the sinking ship. The poll has given perfect fodder to some of the world class battoligists who frequent this forum. Some of these people have even suggested that you will only be able to eat Chinese food in Phuket in the future!!

The closing of beer and girlie bars, the raising of their prices and the deterioration in quality of their product may be of great concern to some, but is of little consequence to many thousands who have different lifestyles here. (not being judgemental). I don't use public transport here, small rip-offs are expected and don't phase me.

Apart from the traffic (which I believe is actually improving) my life is little changed by recent events.

I came here with eyes wide open and an ability to accept and adapt to change. I don't expect anywhere to remain static, nothing is as it was 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago. In these days of electronic social media, secret hippy hideaways are no more. If a lost paradise is discovered now, the gawkers and gazumpers quickly converge to make it just like anywhere else.

I started this thread so the people who like living here can point out some of the positives of the Province and country. I'll begin:

It may be the most expensive province, but I still find prices generally to be around 1/3 of those in Australia (electricity excepted).

When I left I sold my smaller, old unit, with a view of a block of flats frequented by Senegalese migrants. Here, for a third of the price, I bought a pool villa overlooking farm land, mountains and an occasional waterfall. The $1/4million+ difference prices ensures a very comfortable rest of my life. (Save the bleating's about land ownership for elsewhere)

I was living alone in Australia for the last few years, but I now know that when I approach my personal "end of days" I have family who care and will care for me. (don't project your life here)

If you want to share your reasons for loving Phuket please do. Positivity only.

The knockers have plenty of space to vent elsewhere.

Edited by Old Croc
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Good topic OC. The negatives must be balanced with positives, to get the full view of living in the island. Here is what is on my positive balance sheet.

- Helpful local people. When I ride on small road and stop for any reason, often the first or second scooters stops next to me and asks, if everything is ok and if I need help.

- The food is good and it's very inexpensive to eat at the the local restaurants

- Fruits

- Colourful local festivals

- Clean and fresh air

- The green nature with it's creepy crawlers

- Ability to use sandals whole year around

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Good positive topic ..

1) the warm all year weather, and sunshine most of the time

2) clean and fresh air

3) the magnificent views and scenery

4) the variety of foods

5) businesswise Phuket has been very good to us over the years, sure we invested a lot, but have been repaid many fold.

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I enjoy hitting the beach almost daily.

Great variety of food.

Nice views looking out over islands and boats.

Plenty of outdoor physical activities.

Never having to wear pants or shoes unless I choose to.

The chuckle I still get when I consider 22-25 degrees to be cold.

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Here on Phuket each can live as he sees fit.

Hospitals with good doctors and hearty nurses.

International Airport with a good choice of international connections.

Great seafood - like today at lunchtime, shark curry phuket style.

Gorgeous weather the whole year.

Choices in nearly all fields.

Unproblematically local authorities.

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I can go to the beach any time I want to

I can buy fruits any time of the year

I can hug my lovely wife in an ice cold a/c bedroom and feel her warmth and love (no porno here, guys) giggle.gif There is a reason why it is ice cold.biggrin.png

With the underpasses, it will get better for some of us.

I think overall, the positives outweigh the negatives (corruption, usual transportation / fun ride mafias) as I never use them. thumbsup.gif

Hospitals are ok for a third world country. Better than the hospitals at my "developed" country. coffee1.gif

For the most part, dental work is far cheaper, particularly if you ask to see the Thai prices and can read Thai numbers. gigglem.gif

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Here on Phuket each can live as he sees fit.

Hospitals with good doctors and hearty nurses.

International Airport with a good choice of international connections.

Great seafood - like today at lunchtime, shark curry phuket style.

Gorgeous weather the whole year.

Choices in nearly all fields.

Unproblematically local authorities.

Dear Schlog, please tell me in which hole you found refuge,i am not against Phuket or I would have left which is going to happen sooner or later but I sure can not share your sympathies. facepalm.gif

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Good for you Old Croc.

My wife and I love Phuket, and apart from the mad motorbike drivers (some of the worst are Europeans) we have no real moans.

Food is great. People very nice. Clean air. Weather is tropical - if you can't stand the heat go to the Arctic.

Of course it is changing, as are most other places. Cost of living on the rise. As it is everywhere else.

If you do not like it many will help you pack your bags.

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Good for you Old Croc.

My wife and I love Phuket, and apart from the mad motorbike drivers (some of the worst are Europeans) we have no real moans.

Food is great. People very nice. Clean air. Weather is tropical - if you can't stand the heat go to the Arctic.

Of course it is changing, as are most other places. Cost of living on the rise. As it is everywhere else.

If you do not like it many will help you pack your bags.

You are right Altalake,after 25 years its time to go. Too many of you kind around now.

Big mouth and no idea. I have successfully sold my Condo's and business and can afford to go wherever

I like to go. You will be stuck here for a long time, just make sure you don't end like many with dreams before you. tongue.png

Good luck to both of you

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Good for you Old Croc.

My wife and I love Phuket, and apart from the mad motorbike drivers (some of the worst are Europeans) we have no real moans.

Food is great. People very nice. Clean air. Weather is tropical - if you can't stand the heat go to the Arctic.

Of course it is changing, as are most other places. Cost of living on the rise. As it is everywhere else.

If you do not like it many will help you pack your bags.

You are right Altalake,after 25 years its time to go. Too many of you kind around now.

Big mouth and no idea. I have successfully sold my Condo's and business and can afford to go wherever

I like to go. You will be stuck here for a long time, just make sure you don't end like many with dreams before you. tongue.png

Good luck to both of you

Here's another positive, nasty characters like Jobwolf are departing.
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Good for you Old Croc.

My wife and I love Phuket, and apart from the mad motorbike drivers (some of the worst are Europeans) we have no real moans.

Food is great. People very nice. Clean air. Weather is tropical - if you can't stand the heat go to the Arctic.

Of course it is changing, as are most other places. Cost of living on the rise. As it is everywhere else.

If you do not like it many will help you pack your bags.

You are right Altalake,after 25 years its time to go. Too many of you kind around now.

Big mouth and no idea. I have successfully sold my Condo's and business and can afford to go wherever

I like to go. You will be stuck here for a long time, just make sure you don't end like many with dreams before you. tongue.png

Good luck to both of you

Here's another positive, nasty characters like Jobwolf are departing.

I'll second that. Great topic and positive. But there is always one in the bunch.

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If you enjoy a place why bother with what other people think, who gives a sh*t? Just got back from Phuket, didn't like Patong as too much like Pattaya and that isn't my scene these days, but lots of other very nice places...

If some anonymous poster is leaving are you going to pack up and go with him? Live your own life unencubered with the irrelevant opinions of others, are you looking for approval on your lifestyle choice?

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If you enjoy a place why bother with what other people think, who gives a sh*t? Just got back from Phuket, didn't like Patong as too much like Pattaya and that isn't my scene these days, but lots of other very nice places...

If some anonymous poster is leaving are you going to pack up and go with him? Live your own life unencubered with the irrelevant opinions of others, are you looking for approval on your lifestyle choice?

You're lecturing us about caring what others think, then give your opinions about Phuket and expect someone to give a toss!

Why do you even post on a forum full of anonymous, opinionated people?

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I like Rawai because it feels like home to me. I've been living here for most of 10 years now. I have a wonderful wife, whom I met here, a wonderful dog who was born here, a nice quiet house that's cheap to keep, same rent as 10 years ago. Warm water beaches close by, fresh fish and vegetables… My motorbike and car mechanics are really nice guys, cheap and helpful… Life is good.

I also have a house at the beach in California where we spend part of the year, we love it here too. Really fresh cheap local produce, cheap gas, nice clean streets. Some things are better in CA, others are better in Phuket. Traffic and tourists suck in both places! It nice to have a change of scenery. It seems people in my area of CA bitch more about the price of housing though. A median priced house is close to a million dollars around here, rent is close to 100K Baht a month. Good thing I bought my place back in 1976!

Life's a beach!

Oh and to jobwolf who says; "I have successfully sold my Condo's and business and can afford to go wherever

I like to go. You will be stuck here for a long time, just make sure you don't end like many with dreams before you."

Good luck with that! I'm sure you can go wherever you like, but I'm not sure you could afford to live wherever you like! But best wishes...

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The sun, sea, sand, seafood, snatch and singha. Phuket has them all. biggrin.png

for me dont drink ( singha is shit compared to Beer Laos) an have a great gf

so the first 4 suit me fine

but add

great bike rides ( kamala-surin out to the airport)

great food (local an international)

good choice in Supermarkets ( Big C, Tesco, Villa, Central)

Good locals, once they get to know you

Visit the beach every day if i want

international airport so i can get to just about anywhere i want to go

Clean air and, at least were i live, quiet most of the day/night

Edited by phuketrichard
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I think too many people, myself included, don't take enough advantage of the good things that Phuket has to offer. I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday.

I've just arrived back after a few weeks in London and I'm sitting in the shade, on a beautiful low season day, wearing shorts and t-shirt and at the moment totally relaxed. The traffic gets to me here, as do certain other things, but half of London's roads seem to be being dug up at the moment, perhaps getting me ready for the anticipated Chalong Circle chaos.

There are many aspects of Phuket I don't like and I'm one that stated in the other thread that I will possibly leave within two years, but that's nothing to do with prices, closure of bars or the change in tourist demographics but my reasons are for another thread at another time.

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I've lived in Rawai for over 12 years and still love my life here.

Great beaches

Friendly people (Thais and farangs)

Good community feel about the place.

Lots of good, inexpensive restaurants (French, German, Italian, Russian etc.)

All the supermarkets anyone would need.

Excellent roads.

Live music played by real musicians on real musical instruments.


Beers at reasonable prices.

Thriving pool league.

Fresh, clean air.

No jet skis.


Edited by Chainsaw
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I think too many people, myself included, don't take enough advantage of the good things that Phuket has to offer. I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday.

I've just arrived back after a few weeks in London and I'm sitting in the shade, on a beautiful low season day, wearing shorts and t-shirt and at the moment totally relaxed. The traffic gets to me here, as do certain other things, but half of London's roads seem to be being dug up at the moment, perhaps getting me ready for the anticipated Chalong Circle chaos.

There are many aspects of Phuket I don't like and I'm one that stated in the other thread that I will possibly leave within two years, but that's nothing to do with prices, closure of bars or the change in tourist demographics but my reasons are for another thread at another time.

This is the "Phuket Positive" thread, and Phuket does have many positives. That's why we all chose to live here, and why we are all still currently living here.

However, it's this comment that I think is important: "I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday."

We have all played "unofficial tour guide" here. I know I have, many times.

I do not wish to get into the "helping them" versus "working here" argument.

The question is, madmitch, had you not "helped" your friends, whilst on their holiday here, would they have had the same "fantastic holiday" without you taking care of them here?

Basically, did you, in effect, shield them from the BS that every other tourist that does not have the benefit of having a friend "help them" here, have to experience?

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I think too many people, myself included, don't take enough advantage of the good things that Phuket has to offer. I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday.

I've just arrived back after a few weeks in London and I'm sitting in the shade, on a beautiful low season day, wearing shorts and t-shirt and at the moment totally relaxed. The traffic gets to me here, as do certain other things, but half of London's roads seem to be being dug up at the moment, perhaps getting me ready for the anticipated Chalong Circle chaos.

There are many aspects of Phuket I don't like and I'm one that stated in the other thread that I will possibly leave within two years, but that's nothing to do with prices, closure of bars or the change in tourist demographics but my reasons are for another thread at another time.

This is the "Phuket Positive" thread, and Phuket does have many positives. That's why we all chose to live here, and why we are all still currently living here.

However, it's this comment that I think is important: "I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday."

We have all played "unofficial tour guide" here. I know I have, many times.

I do not wish to get into the "helping them" versus "working here" argument.

The question is, madmitch, had you not "helped" your friends, whilst on their holiday here, would they have had the same "fantastic holiday" without you taking care of them here?

Basically, did you, in effect, shield them from the BS that every other tourist that does not have the benefit of having a friend "help them" here, have to experience?

This is about living here, specifically why we like living here.

Want to ask questions why tourists are enjoying their stay, why not start a new thread.

Edited by stevenl
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I think too many people, myself included, don't take enough advantage of the good things that Phuket has to offer. I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday.

I've just arrived back after a few weeks in London and I'm sitting in the shade, on a beautiful low season day, wearing shorts and t-shirt and at the moment totally relaxed. The traffic gets to me here, as do certain other things, but half of London's roads seem to be being dug up at the moment, perhaps getting me ready for the anticipated Chalong Circle chaos.

There are many aspects of Phuket I don't like and I'm one that stated in the other thread that I will possibly leave within two years, but that's nothing to do with prices, closure of bars or the change in tourist demographics but my reasons are for another thread at another time.

This is the "Phuket Positive" thread, and Phuket does have many positives. That's why we all chose to live here, and why we are all still currently living here.

However, it's this comment that I think is important: "I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday."

We have all played "unofficial tour guide" here. I know I have, many times.

I do not wish to get into the "helping them" versus "working here" argument.

The question is, madmitch, had you not "helped" your friends, whilst on their holiday here, would they have had the same "fantastic holiday" without you taking care of them here?

Basically, did you, in effect, shield them from the BS that every other tourist that does not have the benefit of having a friend "help them" here, have to experience?

This is about living here, specifically why we like living here.

Want to ask questions why tourists are enjoying their stay, why not start a new thread.

Maybe some people enjoy living on Phuket because they like to "help" show their visiting friends the island.

I enjoy making sure visiting friends do not catch one tuk-tuk, for the duration of their holiday. biggrin.png

Edited by NamKangMan
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I think too many people, myself included, don't take enough advantage of the good things that Phuket has to offer. I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday.

I've just arrived back after a few weeks in London and I'm sitting in the shade, on a beautiful low season day, wearing shorts and t-shirt and at the moment totally relaxed. The traffic gets to me here, as do certain other things, but half of London's roads seem to be being dug up at the moment, perhaps getting me ready for the anticipated Chalong Circle chaos.

There are many aspects of Phuket I don't like and I'm one that stated in the other thread that I will possibly leave within two years, but that's nothing to do with prices, closure of bars or the change in tourist demographics but my reasons are for another thread at another time.

This is the "Phuket Positive" thread, and Phuket does have many positives. That's why we all chose to live here, and why we are all still currently living here.

However, it's this comment that I think is important: "I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday."

We have all played "unofficial tour guide" here. I know I have, many times.

I do not wish to get into the "helping them" versus "working here" argument.

The question is, madmitch, had you not "helped" your friends, whilst on their holiday here, would they have had the same "fantastic holiday" without you taking care of them here?

Basically, did you, in effect, shield them from the BS that every other tourist that does not have the benefit of having a friend "help them" here, have to experience?

My point is that by "helping" my friends enjoy their holiday, it made me get out and about much more than usual, to visit places I wouldn't normally go to, to revisit out of the way beaches and restaurants, and to appreciate again what Phuket has to offer both the tourist and the expat.

For your interest, NKM, my friends were staying in a very upmarket resort and wouldn't have experienced the usual BS, and they certainly didn't gripe at the price when they took a tuktuk or taxi anywhere and really didn't bother how much they spent. I did ask if they wanted a night in Patong but they politely declined!

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I think too many people, myself included, don't take enough advantage of the good things that Phuket has to offer. I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday.

I've just arrived back after a few weeks in London and I'm sitting in the shade, on a beautiful low season day, wearing shorts and t-shirt and at the moment totally relaxed. The traffic gets to me here, as do certain other things, but half of London's roads seem to be being dug up at the moment, perhaps getting me ready for the anticipated Chalong Circle chaos.

There are many aspects of Phuket I don't like and I'm one that stated in the other thread that I will possibly leave within two years, but that's nothing to do with prices, closure of bars or the change in tourist demographics but my reasons are for another thread at another time.

This is the "Phuket Positive" thread, and Phuket does have many positives. That's why we all chose to live here, and why we are all still currently living here.

However, it's this comment that I think is important: "I made an effort a while ago with some friends on holiday here and they couldn't thank me enough for helping them have a fantastic holiday."

We have all played "unofficial tour guide" here. I know I have, many times.

I do not wish to get into the "helping them" versus "working here" argument.

The question is, madmitch, had you not "helped" your friends, whilst on their holiday here, would they have had the same "fantastic holiday" without you taking care of them here?

Basically, did you, in effect, shield them from the BS that every other tourist that does not have the benefit of having a friend "help them" here, have to experience?

My point is that by "helping" my friends enjoy their holiday, it made me get out and about much more than usual, to visit places I wouldn't normally go to, to revisit out of the way beaches and restaurants, and to appreciate again what Phuket has to offer both the tourist and the expat.

For your interest, NKM, my friends were staying in a very upmarket resort and wouldn't have experienced the usual BS, and they certainly didn't gripe at the price when they took a tuktuk or taxi anywhere and really didn't bother how much they spent. I did ask if they wanted a night in Patong but they politely declined!

May I ask, had your visiting friends been to Phuket before?

If not, why didn't they want to see Patong? What had they heard about Patong, and from whom, or from which media?

If they had been to Phuket before, why did they need you to "help them" on they return holday?

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