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Powerful bomb explode near Rajprasong intersection wounding 20 people

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We still don't know who is to blame (although my gut feeling points south, because the reds have nothing to gain from such barbaric attack) and while it is not a game, such an attack certainly changes the rules.

I certainly expect a huge effort by authorities to find those responsible, and no doubt their "movement", whatever it might be, will suffer greatly at the hands of Thai police, which will not be completely uncalled for.

I don't see the reds doing that, all the Thai Buddhists I know, revere that shrine and I pretty sure they respect it.

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so who did this ? well it depends on who has the balls to claim responsibility, if it was insurgents from the south - they will claim it as a successful mission otherwise pointless -

I'll leave it at that

I would stake my nuts it has something to do with repatriation of Uighurs to China , That had the civilized world in uproar and the Muslim world enrage , with their brothers being extradited to death and Torture at the hands of the Chinese. To me it would not make sense that is any Junta opposition , though they may try and spin it that way to stay in power. Would be counter productive for the opposition unless they are ready to go to war
Interesting enough, the culprits usually claim responsibility in these types of attacks. However, from recent memory, no one had claimed, and I wouldn't hold my breath on this one either.

Using the China spin, who knows, but if they were the targets you'd think buses that are easily marked would 've been hit. So, there you have it, add this to the myriad of theories. I for one don't buy this one and I would not have the faintest clue since I'm quite well removed from their domestic politics.


Too early to speculate but according to a Thai expert on BBC tonight , since the bomb was placed at the shrine it was not primarily targeting tourists , but local Thais. So it could very well be a political motive.

I bet it was. The location for the bomb has been chosen to deliver a message of terror to Thais and to foreigners.

wow such unsight a bomb goes off and the prople who did it are sending a message !

no shit sherlock, have you infomed the goverment / police of these truely genius level conclusions ?


Well it's up to the army and police to work out who dunnit. But it would be a great help if the perpetrators of this heinous crime identifies themselves.


What could make a person commit such an act, perhaps it could be a person whose family members

or friends are in leg irons. Placed there by an (unelected Military Judicial system with no appeals available

and not open to the public.

Left to spend 28 years and 30 years in a prison cell for freedom of conscience. No one pays attention, everyone looks the other way.

How about if it was one of your family or friends?

I know many Thai's are not too happy about that and chose to not participate in the "Bike Farce" while innocents are rotting away

in a prison cell for so-called "Violations of Thainess"

"How about if it was one of your family or friends?"

I can't see myself wanting to blow up a whole bunch of innocent people because of that.

But you would?

Never said it was Justified, Stated that motivation to commit more terrorism is coming as more people turn their heads and ignore the human rights abuses the military is constantly inflicting on the population with their endless "propaganda machine" Keep suppressing peoples right to vote, right to Free speech or to associate in gatherings of no more than 5 people, Keep charging people in military courts with no appeals to the verdict, Keep it up Thailand and I am sure there will be more of this to come. Respect to the innocent victims who died and the ones who have died the last few years in prison for text messages, You tube videos and Facebook posts.

sounds like you're justifying it to me.

I've spent many peaceful hours at Erawan shrine. It is an oasis of spiritual worship in the midst of the all the commercialism. I am devastated.

As a means of expressing my solidarity and, for those who have never been, as a glimpse of more peaceful times there I offer these images.





Powerful bomb explode near Rajprasong intersection wounding 20 people

There are over 20 dead now, not wounded.

Perhaps best to switch to the new thread with more up-to-date news.


For those who do not wish to read "gossip" and "opinions", I suggest you just google the news for related, factual stories.

There are very few qualified reporters, investigators connected with this forum.

ThaiVisa is pretty good for finding out where the nightlife is hopping, and where the food is good. Also, latest immigration policies, and such. However...you will see nothing more than "opinions" on this bombing. Plenty news about this on the major news sites.

In other words...this thread would be bare, if it were not for opinions, gossip and squabbling.


I think the location is significant. There would be plenty of places in Thailand tourists could be targeted in greater numbers with fewer surveillance cameras around (eg night spots like in the Bali bombings).

The Erawan shrine is significant to Thais more so than to tourists. The area also saw political violence a few years ago. I don't think its religious fundamentalists. I think its political. Sh!t just got real.

Yes, the location is significant - and the location is cultural and religious, the victims were praying at the shrine.

This implies that the perpetrators are of different religion and different culture.

My gut feeling is getting really strong about who did it to up the ante and bring their violence right into the heart of the Buddhist/Hindu Thai nation and culture.


Sickening. A cowardly, brutal act. I have been in blast area dozens of times over the years. My heart goes out to those affected by this heinous act.

There are numerous surveillance cameras in this area and I think it not impossible to track down the vermin that are behind this act. Let them get the full measure of justice...Thai Style.


I think the location is significant. There would be plenty of places in Thailand tourists could be targeted in greater numbers with fewer surveillance cameras around (eg night spots like in the Bali bombings).

The Erawan shrine is significant to Thais more so than to tourists. The area also saw political violence a few years ago. I don't think its religious fundamentalists. I think its political. Sh!t just got real.

Yes, the location is significant - and the location is cultural and religious, the victims were praying at the shrine.

This implies that the perpetrators are of different religion and different culture.

My gut feeling is getting really strong about who did it to up the ante and bring their violence right into the heart of the Buddhist/Hindu Thai nation and culture.

I was right!


A very shocking event, and I just cannot see any reason for targeting the Erawan Shrine. Yesterdays bike ride would have been an easy target for any would be attackers to have impact, yet they waited until today, and chose a target mainly used by normal everyday folks of all walks of life.

I hope no stone is left unturned searching out the villains who did this along with anyone involved in its inception.

Maybe there was no reason other than it was a reasonably crowded, central location where it was possible to plant a bomb without being seen. You really don't want to get caught planting a bomb, so you need to be very careful and plan it very well.


I think the location is significant. There would be plenty of places in Thailand tourists could be targeted in greater numbers with fewer surveillance cameras around (eg night spots like in the Bali bombings).

The Erawan shrine is significant to Thais more so than to tourists. The area also saw political violence a few years ago. I don't think its religious fundamentalists. I think its political. Sh!t just got real.

Yes, the location is significant - and the location is cultural and religious, the victims were praying at the shrine.

This implies that the perpetrators are of different religion and different culture.

My gut feeling is getting really strong about who did it to up the ante and bring their violence right into the heart of the Buddhist/Hindu Thai nation and culture.

I was right!

Have you informed the goverment ? - think of the News head lines - TV super sluths solve BKK bombing mystery :rolleyes:


OMG its a place of worship. One wonders how other religions would react if this was to happen at their place of worship. RIP to those poor souls who lost their lives to this savagery. Find the perpertrators then publically skin them alive and throw them in a piggery.


For those who do not wish to read "gossip" and "opinions", I suggest you just google the news for related, factual stories.

There are very few qualified reporters, investigators connected with this forum.

ThaiVisa is pretty good for finding out where the nightlife is hopping, and where the food is good. Also, latest immigration policies, and such. However...you will see nothing more than "opinions" on this bombing. Plenty news about this on the major news sites.

In other words...this thread would be bare, if it were not for opinions, gossip and squabbling.

You are correct. And it is really discouraging to see 23 pages of this tripe, following this event.

For those of us who love the Kingdom, and call Bangkok home, this is a hard day.

I was at a meeting at the shrine on Friday, at a meeting a few hundred meters up the road yesterday, and was going to go to Central World (across the street) but decided to get my stuff at Pantip Plaza instead.

Over time, I have ridden the Thia Visa roller coaster .. from ignoring it, to posting (too much) on it .. to now .. sort of sitting back and coming to realize .. wow . many foreigners here are a pretty screwed up group and have within their ranks, a few odd people who think every form of human misery, from car crashes, fires, floods, death, maiming ... and explosions in crowded areas .. are .. "amusing"

To those who complain that the Foreigners who live in Bangkok "do not talk to other Foreigners" .. you are sadly mistaken. We talk to other Foreigners all the time, we just elect to avoid people like you. As is our right, yes?

So, yes .. I am not a bit surprised that in 23 pages, there is not on posting that added information of value, so I agree, time to get back to the news networks and see what has happened.

It is 07:10 .. and I need to get to a meeting .. right down the street from the bombing...because for people who actually live in the Kingdom, and Bangkok .. life goes on.

FYI - This is actually a reply to SlippryLobster to say "Yes, spot on ... Thanks"

To the Thai Visa crowd always looking for an argument, please, not today children .. the adults have serious work to do.


I'm surprised that something like this hasn't happened on the BTS by now. I have never had my bags or luggage checked when entering a BTS station. I also haven't seen anyone else checked. Personally, I think that the lack of security is terrible and have always expected it to happen on a BTS service. I know this is aside from this terrible event. I just hope that this highlights the fact that if people can bomb the centre of Bangkok then surely they can cause maximum carnage on the BTS system if people aren't checked on a regular basis.

I know this is a little beside this subject but I just wanted to highlight that fact.

RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.

Have you been expecting the BTS to be bombed? If so why do you continue to use it? Very strange comment.

Does any city public transport system check everyone's bags? The MRT system here try to, but it's cursory to say the least. Big bags are examined at BTS stations but anything else would be impractical.

Scary times. I was a London Underground commuter in 7/7 and now I commute by BTS to CentralWorld. Depressing and sad.


Could anyone who has been there confirm if this is Erawin Shrine?

attachicon.gifErawin Shrine.png


Yes it is the Erawan Shrine next-door to Amarin Mall and Grand Hyatt. But damaged vehicles also in road at the junction. But it was only one explosion like a loud thunder clap but windows rattled more than with thunder. Lots of conflicting news reports but from what I saw on my way home from the office there were serious injuries in immediate area but no other damage outside of the Erawan / Chidlom junction

What's in that photo is not the Erawan shrine - it's another religious statue a couple hundred metres away, the other side of Amarin Plaza.

That appears to be the case - Amarin statue/shrine - Google Maps Street View


I sure hope the people responsible are caught and are

made to pay for this latest crime. RIP to all of the people

killed. I am hopeful that if there is enough cameras and

witnesses around that someone will be found and charged.


It didn't take long for the crazies to make an appearance.

I clicked the link but there is no option to exit full screen and attempt to tell the idiot who edited the video he's a compete hoax......

You're right though.....these guys have no shame using horrible incidents to promote themselves.....as if nobody knows any better

"dave j" is the "crazy" that posted that video:


dave j

You can comment on this idiot's video here:

Wonder what his TV user name is ?

He probably doesn't have one. He never stated he's in Thailand and his channel is full of videos saying every tragedy is a fake. Tianjin, this in BKK, Aurora shooting, etc. Odds are he's just a loon sitting in his bedroom somewhere attempting to rile people up.


He probably doesn't have one. He never stated he's in Thailand and his channel is full of videos saying every tragedy is a fake. Tianjin, this in BKK, Aurora shooting, etc. Odds are he's just a loon sitting in his bedroom somewhere attempting to rile people up.

Wonder what his TV user name is ?

Who the hell is this guy?


NanLaew, I believe you meant to say it is on first-time visitors' wish list or must-see list. The misuse of 'bucket list' here is very unfortunate, not just ironic. You can use a search engine to find the correct use of that term or watch the movie, The Bucket List. RIP to the victims.

Now BBC is reporting that most of the injured/dead are Chinese and Taiwanese tourists..

Strange as it is/was a Hindu shrine.

It is a major inner city tourist attraction that is on pretty much every Bangkok first-time visitors bucket list. And despite being a shrine for a Hindu deity, it is well respected and visited daily by thousands of Thai Buddhists.


He probably doesn't have one. He never stated he's in Thailand and his channel is full of videos saying every tragedy is a fake. Tianjin, this in BKK, Aurora shooting, etc. Odds are he's just a loon sitting in his bedroom somewhere attempting to rile people up.

Wonder what his TV user name is ?

Who the hell is this guy?

He needs to be sectioned, or whatever it is they do with mentally ill people in his country.

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