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Powerful bomb explode near Rajprasong intersection wounding 20 people

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Not good news, Prayuth needs to get to grips with this event quickly, I wish him luck, we have had a good time with no violence recently.

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Wow, really? In Thailand the ambulance doesn't have free pass? Cars don't have to pull over? That's insane.

Drivers either don't have space to go anywhere when stuck in traffic, or simply don't care. A few kilometers can easily take an hour.

That sucks :/ Thanks for the reply, though.

So I guess people are praying that nothing happens to them at home.......

Of course I can understand if there is no space but if I had a car and pulled over and there was another car next to me that would just

not move I would honk at him all day. If he flipped me with a finger I could even go there and smash his face in, that's how I'm pissed at

people that don't use their brains for the purpose it has been created. Makes me sick.

I guess it's good to buy a house near some hospital then and not count on ambulances.


I was at the Siam BTS when the explosion occurred. Shook the platform a bit. Reading some of the childish comments posted here clearly shows an IQ test is not required to have an opinion or to post one. Prayers to those affected and I hope they can figure out who did this soon and bring them to swift and harsh judgement.


Thaksin and his red shirts at their most evil and targeting tourists, this time.


This is not a game. And certainly not a guessing game.


We still don't know who is to blame (although my gut feeling points south, because the reds have nothing to gain from such barbaric attack) and while it is not a game, such an attack certainly changes the rules.

I certainly expect a huge effort by authorities to find those responsible, and no doubt their "movement", whatever it might be, will suffer greatly at the hands of Thai police, which will not be completely uncalled for.


RT@MimiSawitta: Thai National Police Chief now saying bomb was placed inside the Erawan shrine in central Bangkok. Not delivered on a bike #BangkokBlast


I guess it's good to buy a house near some hospital then and not count on ambulances.

I live in central BKK and have lived here for many years.

Virtually every day, I see ambulances with lights and sirens blaring stuck in BKK traffic and no one around them even trying to move their vehicles to clear a path. I mean, NO ONE!

Same thing on streets and highways that aren't gridlocked. The Thai drivers just keep tooling down the road and don't seem to pay any attention to whether there's an ambulance coming up behind them.


I somehow doubt that this was a red- or yellow-shirt outrage - it seems both too serious and too random.

Similarly the southern insurgency has never bombed Bangkok (or anywhere much north of Songkhla and Hat Yai), and they tend to target Thai government officials, civil servants, teachers etc., not random crowds.

I have thought for some time that Bangkok might provide a target for some ISIS or Al-Qaeda "lone wolf" attack - it's a Buddhist-Hindu shrine in a city of sin and unbelievers, at least viewed from a Salafi Jihadi perspective. And these people do go for indiscriminate and generally multiple bombings.

Time will tell, but I don't think we should be too quick to attribute blame to anti-coup activists or southern insurgents.

I don't think its too serious or random to be a political thing. We've seen what happened when the two divides clash, lives are no importance for politicians.

I think Pro-PTP will say the bombing happened so the Army can continue to control the country.

Anti-PTP will say the bombing happened to scare away the tourist and make the country suffer, hence making the Army look bad as tourism is the only thing keeping the country afloat. The shrine is pretty much a top destination for tourists from Chinese speaking countries or Buddhist devotees. China happens to be the top tourist population right now, driving them away will mean a big chunk of tourist money gone, crippling the tourist sector.

I do agree with your point regarding to muslim terrorist, surprise Bangkok has been relative peaceful in that terms. Perhaps its because the US intel has been relative good at preventing such an attack.

It is scary event, I walk there on a monthly basis and go there with visiting family members. RIP to those who were effected, only cowards commit acts like this.

I was just thinking about how good it was to see so many people wearing the blue t-shirts on bike for mum day.. No divisions of red and yellow all joined together wearing blue. This was a well timed and well planned explosion aimed at injecting a big dose of reality into anyone who might have forgotten what side they were on and why the military is still needed to run the country. I think many will agree will this as I think it is an obvious conclusion thumbsup.gif


Having studied the footage a bit, it looks like the bomb was under the seat inside the shrine and my guess is these scooter were either parked near there or being driven close by at the time of the explosion:

The news reports and the police are saying it was a bomb attached to a telephone or utility type pole on the sidewalk just outside the Erawan Shrine.

UPDATE: I see the BKK Post website has now removed the reference to the pole location, and instead is now saying the bomb was INSIDE the Erawan Shrine area, without saying exactly where.

The Post is also now saying that the two suspicious other devices found in the area turned out NOT to be other bombs.


Apparently 27 dead and up to 80 injured. How proud these people must be for destroying the lives and livelihoods of so many innocent people.

URGENT: Bomb advisory Bangkok
Fabulous 103 FM

"All indications are that this is NOT a politically driven attack. The carefully chosen location suggests insurgents with motives other than politics."

That doesn't make any sense. How could politics not be involved in the motivation?

It's sure political motivated,many chinese died,so they will stop coming and then Thailand will run into more problems

IMO the Chinese are the hardiest (and least paranoid) tourists of all and this won't have a great impact.


Please can people not post graphic photos on here. If sick individuals want to look at them use a link.

just report the post to the mods and they'll deal with it - I did sad.png

i havent looked at the link, i have no desire to, but may i ask why you feel that it is up to you to determine what others see?

They weren't posted as a link but very graphic photos. I too have no desire to look at body parts. This is meant to be a forum for all people.


RT@BBCNewsAsia: Former Thai leader @PouYingluck condemns deadly #Bangkok blast - Latest updates here: http://t.co/eabfNZmu4t http://t.co/xjudSHvpkR

Yingluck's trying to score political points and boost her image. A pathetic and cynical ploy to take advantage of this tragedy.

And you drew that conclusion because she condemned the attack?

well she never condemned the reds for blowing up children last time or all the deaths so what else can we really think. She has been hiding claiming she wants nothing to do with politics and now is trying to get all over the news, makes it look just a tad out of place

That's not true. Ms Yingluck deplored the violence and asked ALL sides to refrain from violence, even the side doing nothing.


Having studied the footage a bit, it looks like the bomb was under the seat inside the shrine and my guess is these scooter were either parked near there or being driven close by at the time of the explosion:

The news reports and the police are saying it was a bomb attached to a telephone or utility type pole on the sidewalk just outside the Erawan Shrine.

Quite easy to see where it was:


The officer is standing close to the entrance to the gated shrine: https://goo.gl/maps/ERi8d

If you look at the street view, that pile of dust was under the bench: https://goo.gl/maps/VnkYe


BBC say police have confirmed second bomb which has been defused. If that is the case the signature will be all over it.

What the BBC reports these days is normaly irrelevant, Stick to the Thai news.

BBC had been like this for the last couple of decades. They are following 'His master's voice' policy.


one can only question the mentality of someone that would do this kind of thing and actually think it would help their cause. Anyone that uses the deaths of innocent people to further themselves should be strung up and eviscerated. This seems to be a bit too much for the normal terrorists in Thailand but saying that we can never discount the way some minds work. Hopefully they are caught quickly and that there are no more innocents murdered in whatever name their cause is.


The crazy speculation. The low grade hack Veronica Pedrosa on Al Jazeera , who is very anti military government , suggested possibility of Military planting bomb itself!

Not only Al Jazeera, more so called 'reputed' agencies stoop lower to satisfy their masters.

I believe her comments must be given some consideration due to the current political climate in Thailand. At the very least it should not be automatically bagged because it is the unthinkable.


post="9745660" timestamp="1439819526"]

I feel like the internal war is getting started. Thailand looks peaceful on the outside, but there is a current beneath the ocean. I would not go to Thailand at this time.

Are you trying to spread rumors and hearsay? bah.gif

You have no authority, knowlegde, information, nothing to make a statement like that and you know it!

What authority do you have to dictate what opinion an individual can or cannot express?

The poster has the right to state his feelings or opinions.

You are like the others on here who demand to see proof or links backing up someone's remarks. Nobody that posts need to justify their opinions to strangers who have delusions of being in charge of this online community.


I think the location is significant. There would be plenty of places in Thailand tourists could be targeted in greater numbers with fewer surveillance cameras around (eg night spots like in the Bali bombings).

The Erawan shrine is significant to Thais more so than to tourists. The area also saw political violence a few years ago. I don't think its religious fundamentalists. I think its political. Sh!t just got real.

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