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Powerful bomb explode near Rajprasong intersection wounding 20 people

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This looks like a very professional job, only islamic terrorist organizations are this good at making bombs. I'm thinking its ISIS, or Al queda.


I just looked at this in the Swedish press no updates for about 1 hour and not a single quote from any Thai news outlet, they quote BBC, CNN and AFP and not a single quote from Bangkok Post, The Nation and so on from the English speaking Thai news agencies.

Bangkokpost won't know much more than the big agencies The Nation will wait to write what the junta tells it to write...

TNN has footage but it's very graphic, not something you would show in the foreign press.

The government, presumably

I am confused, when a TV poster speculated, you claim they don't know what is happening and shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Presumably the government know better than everyone except the bomber what's happening.

Therefore they are best placed to brief the press, before they jump to conclusions, prior to any formal investigations.

Until then they will just be speculating.

In fact even after the investigation there will probably be speculation. So why not allow people on this site the same as the press.

Could anyone who has been there confirm if this is Erawin Shrine?

attachicon.gifErawin Shrine.png


Yes it is the Erawan Shrine next-door to Amarin Mall and Grand Hyatt. But damaged vehicles also in road at the junction. But it was only one explosion like a loud thunder clap but windows rattled more than with thunder. Lots of conflicting news reports but from what I saw on my way home from the office there were serious injuries in immediate area but no other damage outside of the Erawan / Chidlom junction

What's in that photo is not the Erawan shrine - it's another religious statue a couple hundred metres away, the other side of Amarin Plaza.


Anyone who has ever actually entered the shrine knows that worshippers buy candles and incense, and walk around the main shrine three times before placing the candles/incense. Clearly, there is no circular path around the shrine in the pic.

The pic is a spirit house on the far side of Amarin Plaza, as Soi Biker says.

Sorry but this is incorrect. I was there tonight and the Spirit House at Amarin Mall is intact whereas the Erawan 'four headed' Shrine at the corner of the junction diagonally opposite Central World, opposite Gaysorn and next to the Grand Hyatt was the site of the blast. The railings from Erawan Shrine are now in the middle of the road together with two motorcycles. A car coming from Ratchaprasong around the Erawan Shrine onto Rama 1 was also damaged. Skywalk is open as far as Gaysorn but closed past the Shrine and contrary to some press reports BTS is running normally. พระพรหม or Pla Prom is the Thai name.


Please can people not post graphic photos on here. If sick individuals want to look at them use a link.

just report the post to the mods and they'll deal with it - I did sad.png

i havent looked at the link, i have no desire to, but may i ask why you feel that it is up to you to determine what others see?

They weren't posted as a link but very graphic photos. I too have no desire to look at body parts. This is meant to be a forum for all people.

I was very surprised to see VERY graphic body parts etc. photos (on Facebook!!!!) less that one hour after explosion...


From the BBC : The Bangkok Post quoted police as saying that 3kg of TNT had been stuffed in a pipe inside the shrine and that an electronic circuit suspected to have been used in the attack was found 30 metres from the scene.


BBC say police have confirmed second bomb which has been defused. If that is the case the signature will be all over it.

What the BBC reports these days is normaly irrelevant, Stick to the Thai news.

I was actually since it was sourced from the Bangkok Post. smile.png Stick to Thai news ? Like most people fluent in the language (since I was 4) I prefer to get most of my news elsewhere. BBC weren't irrelevant when they were reporting it before the Thai media.

Could anyone who has been there confirm if this is Erawin Shrine?

attachicon.gifErawin Shrine.png


Yes it is the Erawan Shrine next-door to Amarin Mall and Grand Hyatt. But damaged vehicles also in road at the junction. But it was only one explosion like a loud thunder clap but windows rattled more than with thunder. Lots of conflicting news reports but from what I saw on my way home from the office there were serious injuries in immediate area but no other damage outside of the Erawan / Chidlom junction

What's in that photo is not the Erawan shrine - it's another religious statue a couple hundred metres away, the other side of Amarin Plaza.


Anyone who has ever actually entered the shrine knows that worshippers buy candles and incense, and walk around the main shrine three times before placing the candles/incense. Clearly, there is no circular path around the shrine in the pic.

The pic is a spirit house on the far side of Amarin Plaza, as Soi Biker says.

Sorry but this is incorrect. I was there tonight and the Spirit House at Amarin Mall is intact whereas the Erawan 'four headed' Shrine at the corner of the junction diagonally opposite Central World, opposite Gaysorn and next to the Grand Hyatt was the site of the blast. The railings from Erawan Shrine are now in the middle of the road together with two motorcycles. A car coming from Ratchaprasong around the Erawan Shrine onto Rama 1 was also damaged. Skywalk is open as far as Gaysorn but closed past the Shrine and contrary to some press reports BTS is running normally. พระพรหม or Pla Prom is the Thai name.

You appear to have misunderstood. Nobody is disputing that the blast happened at Erawan shrine. A poster posted an image asking if it was of the shrine, and it was pointed out that it was not.


The BBC is saying there are reports 3kg of TNT had been stuffed in a pipe inside the shrine and that an electronic circuit suspected to have been used in the attack was found 30 meters away from the blast.


I hope the Thailand Police finds the culprits as soon as possible. People should not panic because of terrorism attacks like these. I as a turk am used to it, we should not give in to terrorism. I have no plans of cancelling my trip which is due next week.


What chance there will be a "manhunt", several "crackdowns", and a couple of token muslims hauled up from the south to face the courts?

Whoever did it, i hope you rot in hell.

I won't speculate who was behind this, but I doubt that it was Muslim insurgents.... And the government doesn't think it was either.... See last line... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/ISOC-says-there-are-three-possible-motives-of-bomb-30266806.html

I know what I think though....


Police ruling out southern insurgents already? Hmm....

The problem with the investigation is that if the truth is too damaging to the country, like southern Malays-Thais bringing terrorism further north, I really don't see it coming out. better to put out the fire behind closed doors.


Isn`t it weird, every time I`m going to travel, there`s some drama going on.

I came to Thailand first in 2010.

- When I was going back it was shooting both in Udon and BKK and a volcano eruption on Iceland (departure cancelled). Forced me to go to Laos instead where I waited 1 month.

- Then the big flood in 2011.

- Then the 2012 Bangkok bombings (departure delayed by 4 hours due to the airport security).

- Then it was some protesting and bombing in BKK in 2013 (lost my flight).

- Then it was the coup in 2014 and an unrelated 20 hour delay from Norwegian Air Shuttle.

- Then a cabin crew strike (Norwegian Air Shuttle) when I was coming to Thailand last time earlier this year.

- ... and now this as I`m due to travel back to Norway again, though not before next week.

Could also mention my wife and I was suppose to have been on a bus that crashed in Surat Thani and killed many, but the bus was already full (which was wife has said was unusual that early) so we took the next one (we learned the next day about the crash).

There`s a lot going on in Thailand, that`s for sure.


I am sat in Saudi watching the news. My Wife is beside me watching Thai TV. Still lots of rumour etc.

I believe it is the shrine at the crossroads near Central World. If I am wrong, apologies.....but whatever......please stop all the bickering, back-biting, and slamming the Thai Police , etc. It is a sad time for Thailand and Bangkok, please spare a thought for the dead and injured, and the relatives and friends they leave behind.

Bangkok, and Thailand, we may be far away, but our thoughts are with you. wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif


Its odd how some people eagerly follow developments in a news thread a about a massive bombing and then recoil in horror if they see a body part. Even mainstream channels are letting stuff through. Sensitive viewers are not advised to ever read a forum such as this one or watch Asian news channels


I'm surprised that something like this hasn't happened on the BTS by now. I have never had my bags or luggage checked when entering a BTS station. I also haven't seen anyone else checked. Personally, I think that the lack of security is terrible and have always expected it to happen on a BTS service. I know this is aside from this terrible event. I just hope that this highlights the fact that if people can bomb the centre of Bangkok then surely they can cause maximum carnage on the BTS system if people aren't checked on a regular basis.

I know this is a little beside this subject but I just wanted to highlight that fact.

RIP the deceased and condolences to their families.


Isn`t it weird, every time I`m going to travel, there`s some drama going on.

I came to Thailand first in 2010.

- When I was going back it was shooting both in Udon and BKK and a volcano eruption on Iceland (departure cancelled). Forced me to go to Laos instead where I waited 1 month.

- Then the big flood in 2011.

- Then the 2012 Bangkok bombings (departure delayed by 4 hours due to the airport security).

- Then it was some protesting and bombing in BKK in 2013 (lost my flight).

- Then it was the coup in 2014 and an unrelated 20 hour delay from Norwegian Air Shuttle.

- Then a cabin crew strike (Norwegian Air Shuttle) when I was coming to Thailand last time earlier this year.

- ... and now this as I`m due to travel back to Norway again, though not before next week.

Could also mention my wife and I was suppose to have been on a bus that crashed in Surat Thani and killed many, but the bus was already full (which was wife has said was unusual that early) so we took the next one (we learned the next day about the crash).

There`s a lot going on in Thailand, that`s for sure.

Get of this forum, you bring bad luck. biggrin.png


Holy shiiii, just checked the location of the explosion. The explosion happened at the place I used to cross everyday. Its very near mixx nightclub, I used to walk from my hotel to there. Damn, I crossed that intersection literally everyday like 2-3 months ago.


Wow, really? In Thailand the ambulance doesn't have free pass? Cars don't have to pull over? That's insane.

Drivers either don't have space to go anywhere when stuck in traffic, or simply don't care. A few kilometers can easily take an hour.

That sucks :/ Thanks for the reply, though.

So I guess people are praying that nothing happens to them at home.......

Of course I can understand if there is no space but if I had a car and pulled over and there was another car next to me that would just

not move I would honk at him all day. If he flipped me with a finger I could even go there and smash his face in, that's how I'm pissed at

people that don't use their brains for the purpose it has been created. Makes me sick.

I guess it's good to buy a house near some hospital then and not count on ambulances.

......Appreciate the education that you have had the good fortune to receive. Thais have brains but sadly they are not taught to use them.

Could anyone who has been there confirm if this is Erawin Shrine?

attachicon.gifErawin Shrine.png


Yes it is the Erawan Shrine next-door to Amarin Mall and Grand Hyatt. But damaged vehicles also in road at the junction. But it was only one explosion like a loud thunder clap but windows rattled more than with thunder. Lots of conflicting news reports but from what I saw on my way home from the office there were serious injuries in immediate area but no other damage outside of the Erawan / Chidlom junction

What's in that photo is not the Erawan shrine - it's another religious statue a couple hundred metres away, the other side of Amarin Plaza.


Anyone who has ever actually entered the shrine knows that worshippers buy candles and incense, and walk around the main shrine three times before placing the candles/incense. Clearly, there is no circular path around the shrine in the pic.

The pic is a spirit house on the far side of Amarin Plaza, as Soi Biker says.

Sorry but this is incorrect. I was there tonight and the Spirit House at Amarin Mall is intact whereas the Erawan 'four headed' Shrine at the corner of the junction diagonally opposite Central World, opposite Gaysorn and next to the Grand Hyatt was the site of the blast. The railings from Erawan Shrine are now in the middle of the road together with two motorcycles. A car coming from Ratchaprasong around the Erawan Shrine onto Rama 1 was also damaged. Skywalk is open as far as Gaysorn but closed past the Shrine and contrary to some press reports BTS is running normally. พระพรหม or Pla Prom is the Thai name.

Try to keep up.

The question was whether the pic, the link to which is included in your post above, was that of the Erawan shrine. It is not. It is of the spirit house next to the Amarin Plaza.

Reading is fundamental.


Police ruling out southern insurgents already? Hmm....

The problem with the investigation is that if the truth is too damaging to the country, like southern Malays-Thais bringing terrorism further north, I really don't see it coming out. better to put out the fire behind closed doors.

I would just ask some questions...

What was it that has been responsible for - at least as far as I can remember - every act of terrorism in Bangkok, and I've been here for six years... Islamic insurgents have not targeted Bangkok, though I'm not sure why not, but I know that terrorism in Bangkok in the last several years has come from one source....


It's terrorism for sure but in the service of what cause ... how can we know?

Islamist state

I seriously doubt that and also doubt it's about South Thailand either.


You have to wonder though, what exactly can they (the authorities) do? The streets of Bangkok are total chaos and it must be very easy for an unidentifiable person to leave a bag somewhere in amongst all the street carts etc and then simply melt away into the crowds. Tbh Id say its almost the same in places like London and find it quite surprising there havent been Isis bomb attacks or 7/7 repeats...


Isn`t it weird, every time I`m going to travel, there`s some drama going on.

I came to Thailand first in 2010.

- When I was going back it was shooting both in Udon and BKK and a volcano eruption on Iceland (departure cancelled). Forced me to go to Laos instead where I waited 1 month.

- Then the big flood in 2011.

- Then the 2012 Bangkok bombings (departure delayed by 4 hours due to the airport security).

- Then it was some protesting and bombing in BKK in 2013 (lost my flight).

- Then it was the coup in 2014 and an unrelated 20 hour delay from Norwegian Air Shuttle.

- Then a cabin crew strike (Norwegian Air Shuttle) when I was coming to Thailand last time earlier this year.

- ... and now this as I`m due to travel back to Norway again, though not before next week.

Could also mention my wife and I was suppose to have been on a bus that crashed in Surat Thani and killed many, but the bus was already full (which was wife has said was unusual that early) so we took the next one (we learned the next day about the crash).

There`s a lot going on in Thailand, that`s for sure.

Maybe you should consider to stop traveling!

Police ruling out southern insurgents already? Hmm....

The problem with the investigation is that if the truth is too damaging to the country, like southern Malays-Thais bringing terrorism further north, I really don't see it coming out. better to put out the fire behind closed doors.

I would just ask some questions...

What was it that has been responsible for - at least as far as I can remember - every act of terrorism in Bangkok, and I've been here for six years... Islamic insurgents have not targeted Bangkok, though I'm not sure why not, but I know that terrorism in Bangkok in the last several years has come from one source....

Why not ask the questions on another thread at another time ?

This isnt the time or thread to speculate

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