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Well, the Motorway's rollout of the new M-Pass has been less than graceful. It's really caused long delays at the toll gates for everyone, including pass holders. There are frequently non-M-Pass holders in the M-Pass lane, and guys in uniforms backing them (and everyone behind them) up to get out of the lane.

When you do go through, the display screen shows the charge, but not your balance on the pass.

So I'm left to estimate how much I have left.... which brings me to my question:

How does one top up the M-Pass? I do my EZ Pass online via Bangkok Bank, or at 7-11. It's EZ.

How about the M-Pass? There is no facility on my bank account yet. Can it be done at 7-11?

Thanks in advance for any advice...




Similar teething issues to the Easy Pass...

It amazed me how many drivers look no further than the nose of their car and when the realisation finally draws on them that they are in the wrong lane (i.e M-Pass or Easy Pass) its creates havoc.

Greater observational skills of many who drive would bring with it greater improvements of many aspects on the roads here in Thailand.


This appears to be a waste of time, i see them directing non M-Pass holders to that lane at busy times.

It'll never work here like it does in Malaysia coz of the driving manners - or lack thereof....


This appears to be a waste of time, i see them directing non M-Pass holders to that lane at busy times.

It'll never work here like it does in Malaysia coz of the driving manners - or lack thereof....

Of course it will... It already does with the Easy Pass.... its just a shame there is not yet a reciprocal agreement between companies so that the M-Pass and Easy Pass can be used on both Motorway and Tollways.

However, IF the M-Pass lane works as a 'Dual-Lane' (i.e. M-Pass or Cash Payment) it sort of defeats the object, other than making things slightly quicker.

The Easy Pass works 95% of the time... Sometimes with tail backs the Easy Pass lane is blocked by traffic negotiating oneupmanship against the next car, but as you get closer to the Toll Booth the lane opens up and valuable time is saved.


This appears to be a waste of time, i see them directing non M-Pass holders to that lane at busy times.

It'll never work here like it does in Malaysia coz of the driving manners - or lack thereof....

Of course it will... It already does with the Easy Pass.... its just a shame there is not yet a reciprocal agreement between companies so that the M-Pass and Easy Pass can be used on both Motorway and Tollways.

However, IF the M-Pass lane works as a 'Dual-Lane' (i.e. M-Pass or Cash Payment) it sort of defeats the object, other than making things slightly quicker.

The Easy Pass works 95% of the time... Sometimes with tail backs the Easy Pass lane is blocked by traffic negotiating oneupmanship against the next car, but as you get closer to the Toll Booth the lane opens up and valuable time is saved.

Most lanes to the M-Pass gate 'open up' only within ( at a guess ) say 10 car lengths so by the time you get access you're not saving much time plus from what i've seen so far there's almost always Somchai up front backing up....


This appears to be a waste of time, i see them directing non M-Pass holders to that lane at busy times.

It'll never work here like it does in Malaysia coz of the driving manners - or lack thereof....

Of course it will... It already does with the Easy Pass.... its just a shame there is not yet a reciprocal agreement between companies so that the M-Pass and Easy Pass can be used on both Motorway and Tollways.

However, IF the M-Pass lane works as a 'Dual-Lane' (i.e. M-Pass or Cash Payment) it sort of defeats the object, other than making things slightly quicker.

The Easy Pass works 95% of the time... Sometimes with tail backs the Easy Pass lane is blocked by traffic negotiating oneupmanship against the next car, but as you get closer to the Toll Booth the lane opens up and valuable time is saved.

Most lanes to the M-Pass gate 'open up' only within ( at a guess ) say 10 car lengths so by the time you get access you're not saving much time plus from what i've seen so far there's almost always Somchai up front backing up....

Easy Pass which is pretty much the same thing:

Yes, about 10 car lengths is a fair estimate... thus the pass probably saves 2 mins... Its still better than no pass.

At some gates / booths cones are places further back to prevent the Easy-Pass lane blockage by non pass holders.

Somchai backing up - Yes, it happens and its very annoying... Some people must think 'everyone else is an idiot, look at that whole free lane' until it dawns on them that its an easy-pass lane !.... a few years back particularly soon after introduction of the Easy-Pass, but its happening much less now.

Note: While I write about the Easy-Pass (*which is used on the Toll Way) this thread is about the M-Pass (*which is used on the Motorway) - Systems are similar, but not exactly the same and not interchangeable.


This appears to be a waste of time, i see them directing non M-Pass holders to that lane at busy times.

It'll never work here like it does in Malaysia coz of the driving manners - or lack thereof....

Of course it will... It already does with the Easy Pass.... its just a shame there is not yet a reciprocal agreement between companies so that the M-Pass and Easy Pass can be used on both Motorway and Tollways.

However, IF the M-Pass lane works as a 'Dual-Lane' (i.e. M-Pass or Cash Payment) it sort of defeats the object, other than making things slightly quicker.

The Easy Pass works 95% of the time... Sometimes with tail backs the Easy Pass lane is blocked by traffic negotiating oneupmanship against the next car, but as you get closer to the Toll Booth the lane opens up and valuable time is saved.

Most lanes to the M-Pass gate 'open up' only within ( at a guess ) say 10 car lengths so by the time you get access you're not saving much time plus from what i've seen so far there's almost always Somchai up front backing up....

Easy Pass which is pretty much the same thing:

Yes, about 10 car lengths is a fair estimate... thus the pass probably saves 2 mins... Its still better than no pass.

At some gates / booths cones are places further back to prevent the Easy-Pass lane blockage by non pass holders.

Somchai backing up - Yes, it happens and its very annoying... Some people must think 'everyone else is an idiot, look at that whole free lane' until it dawns on them that its an easy-pass lane !.... a few years back particularly soon after introduction of the Easy-Pass, but its happening much less now.

Note: While I write about the Easy-Pass (*which is used on the Toll Way) this thread is about the M-Pass (*which is used on the Motorway) - Systems are similar, but not exactly the same and not interchangeable.

Excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between tollway and motorway?



Excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between tollway and motorway?

I believe it's just different terminology used by the different operating companies:-

Expressway (operated by Exat) uses EasyPass

Motorway (not sure of the operator, Route 9 [Eastern Ring Road] is one) uses M-Pass

Tollway (again not sure of the operator, Don Mueang Tollway is an example) uses the Thai Smart Card (the 7-Eleven card)

I understand that both EasyPass and M-Pass are products of SmartTraffic and so should be compatible once a commercial revenue-sharing agreement is put in place (but don't hold your breath).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between tollway and motorway?

I believe it's just different terminology used by the different operating companies:-

Expressway (operated by Exat) uses EasyPass

Motorway (not sure of the operator, Route 9 [Eastern Ring Road] is one) uses M-Pass

Tollway (again not sure of the operator, Don Mueang Tollway is an example) uses the Thai Smart Card (the 7-Eleven card)

I understand that both EasyPass and M-Pass are products of SmartTraffic and so should be compatible once a commercial revenue-sharing agreement is put in place (but don't hold your breath).

ok, think i'll just continue to pay, much less complicated by the sounds of it.


Just picked up my two Mpasses from Krung Thai HQ after earlier having visited several branches in vain ('always out of stock'). It was explained that the only way they can be topped up is through a KTB ATM but then you must have a KTB account as well. If not you have to go to go to a KTB counter. Yes, really efficient (not) and in typical Thai fashion well thought out (also not).

The toll plazas on the eastern ringroad are a disaster simply because there is not enough space for toll gates, unlike in Malaysia where the toll plazas generally are very well designed and the Touch and Go and smart tag system work flawlessly as well. The Mpass sytem actually increases the jams because two fewer lanes are now used efficiently. And even if they are it really offers little advantage since all lanes are blocked anyway until the final 50mtr before the barrier. And that only if some idiot does not choose the wrong lane or if the barrier actually opens, as often they do not on the Easy Pass gates. Well, I guess as always that the difference between a good system as in Malaysia and a mediocre one as used here ended up in somebody's pocket. TIT.


Anybody know if you need to do anything to a brand new M-Pass other than putting money in it, before you can use it, or is it ready to go right out of the box?


Anybody know if you need to do anything to a brand new M-Pass other than putting money in it, before you can use it, or is it ready to go right out of the box?

Nope... I put 1000 baht on it when I got it, then stuck it behind the rear view mirror and it worked when I got to the motorway a couple hours later.

One thing I don't understand, is that when I got it, it came with a KrungThai bank ATM card / pin code and a current account number.

I thought I could transfer cash into that account to top up, however when I tried that from two (non KTB) accounts it fails... "Inactive Account" is the message.

So I don't get the purpose of the ATM card.

Anyway, I topped up at the KTB counter today (I use the motorway daily). I asked how I can check or know my balance. They told me they will send a monthly statement to my address, and the real time balance (when you go through the toll gate) isn't working yet.


One more thing... there is a Account Login on the website http://thaim-pass.com/

No idea how to get an id/pw or what it does.....

It is some kind of shopping card (has a VISA Logo & 3 digit security code on the back) and they said you can use it at POS terminals.

I think I will open a Krung Thai account just to make it easier to top up, and I will find out more about the card.

Looks kind of like the K Bank shopping card (Real VISA number , but no name embossed) so maybe it can be used online as well.


First time I went to use it a few days ago, there was a few cars backing up out from the M Pass lane and the normal (get a card) lane was empty so I just grabbed a card.

Big mistake as there was a 10 minute line at then next booth where I had to pay. Will try it on my next trip to BKK this weekend.


Excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between tollway and motorway?

I believe it's just different terminology used by the different operating companies:-

Expressway (operated by Exat) uses EasyPass

Motorway (not sure of the operator, Route 9 [Eastern Ring Road] is one) uses M-Pass

Tollway (again not sure of the operator, Don Mueang Tollway is an example) uses the Thai Smart Card (the 7-Eleven card)

I understand that both EasyPass and M-Pass are products of SmartTraffic and so should be compatible once a commercial revenue-sharing agreement is put in place (but don't hold your breath).

ok, think i'll just continue to pay, much less complicated by the sounds of it.

The Expressway is the one I commonly use in and around Bangkok - The Easy Pass saves a lot of queueing time.

it depends on your usage - I don't use the Motorway or Tollway very often - thus only find convenience in the Easy Pass.

That said the revenue sharing agreement is common sense, it would be good to see this on all 'Toll-Express-Motorways'... (and the BTS / MRT)


The M-Pass card has two accounts attached to it: the M-Pass account and an E-Money account. When I purchased the card I paid 1000, which gave me 1000 credit on the M-Pass account. On my card I have 800 left on M-Pass and zero on the E-Money account. The electronic system at the tollgate does not show your balance; I assume this is an early teething problem. The only way to check your balance is to call 1586 and ask them. They will ask for the M-Pass number which is on the reverse of the card under the hologram. The automated system is in Thai but they will pass you to someone who speaks English. What I find most annoying is that at a Krungthai ATM you cannot check the balance of the M-Pass account but you can check the balance of the E-Money account. Despite these issues I have already found the pass a good investment as it always saves me time at the toll booths which I use maybe 5 times a week.


Not all branches of KTB have the cards but the branches which don't sell the cards can direct you to the branches which do.


I have both the easy pass and m pass and there is not way in hell anyone could pry them from my fingers.. saves loads of time at the booths.



Its just amazing how stupid they. They already have EasyPass in place. EasyPass was implemented by the Norwegian company Q-Free.

Why on earth couldn't they come to an agreement so they could have shared the technology and the platform, and made it practical for the users. I'm sure that would have saved them a lot of money as well..


Its just amazing how stupid they. They already have EasyPass in place. EasyPass was implemented by the Norwegian company Q-Free.

Why on earth couldn't they come to an agreement so they could have shared the technology and the platform, and made it practical for the users. I'm sure that would have saved them a lot of money as well..

15 years ago (or so) I was driving around the Expressways of Bangkok using a 'Tag' (I can't remember the exact name).

This was very similar to the EasyPass which was introduced about 6 years ago (or so).

I have no idea why this 'tag' was phased out - it worked perfectly.


Its just amazing how stupid they. They already have EasyPass in place. EasyPass was implemented by the Norwegian company Q-Free.

Why on earth couldn't they come to an agreement so they could have shared the technology and the platform, and made it practical for the users. I'm sure that would have saved them a lot of money as well..

15 years ago (or so) I was driving around the Expressways of Bangkok using a 'Tag' (I can't remember the exact name).

This was very similar to the EasyPass which was introduced about 6 years ago (or so).

I have no idea why this 'tag' was phased out - it worked perfectly.

Yes, I remember those signs. I guess that system was a ahead of time, and didnt gain popularity...?


Its just amazing how stupid they. They already have EasyPass in place. EasyPass was implemented by the Norwegian company Q-Free.

Why on earth couldn't they come to an agreement so they could have shared the technology and the platform, and made it practical for the users. I'm sure that would have saved them a lot of money as well..

Yeah I thought it was very strange as well because they had EasyPass signs up until last month then suddenly they changed to M-Pass.


  • 2 weeks later...

I have used M Pass now a couple of times, but believe me it is just better to go the counter where you pay cash.

Many, many people, just go to the M Pass line, without having a M Pass device. Than all cars behind that guy have to drive back, because that car has to go to the other lane, which causes traffic jams. M Pass is a waste of money and your time, it just does not work properly. Thai people do not understand apparently, or do not want to, that the M Pass lane is for those users only, and that will never change if they make it not more clearer.


I have used M Pass now a couple of times, but believe me it is just better to go the counter where you pay cash.

Many, many people, just go to the M Pass line, without having a M Pass device. Than all cars behind that guy have to drive back, because that car has to go to the other lane, which causes traffic jams. M Pass is a waste of money and your time, it just does not work properly. Thai people do not understand apparently, or do not want to, that the M Pass lane is for those users only, and that will never change if they make it not more clearer.

You sound surprised???

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