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PM Prayut vows to quickly find bombers in Bangkok blast that killed at least 20


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There is no way you can know there is any religious aspect to this terror event.

It was a soft target, crowded, packed with locals AND tourists, and also that specific area is directly and historically recently associated with the Red Shirt "Burning of Bangkok" thing.

So nobody knows here except the people behind this at this point.

Don't act like you do.

Because you don't!

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"The incident was the worst ever [in Thailand] because it targeted innocent lives," he said.

Just hot-air ... Did he already forget about the Tsunami in 2004 ... ?

Did the tsunami target innocent lifes like a terrorist ? How stupid do you want to look like on a forum ?

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If the Thai authorities work closely with various int'l investigative agencies like Interpol, the US NSA, FBI, European, Aussie, etc. security agencies, they'll have a better chance of nailing him. Once they can learn his identity, then it's just a matter of tracing his phone calls, emails, IM's, FB posts, etc. which as we all have learned, these various agencies have been doing this sort of thing for years now and are pretty good at it. Hopefully this bag of maggot sh_t is still in Thailand. But if not, all int'l pressure that can be brought to bear to extradite him back to LOS and face the horrid consequences that await him and that he certainly deserves.

It would be refreshing to see these agencies' snooping prowess put to good use as opposed to snooping into innocent peoples' private communications for God knows what reasons.

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-- The Nation Attack worst tragic incident in Thai history: Prayut

Far worse than the barbaric invasion of Ayutthaya or the 100,000 approx. Asians who lost their lives during the construction of the Thai-Burma railway. I don't mean to dumb down what's happened here with this tragic news but if this was what Prayut really said then it's quite out of touch.

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that makes you smile .... ever thing to him is a quick fix ....... whats his name .....jim will fix it lol ..............on a more serious note i'd be rather worried if i was a migrant Burmese worker here ..... what's the General going to do just grab anyone of the street and say it was them .....its time this guy got his marching orders .......and hate to say it ,, but i can see our old friend back at the helm soon ....at least you knows how to run things better than this turkey.......mind you thats just my opion ......feel for all the victims famlies and friends ......wai.gifwai.gifwai.gif

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"The incident was the worst ever [in Thailand] because it targeted innocent lives," he said.

Just hot-air ... Did he already forget about the Tsunami in 2004 ... ?

So your suggesting the 2004 Tsunami was a terrorist attack? wow the conspiracy nuts are are getting more and more unhinged by the minute on TV, and are in need of padded rooms and large doses of medication

Jim are you the deranged individual who posted that video on U tube ?

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Depending on your definition of "innocent lives" .... which may differ from the PM's, I can think of several worse "incidents" in Thailand within living memory .....

Thammasat University Massacre 6 October 1976 ?

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"The incident was the worst ever [in Thailand] because it targeted innocent lives," he said.

Just hot-air ... Did he already forget about the Tsunami in 2004 ... ?

... and that 'incident' at that university ...

... and that other 'thingy' in tak bai ...

... and the mass graves in the south ...

oh wait, those people werent innocent whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Depending on your definition of "innocent lives" .... which may differ from the PM's, I can think of several worse "incidents" in Thailand within living memory .....

Exactly. The statement by Ocha shows either lack of knowledge of his own country or outright deception...take your pick as to which is the better scenario.

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Find this BAD GUY then wait for the next one to strike. Taking a country by force was never going to have a happy out come.

The P.M. is drunk on power and this I fear will get a lot worse before it gets better.

Well for the last 18 months things have been pretty peaceful under this "take the country by force" - maybe cracks are now appearing. But weren't they always there even for elected Governments? Thais are not known for their self discipline when it comes to using force to get their own way rather than relying on peaceful demonstrations.

Once again criminals (anyone who indiscriminately kills) have come out of the woodwork to foment troubles yet again. Who knows why? Who know who? Hopefully time will tell and in the meantime conspiracy theories will grow unbounded.

But to keep this terrible incident in perspective, there are more killed on the roads and in the southern provinces each year and always talk the talk but not much walk the walk. sad.png

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Come, come PM Prayut - O I do not wish to rub salt into the wounds Sir but to describe this latest bombing as the worst in Thailand's history is dramatizing a little, I am sure if you cast you mind back Sir you will remember up to 300 students lost their lives fighting for something they believed in , need I go any further .coffee1.gif

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Worst tragic incidence in Thailands' history. Let me see now:

  • The 1976 Thammasat University Massacre.......By the official count, forty-six people died in the attack, during which protesters were shot, beaten and their bodies mutilated source Wikipedia
  • the Krue Se mosque, opening fire on militants armed only with knives and a single gun. 32 murdered source Wikipedia
  • The Tak Bai "incident" where The detainees were then stacked atop one another in trucks and transported to Inkayut Army Camp in Pattani Province. The drive took five hours, and by the time the trucks arrived at the destination, 78 detainees had died from suffocation or organ collapse source Wikipedia
  • and that guys "war on drugs" saw 2,873 Thais dead in a matter of three months, from February to April, 2003. The victims included whole families, women, children and old people. In many cases, bodies were left out in an almost ritualistic public display, to be photographed by an all too eager local press source Bangkok Post.

If you do the math, with 2,873 dead in the war on drugs that is 32 people EVERY DAY for 3 months.

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Worst tragic incidence in Thailands' history. Let me see now:

  • The 1976 Thammasat University Massacre.......By the official count, forty-six people died in the attack, during which protesters were shot, beaten and their bodies mutilated source Wikipedia
  • the Krue Se mosque, opening fire on militants armed only with knives and a single gun. 32 murdered source Wikipedia
  • The Tak Bai "incident" where The detainees were then stacked atop one another in trucks and transported to Inkayut Army Camp in Pattani Province. The drive took five hours, and by the time the trucks arrived at the destination, 78 detainees had died from suffocation or organ collapse source Wikipedia
  • and that guys "war on drugs" saw 2,873 Thais dead in a matter of three months, from February to April, 2003. The victims included whole families, women, children and old people. In many cases, bodies were left out in an almost ritualistic public display, to be photographed by an all too eager local press source Bangkok Post.

If you do the math, with 2,873 dead in the war on drugs that is 32 people EVERY DAY for 3 months.

Selective amnesia goes along with selective deafness among too many "authorities" in Thailand. coffee1.gif

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It happened on his watch.. well one of the main reasons for him being in power are because of the loonies who threaten to destabilise everything

Before the coup, pro Thaksin supporters threatened to kidnap and kill Prayuth's twin daughters. So I would imagine there's no love loss there

As regards to the deep south issues, Thaksin arranged for human rights activists and lawyers to 'disappear' so personally think his cronies are capable of stooping this low to take out who they see as elitists (visiting this shrine).

Thats the only 'motive' I can think of, so I'm starting to think it was a thai national rather than a foreigner

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