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Koh Tao murder trial reconvenes in Koh Samui


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Still waiting to hear from the bulk of the 65 witnesses the prosecution said it had. Going to be a crowded court no doubt habloodyha. So it would appear their statement re 65 witnesses was intended to scare of the defence at the beginning of this fiasco which didn't work. Roll on the 1st September.

Your probably right there, it could also be to do with the fact that their so called prime witnesses have been such a dismal failure that they daren't put up the surplus ones for fear of even worse incompetence as if it could get any worse.

Yep roll on the defense's turn, that will be the crucial stage for this trial

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Yes he can speak Thai of course.....

Wrong Balo. He can't speak Thai well at all. That was proven yesterday when he didn't understand questions addressed to him in Thai, and when he couldn't make himself clear in Thai, when trying to respond. You can fool some Thais some of the time, but you can't fool any of them into thinking you speak Thai - when you don't.

Thai officials picking the roti seller to serve as interpreter is a microcosm of the whole screwed up mess orchestrated by Thai officialdom. Actually, to Balo's defense, the roti-seller probably speaks Thai better than....

....Thai forensic experts can determine a murder weapon, or

....Thai detectives can secure a crime scene, or

....Thai detectives can find clues and follow them, or

....Thai top brass can concoct a believable crime scenario for scapegoats.

Ok , but maybe you can enlighten me ?

What is his native language ? He was asked to be a translator and didnt understand a word? Does he speak and write in Burmese but not in the same dialect as the suspects ?

Did the local police had any alternatives at the island , to find someone that spoke both Thai and Burmese? Maybe the pancake seller was their only hope to try to communicate with the suspects? What do you think ?

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The trial of two men accused of murdering University of Essex student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand is expected to be shown their video confessions today.

22 year-olds Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo had initially confessed to killing 23 year-old Hannah and fellow Brit, 24 year-old David Miller from Jersey, but later retracted the statements amid claims they had been tortured into making them.

Yesterday, a man who shared a cell with the pair claimed he saw injuries on the body of Zaw Lin following his interrogation. The man, known as Kringkrai, said Lin ad a wound and bruising clearly visible on his chest and he complained he was in pain.

Sarah McBride has been in court for Heart and gave this update.

Hannah Witheridge Murder Suspect Confessions To Be Shown

Read more at http://www.heart.co.uk/essex/news/local/hannah-witheridge-murder-confessions-to-be-shown/#RsLSftijSBBlp6iy.99

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Despite all the Keystone Kops type comments on here, whatever the outcome of this trial, the Judge's will have to submit a report detailing the basis of their decision. In the West, a criminal trial is mostly held before a jury and the jury is not required to explain the basis of their decision. So if the 2 accused are indeed found guilty of these crimes, there will be, as required by Thai Criminal Procedure, a detailed report as to how the Judge's came to that conclusion which would also serve as the prime basis for any appeal.

Thai Criminal Procedure Code Section 182: After the trial is over,a judgement or order shall be given in accordance with the merits of the case. A judgement or order shall be read in open Court either on the day the trial is over or within three days from such date

Worth also mentioning that there is no verbatim transcript of the trial proceedings. Further, as in this case, independent observers can be prevented from recording what is said in court. Thus, what appears in the judge's official report may or may not reflect the evidence produced in court. It is up to the judge, and (by law) no one can criticize any conclusion he comes to, or question what the judge claims was the evidence produced in court.

Certainly the decision will not be based on the snippets of biased opinion provided by the defense that have been the basis of the reporting on the proceedings; I think some people are setting themselves up for disappointment by embracing this bias.

I take it that you believe a verbatim transcript of the proceedings, rather than being neutral, would be unfairly prejudicial to the prosecution. I would call that ridiculous, but (presumably) the lack of such a transcript indicates that your view is commonly held in Thai judicial circles. It is my own fault that I cannot see the logic in such a position.

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looks like Andy might have had a fall out with the the mother of one of the accused I wonder why ?


This was only reported by one source and was most likely taken out of context. Are you insinuating that Andy Hall somehow thinks the B2 are guilty and as such isn't speaking to one of the mother's of the accused? Because that would be pretty ridiculous. It would serve a certain viewpoint quite well.

No Tony, we're not buying the half hearted attempts to skew the case, not a single one. And this case won't just fade away because media isn't reporting. Concerned citizens will not be deterred.

You complain the media isn't reporting then when there is a link to the media reporting you say its only one source and taken out of context facepalm.gif
Tony, you clearly don't get it. Not that it matter when you don't care to understand, only to mislead.

Andy is still working hard for Justice and hasn't shunned anyone. Your belief that he would publicly disregard the mothers based on his own personal opinion speaks for itself. Are you an Island DJ named Tony by Chance smile.png

No I am not a DJ I have no connection to anyone in this case, I do know what the prosecution has up its sleeve though, as I said not long now and all will be revealed.

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(Copier) Broken? Not allowed? B/S. It's dirty, underhand, and immoral. Desperate and blatant measures to foil any attempt of a fair and just trial. Bar-stewards. Hope the world's media kick up a real storm over this disclosure failure.

Why should they give evidence to the prosecution ? Andy Hall says he has received evidence from the UK and has refused to let anyone know what it is ?

The only difference is Andy Hall is meant to be a Human rights defender open to transparency and he is doing exactly the same as the prosecution.

you very obviously don't have a clue about the role of prosecution and defense

First these two are innocent until the prosecution can convince by way of evidence that that they are guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, it is the prosecutions function to produce the case to convict not the defense, remember the defense team or defendants would not be in court if the prosecution wasn't trying to convict them

The defendants/defense role is to question any case or evidence the prosecution puts before the court when making their case, how they do that is up to them, the prosecution has no right to anything the defense team are going to submit as the defense team are not trying a case

the onus is on the prosecution to make a case to convict, the defense is an entirely different matter

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This was only reported by one source and was most likely taken out of context. Are you insinuating that Andy Hall somehow thinks the B2 are guilty and as such isn't speaking to one of the mother's of the accused? Because that would be pretty ridiculous. It would serve a certain viewpoint quite well.

No Tony, we're not buying the half hearted attempts to skew the case, not a single one. And this case won't just fade away because media isn't reporting. Concerned citizens will not be deterred.

You complain the media isn't reporting then when there is a link to the media reporting you say its only one source and taken out of context facepalm.gif
Tony, you clearly don't get it. Not that it matter when you don't care to understand, only to mislead.

Andy is still working hard for Justice and hasn't shunned anyone. Your belief that he would publicly disregard the mothers based on his own personal opinion speaks for itself. Are you an Island DJ named Tony by Chance smile.png

No I am not a DJ I have no connection to anyone in this case, I do know what the prosecution has up its sleeve though, as I said not long now and all will be revealed.

The prosecutions been looking up its sleeves for some evidence since the beginning of the investigation and trial, not found any yet that proves their guilt but apparently you know what the prosecution has up its sleeve and is yet to reveal. LOL another zero credibility troll

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Ok , but maybe you can enlighten me ?

What is his native language ? He was asked to be a translator and didnt understand a word? Does he speak and write in Burmese but not in the same dialect as the suspects ?

Did the local police had any alternatives at the island , to find someone that spoke both Thai and Burmese? Maybe the pancake seller was their only hope to try to communicate with the suspects? What do you think ?

Did the local police had any alternatives at the island , to find someone that spoke both Thai and Burmese?

There are many Burmese on Koh Tao with excellent Thai skills and who speak the same Burmese Rakhine dialect. The problem is that they cannot be relied upon to torture scapegoats into a confession. Only the Rohingya (long persecuted by the Burmese majority) can be relied upon to have the hatred to do so.

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Did Mon not say in his interview after being released from interrogation that it was him in the running man video? I have the video saved. Anyway, if that's true and on video he should be a star witness for the prosecution, No? What possible reason could Mon have for being behind the police and roti guys in the photo Boomer found? Same as why was he on the beach during an active investigation? It's all a bit too cozy, isn't it? And his presence has been quite selective, no coming to court or giving interviews he's just faded back into the shadows.

And like I keep saying, NomSod nor his attorney have offered any more evidence to the public to help assert his innocence... He's also slunk back off into the shadows. He's also quite proud he got an apology from Khaosod.

And yes Khaosod, I won't be reading any more of their stories because they've got no bite. Shame that, they were doing a decent job.

He doesn't have too - he is not on trial. he was also never obligated to do the dna test he claims to have done, it was all a PR exorcise, was it actually done - I have my own thoughts on that, was Mon ever properly examined and tested ? I have my own thoughts on that too, whos dna actually got tested against the victims ? well the label on the bottle might have said one thing and contained something entirely different

Until the police arrest and accuse someone of a crime there is nothing to defend, the same goes for Mon and the bouncers in the bar, none of them are on trial so they have no case to answer

whether we believe they were properly persued and investigated by the police is a different matter

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The trial of two men accused of murdering University of Essex student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand is expected to be shown their video confessions today.

22 year-olds Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo had initially confessed to killing 23 year-old Hannah and fellow Brit, 24 year-old David Miller from Jersey, but later retracted the statements amid claims they had been tortured into making them.

Yesterday, a man who shared a cell with the pair claimed he saw injuries on the body of Zaw Lin following his interrogation. The man, known as Kringkrai, said Lin ad a wound and bruising clearly visible on his chest and he complained he was in pain.

Sarah McBride has been in court for Heart and gave this update.

Hannah Witheridge Murder Suspect Confessions To Be Shown

Read more at http://www.heart.co.uk/essex/news/local/hannah-witheridge-murder-confessions-to-be-shown/#RsLSftijSBBlp6iy.99

Excellent! Oh I hope this is the guy who walked out of court,, what, Mr. observer don't care to be called out? Too bad!

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(Copier) Broken? Not allowed? B/S. It's dirty, underhand, and immoral. Desperate and blatant measures to foil any attempt of a fair and just trial. Bar-stewards. Hope the world's media kick up a real storm over this disclosure failure.

Why should they give evidence to the prosecution ? Andy Hall says he has received evidence from the UK and has refused to let anyone know what it is ?

The only difference is Andy Hall is meant to be a Human rights defender open to transparency and he is doing exactly the same as the prosecution.

No, in western countries with decent legal practices the rules are that the prosecution MUST provide ALL evidence to the defence. It does not matter if the evidence is for or against the prosecution, all of it must be available.

Defence never have to provide anything, the defendants dont have to give evidence, defence does not have to do anything at all.

At the end of the prosecution case the defence can say they do not wish to give evidence at all and go straight to closing submissions.

The only thing is that if defence gives no evidence then the prosecution give closing submissions first. If defence calls evidence then they do closing submissions first.

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Why isn't the BP reporting anymore on this trial? I thought newspapers had a moral obligation to inform the people of their countries what is going on in order to enlighten them? Seems there is nothing in any of the tabloids or broadsheets in the UK either recently which is most worrying.

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Why isn't the BP reporting anymore on this trial? I thought newspapers had a moral obligation to inform the people of their countries what is going on in order to enlighten them? Seems there is nothing in any of the tabloids or broadsheets in the UK either recently which is most worrying.

Bangkok Post always had little in the way of crime reporting. Add to that, domestic press is self-censoring or being suppressed, it doesn't surprise me you say they have nothing on this story.

UK papers will require a source and also a bit of meat on the bones. The court and the police have made it difficult for reporters to cover this story. I am sure the national UK press will come back to this story when there is a significant forward move, e.g. a revelation or the verdict.

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The trial of two men accused of murdering University of Essex student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand is expected to be shown their video confessions today.

22 year-olds Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo had initially confessed to killing 23 year-old Hannah and fellow Brit, 24 year-old David Miller from Jersey, but later retracted the statements amid claims they had been tortured into making them.

Yesterday, a man who shared a cell with the pair claimed he saw injuries on the body of Zaw Lin following his interrogation. The man, known as Kringkrai, said Lin ad a wound and bruising clearly visible on his chest and he complained he was in pain.

Sarah McBride has been in court for Heart and gave this update.

Hannah Witheridge Murder Suspect Confessions To Be Shown

Read more at http://www.heart.co.uk/essex/news/local/hannah-witheridge-murder-confessions-to-be-shown/#RsLSftijSBBlp6iy.99

Excellent! Oh I hope this is the guy who walked out of court,, what, Mr. observer don't care to be called out? Too bad!

I have never heard of any witness being allowed into court to hear evidence before giving evidence themselves. But then again, nothing would surprise me in Thailand.

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"Hall said the defense team would present evidence from British authorities at odds with the findings presented by Thai investigators.

He did not characterize the nature of the evidence and said they were under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it. British investigators visited Thailand in October to review the case, but no information from that was made public." http://www.chiangraitimes.com/trail-of-murdered-british-tourists-resumes-in-koh-samui.html

under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it.

So the evidence isn't under the confidentiality agreement just who provided it ? If it is going to be used in court it won't be confidential anymore.

and they have all ready claimed it comes from british authorities thus breaking the confidentiality agreement ? clap2.gif

No Einstein. A court of law trumps the confidentiality. Especially if the confidentiality agreement states it can only be disclosed to the court.

Do you know what the agreement states? Thought not.

One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

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The trial of two men accused of murdering University of Essex student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand is expected to be shown their video confessions today.

22 year-olds Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo had initially confessed to killing 23 year-old Hannah and fellow Brit, 24 year-old David Miller from Jersey, but later retracted the statements amid claims they had been tortured into making them.

Yesterday, a man who shared a cell with the pair claimed he saw injuries on the body of Zaw Lin following his interrogation. The man, known as Kringkrai, said Lin ad a wound and bruising clearly visible on his chest and he complained he was in pain.

Sarah McBride has been in court for Heart and gave this update.

Hannah Witheridge Murder Suspect Confessions To Be Shown

Read more at http://www.heart.co.uk/essex/news/local/hannah-witheridge-murder-confessions-to-be-shown/#RsLSftijSBBlp6iy.99

Excellent! Oh I hope this is the guy who walked out of court,, what, Mr. observer don't care to be called out? Too bad!

I hope Sarah is not going to be threatened or warned off from reporting. This disclosure makes the confession inadmissible in Thailand?

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"Hall said the defense team would present evidence from British authorities at odds with the findings presented by Thai investigators.

He did not characterize the nature of the evidence and said they were under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it. British investigators visited Thailand in October to review the case, but no information from that was made public." http://www.chiangraitimes.com/trail-of-murdered-british-tourists-resumes-in-koh-samui.html

under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it.

So the evidence isn't under the confidentiality agreement just who provided it ? If it is going to be used in court it won't be confidential anymore.

and they have all ready claimed it comes from british authorities thus breaking the confidentiality agreement ? clap2.gif

No Einstein. A court of law trumps the confidentiality. Especially if the confidentiality agreement states it can only be disclosed to the court.

Do you know what the agreement states? Thought not.

One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

First off, I'm not a propaganda machine... Secondly, you misunderstood what I meant regarding context. It's quite clear you just want the B2 to swing to save someone else's rotten hide. You seem to not understand how an actual court works, So why join the conversation?

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"Hall said the defense team would present evidence from British authorities at odds with the findings presented by Thai investigators.

He did not characterize the nature of the evidence and said they were under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it. British investigators visited Thailand in October to review the case, but no information from that was made public." http://www.chiangraitimes.com/trail-of-murdered-british-tourists-resumes-in-koh-samui.html

under a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose who provided it.

So the evidence isn't under the confidentiality agreement just who provided it ? If it is going to be used in court it won't be confidential anymore.

and they have all ready claimed it comes from british authorities thus breaking the confidentiality agreement ? clap2.gif

In Thai courts can evidence be "heard in camera" press and public excluded???

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No Einstein. A court of law trumps the confidentiality. Especially if the confidentiality agreement states it can only be disclosed to the court.

Do you know what the agreement states? Thought not.

One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

Tony or who ever you are. You could be a Jane or a Joe but anyway I fail to see why you wish to assassinate Andy Hall's character.

As far as I can see he has only done good for the MWRN.. For the Rights of Migrant workers in many cases. He has helped to raise funds so as Hannah and David's family can get a better and just result in the effort to find the killers of their children. He has sought support for some fair justice along with Chris Harkins and his petition. The defence lawyers and their support staff. Heidi Anna and her help as well as the ladies who have taken the B2 Mothers under their wing.

If the B2 are guilty so be it and a fair trial will prove without doubt if they are guilty.

Trying generate some animosity towards a selfless man only goes to lower your place in the human race doesn't?

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I'm assuming then that this screenshot they pinned on the confession document is taken from the video they showed?

I fail to see how anyone can sign a confession when they cant read what they are signing.

I also wonder how many posters on here could with stand a round of torture before you would confess to anything? Something that's worth considering when we dismiss their retractions and say Oh Well They Confessed so they must have done it.

Confessions from Torture should always be removed from a trial proceedings and reliance should only be on evidence. Hard Evidence inc DNA if it has a chain of custody that is traceable and verified.

Unfortunately this case is lacking isn't it, in all those area's. With such a high profile case, you would have expected better. I guess the Prosecutors rue the day they took this on as so far the system has failed miserably and a face saving effort is taking place. No Tv coverage or Very Little News creeping out.

What they don't know doesn't hurt them in Thailand?

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Two men accused of British backpacker murders claim they thought that student Hannah Witheridge was being raped on a Thai beach and they went to help

  • Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were killed on Kah Tao in September
  • Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo are accused of raping her then murdering them both
  • They told a court they heard her crying and found Mr Miller on top of her
  • The pair claim that they then beat him off of her with a garden hoe to help

Two men suspected of killing two British tourists in Thailand have now claimed that they were intervening because they thought the student Hannah Witheridge was being raped.

The Burmese men accused of killing David Miller and Hannah Witheridge have now claimed they were going to the aid of the female student after hearing her crying on the beach in Kah Tao.

They told a court in Koh Samui that they heard her repeatedly saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' and found David Miller laying on top of her.


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No Einstein. A court of law trumps the confidentiality. Especially if the confidentiality agreement states it can only be disclosed to the court.

Do you know what the agreement states? Thought not.

One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

Tony or who ever you are. You could be a Jane or a Joe but anyway I fail to see why you wish to assassinate Andy Hall's character.

As far as I can see he has only done good for the MWRN.. For the Rights of Migrant workers in many cases. He has helped to raise funds so as Hannah and David's family can get a better and just result in the effort to find the killers of their children. He has sought support for some fair justice along with Chris Harkins and his petition. The defence lawyers and their support staff. Heidi Anna and her help as well as the ladies who have taken the B2 Mothers under their wing.

If the B2 are guilty so be it and a fair trial will prove without doubt if they are guilty.

Trying generate some animosity towards a selfless man only goes to lower your place in the human race doesn't?

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Reading in the Daily mail today it seems the two Burmese have suddenly changed their story and are now saying that they thought the woman was being raped and beat off the man to help.

​It sort of now makes a mockery of all those claiming to be a stitch up

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No Einstein. A court of law trumps the confidentiality. Especially if the confidentiality agreement states it can only be disclosed to the court.

Do you know what the agreement states? Thought not.

One of the Andy Hall propaganda machine have already said that Andy's words were taken out of context in the above news article keep up Einstein

Tony or who ever you are. You could be a Jane or a Joe but anyway I fail to see why you wish to assassinate Andy Hall's character.

As far as I can see he has only done good for the MWRN.. For the Rights of Migrant workers in many cases. He has helped to raise funds so as Hannah and David's family can get a better and just result in the effort to find the killers of their children. He has sought support for some fair justice along with Chris Harkins and his petition. The defence lawyers and their support staff. Heidi Anna and her help as well as the ladies who have taken the B2 Mothers under their wing.

If the B2 are guilty so be it and a fair trial will prove without doubt if they are guilty.

Trying generate some animosity towards a selfless man only goes to lower your place in the human race doesn't?

Comments Welcome Below:

Reading in the Daily mail today it seems the two Burmese have suddenly changed their story and are now saying that they thought the woman was being raped and beat off the man to help.

​It sort of now makes a mockery of all those claiming to be a stitch up

Link here


I think we are going to find that this is what the video confession had them claiming. If, instead, they gave this testimony themselves in court during the prosecution phase of the trial, I will be surprised. I agree, in that case, it would put a whole new complexion on things.

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