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Clinton lawyer says her email server was wiped clean


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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

Actually Kamahele is nearly correct.

His first error are there were not 5 million of them, there were 22 million of them.

His second error was to say they were "never to be seen again". They were all located.

Other than that, he was spot on.

Bush's server also didn't require a facility clearance from Defense Security Service, something Hillary overlooked when she signed up with Platte River.


Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered
Posted: 03/18/2010 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 2:55 pm EDT
WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
The two private groups – Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the National Security Archive – said Monday they were settling the lawsuits they filed against the Executive Office of the President in 2007.
It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives' process for releasing presidential and agency records. Presidential records of the Bush administration won't be available until 2014 at the earliest.
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Lots of Kool-aid drinking going on amongst the TV Dems.... Most recent Quinnipiac University poll, Clinton behind in the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania when head to head with Bush and Rubio and squeaks by Trump. Yes, 14 months to go and lots more of the emailgate drama to play out. And as is the case 99.99% percent of the time the cover-up is more dubious than the original crimes. When she falls the headline will be: Shrillery toasted by her own arrogance and treachery.

7. If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Hillary Clinton the Democrat and Donald Trump the Republican, for whom would you vote?


Clinton 41% 43% 45%
Trump 43 38 40
Clinton vs Bush

Clinton 38% 41% 40%
Bush 49 39 43
Clinton vs Rubio

Clinton 39% 40% 40%
Rubio 51 42 47
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The discussion here reflects the internal democratic party big question these days, and it is bound to get more intense. There was a massive consensus before that Hillary was very likely to be able to beat any republican. Now deny it or not, Hillary has really taken a serious hit. So the internal debate is whether Hillary is still the best play considering that every other democratic choice is not nearly the "somebody" that she is. Yes, even Biden, perhaps especially Biden as he has lost bids for the nomination so spectacularly numerous times in the past. Of course there's Kerry, old now and he lost before, and Gore, who is out of this game too long and doesn't seem to want it.

Then there is always the possibility of a dark horse fresh face. Like Jack Markell. Never heard of him, right? That would be a big gamble too compared to even a damaged Hillary. So I get the reasons for the internal debate. This isn't going to be easy.

Edited by Jingthing
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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

True or False, it's just an attempt to deflect away from the wrongdoing of HRC.

See my post above. She is getting in deeper and deeper.

My bet is that she will drop out of the race or not be the Dems nominee due to her corruption and baggage.

( a ) It's true.

( b ) No, it simply illustrates the barefaced hypocrisy of the right.


Edited by Chicog
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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

True or False, it's just an attempt to deflect away from the wrongdoing of HRC.

See my post above. She is getting in deeper and deeper.

My bet is that she will drop out of the race or not be the Dems nominee due to her corruption and baggage.

(a) It's true.

(cool.png No, it simply illustrates the barefaced hypocrisy of the right.


Not quite the same thing...

And again, it's a desperate attempt to deflect away from HRC's wrongdoings.

No one cares about GWB's email's. He hasn't been in office for years even though the Dems and Obama continue to blame him for their inability to get things done.

BTW, HRC is done. Those that don't realize it are in denial.

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Not quite the same thing...

And again, it's a desperate attempt to deflect away from HRC's wrongdoings.

No one cares about GWB's email's. He hasn't been in office for years even though the Dems and Obama continue to blame him for their inability to get things done.

BTW, HRC is done. Those that don't realize it are in denial.

Thank you for proving my point.

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Another boost in the Trump vote.. Maybe a disaster but will be interesting. His only priority is global warming.

The President can only screw things up so much. Look how well the Republicans stopped Obama on doing good things.

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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

Actually Kamahele is nearly correct.

His first error are there were not 5 million of them, there were 22 million of them.

His second error was to say they were "never to be seen again". They were all located.

Other than that, he was spot on.

Bush's server also didn't require a facility clearance from Defense Security Service, something Hillary overlooked when she signed up with Platte River.


Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered
Posted: 03/18/2010 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 2:55 pm EDT
WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
The two private groups – Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the National Security Archive – said Monday they were settling the lawsuits they filed against the Executive Office of the President in 2007.
It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives' process for releasing presidential and agency records. Presidential records of the Bush administration won't be available until 2014 at the earliest.

I read the link you provided. Did you notice that the Bush Administration did not "wipe" or "scrub" any hard drives? They knew there was a problem with the systems archiving, and even called in Microsoft 2 years earlier to find out why records were being lost. If you read your link, you will see that no effort was made to hide anything by the Bush Admin. emails. Your Hillary has admitted deleting her emails, which judges have shown to be illegal. The Clintons just find it easier to follow up lies with more lies.

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The discussion here reflects the internal democratic party big question these days, and it is bound to get more intense. There was a massive consensus before that Hillary was very likely to be able to beat any republican. Now deny it or not, Hillary has really taken a serious hit. So the internal debate is whether Hillary is still the best play considering that every other democratic choice is not nearly the "somebody" that she is. Yes, even Biden, perhaps especially Biden as he has lost bids for the nomination so spectacularly numerous times in the past. Of course there's Kerry, old now and he lost before, and Gore, who is out of this game too long and doesn't seem to want it.

Then there is always the possibility of a dark horse fresh face. Like Jack Markell. Never heard of him, right? That would be a big gamble too compared to even a damaged Hillary. So I get the reasons for the internal debate. This isn't going to be easy.

Au contraire mon frere, it's easy because there is no debate occurring or no debate necessary. A trio of mildly left Dem expats convening in a noodle shop to wish John Kasich were in the Democratic party do not a debate make. John Kasich would rather fight than switch even while he attends the wedding.

HRC is the candidate going forward indefinitely. She may not be as puppy dog cute or as pleadingly sincere as John Kasich likes painfully to be but Hillary Clinton is the one who gets the womens' vote. Nor is any red-blooded rightwing Republican roughrider going to vote for a guy who does the rounds at gay nuptuals. .

The only people debating anything are the Biden camp and those single-payer lefties in the D party who from the outset never liked the big dog from Arkansas or his Tammy. The D party slagers of HRC had reluctantly accepted the presidency of counterfeit Bill only because he proved to be a winner, as indeed was reinforced by his strong reelection vote in 1996. HRC even proved her own vote getting acumen by decisively winning election to the US Senate from New York state over a moderate sitting R member of the US House; in 2008 she booked 18 million primary votes.

As SecState HRC didn't bomb any Muslims while managing to keep Bibi at arms length. Now with Bernie running as a D and Bibi already the new Republican party US Senator from Israel there's something else for the Clinton doubters to wring their hands over.

And if anybody's Jack Merkell doesn't immediately get a full time job at SNL he won't have a prayer of making it to the White House but he could qualify for the Senate. biggrin.png

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What a load of tripe. Democrats don't like Kasich. He's a right winger. But he comes off as not insane and thus has appeal to the all important swing voters.

Dude I think you are in deep denial about the level of trouble Hillary is in now. Wash post has been all Hillary all of the time now they have woken up to the harsh reality of her severe weaknesses.

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I feel dirty just being an observer to the degrading life of the Clintons. They take American discourse to the Jerry Springer level. They are figureheads of the modern repugnant public servant.

It's like a miasma hanging over every aspect of the Clinton Machine from Whitewater til today. Bubba on his trips to orgy island with underage chicks to the Clinton Foundation which is nothing but a racketeering scam attempting to resemble a charity.

A Pox on them both and their ugly daughter...

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We see the extent of the past 50 years divided along lines that are political-cultural, socioeconomic, religious, and still very North-South black and white. This is the last stand of the conservative and the reactionary right, the racialists, and of the politically religious in terms that are domestic and also bilateral.

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The Clinton Foundation is the other "thorn" that Hillary has yet to address. But we still have 14 more investigatory months for the drip, drip, drip of that scandal to rear it's ugly head. Right now the classified emails the focus but the mining has only just begun.


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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

Actually Kamahele is nearly correct.

His first error are there were not 5 million of them, there were 22 million of them.

His second error was to say they were "never to be seen again". They were all located.

Other than that, he was spot on.

Bush's server also didn't require a facility clearance from Defense Security Service, something Hillary overlooked when she signed up with Platte River.


Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered
Posted: 03/18/2010 5:12 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 2:55 pm EDT
WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
The two private groups – Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the National Security Archive – said Monday they were settling the lawsuits they filed against the Executive Office of the President in 2007.
It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives' process for releasing presidential and agency records. Presidential records of the Bush administration won't be available until 2014 at the earliest.

I read the link you provided. Did you notice that the Bush Administration did not "wipe" or "scrub" any hard drives? They knew there was a problem with the systems archiving, and even called in Microsoft 2 years earlier to find out why records were being lost. If you read your link, you will see that no effort was made to hide anything by the Bush Admin. emails. Your Hillary has admitted deleting her emails, which judges have shown to be illegal. The Clintons just find it easier to follow up lies with more lies.


Just one more minor correction. The comment about "Your Hillary" isn't quite on the mark.

I am one of the more anti-Hillary people around. I agree with everything you said.

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Another Lib Dem drops the hammer...

If Clinton “intentionally misled or lied to the American people” and knowingly broke federal rules by transmitting classified information through her private email server, “then I think she has disqualified herself,” said Yarmuth, the only Democrat in the Bluegrass State’s delegation.


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We see the extent of the past 50 years divided along lines that are political-cultural, socioeconomic, religious, and still very North-South black and white. This is the last stand of the conservative and the reactionary right, the racialists, and of the politically religious in terms that are domestic and also bilateral.

Wow! You posted that with a straight face?

Give us some more with that 'bilateral' thing cuz you ain't making a bit of sense...

Edited by Boon Mee
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The Clinton Foundation is the other "thorn" that Hillary has yet to address. But we still have 14 more investigatory months for the drip, drip, drip of that scandal to rear it's ugly head. Right now the classified emails the focus but the mining has only just begun.


The Clinton Foundation is not under investigation or review by anyone or any agency as there is no reason for one. This is a mass psychosis of everything is wrong with Hillary Clinton and nothing is right everywhere and in every thing, which is a runaway speculation by her political enemies and opponents on the far out extreme right.......

We see the extent of the past 50 years divided along lines that are political-cultural, socioeconomic, religious, and still very North-South black and white. This is the last stand of the conservative and the reactionary right, the racialists, and of the politically religious in terms that are domestic and also bilateral.

Wow! You posted that with a straight face?

Give us some more with that 'bilateral' thing cuz you ain't making a bit of sense...

......and speaking of the far out extreme runaway right blink.png

If Trump next summer can pull the nomination to Ted Cruz coming out of the Republican party national nominating convention it would have the strong odor of political death that marked the 1964 Goldwater landslide loss to LBJ who won 45 states against the right wing conservative senator from Arizona. The last Texas senator to win the presidency was LBJ (v.p. at the time), nor do Arizona senators do well either as John McCain reminds us.

Edited by Publicus
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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

You don't know what was on the server and I'd bet HRC doesn't remember either so this wild speculation from the political enemies and detractors on the far away right is conjecture and hysterical speculation as it is repeated and recited in statement after statement. If I were HRC or at the top of her campaign organization I'd want the server wiped clean too due simply to the reality that anything on it will be subjected to accusatory attacks that are largely unjustified on any rational or bipartisan basis.

HRC on October 22nd will go before the Republican controlled House Ben Ghazi committee on that and the emails so settle in for the coming televised completely partisan and tea party political showdown that will occur then. No one is going anywhere in the meantime. The drips are political and they are on the extreme right to include most of the Republicans on the Ben Ghazi committee in the US House.

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Having worked for a Multi International company (another way of saying tax dodging american company), all our emails were deleted from the sever after 90 days, company policy.

Why... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Depending on what business you are in, there may be laws that mandate that you keep emails for a year or more.

However, in this instance since she claims to have turned over all the work emails, there is no legal requirement for her to keep the top secret ultraclassified ones personal ones she sent to her mates.

Since she wasn't supposed to use that account for personal email, she was required to turn over all emails per the subpoena, not just the one's she cherry picked.

If you can't see that, then you are either being obtuse, intellectually lazy or a blind partisan.

She's losing support among Dems and Indy's


I saw that press conference where she was asked about wiping the server, she pretended ignorance, tried to make a joke and when pressed further turned around and walked away. Fitting that she was wearing prison orange me thinks.

I saw that press conference

She is sure you did.

She was not directing her remark or her attitude to her huge number of supporters across the country who are going to vote for her next year.

She was in fact straight out telling the right to kiss her on both cheeks.

Her supporters will go high while those she was most directly speaking to will have to get on down to it thumbsup.gif

So get in the line. Be sure to wear orange so she can know it's you. cheesy.gif

Edited by Publicus
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I saw that press conference where she was asked about wiping the server, she pretended ignorance, tried to make a joke and when pressed further turned around and walked away. Fitting that she was wearing prison orange me thinks.

I saw that press conference

She is sure you did.

She was not directing her remark or her attitude to her huge number of supporters across the country who are going to vote for her next year.

She was in fact straight out telling the right to kiss her on both cheeks.

Her supporters will go high while those she was most directly speaking to will have to get on down to it thumbsup.gif

So get in the line. Be sure to wear orange so she can know it's you. cheesy.gif

^^^ I'm not usually the smartest person in the room, but I am when the room is filled with Democrats.


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We see the extent of the past 50 years divided along lines that are political-cultural, socioeconomic, religious, and still very North-South black and white. This is the last stand of the conservative and the reactionary right, the racialists, and of the politically religious in terms that are domestic and also bilateral.

Really? Last stand? Keep gulping the kool-aid.


Theory vs reality - Conservatives continued to outnumber moderates and liberals in the U.S. population in 2014, as they have since 2009. However, their 14-percentage-point edge over liberals last year, 38% vs. 24%, is the smallest in Gallup's trends since 1992. The percentage of U.S. adults identifying themselves as politically conservative in 2014 was unchanged from 2013, as was the percentage of moderates, at 34%, while the percentage considering themselves liberal rose a percentage point for the third straight year.


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Everybody's got data.

I stay close to citing the money and the odds which as of this morning continued to be even on HRC being elected next president on November 8th 2016, same as it's been the past three months, I also note the great majority of the respected and reliable polls such as the CNN/ORC the past week that had HRC beating every Republican. The R leaning Quinnipiac poll was inconclusive for the Rs in some of the so-called swing states.

Speaking of Republicans, they are in the minority this year in voter registration figures, significantly behind Democrats, with Independent voters being slightly ahead of the Ds. R's don't have enough voters as is demonstrated by the elections of 2008 and 2012....2004 was a squeaker with Karl Rogue firing up the evangelical vote in Ohio to tip the state for GW Bush. Most reliable polls show more people than ever call themselves liberals while conservatives keep losing ground steadily and consistently.

I'm not going to chase after all this data for anyone either cause I know what I've been seeing over the past 8-9 months and so do many other people too. You can bet on it.

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I saw that press conference where she was asked about wiping the server, she pretended ignorance, tried to make a joke and when pressed further turned around and walked away. Fitting that she was wearing prison orange me thinks.

I saw that press conference

She is sure you did.

She was not directing her remark or her attitude to her huge number of supporters across the country who are going to vote for her next year.

She was in fact straight out telling the right to kiss her on both cheeks.

Her supporters will go high while those she was most directly speaking to will have to get on down to it thumbsup.gif

So get in the line. Be sure to wear orange so she can know it's you. cheesy.gif

^^^ I'm not usually the smartest person in the room, but I am when the room is filled with Democrats.


Well my friend some neutral scientist attending the Republican debate had some kind of brain cell counter contraption and said the grand tally of the guyz on the stage was one million grey ones among 'em all, which means Megyan Kelly singularly beat the whole bunch hands down. Even worse for youse guyz, it turned out Dr. Carson had 500K for himself only, which leaves the rest of 'em a day late and a dollar short of the gray matter. thumbsup.gif


Oh and don't forget to vote on election day even though youse Rs couldn't make it a close race in your state if youse used MLB all-star game fan voting ballots, which I understand the Rs are planning to do anyway in at least a dozen states giggle.gif

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Everybody's got data.

I stay close to citing the money and the odds which as of this morning continued to be even on HRC being elected next president on November 8th 2016, same as it's been the past three months, I also note the great majority of the respected and reliable polls such as the CNN/ORC the past week that had HRC beating every Republican. The R leaning Quinnipiac poll was inconclusive for the Rs in some of the so-called swing states.

Speaking of Republicans, they are in the minority this year in voter registration figures, significantly behind Democrats, with Independent voters being slightly ahead of the Ds. R's don't have enough voters as is demonstrated by the elections of 2008 and 2012....2004 was a squeaker with Karl Rogue firing up the evangelical vote in Ohio to tip the state for GW Bush. Most reliable polls show more people than ever call themselves liberals while conservatives keep losing ground steadily and consistently.

I'm not going to chase after all this data for anyone either cause I know what I've been seeing over the past 8-9 months and so do many other people too. You can bet on it.

Obviously very adept at obfuscation with data. When you take a look at the last couple of general elections the trend is clear beyond the "hope and change" phenomena of Barry Obama when the dems held both houses of congress. What is also even more clear when jerry picking the polls the ever present collapse of Hillary Clinton. Her designated replacements, a nearly 74 year old Socialist from Vermont, Bernie Sanders and a 73 year old king of one line gaffs, Joe Biden won't change the status quo of the loosing agenda of Establishment Liberals.

  1. There are currently 31 Republicans, 18 Democrats, and one independent that hold the office of governor in the states. Additionally, two Republicans, two Independents and two Democrats (one is also a member of the PPD) serve as governors of United States Territories and Mayor of the District of Columbia.

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