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Clinton lawyer says her email server was wiped clean


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Trump hit the nail on the head earlier when he said it was either intentional criminal action or gross incompetence. One or the other, but neither is acceptable for a Presidential candidate.

I suppose that rules Donald out then.


Certainly not.

You won't or you can't?

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While this is almost certainly damaging Secretary Clinton's credibility, at this point it doesn't appear as if she has broken any laws.

The election is more than 14 months away, which is plenty of time for her to spin this as part of the alleged "war on women ".


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I feel dirty just being an observer to the degrading life of the Clintons. They take American discourse to the Jerry Springer level. They are figureheads of the modern repugnant public servant.

I'd like to know what was going through her head in deciding to use the servers thusly, and the reason behind the Nixonesque wiping of the server. Anyway, doesn't make me feel any dirtier that I do already due to hanging around here.

-Its argued they did not want to present latter fodder for congressional opponents. But this is not an excuse, its only evidence of mercenary motives and by definition proves the point of the imaginary would be opponents- she is crooked and would have something to hide. This defense proves the charge.

I love it when the defense proves the charge! Saves me time.

Perhaps she had signed up to Ashley Madison and didn't want it known?

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She's not looking good, even to democrats.

It's like she's not the same person that ran eight years ago. I wish she had won then. Now if wish she would go away.

I don't know if she's guilty of a crime and I certainly don't want to see her do a Martha Stewart, but the way she's handled this situation is the opposite of impressive.

Yep, someone needs to tell her:

Time to pack your swag digger, the circus has left town and the dogs are pissing on your boots.

I think Jingthing is a better barometer than I ever could be. I have always been biased toward Hillary. When someone who is candid enough to say she has changed and he now has concerns this would seem a less biased opinion, for sure.

I sincerely beg your pardon, gentlemen, for butting into your academic dispute - being a non-American and having no knowledge of intricate details.

But as an outsider interested in US future choice of a "Good" President may I throw a wrench in the works by noting that:

"I wish she had won then. Now if wish she would go away." - is a typical American approach to electing 'unsuitables' - first you elect Obama than you elect him again now you want him gone. Hillary next? Barometer can not be considered good after eight years of false readings.

As an outsider observer with no vested interests except having a 'Good President' of USA - meaning being above the Parties lines - I can not see a really good choice. Neither Trump nor Clinton are good from my point of view.

Do you see any choice above and beyond these two no good characters?

biggrin.png I can for-see all of you requesting the definition of 'Good' including 'my point of view'.

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She's not looking good, even to democrats.

It's like she's not the same person that ran eight years ago. I wish she had won then. Now I wish she would go away.

I don't know if she's guilty of a crime and I certainly don't want to see her do a Martha Stewart, but the way she's handled this situation is the opposite of impressive.

Agree. I think she should withdraw, this will rightfully not go away for some time, and if elected Democratic candidate will hinder her severely.
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Dame Hillary...the Dems queen...is not the least bit worried about any of this...she is well protected from within the Dem system and will not be arraigned or charged by a Dem Justice Dept...not going to happen...

She will get a clean bill of health on her "newest" criminal activity...and gleefully run for Queen of America...

If this woman is elected President...the demise of American as we known it...will continue...IMHO

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She's not looking good, even to democrats.

It's like she's not the same person that ran eight years ago. I wish she had won then. Now if wish she would go away.

I don't know if she's guilty of a crime and I certainly don't want to see her do a Martha Stewart, but the way she's handled this situation is the opposite of impressive.

Yep, someone needs to tell her:

Time to pack your swag digger, the circus has left town and the dogs are pissing on your boots.

I think Jingthing is a better barometer than I ever could be. I have always been biased toward Hillary. When someone who is candid enough to say she has changed and he now has concerns this would seem a less biased opinion, for sure.

I sincerely beg your pardon, gentlemen, for butting into your academic dispute - being a non-American and having no knowledge of intricate details.

But as an outsider interested in US future choice of a "Good" President may I throw a wrench in the works by noting that:

"I wish she had won then. Now if wish she would go away." - is a typical American approach to electing 'unsuitables' - first you elect Obama than you elect him again now you want him gone. Hillary next? Barometer can not be considered good after eight years of false readings.

As an outsider observer with no vested interests except having a 'Good President' of USA - meaning being above the Parties lines - I can not see a really good choice. Neither Trump nor Clinton are good from my point of view.

Do you see any choice above and beyond these two no good characters?

biggrin.png I can for-see all of you requesting the definition of 'Good' including 'my point of view'.

I'm not sure I really follow your POV but to answer your question personally I am basically a mainstream left leaning democrat. So any credible democrat that can win works for me including Biden and O'Malley. I support Sanders on issues like universal health care but he can't win, so why bother? On the republican side, none are acceptable to me except I do think KASICH is a decent man and would be acceptable to enough swing voters to be hard to beat. Trump will be easy to beat. Hillary I just see as too damaged now ... I think many democrats won't openly admit it yet but I'm pretty sure the rumblings are rising. It's a matter of winning now ... some democrats will still think a damaged Hillary as long as she dodges prison will be stronger than any other democrat potentially available to run. They may be right, I don't know ... can't predict how much more she will melt down.

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She's not looking good, even to democrats.

It's like she's not the same person that ran eight years ago. I wish she had won then. Now I wish she would go away.

I don't know if she's guilty of a crime and I certainly don't want to see her do a Martha Stewart, but the way she's handled this situation is the opposite of impressive.

Now I wish she would go away.

Thanks...made me laugh...many Dems are wishing this at the moment...it appears that there is a lack of quality and credible leadership in America in general and at the moment in the Dem party in particular...

Maybe some of those children who never came to term...are now laughing at what America has become...a country lacking leadership or vision...

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Those many years of Benghazi hearings came to nothing, now they're working on this email server thingy. Finally a smoking gun? Please.

Nobody cares except Republicans grasping at straws. Trying to make up for a ridiculous field of candidates that couldn't get elected President if they were the only ones on the ballot. Trump? Bush? Walker? Cruz? Little Marco? cheesy.gif

Reading the posts by the tin foil hat nutters really makes my day. The hate oozes from their posts. 8 years of that... negro and now HRC? It's gotta hurt. gigglem.gif

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She's not looking good, even to democrats.

It's like she's not the same person that ran eight years ago. I wish she had won then. Now I wish she would go away.

I don't know if she's guilty of a crime and I certainly don't want to see her do a Martha Stewart, but the way she's handled this situation is the opposite of impressive.

Now I wish she would go away.

Thanks...made me laugh...many Dems are wishing this at the moment...it appears that there is a lack of quality and credible leadership in America in general and at the moment in the Dem party in particular...

Maybe some of those children who never came to term...are now laughing at what America has become...a country lacking leadership or vision...

Seems that what you desire is precisely (as you put it a few posts above) "the demise of America as we know it". I reckon it would be a good thing too. The blastocysts will be cheering.

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Those many years of Benghazi hearings came to nothing, now they're working on this email server thingy. Finally a smoking gun? Please.

Nobody cares except Republicans grasping at straws. Trying to make up for a ridiculous field of candidates that couldn't get elected President if they were the only ones on the ballot. Trump? Bush? Walker? Cruz? Little Marco? cheesy.gif

Reading the posts by the tin foil hat nutters really makes my day. The hate oozes from their posts. 8 years of that... negro and now HRC? It's gotta hurt. gigglem.gif

You are in deep denial and Hillary is in deep doo doo.

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Of course what will probably happen is that the FBI and several senate subcommittees will probably end up saying nothing untoward happened, then Boehner will get that whiny Gowdy fellah to set up yet another kangaroo court to run right through to election time.

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Are we opining at too high an intellectual level here?

The average American voter doesn't care about Clinton's servers nor Trump's failed casinos. Joe/Jane Blow wants to know who will produce more jobs, create opportunities for women/latinos/blacks, keep gas prices low.

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Are we opining at too high an intellectual level here?

The average American voter doesn't care about Clinton's servers nor Trump's failed casinos. Joe/Jane Blow wants to know who will produce more jobs, create opportunities for women/latinos/blacks, keep gas prices low.

That rules out the clown show then.


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Of course what will probably happen is that the FBI and several senate subcommittees will probably end up saying nothing untoward happened, then Boehner will get that whiny Gowdy fellah to set up yet another kangaroo court to run right through to election time.

Edited by Scott
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Are we opining at too high an intellectual level here?

The average American voter doesn't care about Clinton's servers nor Trump's failed casinos. Joe/Jane Blow wants to know who will produce more jobs, create opportunities for women/latinos/blacks, keep gas prices low.

The 'average' American didn't care about Nixon's tapes either when the affair kicked off. He was still toast at the end of it though. Hilary is currently swinging in the wind. The moment Biden throws his hat in the ring could be goodnight for her the way things are looking.

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The way this is going, Hillary's hopes of being president could be wiped clean:


Clinton's growing problems on the honest/trustworthy questions speaks to why the e-mail story is so bad for her. It affirms some of the negative stereotypes that people already had about her -- thinks the laws don't apply to her, surrounds herself with people who enable her, etc. -- and reminds potential voters of what they would be getting (on the negative side) if she is elected president.

Clinton needs to find a way to put the story behind her ASAP. Otherwise she may find herself in a place on the honest/trustworthy question from which she may not be able to recover.

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Polls released during the week show Mrs. Clinton defeating everyone in the Republican race, such as the CNN poll. There have been some other polls that show a closer contest in some purple states such as the Quinnipiac survey which has a R party tendency but even the Q poll has HRC winning the election.

The election is 14 months away and as long as HRC keeps racking it up in the overall mainstream polling she can stay in the race. If on election day the choice is between a third Bush or the first woman, HRC will win. If on election day the choice is between a Republican and HRC, Mrs. Clinton will win.

Joe Biden btw has to get into the race before HRC might quit if it ever does get to HRC dropping out, which it won't. That's because if HRC quits and then Joe enters the race it would look like the D party had to call the second string down out of the grandstand and stick 'em out on the field, so that potentially awkward scene would need to be precluded. No need of it at all however cause everyone knows HRC is in it for the long haul as are the majority who will vote to elect HRC to the White House.

Reality is that while HRC has stumbled over some issues or concerns, the Republicans in Washington and running all over the country for president have already elected her. HRC can't do any worse than she is doing, which is not all that badly, while the Republicans running congress and for president are still shoveling mounds of dirt out of the hole they'd already charged down in to.

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(Clinton Appointed) Judge says Hillary Clinton's private emails violated policy

The news gets worse for HRC
As for Biden, he won't get as much of the women's vote as HRC would.
The GOP has numerous candidates right now, but it's only a matter of time before the field thins out.
Trump, Cruz, Bush, Walker look to be the contenders right now.
I personally like Cruz and Dr. Carson, but would not be surprised to see Trump get the nomination and win it all.
While the other candidates are running around fund-raising, Trump can use his time to campaign and to ridicule his opponents for taking money from the Kock Bros, the unions, wall-street and other entities that they will have to "pay back" if elected, something Trump will not have to do.
Trump will not "owe" any group. Not the unions. Not the Koch Bros. not anyone.
Just the voters.
I thought Trump would have self-imploded by now, but he is becoming more popular and is starting to gain support not only among Republicans, but also among Dems and Independents.
Right now, it's just a question if he peaks too early.
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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

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Lest we forget, the Bush White House "lost" 5 million emails never to be seen again... Seems like a trend

Could you please provide me a link that backs-up what you claim. I am sure that we would all like to see what the brother-in-law of your cousin who runs a barber shop for an uncle says. Remember, Bush did not have his own server. He used a government server, unlike Hillary, who illegally used her own server. I would bet the house that you cannot respond.

True or False, it's just an attempt to deflect away from the wrongdoing of HRC.

See my post above. She is getting in deeper and deeper.

My bet is that she will drop out of the race or not be the Dems nominee due to her corruption and baggage.

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Having worked for a Multi International company (another way of saying tax dodging american company), all our emails were deleted from the sever after 90 days, company policy.

Why... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Depending on what business you are in, there may be laws that mandate that you keep emails for a year or more.

However, in this instance since she claims to have turned over all the work emails, there is no legal requirement for her to keep the top secret ultraclassified ones personal ones she sent to her mates.

Since she wasn't supposed to use that account for personal email, she was required to turn over all emails per the subpoena, not just the one's she cherry picked.

If you can't see that, then you are either being obtuse, intellectually lazy or a blind partisan.

She's losing support among Dems and Indy's


I saw that press conference where she was asked about wiping the server, she pretended ignorance, tried to make a joke and when pressed further turned around and walked away. Fitting that she was wearing prison orange me thinks.

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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

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Just reported by NBC that the FBI believes they can recover some of the files that were wiped from the server.

This isn't going away and it's just getting worse for HRC

2 Months ago, she was at 59%, now she is at 51% and is in a free-fall.

Trump was at 4% 2months ago and he is now at 45% and continues to ascend.

I thought Trump would self-implode by now but he hasn't.

The only question is will he peak too early.

As far as HRC it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.

I don't think the percentages matter at the moment.

What does matter is that this will not go away, but can simmer under the surface for a long time, and surface again when her final opponent feels it is time for that. Unless she can somehow put an end to it now, but I don't see how except for withdrawing.

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The money today continues everywhere to be at even odds Mrs. Clinton will be elected the next president, same as the odds everywhere have been the past three months. Supporting that is the fact HRC also remains 1-5 to win the D party nomination next summer.

Bush today is 10-3 to be elected president. Jebush is at 6-4 to win the party's nomination while Trump is at 9-2 for the nomination and Scott Walker for the nomination is at 4-1, in that order.

With no names mentioned, any Democrat gets 4-6 odds to win the general election while any Republican gets the lesser 6-5 to win.

The right and the rest of the Republican party know that with HRC in the race, they lose. The House Ben Ghazi and emails committee televised hearing with Republicans questioning former SecState Clinton will occur October 22nd as scheduled. Odds on the Republican party controlled committee are not good on that one either.

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