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Police chief says Bangkok bomb aimed to discredit govt


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The government seem to be using the reason of the bombing to try and get so sympathy in some way. I don't believe or know but find it difficult to believe that the reason for the bomb was to discredit the government. I could be wrong. One thing for sure is the response to catching the bombers has surely shown the world how incompetent they have been in apprehending those responsible.

Make some positive results on catching the right people, stop using lots of excuses and show a little more compassion and less about people are trying to discredit us. Even acknowledging that we have 'no idea at the moment and we need the publics help' would get the respect of the people, IMHO.

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It was only a matter of time before they started blaming the Red Shirts even if only by inference.

Besides, they are doing a very good job discrediting themselves. No help needed thank you.

Edited by PilotEd
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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

A steel pipe stuffed with 3-4kg of TNT and another kilo of ball bearings!

What's to 'miscalculate'?

Maybe the political effect on the Junta and the nation's economy, both of which seem paper thin.

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Looks like Nation TV are joining in with acting the fool.


The re-enactment did not go down too well. What a surprise!!

Oh my. I am not easily shocked, but that is particularly shameful.

However, I have noticed a tendency for some Thai people to revel in the gruesome details of crime, disease and death. On Facebook, some of my wife's friends repeatedly post graphic pictures: dead people, people with disfigurements or horrible injuries. I guess "bad taste" is a cultural thing.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

Seems the one bomb did exactly as planned, the other was a dud, yes but these are not Al Quada terrorists or EU separatists who claim bombs for international press. This is internal payback- for what is the question- political or for Uighurs/ Rohingya are both likely

My feeling is to disrupt the junta govt and it is working spectacularly, knocking Prayuth's much touted economic cabinet reshuffle right off the front page.

Absolute rubbish. All bombers want the reasons for bombing to be known

absolute rubbish, many bombings all over the globe have gone unclaimed, many devices the IRA claimed to have done, were in fact done by splinter and dissident groups, who didn't broadcast their intentions, nor their ownership.

Same with the Middle East, many devices targeting Israeli's were never "claimed" there were mere suspicions as to who were behind them.

A silly reply. In all of those events mentioned, the motive was clear wasn't it? Here it is not.
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Police Chief says: "There’s a lot of progress, but I can’t disclose everything," he added. And at the same time increase the reward for capturing the guy is being raised from 1 Million to 3.clap2.gif

They are clueless. But never mind, eventually a "perpetrator" will be presented. Of course, it will be a "foreigner".


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Oh yes what is that saying

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and fool some of the people all of the time BUT you cannot fool all of the people ALL of the time.

I must say the RTP and the Military spokespersons are doing a good job aka the last statement.

I like the BBC which states it is often confusing and contradictory information that is emanating , but they rule out people without knowing the person, and the why. You should never do that.

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I love how they seem to know what the reason for the bombs were before they even know who the suspect is or had the opportunity to question anyone linked.

They've been putting out this dribble since the first hour of the bombing. First it was foreigners, then it was red shirts or southern groups or muslim groups and then it was locals. Interesting that all these people want to "Discredit" the government. Most just don't want anything to do with the government so which is it?

They think everything is about them and they have their heads so far up their own butts that all they can see is what they smell. They need to shut up and stay out of the media until they have the suspects in custody.

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The RTP are tasked with solving this type of incident as they are the so called front line to serve and potect the public. Why a policeman would think this bomb blast would reflect on the present government is beyond me. The Police, including this man running of at the mouth have been in service, thus responsible for the safety of the general public, much longer than the present government

The typical response, point the finger at someone even if they have no connection to solving the case being investigated.

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

You may be right, but I'm not sure what you think they hoped the effects might be. Since this is the first bombing, if it's intended to be a campaign they should have expected little effect. This is when they should announce their existence, their responsibility, and their group's goals, rallying sympathetic like-minded people to their cause. Later bombings then show that the government is unable to provide security and are weak. The bombers in the South also don't announce their responsibility, which is why I doubt they have a political motive. It's very puzzling. If it was intended as the beginning of an insurrection, there's plenty of how-to-do-it manuals around.

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

You don't miscalculate what a pipe bomb full of ball bearings and allegedly 3KG of explosives does in a high concentration of people!!!!!

then why the silence?

Do we know the timer was set to go off three minutes later or three hours later? No

Do we know if intent was to kill as many as possible or to destroy shrine? No we don't really - see above

There is no point in going to all of the trouble to make a bomb and deploy it, if no one ever knows the reasons.

Just follow The money. Who would be interested in a weak bath.

Think of anybody except those who like shrines and those in the tourist industry.

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

I remember nobody claimed responsibility fort the grenades and shots at the protesters in 2014 and during the failed red shirt coup in 2010.

Similar pattern. Isn't it?

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Has anyone taken thought that it may be radical group who support the junta and want to creat a diversion. Maybe they feel they need the country to be looking elsewhere.and people quit looking at how Thailand is going down the tubes under the government. Perhaps this is why the government is trying so hard to make a narrative for intermal problem motive. The way the bombing was carried out it could easily been military organised and the bomber speaking another language could have been pig latin for all we know. These are just random thoughts but things like this do happen yes, or no?

old red shirt strategy. Commiting crimes and blame their enemy for it.

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Truth is they probably have no idea... I also believe it was not a Arab at all.

Anyway not my business. If was my business a intense perimeter blockade by the army immediately was the key. A lock down no one in or out

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

That's the problem when you live so far removed from the epicentre. Someone's ego is so great they thought they could get away with terrorism.

The reaction of the rest of the world towards this will be worth watching. Whoever is behind this is guilty of promoting terrorism and it seems they are Thai.

It is unforgivable.

There won't be much of a reaction in another week as the story is quickly being superseded by other news. Since the government and police are not able to state anything definitive about the investigation the press won't bother with it for too long.

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"The aim is to discredit the government and create a climate of fear to deter tourists," Somyot told reporters at the shrine after a a memorial for the dead held in five religions’ rites.

I guess he is so clueless that he dont realize that him and his retards in uniform have been doing that for years ... Tourists dont exactly enjoy getting a shakedown from these baboons ... Actually tourists hate Thai Police with a grudge ... bah.gifsick.gifcrazy.gif

Unless they have a public peeing fetish for BIB sidewalk urine tests.

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