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American newspaper mistakes Thailand for Taiwan


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The Merc is a major newspaper, second biggest on the west coast. That's just awful, because you can see Bangkok in the byline and Thai is mentioned several times in the article. The Merc's editing team changed the headline from Thailand to Taiwan, as the story was written by Thai AP stringers. You would expect a little more from that part of the US, having a large Asian population, and being geographically closer to Asia than the rest of the country.

Everyone makes mistakes such as stating the west coast of the U.S. as being "geographicly closer to asia than the rest of the country" actually, that would be Hawai'i or if you count territories, Guam.

No, actually that would be Alaska. I know this because Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.

Edited by choff56
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A sad symptom of the relentless cost-cutting in publishing, especially in the declining print media.

In the heyday of professional journalism, every piece of news copy had to be read by multiple, highly experienced (and highly paid) copy editors, after a scrupulous fact-checking protocol. These days are long gone and most publishers are lucky to afford one copy check by sometimes marginally qualified hacks.

Well, speaking from some personal experience on this subject, I'm not so sure that the Merc ever had "highly experienced (and highly paid) copy editors, and I'm sure they don't today. It's not, after all, the Washington Post or the NY Times.

But it's certainly true that the rise of the Internet and the decline over the past two decades of the print newspaper business has taken its toll on the quality of serious journalism and the numbers and qualifications of those employed in the profession.

That said, even competent professionals sometimes make stupid, hit yourself in the forehead mistakes. All it takes is handling a few dozen articles every day, with looming deadlines and various other distractions, and sh** happens -- everywhere at some point in time.

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I've heard the Taiwan thing there as well.

It's a little surprising because most Americans seem conscious of Thailand via the popularity Thai food and very few Americans are familiar with Taiwanese food.

So perhaps people from Taiwan get the mistake even more.

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Americans also use to mix up Sweden and Switzerland.

And Austria/australia

I remember (back in the 1980's) when Paul Hogan visited the US to promote Crocodile Dundee. He was surprised at how many times he was asked why he was able to speak such good English...

(( facepalm.gif))

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Again, it is well documented and acknowledged that the American public is weak on geography. But this story is about a mess up at a major big city newspaper. Not the same issue. This error could easily be about one person who had the responsibility not to be so stupid. He wouldn't even have had to know anything. Just cross check it with the story.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Merc is a major newspaper, second biggest on the west coast. That's just awful, because you can see Bangkok in the byline and Thai is mentioned several times in the article. The Merc's editing team changed the headline from Thailand to Taiwan, as the story was written by Thai AP stringers. You would expect a little more from that part of the US, having a large Asian population, and being geographically closer to Asia than the rest of the country.

Everyone makes mistakes such as stating the west coast of the U.S. as being "geographicly closer to asia than the rest of the country" actually, that would be Hawai'i or if you count territories, Guam.

No, actually that would be Alaska. I know this because Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.

Amusing you try to make fun of Palin yet show how clueless you are. That quote was actually from a Saturday Night Live skit, by a comedian spoofing her. It has come to be a common belief because people like you blindly repeat things they hear as long as it fits their ideology.


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I married a Thai girl in 1973. Our daughter was born in a Navy hospital in Taiwan while I was stationed in that country. You can just imagine the confusion.....the first time we visited the US in 1976......wife is from Thailand, daughter was born in Taiwan (her first passport said Republic of China).

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I wasn't quite believing this, but here is what is posted on their website:

"SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT (publ. 8/20/2015, pg. A4) A headline incorrectly referenced Taiwan instead of Thailand. Police in Thailand are looking for the chief suspect in Monday's deadly bombing of Bangkok's Erawan Shrine.

A formal posted correction.

Has Coconuts ever issued one for any of their multiple mistakes?

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No surprise. I have on more than one occasion when asked where I went on holiday gotten a reply such as "Wow...Taiwan is quite a long flight isn't it...?" after I had just clearly told them I had visited Thailand.

Not much excuse for a "newspaper" though...especially when reporting a serious news story.blink.png

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Again, it is well documented and acknowledged that the American public is weak on geography. But this story is about a mess up at a major big city newspaper. Not the same issue. This error could easily be about one person who had the responsibility not to be so stupid. He wouldn't even have had to know anything. Just cross check it with the story.

Ambrose Beirce ( 1842 - 1914 ) who wrote the Devil's Dictionary etc said -

" War is God's way of teaching Americans geography. "

Before anyone gets upset Beirce himself was American.

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that's really the intellectual level coconut can handle. probably an innocent mistake due to spellchecker

i couldnt even begin to count the number of times an american has asked me if bangkok is the capital of taiwan. this isn't a one off.

Yep. I'll mention living in Thailand & the next words out most mouths in the US are, "So how long have you lived in Taiwan?"

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If U say San Francisco or California, Clueless, but they know Hollywood and LA

I'm from Jacksonville (north Florida). I always say I'm from Miami......you know, where Mickey Mouse lives cheesy.gif .

Disney is in Orlando for those that don't know.

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That's pretty bad.

I might expect that in Kansas but San Jose is a major city and also hosts a very large (mostly Vietnamese) Asian American population.

Oh, what a shame for this newspaper!

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There Americans cheesy.gif , what else is there to say.

OK, just one thing then, IDIOTS who vote for republican IDIOTS

Save/cut money from:

- education

- health care

- social security

- infrastructure

- all and more basic stuff other western countries and developed Asian countries take care of.

Spend/increase money on:

- defense

- guns

- border walls

- lower taxes for (B/M)illionaires.

- Whites straight men are superior then all women, all gays, all darker shades of people.

Enough, you get the picturewai.gif

Edited by ronthai
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that's really the intellectual level coconut can handle. probably an innocent mistake due to spellchecker


Everything on that side are 'innocent mistakes'!!! cheesy.gif

Poor little innocent beings getting sick buffaloes in Asia.


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Good for everyone to have their fun, and reaffirm everyone opinion of the " stupid American" but I am sure no one mistook Taiwan to Thailand.

other than the title , were there other Taiwan/Thailand mistakes in the article?

as reported the article was written by Thais, the title was changed, probably Thailand was spieled incorrect, someone chose Taiwan from the spell check. and the mistake was not caught during proof reading.

But Ok Ha ha ha........

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