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The Latest on Bangkok: Police say suspect may have escaped

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the RTP need luck most police forces use inelegance or their brains to catch criminals only hope with this bomber is that he hands himself in and confesses that's the only way RTP will catch anyone including the Bangkok bomber,

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Given the competence of the Thai gumshoes an escape wouldn't have needed to be planned that carefully. They are long gone folks.


If he is Thai he is probably still in country. Not Bangkok but I would say in the South where the problems are. If he isnt Thai then he has gone.

Why though, even if he has gone, cant the police check the records at the airports? They have cameras there and take your photo when you leave. It would give a name and the flight they took could be traced. From there it can be followed.

My guess, and it is only a guess, would be that he went South nd across the border to Malaysia.

Years ago I traced a person through immigration in South Africa. At that time they didnt even have computers.


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

And your comments about the sterling Crime scene evidence gathering are where?

Your comments commending the RTP on an outstanding investigation are where?

Your comments on the dozens of speculative comments coming from the very authorites you defend are where?

Your comments are very disingenuous to some posters here, whom have a Law Enforcement background, who right from the get go, could see this investigation going exactly the same way in which the Koh Tao murder investigation went.

Your area of expertise in this field is what? You watched a few movies? You know someone who knows someone who said the brother of the second cousin said he recognised the bad guy?

You must have riveting Thai friends if all they have to whine about is the expats on here, including yourself who do nothing really except.... well whine!!

In other words, you're as guilty as the ones you are taking a swing at.


" The Latest on Bangkok: Police say suspect may have escaped"

May have escaped??

He placed the bomb, killed and injured people and left.

He has not been identified or located for a week now.

I believe that fits the definition of "Escaped"

What do they mean by "May have"????whistling.gif


" The Latest on Bangkok: Police say suspect may have escaped"

May have escaped??

He placed the bomb, killed and injured people and left.

He has not been identified or located for a week now.

I believe that fits the definition of "Escaped"

What do they mean by "May have"????whistling.gif

Maybe as in, no longer in any location they have duristiction to arrest him...

But Just in case he turns up in paragon next week with another backpack , let's say "may"


Why do you haters bother to live here??

You have nothing good to say about the place.

The solution..... Go back to where you came from and do your whinging there.

Why do you RTP sycophants continue to make apologies for them?

It's not the place people are getting worked up about, it's the Police, and it's their idiotic way in which they do things, and unfortunately they are the ones, just like people like you, who feel "Thainess" should be an acceptable way of carrying out your day to day life.

The solution, for you and your ilk, is to ignore the comments that you feel "upset you" or better still, if you feel they're breaking forum rules, use the report button.

As for Thailand, and why people are here, many blokes have families here, and 95% actually love the Kingdom, and the people, but when they see the likes of senior police officials talk complete excrement, it tends to raise a few heckles, don't you actually see that it's these very officials who are damning the country more so than a few hacked off farangs?

If you're happy the way this investigation has gone, that's your prerogative, knock yourself out, personally I think Somyot should retire tomorrow, never mind next month, as he's proven to be about as useful as a chocolate fireguard, just take a look at all his comments, some of them are borderline bizarre!! Prayuths have not been much better.


If he is Thai he is probably still in country. Not Bangkok but I would say in the South where the problems are. If he isnt Thai then he has gone.

Why though, even if he has gone, cant the police check the records at the airports? They have cameras there and take your photo when you leave. It would give a name and the flight they took could be traced. From there it can be followed.

My guess, and it is only a guess, would be that he went South nd across the border to Malaysia.

Years ago I traced a person through immigration in South Africa. At that time they didnt even have computers.

Would you be able to recognize him from the CCTV footage ? i dont know how the drawing of him came about, but it could it be possible that the drawing is not accurate at all as it seems to focus on the hair and glasses part.

For sure he didnt travel in that outfit, he could have converted himself into any look, dropped the glasses, dropped the wig ( cut off all his hair if its not a wig ) transformed his backpack look into who knows, young business man look or whatever which would make it extremely tough for anyone to draw the line between the two.

If he doesnt bear any resemblence to the drawing, he could maybe be in thailand still where he might have this totally different look than what he had at the shrine thereby raising no suspicion.


If the suspects were Thais and were being looked for I don't think the police would show their hand by saying so. The theories about foreign and escaping could well be a smoke screen.


Don't they still have a "network" of "at least ten" others to catch? Or did they all escape together?

Yeah,...that was baseless talk.....as far as we know there is nothing that proves he had any number of accomplices...!!!

As usual in cases like this, the RTP shoots there mouths of....without any basic clue or proof.....just talk like they know everything....but in fact they are clueless....

And it will appear more and more in the coming days....Just like the Koh Tao Case....(although I hope they catch the guy....!!!)

Best Regards...


If the suspects were Thais and were being looked for I don't think the police would show their hand by saying so. The theories about foreign and escaping could well be a smoke screen.

No, if they are arresting French and then Swedish tourists at random its safe to assume they just don't know what to do


Any policeman or crime watcher knows that luck plays an enormous part in the apprehension of criminals. Calling for some luck is reasonable and does not mean that sound police work has not already taken place.


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

No one has ever said "Falangworld" is perfect, because we all know it isn't. But for those of us who have lived here permanently for a number of years, we see daily examples of Thai corruption and stupidity that simply defy logic. How many important cases are NEVER solved in Thailand due to incompetent police? How many times have we heard police officials make totally asinine comments, such as "No Thai could ever do this", and a few hours later, or the next day, another "important official" comes out with something equally stupid? The police in this country are a total joke!

The sad part is, most of the falang I know actually wish this was NOT the case, but we know it is. So our choices are limited. 1) Drown in sadness at such a backwards and ignorant police department, or 2) Make fun of them. Which is soooo easy to do with the "material" they themselves provide. Most of us on TVF who live here, actually love it here, and really wouldn't want to live anywhere else. But we also wish they had an even semi-competent police force, instead of a bunch of idiots in brown who are only good for collecting bribes, and always blaming everything that happens on someone else, namely "foreigners".

Oh, and if it were only true, how sweet that would be ... but sir, with 3,858 postings ... (a near full time career monitoring Thai Visa) .. Surely you know better than most that this site is infamous for an endless stream of criticism toward Thailand, from the leadership, to the businessmen, to the middle class, to the lower class, and the poor. Many are racist, xenophobic and on a few occasions, came dangerously close to insulting a leader .. you simply do NOT insult.

Thais are constantly degraded and the theme is they are stupid, lazy, unethical or “D- all of the above.”

In short. “No” … you know better, and so do I. The Thai bashing is universal and FAR from reserved for only the police.

Please save us the wide eyed innocent… “Who us??? We LOVE Thailand and our only gripe is about the Police” … for some lily white backpacker wandering around Swampy with a map.

Let’s call your posting and thesis what it is .. a load of sheep dung.

BTW, in a learning moment, can you kindly furnish some examples where Foreigners are blamed for something? Anything?

Until you do, may I please file this under "Waa Waa, Boooo Hooo?"


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"


Thai bashing?


Anytime any person of any nationality says something or does something amazingly idiotic, or boldly lies and expects listeners to believe him without question, that person, regardless of nationality, deserves to be roasted.

And roasting is great entertainment. We roast Americans and Brits and Aussies, too. Just go to the World News and take a look.

But let's face it, every single day, Thai police are making comical remarks that western cops, despite their failings, would never make more than once in a blue moon.

It has nothing to do with why we are in their country. But it does pass the time.

(And I very much doubt, by the way, your Thai friends read our tripe.)


I think we need someone to step forward and claim that we did it ! Why bomb and kill and just go silent ? Unless it was a lone lunatic who did it for his own pleasure.

I don't think a lone lunatic would have done it for no reason

But probably the reported death and injury toll of the first bomb was overkill for what they intended so abandoned the second one in the water

A lone lunatic ??? i don't think so....It demand some skills to build a bomb, and also to make a remote detonator with a mobile phone !!!! without blowing it up in your hands....!!!

best regards....


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

You consider the response of many people to the military rulers handling of the explosion to be "Thai bashing". It is not. Rather, it is an expression of dismay and frustration at the incompetence and the utter stupidity of the public statements associated with the explosion. Even in Kenya following the shopping mall massacre, there was a more professional government response.

In respect to the question as to why these people are in "their" country, I suggest you stiffen your backbone and tell the truth. Are you aware that there are more Thais living in the UK and the USA then there are of those nationals in Thailand? In the USA alone, there are approximately 200,000 people who were born in Thailand. The question your pals should be asking is why do so many Thais want to escape from Thailand. There are significantly more Asian foreigners in Thailand than there are "western" farangs.

Many foreigners are in Thailand at the invitation and request of the Thai government. It is called tourism. Without it, the economy collapses. This is demonstrated by the mad scurrying around by the clowns as they try to protect tourism. Others are in Thailand because the Thais are either too incompetent, or too corrupt or too uneducated to undertake certain responsibilities and tasks. This is illustrated by the health research funded by foreign governments. Malaria and dengue are serious problems in Thailand. Thailand's scientists should be tackling the issue. Instead of trying to buy submarines and paying for golf army resorts and golf courses, the Thais should fund the research and not Japan or Germany or the USA. Thailand has serious problems with tuberculosis, HIV and hepatitis. Thais should be leading the treatment and research to help the millions of Thais with the diseases, not foreigners. Thai people should be taking charge of the care and feeding of the poor and refugees, not international charities and NGOs. There would be no need for the foreigners if the Thais were not engaged in human trafficking and other despicable acts. If Thailand had the intellectual assets and the civil engineering reliability it would not need the Japanese and Germans to build the BMA transportation systems. If Thailand could train competent hospitality personnel, and was able to efficiently run hotels, i.e. no poisoning of guests with the inappropriate use of pesticides, there would be no need for foreign workers in the hospitality industry. If Thailand's wealthy families invested in the country's infrastructure and people there would be no need for foreigners. There are also a large number of criminals having fun in Thailand. The endemic corruption of Thailand and its pariah status makes the country a safe haven for the world's criminals.

Thailand is not your friends' country. It is the country they have nationality of. They are inhabitants of a country that is controlled by a small number of families. They are effectively indentured servants with limited human rights and civil liberties. Presently, Thais do not benefit from the right to vote or habeas corpus. If your friends had any sense of reality, they would be embarrassed by the events and the military administration's response. They would be ashamed by the stupidity of the local media and the ignorance of the facebook mob who repeat every stupid false rumor.

As soon as you raised the hoax of the self demolition on 9-11 as credible, you self destructed. The multiple bogus claims have been disproven and the only people still clinging to them are people who are uneducated, of questionable emotional stability and who have a grudge against the US government.


Why do you haters bother to live here??

You have nothing good to say about the place.

The solution..... Go back to where you came from and do your whinging there.

Why do you RTP sycophants continue to make apologies for them?

It's not the place people are getting worked up about, it's the Police, and it's their idiotic way in which they do things, and unfortunately they are the ones, just like people like you, who feel "Thainess" should be an acceptable way of carrying out your day to day life.

The solution, for you and your ilk, is to ignore the comments that you feel "upset you" or better still, if you feel they're breaking forum rules, use the report button.

As for Thailand, and why people are here, many blokes have families here, and 95% actually love the Kingdom, and the people, but when they see the likes of senior police officials talk complete excrement, it tends to raise a few heckles, don't you actually see that it's these very officials who are damning the country more so than a few hacked off farangs?

If you're happy the way this investigation has gone, that's your prerogative, knock yourself out, personally I think Somyot should retire tomorrow, never mind next month, as he's proven to be about as useful as a chocolate fireguard, just take a look at all his comments, some of them are borderline bizarre!! Prayuths have not been much better.

You are absolutely correct.

I should just keep my opinion to myself because it doesn't match yours.

Please continue your ranting.


If the suspects were Thais and were being looked for I don't think the police would show their hand by saying so. The theories about foreign and escaping could well be a smoke screen.

The bomber was Muslim and he does not look like a local muslim. So it stands to reason that he is forign.



They only distributed the 'wanted' poster to border posts...yesterday...?!

Just in case he try's to come back......coffee1.gif


Probably just a lost in translation thing using the word escaped.

Instead they are suggesting he got out of Thailand implying it will be much harder to catch him.

To escape he would have first had to be captured, which he wasn't.


No one has ever said "Falangworld" is perfect, because we all know it isn't. But for those of us who have lived here permanently for a number of years, we see daily examples of Thai corruption and stupidity that simply defy logic. How many important cases are NEVER solved in Thailand due to incompetent police? How many times have we heard police officials make totally asinine comments, such as "No Thai could ever do this", and a few hours later, or the next day, another "important official" comes out with something equally stupid? The police in this country are a total joke!

The sad part is, most of the falang I know actually wish this was NOT the case, but we know it is. So our choices are limited. 1) Drown in sadness at such a backwards and ignorant police department, or 2) Make fun of them. Which is soooo easy to do with the "material" they themselves provide. Most of us on TVF who live here, actually love it here, and really wouldn't want to live anywhere else. But we also wish they had an even semi-competent police force, instead of a bunch of idiots in brown who are only good for collecting bribes, and always blaming everything that happens on someone else, namely "foreigners".

Oh, and if it were only true, how sweet that would be ... but sir, with 3,858 postings ... (a near full time career monitoring Thai Visa) .. Surely you know better than most that this site is infamous for an endless stream of criticism toward Thailand, from the leadership, to the businessmen, to the middle class, to the lower class, and the poor. Many are racist, xenophobic and on a few occasions, came dangerously close to insulting a leader .. you simply do NOT insult.

Thais are constantly degraded and the theme is they are stupid, lazy, unethical or “D- all of the above.”

In short. “No” … you know better, and so do I. The Thai bashing is universal and FAR from reserved for only the police.

Please save us the wide eyed innocent… “Who us??? We LOVE Thailand and our only gripe is about the Police” … for some lily white backpacker wandering around Swampy with a map.

Let’s call your posting and thesis what it is .. a load of sheep dung.

BTW, in a learning moment, can you kindly furnish some examples where Foreigners are blamed for something? Anything?

Until you do, may I please file this under "Waa Waa, Boooo Hooo?"

yeah please do, and whilst you're busy filing his response, do likewise to your own, I would even go as far as describing you belittling and condescending post a large pile of steaming dog turd.

BTW, in a learning moment, can you kindly furnish some examples where Foreigners are blamed for something? Anything?

You really are trolling here, aren't you, got a wee whisky in your hand and feeling like the dogs knackers eh?

The very fact that a "foreigner" is still the prime suspect for this horrendous bombing shows that you are just trying to act like some kind of clever cant, but truth is, you're just like all the other farangs on here, just a bunch of opinionated sphincter muscles, ragging on all who care to listen, don't like what's being written, stop reading it then, as your other sycophant mate who "liked" your post said.... "Don't like it here? ... leave then" !!

Feel free to continue thinking you're someone of importance in a country that couldn't give two flying freeks about you, the rest of us who live in the real world will continue to see some of the authorities who run this country for what they are... Charlatans!!

You actually have the brass balls to actually say something about the leader, and him being insulted, waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah boooo frikkity hooo.. he took control of the country by a coup, he took over the leadership, he wants to stay indefinitely as the power has gone to his head, he insults those who question his supreme knowledge, insulted female farang tourists after the Koh Tao murders, he's insulted the press, he's open for getting the same back, he has no backbone, like many of his ilk, who cry when things don't go their own way... and yet YOU, and your post in itself was pretty insulting towards a considerable number of posters.

Thais are constantly degraded and the theme is they are stupid, lazy, unethical or “D- all of the above.”

Many are, many are not, many working aged males in my village are normally all drunk by 1000 in the morning, that's their choice, many work hard, and out from dawn to dusk, but the crux of this topic is NOT about the average Thai, it's about the complete ineptitude of the RTP over THIS case, and whilst we're discussing them, the Koh Tao case. There are no doubt some fine coppers, they just don't appear to be above the rank of Captain in this particular case, and the higher the rank structure, and we all know how that works don't we ? Pay for your promotion and sidearm and move upwards... not a lie, but a fact of life, proven time and time again.

The hard working Thais outweigh the lazy ones, but you actually strike me as a pretentious Hi-So snob, so it's no wonder 90% of your friends here are Thai, as most farangs would see right through you, same as they see right through the RTP and this investigation.


Why do you haters bother to live here??

You have nothing good to say about the place.

The solution..... Go back to where you came from and do your whinging there.

Why do you RTP sycophants continue to make apologies for them?

It's not the place people are getting worked up about, it's the Police, and it's their idiotic way in which they do things, and unfortunately they are the ones, just like people like you, who feel "Thainess" should be an acceptable way of carrying out your day to day life.

The solution, for you and your ilk, is to ignore the comments that you feel "upset you" or better still, if you feel they're breaking forum rules, use the report button.

As for Thailand, and why people are here, many blokes have families here, and 95% actually love the Kingdom, and the people, but when they see the likes of senior police officials talk complete excrement, it tends to raise a few heckles, don't you actually see that it's these very officials who are damning the country more so than a few hacked off farangs?

If you're happy the way this investigation has gone, that's your prerogative, knock yourself out, personally I think Somyot should retire tomorrow, never mind next month, as he's proven to be about as useful as a chocolate fireguard, just take a look at all his comments, some of them are borderline bizarre!! Prayuths have not been much better.

You are absolutely correct.

I should just keep my opinion to myself because it doesn't match yours.

Please continue your ranting.

Try again, you clearly stated if you have nothing good to say about the place leave... Heed your own advice then ;)

Why do you haters bother to live here??

Some of us have family here, personally I've only been here 3 years, but already see the RTP as pretty lame, and poorly organised, how long have you lived in the Kingdom?

You have nothing good to say about the place.

There's plenty good to say about the place, it's THIS investigation, and how the SENIOR COP has been all over the place with his speculations

The solution..... Go back to where you came from and do your whinging there.

You could do the same and leave TVF, but then where would you get the chance to say dumb things like just leave then? ;) What a simplistic solution, just up sticks, forget about everything, just leave because of a few irritating things. like the RTP's ineptitude?

When is your flight home?


Trying not to get involved in all the negative stuff, if the bomber is a Foreigner, then they have numerous information about all of us. So, what is the problem ? They have our photos and know our addresses from 90 day reports.

It makes a person wonder.


They take your picture even on a visa exempt coming in through Swampy immigration, however with the millions of Chinese tourists arriving each month,according to TAT, and then there's the rest of the tourists, that's a LOT of pictures to go through, bearing in mind also the RTP during the Koh Tao trial stated that they had no budget to retain pictures on any sort of back up system, so perhaps the immigration department has a couple of external hard drives from JIB to store all their data on? :D

As for how long they keep such information in their database is anyones guess, but how hard would it be to cross check all airlines manifests with the passport details of the "suspect" ? pretty sure it could be done in a few days, Turkish passport? Chances of him going to Istanbul must rate highly?


Well, my concern is my safety going forward. Catching the bomber would be nice but it should be the second priority after ensuring our safety.


Well, my concern is my safety going forward. Catching the bomber would be nice but it should be the second priority after ensuring our safety.


No surprise here. The police in Thailand are not a security and intelligence gathering organisation. They are a rent collecting and revenue generating organisation.

Then why don't they issue traffic citations and generate billions of baht?

Actually enforcing laws is an untapped goldmine in Thailand.

They do issue traffic citations, I have driven maybe 6 times in Thailand and received tickets on 2 of those occasions. By comparison, I have driven for almost 40 years in Canada and received the same number. Just unlucky I guess, or perhaps I don't understand the "rules" of the road here.


I am just hoping that this statement isn't softener, before the RTP hoist up the white flag and say ' we give up'. The people who perished and the families of those killed deserve justice, and that means the RTP need to pull their finger out and start some police work, including liaising with their overseas colleagues.

Just unacceptable to say 'we need some luck'. Is that what police work is? Luck.

Actually, yeah, there is a lot of luck involved. Even competent investigators still need plenty of that. But they won't tell you. They will say "Diligent and systematic work led us to success".

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