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Thai police urge patience as lack of equipment hampers bomb probe

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Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


Perfect recipe to create another Koh Tao style fiasco. Well done! Why is he not going on a loooong bicycle ride?


The missus firmly believes, that the cops are just playing dumb- behind the scenes, an arrest is imminent!

...I say, damn fine actors they are!

Totally believable!



I think the best now would be to find a scapegoat and close the file. The only way to save faces.

Perhaps but I think this case is too high profile internationally to get away with that.

Didn't they get away with the death of numerous boat people? Or was this just another low profile case?


Why didn't you accept foreign assistance then? Like with the Koh Tao murders?

Hmm, suspicious that.

I fully understand that an amateur in some areas claiming to be a professional doesn’t want an independent professional to examine his skills, approach and conclusions.


With is going on? I thought Benny Hill died like two decades ago... guess he is reincarnated in Thailand inside the RTP and pulling all the strings.


The missus firmly believes, that the cops are just playing dumb- behind the scenes, an arrest is imminent!

...I say, damn fine actors they are!

Totally believable!


I very much hope she is right.


The country, and those that run it should be ashamed of themselves. Foreigners are a valuable asset, and in circumstances like this. the authorities should have embraced their offer to help them to solve this case, and those responsibile for these dispicable crimes. Yet we see time, and time again, the racial rhetoric of xenophobia clouding their judgement. It is time for Thailand to reform, the beating of the old drum is surely passed, and progressive action to take the country to the 21st century should be one of it's top priorities. Until this happens, nobody will take the country seriously.

Thailand still ranks quite low when compared to other developed countries, in terms of rights, and freedoms which others take for granted.


He is correct.....IF the word "equipment" encompasses the mental faculties required.

You are correct, based on some of the nonsense that has been released, spouted - seems many of the upper level are hampered by the lack of necessary essential equipment needed to function in a reasonably normal manner.


Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


Could be also that the current gov. is involved, as they needed a good excuse for the down-spiral of the economy and tourism.

In that case they would never allow any outsiders to look into it.

It would also explain the much to quick clean up of the crime scene ........

And last but not least, they have the knowledge and the material .....

Thank you for your contribution. I will file it with the "9/11 Insider Job", "NASA Moon Deception" and "the JFK answer".

Along with "Thaksin did it!"


Not lack of equipment but the lack of knowledge for this bomb probe. Other governments offered there assistance in the bomb probing but were told that there

uneducated bomb experts need no help. The PM is a proud but stupid man unless maybe he was involved to keep his junta and PM position alive for politic or

bombing unrest!


CLOSING IN ! Don't know ethnicity of person/persons. don't know how mant, do not have 20th-century equipment,don't

have 19th century knowledge and yet turn down England's offer of FREE assistance !


Seemingly most of the police get an abundance of money from Bribes---road traffic offences that may not reach the treasury. Only reaching the local chiefs office for sharing. IF this is true then why don't the police buy the equipment they need as it seems they are a private enterprise and receive a wage from the Country for serVICES rendered. (most cases)


Not lack of equipment but the lack of knowledge for this bomb probe. Other governments offered there assistance in the bomb probing but were told that there

uneducated bomb experts need no help. The PM is a proud but stupid man unless maybe he was involved to keep his junta and PM position alive for politic or

bombing unrest!

I am getting tired of all this bumbling does anyone have Charlie Chan's email address? What were some of his favorite aphorisms "Someone always ready to stick fly in ointment" and "Better for Oriental to loose life than face" This last one has a peculiar ring to it.


Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


Could be also that the current gov. is involved, as they needed a good excuse for the down-spiral of the economy and tourism.

In that case they would never allow any outsiders to look into it.

It would also explain the much to quick clean up of the crime scene ........

And last but not least, they have the knowledge and the material .....

Thank you for your contribution. I will file it with the "9/11 Insider Job", "NASA Moon Deception" and "the JFK answer".

Along with "Thaksin did it!"

What on earth are you talking about ?.

9/11 insider job = nonsense. Moon deception = nonsense. JFK = nonsense. 'Thaksin did it' = Most likely answer at this time. Your comment = nonsense.


All and everything about FACE.

Yes - and every time they open their mouths and make themselves look stupid, this 'Face' is on the ground in tatters. Yet they put on a stupid grin and carry on as if everything is fine.

I will never understand it.


Yes Thai sellers but no Thai buyers. This seems to be the problem. Well lets move on here and try to learn from this. It was not a thai bomber. They did not make the bomb here in Thailand. They have already left the country. The chinese tourist that were killed was just an accident.

The bomb was so fancy they do not know what it was.

Have I missed any of there B.S. Feel free to ad anything you have read so far. TNT C-4 POP ROCKS CAPS

Now we know why they can't find the real Khao tao murderers. Lack of equipment.


Right..... so instead of having such equipment General Somyot, you want fancy hi end Sig Saur Pistols?

Even if all that equipment arrived free gratis, it wouldn't make any difference, you need the training and experience to use it effectively, so add another few weeks onto that time frame.

Who was it here, who heralded this Somyot character as one of the "good guys, a cops cop, skilled at his job, career policeman who worked sorry corrected that, "bought" his way up through the ranks ? Bet you feel a tad stupid now, as he's far from what was described he's just another "yes" man, who hasn't got a clue, opens his mouth without engaging the brain first!!

Fatty, you're not thinking straight today. All those Sig Sauer pistols - think of the "profit margin" on each one man, multiplied by the quantity. Kick back from Sig (Of course Western firms never do that 555) and then sell them to an enforced market at a good profit - "you can't expect promotion without a new Sig Somchai". What an earner.

Beats the kick back on some software and training any day. Perhaps Pantip have that anyway.


CLOSING IN ! Don't know ethnicity of person/persons. don't know how mant, do not have 20th-century equipment,don't

have 19th century knowledge and yet turn down England's offer of FREE assistance !

If the English police, AFP or any American agency solved, or even helped solve this case, the RTP would loose face.

Can't have that. Better to leave it unsolved and still show the Thai people what a great police force they have serving and protecting them.


Seemingly most of the police get an abundance of money from Bribes---road traffic offences that may not reach the treasury. Only reaching the local chiefs office for sharing. IF this is true then why don't the police buy the equipment they need as it seems they are a private enterprise and receive a wage from the Country for serVICES rendered. (most cases)

I was once told by a police officer that officially the ticketing officer gets 60% and the rest goes up the line with the police department actually getting 15%(nothing goes to the treasury)

But this depends on the area police Chief and usually the police officer writing the ticket would be lucky to get 30-40%.


It's ironic that police are prepared to pay a reward for an arrest result but not prepared to pay for new equipment such as facial-recognition software that would lead to a arrest result. The reactive approach is preferred against the proactive one, it would seem, due to the pay later reward policy approach.

When clearing Thai Immigration, whether it be at the airport or a land border, foreigners are asked to look into a digital camera. This is presumably to create a photographic record of that person or to match that photo against existing records.

If they don't have facial recognition equipment in place, then whatever is this exercise about?

You mean those web cams from pantip?

I don't know what they're all about either....passport gets scanned. I guess an accompanying snapshot to aide with such an event as this....unfortunately tourism has doubled every day this year so there too many records to go through.

On a serious note.......how long are those records kept I wonder. Do they have servers with a scan of every entry and exit going back 5 years?


It's ironic that police are prepared to pay a reward for an arrest result but not prepared to pay for new equipment such as facial-recognition software that would lead to a arrest result. The reactive approach is preferred against the proactive one, it would seem, due to the pay later reward policy approach.

When clearing Thai Immigration, whether it be at the airport or a land border, foreigners are asked to look into a digital camera. This is presumably to create a photographic record of that person or to match that photo against existing records.

If they don't have facial recognition equipment in place, then whatever is this exercise about?

The imigration police have an ugliest face lottery every month!

I think the answer is simple. Ask the USA or another 1st world country to help with technology and expertise. When Boston had a bomb at the Boston Marathon the muslims who did it were identified and apprehended within about 72 hours. I think they would be happy to help in the "shadows" so the RTP could take the credit.


Better send out an all-points bulletin about this so it reaches the bomber too - "Be patient, we're a band of bumbling clown shoes, we don't have the proper equipment, so don't need leave the country in a hurry. Sheesh...


Well if not so many police generals owned Bentleys maybe they could afford better equipment.

Just for a better understanding can you tell us how many Bentleys and RRs are owned by Police generals? If it helps you to increase the numbers you may go down to as low as the Police Captain rank and even include pink Rollses.

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