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British-Thai actress 'Anna Reese' settles with family of dead policeman


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Anna Reese Settles With Family of Dead Policeman
By Khaosod English

Actress Anna Reese on Saturday puts her arms around Chanthana Wongbundit, the wife of Police Lt. Naphadol Wongbundit, at a Bangkok police station after agreeing to pay an undisclosed amount of restitution to the family. Lt. Naphadol died June 26 when Anna hit the police vehicle he was sleeping in with her Mercedes-Benz.

BANGKOK — After two rounds of negotiation, the actress who killed a police officer with her Mercedes Benz has settled for an undisclosed sum with the policeman’s family, though she still faces criminal proceedings.

British-Thai actress Anna Hambawaris reached agreement with the family of Police Lt. Naphadol Wongbundit in a meeting at a Bangkok police station Saturday – nearly two months after she crashed her car into the police vehicle where Naphadol was sleeping, killing him instantly on June 26.

“We have reached an agreement. Both parties are satisfied,” Anna said. “I’d prefer not to disclose the sum of money.”

In two previous sessions, Anna, who is better known as Anna Reese, refused to pay the 5 million baht compensation Naphadol’s family had requested, saying she would only pay a maximum of 2 million baht.

Anna told reporters Saturday that the matter had been settled following an hourlong meeting with Naphadol’s family.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1440417488&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2015-08-25

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I know it's only a photo but the recipient of money looks unhappy and the provider of compensation looks pleased.

Something tells me the wife has been short changed.

The recipient looks unhappy because her husband has been killed and the killer looks pleased because another step to her exoneration has been achieved.


Edited by resimi
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Yes things looking rosier for the actress, I'm sure the wife will feel better in a year or two....but hey here in AU, an irresponsible driver can run over someone and get anything from nothing to 3 years 2/3rds of it spent on probation some how the Thai system isn't so flawed.

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if the deal is set then the family get cash and probadly a pension for life from the government.so everyone happy except maybe the one who has paid the huge fee to the family.then she has paid the debt and it all will fade away in time


Somehow, I don't think the person whose spouse was killed will be, as you say, "happy".

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IMO, such a disgusting way to conclude that, which in most modern countries, was a criminal act of driving causing death!

Here...pay the fare and jobs done!.........understand there is a case against her for driving, but we all kmow where that will go now.

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We're not talking DUI here, the fact that she has reached a financial settlement with the family will go a long way in sentencing.

Putting her in jail for X years will serve no useful purpose, a long community sentence would be more appropriate.

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Just wonder why this policeman was sleeping in his police car.

..at night ..on a motorway

I believe that he was off duty at the time .If he felt too tired to drive ,then it probably seemed better to sleep it off.He was not on a motorway as such but a frontage road i believe ? The perp who killed him was not breathalysed at the time ,which should have been done .I agree there is something vomit inducing about the photo above .

Edited by anto
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Slap that smile off your face lady. You killed someone. At least show some sensitivity.

Yes, but other than paying over 'an undisclosed amount' she seems to have gone unpunished for negligent homicide.

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"Both parities are satisfied"!!!

Give me a break!!! She's the only one satisfied because she's basically off the hook! While the guy's wife has lost her husband and no amount of money can replace that!

No matter how long I live in Thailand, I will never understand this acceptance of being able to financially compensate for killing someone and only being marginally criminally prosecuted for it. It just boggles my mind!!

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We're not talking DUI here, the fact that she has reached a financial settlement with the family will go a long way in sentencing.

Putting her in jail for X years will serve no useful purpose, a long community sentence would be more appropriate.

Dumb comment of the day.

Going to prison could set a new standard that the rich and powerful also go to jail. It will make people think twice before acting as though they are untouchable.

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