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For many years already I use 95% of the time always the same 2 gas stations. I also always use regular diesel.

Since the price of oil has decreased so much in the past 6 months, I notice that all brands offer now regular and premium diesel at a higher price.

I have continued to use the regular one.

But what I also have noticed is that my truck since the price decrease has suddenly started have a lower mileage out of a tank, and this is almost 10% less.

Where it 6 months ago would always use between 9 and 9.5 liter per 100Km, the usage is now always over 10 liter.

I would understand that that this might be a one time event, depending on my driving habits, but I have since driven over 14.000 km and it is always over 10 liter.

Anyone else noticed something similar?


No, if anything I have the opposite experience. This is how many km/l I have gotten when filling up since the beginning of the year:




Doubtful your fuel purchase choice is gonna be the culprit.

More likely to be a mechanical problem. Sudden increase fuel consumption can be caused by a multitude of things.

On the engine side, have the fuel and air filters changed. Then check tire pressures. Have you hit a speed bump or large pothole hard recently? Perhaps alignment is out.

EGR could be stuck open as well or the intake could be gummed up with carbon because of it. What truck is it and how many KM's?


Doubtful your fuel purchase choice is gonna be the culprit.

More likely to be a mechanical problem. Sudden increase fuel consumption can be caused by a multitude of things.

On the engine side, have the fuel and air filters changed. Then check tire pressures. Have you hit a speed bump or large pothole hard recently? Perhaps alignment is out.

EGR could be stuck open as well or the intake could be gummed up with carbon because of it. What truck is it and how many KM's?

Navara D40 with 120K km.

EGR valve has been blocked since new, airfilter changed 8000 km ago.

Probably will try fuel filter as it hasn't been changed since long.


Doubtful your fuel purchase choice is gonna be the culprit.

More likely to be a mechanical problem. Sudden increase fuel consumption can be caused by a multitude of things.

On the engine side, have the fuel and air filters changed. Then check tire pressures. Have you hit a speed bump or large pothole hard recently? Perhaps alignment is out.

EGR could be stuck open as well or the intake could be gummed up with carbon because of it. What truck is it and how many KM's?

^^^ I agree with Pomthai.

To rule out your fuel, start using another (high traffic) service station regularly, but after the air filter, fuel filter, I would check the tires for (wear?), inflation, balance and alignment.


A couple of months ago , they changed the palmoil content to get rid of the overproduction . More of that nasty stuff in diesel , has an bad influence on your motor/consumption. I haven't been to the gasstation since februari , and running on empty.


A couple of months ago , they changed the palmoil content to get rid of the overproduction . More of that nasty stuff in diesel , has an bad influence on your motor/consumption. I haven't been to the gasstation since februari , and running on empty.

That is also my idea about the reason for the increased consumption.

So the premium, at I think a 3Bht/l extra, is actually the same diesel we got before, so that would mean that the price decreases on the world markets are simply not passed on to the consumer.


A couple of months ago , they changed the palmoil content to get rid of the overproduction . More of that nasty stuff in diesel , has an bad influence on your motor/consumption. I haven't been to the gasstation since februari , and running on empty.

That is also my idea about the reason for the increased consumption.

So the premium, at I think a 3Bht/l extra, is actually the same diesel we got before, so that would mean that the price decreases on the world markets are simply not passed on to the consumer.

There is nothing to find on Shell or PTT website that indicates the palmoil content in "premium" diesel ( nor regular diesel). The premium expensive ones , are so because of the additives that MIGHT make your engine run better and cleans it from the inside....if you believe that <deleted>.

Years ago , rule of thumb was that fuel (diesel or benzine ) was nearly 3 x the Thai price back home in europe , now diesel in my country is 1 euro (41 THB ) and outside of Bangkok & Chonburi , and neighbouring provinces , you pay now just over 23....which is about halve or more than halve the price back home. In 2008-2009 diesel was 18,5 in Chonburi , with about the same oil barrel price.

This was after the 35 + B/l. Taxes in euroland have CERTAINLY NOT come down , so I guess the diesel fund is growing sharply here in TL, or the oil REFINERS & distributers are racking in the big money.

I would not mind paying more for REAL diesel , palmoil deteriorates engines of cars older than 5 years.

If they can produce oil in 2015 at 40 $/barrel , think about the profits they made all these years when prices were double or more AND the governments that taxed it . We've been scr.... by all.


A couple of months ago , they changed the palmoil content to get rid of the overproduction . More of that nasty stuff in diesel , has an bad influence on your motor/consumption. I haven't been to the gasstation since februari , and running on empty.

That is also my idea about the reason for the increased consumption.

So the premium, at I think a 3Bht/l extra, is actually the same diesel we got before, so that would mean that the price decreases on the world markets are simply not passed on to the consumer.

I'm right now at a Diesel repair shop and get my pump and nossels overhauled. The nossels, or injectors wear out in a way that they do not spray tiny particles of Diesel oil, which usually looks like fog into the engine.

If they're worn out, the start to "pee" and more not burned Diesel oil leaves your exhaust system. ( Black smoke, doesn't have to be a lot)

P.S. Just turned out that my water pump's also done. 7,700 baht gone, last week a new clutch.

A diesel pump and nossel overhaul's around 5,ooo baht.




FlorC I'm sure that in 2008 diesel was 23 baht having risen sharply from 15 baht in 2004.

No dude , I write everything down. I was wrong about the peak price , I was repressing that awful memory of 44,24 B/l on 10th of july 2008. It was back down on 31th dec 2008 , like I said 18,34 B/l to be exact ( in Bangkok).

But if you don't believe me : http://www.pttplc.com/en/Media-Center/Oil-Price/pages/Bangkok-Oil-Price.aspx?s=1

And for the palmoil content and damage to engines : BMW Malaysia is complaining for making B10 diesel from 1st oct , the standard there. I think we're already at B9 (=9 %) of that nasty sh-- here in Thailand.



I guess that's one of the measures to pick up the economy by the new government : a win win for them:

Getting rid of the overproduction of palmoil , less import of real diesel , and when your car engine breaks down , more work and replacement parts for the repair shops /car dealers....more taxes & GDP. Or even owners that buy a new car ...even more taxes .

Thanks government !


At ptt station in Mae taeng the other day, saw guys putting oil in the diesel tank. The responsible of the station was supervising. When it started to spill out, he said stop....

  • 2 weeks later...

FlorC I'm sure that in 2008 diesel was 23 baht having risen sharply from 15 baht in 2004.

No dude , I write everything down. I was wrong about the peak price , I was repressing that awful memory of 44,24 B/l on 10th of july 2008. It was back down on 31th dec 2008 , like I said 18,34 B/l to be exact ( in Bangkok).

But if you don't believe me : http://www.pttplc.com/en/Media-Center/Oil-Price/pages/Bangkok-Oil-Price.aspx?s=1

You are indeed correct .... but I'm not wrong either wink.png I was unaware there had been such great variation in price that year ranging between 18.34 - 44.24. It was indeed around the 23 bht mark (on its way down) in late October. So we are both right thumbsup.gif


A couple of months ago , they changed the palmoil content to get rid of the overproduction . More of that nasty stuff in diesel , has an bad influence on your motor/consumption. I haven't been to the gasstation since februari , and running on empty.

That is also my idea about the reason for the increased consumption.

So the premium, at I think a 3Bht/l extra, is actually the same diesel we got before, so that would mean that the price decreases on the world markets are simply not passed on to the consumer.

I'm right now at a Diesel repair shop and get my pump and nossels overhauled. The nossels, or injectors wear out in a way that they do not spray tiny particles of Diesel oil, which usually looks like fog into the engine.

If they're worn out, the start to "pee" and more not burned Diesel oil leaves your exhaust system. ( Black smoke, doesn't have to be a lot)

P.S. Just turned out that my water pump's also done. 7,700 baht gone, last week a new clutch.

A diesel pump and nossel overhaul's around 5,ooo baht.



Ford, right?


FlorC I'm sure that in 2008 diesel was 23 baht having risen sharply from 15 baht in 2004.

No dude , I write everything down. I was wrong about the peak price , I was repressing that awful memory of 44,24 B/l on 10th of july 2008. It was back down on 31th dec 2008 , like I said 18,34 B/l to be exact ( in Bangkok).

But if you don't believe me : http://www.pttplc.com/en/Media-Center/Oil-Price/pages/Bangkok-Oil-Price.aspx?s=1

And for the palmoil content and damage to engines : BMW Malaysia is complaining for making B10 diesel from 1st oct , the standard there. I think we're already at B9 (=9 %) of that nasty sh-- here in Thailand.



I guess that's one of the measures to pick up the economy by the new government : a win win for them:

Getting rid of the overproduction of palmoil , less import of real diesel , and when your car engine breaks down , more work and replacement parts for the repair shops /car dealers....more taxes & GDP. Or even owners that buy a new car ...even more taxes .

Thanks government !

It is not easy to work out how much palm oil is added to diesel in Thailand.

Years ago, the government said B2, then B5, but the spike in palm oil prices forced the real level lower.

Same thing when B7 was supposed to start last year but was delayed, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/01/21/thailand-slashes-b7-mandate-by-half-due-to-low-palm-oil-supplies/

Apparently B7 has been introduced in August, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/04/thailands-b7-mandate-comes-online-to-boost-palm-oil-consumption/

B10 is planned for 2019 and there have been some trials on B20.......

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