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Thai police under scrutiny like never before

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I foresee the imminent arrest of everyone..., however guilty

Does anyone know what percent of the bombing investigation has been completed yet?

99% per day.

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Problem with international training I would think might have to do with knowledge and mindset of trainees. If they never learned how to think critically, ask questions, separate wheat from chaff, then it would be a very steep learning curve at the very least. Perhaps a remedial high school course of several years might be required to bring them up to level where training might take hold. But that implies motivation and who's got time for that? Busy shining shoes, pressing uniforms, wanting to "look good" rather than "do the job".

...I am amazed that no one has been publicly ridiculing the police chief for his statement the other day asking for software to sharpen images, as seen in TV series CSI. It is only found in Hollywood, yet it seems no one in Thailand is even aware of just how unbelievably dumb this comment was....

There are tools available like SmartDeblur just to name one. I guess they could get a copy at Pantip Plaza for 100 Baht, free if they threaten to raid the shop. They probably don't have this or similar software because the manufacturer refused to issue an invoice of $980 per license.

...I am amazed that no one has been publicly ridiculing the police chief for his statement the other day asking for software to sharpen images, as seen in TV series CSI. It is only found in Hollywood, yet it seems no one in Thailand is even aware of just how unbelievably dumb this comment was....

There are tools available like SmartDeblur just to name one. I guess they could get a copy at Pantip Plaza for 100 Baht, free if they threaten to raid the shop. They probably don't have this or similar software because the manufacturer refused to issue an invoice of $980 per license.

Web site offers free trial of deblur but could anyone use it?


I still didn't hear about who's responsible for the not working camera's around the Erawan.

How is it possible they still don't have a good pic of the bomber? There are loads and loads of dashcams and security cams in the area. I even see motorcycles driving around with go-pro camera's on top of their helmets.

Offer 1 million baht for a good pic of the bomber and do it ASAP.

that's the problem nobody trusts the RTP, so even if you had a photo/video they would take it and claim the money themselves.or simply not pay you and thai`s know that, so no incentive


major crime here grabs foreign headlines why, its mainly because all the silly amusing police story’s that come out with each major crime committed in Thailand every policeman has something to say to the foreign media, cross my palm with silver and I will tell you everything that you want and you can add little bits and put my name to it all as facts and he then proceeds to speak utter rubbish and he tells it so often he starts to believe it himself, police have to stop using every crime committed to try and make money for themselves, greed and stupidity =RTP


I still didn't hear about who's responsible for the not working camera's around the Erawan.

How is it possible they still don't have a good pic of the bomber? There are loads and loads of dashcams and security cams in the area. I even see motorcycles driving around with go-pro camera's on top of their helmets.

Offer 1 million baht for a good pic of the bomber and do it ASAP.

If we are lucky making common sense could get contagious.


It's always the same here, the first thought is always to minimize the impact on tourism.

The bigger problem that effects Thailand from to to bottom is that few if any people get promoted due to competence, so you end up with people who have no idea what they are doing at the top making the decisions. Kid's in school don't bother to work or cheat because they know that it's a waste of time, the good positions in any job will go to the bosses friends or family, not to the most competent person.

I am amazed that no one has been publicly ridiculing the police chief for his statement the other day asking for software to sharpen images, as seen in TV series CSI. It is only found in Hollywood, yet it seems no one in Thailand is even aware of just how unbelievably dumb this comment was.

First and foremost Thailand needs to promote people based on merit not nepotism.

You will never change the Dynasty system here. Its an entitlement system. Give em a uniform with a lot of fruit salad on it and a cap with the same and bang your important. After the SUCKERS picture hit the media you would think that heads would roll but nothing. As another poster stated time to move on to HOOTERS


"The result was a "photo op" that caught Somyot and his men talking to reporters in the Soi Nana red light district - beneath a large neon sign for the gogo bar Suckers. "

You have to give me a warning when you post stuff like that. I nearly p1ssed my pants I was laughing so hard!

And also that Suckers was so named as it is owned ( as is the master lease to nana plaza ) by the boiler room boys ( see Andrew Drummond.com )


In the past we would get some utter nonsense from Chalerm who would then forbid anyone from asking him about it further. I remember thinking it a bit strange how they never gave him a good grilling but after I learned how Pheu-Thai operated, I now know. A grenade or fire-bomb might not be far away from any newspaper which went too far.

In the current situation anything which embarrasses the current government is positively encouraged so they have an open field - and we finally see what the RTP are really made of.


It's always the same here, the first thought is always to minimize the impact on tourism.

The bigger problem that effects Thailand from to to bottom is that few if any people get promoted due to competence, so you end up with people who have no idea what they are doing at the top making the decisions. Kid's in school don't bother to work or cheat because they know that it's a waste of time, the good positions in any job will go to the bosses friends or family, not to the most competent person.

I am amazed that no one has been publicly ridiculing the police chief for his statement the other day asking for software to sharpen images, as seen in TV series CSI. It is only found in Hollywood, yet it seems no one in Thailand is even aware of just how unbelievably dumb this comment was.

First and foremost Thailand needs to promote people based on merit not nepotism.

You seem to forget that most people buy their promotions (from what we are told) and if their family is not rich enough, they borrow the money for the promotion, then have to hustle even harder to pay it back at usually usurious interest rates.


The whole system is a failure. I really can't blame the street cops for accepting "gifts" as their monthly salary is crazy low and they need to provide their own equipment - they have to make ends meet somehow and it can be difficult with wife, kids and mia noi on just a police salary. Higher ranks are often filled with friends of friends - not based on their merits. Everybody seems to be able to become a policeman, no real qualifications are needed except a fetish for tight uniforms.

Better screening of applicants and proper training, a completely independent board to approve promotions and a public independent watchdog to keep an eye on them might be part of the solution.

I don't mind paying my taxes if I knew the money went to a common good: proper sanitation, healthcare, policing, legal system, city administration etc.
I wouldn't mind paying much higher fines like in Europe, if I knew everybody was treated the same way according to the law.


There is little hope when even the PM flippantly dismisses the help offered by seasoned foreign countries with expertise that could benefit the country. The world has passed them by and sped forward and there is little desire to embrace change. It will be the same in another 20 years.

This pretty much nails it. They refuse outside help and advice in order to save face because afterall that is What they deem more important than anything else. What they don't realise is that to the outside world they would gain more respect if they did just ask for some help now and again and learn from it. It always comes back around to Thainess and the stupid cultural shackles they've created and are unable to get out of.


I foresee the imminent arrest of everyone..., however guilty

Does anyone know what percent of the bombing investigation has been completed yet?

Looks like zero to me!

Zero or 100% , take your pick. A good case could be made for either answer.


It is shocking that Thai people tolerate this level of ineptitude and incompetence from the Thai police. The Thai police force top to bottom is feckless and filled with over inflated self importance. It is amusing that the newspaper described that the Thai police jockeyed for position in the photo op in the heart of the Thai sex trade mecca. The newspaper describes this as "adultentertainment distrit" knowing full well that Bangkok and every other town and village and virtually every soi is loaded with sex trade venues masquerading as "adultentertainment districts."

Every other town and village is loaded with sex trade venues. Who are you? What village do you live in? What is your issue? What absolute nonsense. Are you by any chance a newbie from the U.S.? Or are you a woman who is offended by the girlie bars in Bangkok?



The next photo op will be at Spanky"s

Then Hooters?

makes a very appropriate billboard to highlight police ability and expertise


Well, say what you want about the BiB but you cant have it both ways.

Many on here would grumble about a 400 baht fine but in some countries just park your car in the wrong spot for 5 minutes (no signs nearby, you are just supposed to know) and 25k baht. Wow thankyou.

But reportedly these BiB have to pay for their own equipment and from all reports, dont get paid a fortune.

Maybe lift the standard of entry/examination/ testing standards/ high enough so that only 5% of the would be coppers make it through would be a start

I agree with you,

But the BIB could also maintain the law and write parking tickets from 1-2000 baht. Then they could get a raise because much more money is coming in.

And Thailand would become much safer. Especially taxi's and minivans cause huge traffic jams by just stopping on the road while there is plenty space on the most left lane.

Just drive around in BKK and it's obvious that the BIB have other priority's then maintaining the law.


To be fair, the us coppers were dumb enough not to have security at one of the world's major sporting events, and capturing two dumbasses was not the greatest police achievement. (If memory serves, they were identified by civilians.) Whereas this bombing seems better planned.

Mixing a bit of detail with your hearsay, usually makes for a better read.


This is Thailand. What else should we expect?

There are things that good about Thailand. Let's take a look at their good side.

I agree. It's pretty clear they've already blown the chance to get anything from this "investigation." Let's go to the beach. Or, in my case, go to park to enjoy viewing a spectacular waterfall (I'm not a sun and sand kind of guy).


"The result was a "photo op" that caught Somyot and his men talking to reporters in the Soi Nana red light district - beneath a large neon sign for the gogo bar Suckers. "

You have to give me a warning when you post stuff like that. I nearly p1ssed my pants I was laughing so hard!


They don't need to be under that sign for us to know they are suckers !

I wonder how fluent the photographer is in English. Does he know idioms? I know some Thais (not many) who have that level of English.


too worried about face, the aussies offered to help and they are experts in this field but the thais simply couldnt allow such a big loss of face admitting that they dont have a clue, truly pathetic

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