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U.S. cannot dodge EU refugee crisis

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Commentary: U.S. cannot dodge EU refugee crisis

BEIJING, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- While Europe is struggling to cope with massive influx of refugees from Africa and the Middle East, the United States should refrain from taking a not-in-my-backyard attitude and reflect on its Middle East policy, which directly or indirectly displaced thousands of people.

Europe has been inflicted by the illegal migrants problem for years, and the recent wave has triggered a refugee crisis from Apennine Peninsula to the Balkans, from Spain to Britain.

So far in 2015, over 293,000 refugees and migrants have arrived in Europe by sea, with more than 2,000 people dead in their attempts to cross the Mediterranean.

Greece, with 157,228 arrivals this year, is by far the top destination for refugees, followed by Italy with 107,633 arrivals.

Refugees originating from Libya, Syria and Iraq have been fleeing war in their countries where the U.S.-led military intervention caused sustained turbulent security situation and humanitarian crisis. However, their dreams for peaceful life cannot be realized easily.

First, Europe's economy remains weak. Greece is undergoing the worst economic crisis in its history while Italy also sees soaring government debt.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-08/27/c_134561694.htm

-- Xinhua 2015-08-28


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.


That article originated in China. So the Chinese are pushing this propaganda? The Chinese and Russian have always supported Assad in Syria, even when the Syrian government was butchering it's own people. They are just as complicit in this refugee crisis. Whatever, plenty of blame to go around.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines


We are no longer backing the moderate rebels because, well they are not moderate, and we are not backing Assad because he was portrayed as a tyrant when we were backing the moderate rebels. The refugees are collateral damage from US/UK foreign policy.


We are no longer backing the moderate rebels because, well they are not moderate, and we are not backing Assad because he was portrayed as a tyrant when we were backing the moderate rebels. The refugees are collateral damage from US/UK foreign policy.

Russia's involved in Syria up to their neck and supplying lots of weapons. Can't just blame one party for this. It's too complex.


Assad: Russia signed arms deals during Syria conflict Syrian president appears to contradict Russian claims that Moscow supplies weapons under contracts signed before revolt.

Seems like America is damed if it does and damed if it doesn't. Many people ... esp. here on tv.com ... keep saying USA should butt out of other countries' business/problems ... so maybe USA is finally listening.

Besides, is Europe going to help with USA's immigration problem with Latinos? Of course NOT.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Like you would if ISIS came round chopping heads off?


I wonder if this was the plan all along

Yes, it is a plan for a long time already.

Watch this from 2007 (English with German subtitles)


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

What ever happens with mankind it is always about money. The religion is just sophistry.

What ever? Always? Not really.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

Total nonsense. This is not true. This fabricates a reality that is not present. The vast majority of these invaders are not coming from areas where they are being slaughtered, as you describe. Poppycock. Everyone knows the new invasion is predicated upon economic opportunity and indeed this is the langauge that is being thrown about by proponents - a new and previously illegitimate reason for refugee= opportunity.


I wonder if this was the plan all along

Yes, it is a plan for a long time already.

Watch this from 2007 (English with German subtitles)

Of course it was the plan. The entire global redistribution of peoples is purposefully executed at this time by impetus and incentive. Has anyone ever actually looked at the vast trends of global migration that just sprang up spontaneously recently? Couple this with the politics, military actions, and generous incentive packages in Host countries and you have a perfect storm. However, Clark is a clown and a liar. I have seen this video before and read up extensively on him. Clark was not picked to run in elections as he tried because people dont like him and think he is a liar, as he embarrassingly indicates in this video. ...and so he is.


I don't seem to recall Europe stepping up to the plate (baseball analogy, kinda like cricket) regarding US illegal immigrants. Those immigrants are direct result of European colonial legacy and devastation of indigenous people of Central and South America.

US under knucklehead Bush certainly helped screw things up, and Obama has done little to change that in Middle East. Perhaps we should also go back to European slice and dice job over there in last century, Sykes-Picot treaty WWI, and on and on....Germany should have given up land for Jewish homeland, not stealing from Palestinians....


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

Total nonsense. This is not true. This fabricates a reality that is not present. The vast majority of these invaders are not coming from areas where they are being slaughtered, as you describe. Poppycock. Everyone knows the new invasion is predicated upon economic opportunity and indeed this is the langauge that is being thrown about by proponents - a new and previously illegitimate reason for refugee= opportunity.

I was taking to originating countries such as Syria & Iraq.

About 30% aiming for northern EU countries are from Balkan countries, Germany has stated nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees Aside from Syria & Iraq, stand to be corrected, but believe the majority of the others come from places such as Eritrea experiencing ongoing conflict / repression.

As for your repeated claim that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are simultaneously trying to 'migrate" to Europe, all in a deliberate endeavour to destroy European society, don't buy that proposition.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

For the sake of disclosure I am not an American. America is tired worn out of being the worlds policeman. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Have they stumbled in the process yes Iraq is a good example. There is a bit of animal in all of us with reproductive urges but its time to take responsibility for our individual actions after all it is the year 2015. The mentality in poor countries is still to have numerous children with the hope that one survives to look after the parents. Countries on their own are in a terrible financial state with high unemployment the world is in a mess even though the stock market/politicians are trying to tell you otherwise. Why should these countries now add to their problems taking in and providing for poor uneducated people with hormonal problems who will not add anything to the country for a couple generations. America is now being flooded with illegal Mexicans and you want them to add to the problem? Rich pregnant foreign women are rushing to the USA to have their babies 40,000 babies born last year alone to rich foreigners. They pay Uber type brokers 20,000 to 80,000 dollars for this privilege. They lie on their visa's saying their poor and ask American taxpayers to pickup the tab. 400,000 additional babies are born in the USA annually to illegals so what more do you want the American taxpayer to do? hand over all his income to provide for foreigners? The more you accept these people the more will come. There is a human telegraph system. In Hungary alone the count goes up daily 2000 to 2500 the next day to 3000 the next day. When will enough be enough? I agree with the statement saying these people must make a stand in their mother country. Put up signs on the borders saying "Closed No More Room"


Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

Total nonsense. This is not true. This fabricates a reality that is not present. The vast majority of these invaders are not coming from areas where they are being slaughtered, as you describe. Poppycock. Everyone knows the new invasion is predicated upon economic opportunity and indeed this is the langauge that is being thrown about by proponents - a new and previously illegitimate reason for refugee= opportunity.

I was taking to originating countries such as Syria & Iraq.

About 30% aiming for northern EU countries are from Balkan countries, Germany has stated nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees Aside from Syria & Iraq, stand to be corrected, but believe the majority of the others come from places such as Eritrea experiencing ongoing conflict / repression.

As for your repeated claim that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are simultaneously trying to 'migrate" to Europe, all in a deliberate endeavour to destroy European society, don't buy that proposition.

My previous post was unnecessarily harsh; sorry. The numbers coming from the levant due to war are in large part already processed via refugee resettlement mechanisms. I do not know the numbers, but these are the majority of hoards that are boating it across the sea or lorries by land. I dont know if I qualified the numbers other than hoards, and I stand by that. In relation to civilizations and history, this remains a valid description. Irrespective of the details, the Hosts no longer have the capacity or perhaps even willingness to genuflect at the altar of sacrificing their own prosperity and posterity.

For the sake of disclosure I am not an American. America is tired worn out of being the worlds policeman. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Have they stumbled in the process yes Iraq is a good example. There is a bit of animal in all of us with reproductive urges but its time to take responsibility for our individual actions after all it is the year 2015. The mentality in poor countries is still to have numerous children with the hope that one survives to look after the parents. Countries on their own are in a terrible financial state with high unemployment the world is in a mess even though the stock market/politicians are trying to tell you otherwise. Why should these countries now add to their problems taking in and providing for poor uneducated people with hormonal problems who will not add anything to the country for a couple generations. America is now being flooded with illegal Mexicans and you want them to add to the problem? Rich pregnant foreign women are rushing to the USA to have their babies 40,000 babies born last year alone to rich foreigners. They pay Uber type brokers 20,000 to 80,000 dollars for this privilege. They lie on their visa's saying their poor and ask American taxpayers to pickup the tab. 400,000 additional babies are born in the USA annually to illegals so what more do you want the American taxpayer to do? hand over all his income to provide for foreigners? The more you accept these people the more will come. There is a human telegraph system. In Hungary alone the count goes up daily 2000 to 2500 the next day to 3000 the next day. When will enough be enough? I agree with the statement saying these people must make a stand in their mother country. Put up signs on the borders saying "Closed No More Room"

This should be reposted.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

This kind of attitude prevailed when in 1939 a ship (the St Louis) with Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany was refused entry into the USA...and the ship was sent back so that the Germans could "take care" of those Jews.


Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

Total nonsense. This is not true. This fabricates a reality that is not present. The vast majority of these invaders are not coming from areas where they are being slaughtered, as you describe. Poppycock. Everyone knows the new invasion is predicated upon economic opportunity and indeed this is the langauge that is being thrown about by proponents - a new and previously illegitimate reason for refugee= opportunity.

I was taking to originating countries such as Syria & Iraq.

About 30% aiming for northern EU countries are from Balkan countries, Germany has stated nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees Aside from Syria & Iraq, stand to be corrected, but believe the majority of the others come from places such as Eritrea experiencing ongoing conflict / repression.

As for your repeated claim that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are simultaneously trying to 'migrate" to Europe, all in a deliberate endeavour to destroy European society, don't buy that proposition.

My previous post was unnecessarily harsh; sorry. The numbers coming from the levant due to war are in large part already processed via refugee resettlement mechanisms. I do not know the numbers, but these are the majority of hoards that are boating it across the sea or lorries by land. I dont know if I qualified the numbers other than hoards, and I stand by that. In relation to civilizations and history, this remains a valid description. Irrespective of the details, the Hosts no longer have the capacity or perhaps even willingness to genuflect at the altar of sacrificing their own prosperity and posterity.

Post removed to enable reply.

Take Turkey as an example with currently a claimed 1.7 refugees. In an interview I watched, in Turkey it will currently take around eight years elapsed for someone claiming asylum status to have their first interview for status assessment. Although large numbers return to their country of origin upon reduction of violence e.g. from Iran to Afghanistan, UNHCR resettlement programs to third party countries are currently only achieving around 70k placements p.a. out of a worldwide refugee population of millions.


"the United States should refrain from taking a not-in-my-backyard attitude

When the USA has absorbed 20 million illegal immigrants over the last three decades, it is hardly taking such an attitude. The USA does not oppose orderly immigration and the Obama administration has sought to balance border control with humane treatment of illegals. The EU might learn from the USA.


Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

Absolutely...The thing I keep asking myself is, Why arent these refugees making a stand for their own country, instead of just running away to somewhere else and creating problems for someone else..

Time these refugees started making a stand, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY FIRST.

Those 'making a stand' are being slaughtered in their thousands whilst the Western nations mainly sit on the side lines

What ever happens with mankind it is always about money. The religion is just sophistry.

You are correct.

Religion is always about money too!


America has its own refugee crises in its backyard which Europe isn't helping with because it isn't their problem, it is America's. You hear Republican politicians screaming about the illegal alien issue (more than 11 million in the USA currently it is projected). What the politicians do not a state is that the most recent wave of illegals, are actually refugees of the drug wars in Central America. This is in addition to the more than hundred thousand or so documented refugees that America takes in every year. They aren't coming to steal out jobs, they are coming to save their children's lives.


Polulation density per square mile

Netherlands 1020

United Kingdom 660

USA 85

Just a thought......

To add to that thought...

Antarctica 0.0007

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