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Clinton likens GOP's views on women to those of terrorists


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Clinton likens GOP's views on women to those of terrorists

CLEVELAND (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday drew parallels between terrorist organizations and the field of Republican candidates for president when it comes to their views on women, telling an Ohio audience her potential GOP rivals were pushing "out-of-date" policies.

"Now extreme views about women? We expect that from some of the terrorist groups. We expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world," Clinton said.

"But it's a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States, yet they espouse out-of-date and out-of-touch policies," she added at a rally with 2,800 people in Cleveland's Case Western Reserve University. "They are dead wrong for 21st century America."

In her remarks, she did not mention any specific terrorist or militant groups, such as the Islamic State, which has held women as sex slaves in Iraq and Syria. Republicans swiftly accused the Democratic presidential front-runner of directly comparing the Republican presidential field to terrorists.

"For Hillary Clinton to equate her political opponents to terrorists is a new low for her flailing campaign," said Republican National Committee spokeswoman Allison Moore. "She should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric."

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush responded on Twitter: .@HillaryClinton compares pro-life Americans to terrorists, but defends despicable PP treatment of unborn? Her priorities are totally wrong. Bush was referring to Planned Parenthood.

Clinton has defended Planned Parenthood in the wake of undercover videos released by anti-abortion activists that show officials discussing how the organization sometimes provides fetal tissue to medical researchers.

The videos have prompted investigations by congressional committees and Republicans in Congress, and several states have sought to block government payments to the group.

Clinton, seeking to become the first woman to win the White House, said she took it "a little personal when they go after women," pointing to Republican efforts to cut access to women's health centers and opposition to abortion rights.

She specifically cited Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, saying he "brags about wanting to deny victims of rape and incest access to health care and abortion."

Rubio said during the first Republican presidential debate earlier this month that he had long opposed abortion but disputed the notion from the moderator that he opposed abortion except in the case of rape and incest. He said he had never advocated those exceptions.

In the Senate, Rubio co-sponsored a 2013 bill that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks and contained a number of exceptions, including cases of rape or incest that have been reported to law enforcement or where the mother's life is at risk.

Clinton also cited Bush's opposition to funding for Planned Parenthood. Bush said at a Colorado town hall this week that Planned Parenthood shouldn't "get a penny" because they weren't involved with women's health issues. Planned Parenthood offers a range of women's health services beyond abortion, including breast exams. He said as governor he expanded women's health programs through community-based organizations.

Clinton also turned her attention to home state Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, telling supporters he had banned state funding for some rape crisis centers because they sometimes referred women to other health facilities that provide abortion services.

As governor, Kasich signed a bill that funded rape crisis centers, but the bill kept the money from facilities that referred patients for abortions. He and fellow Ohio Republicans have imposed other restrictions involving abortions, including prohibiting the procedure in more cases and increasing regulatory hurdles making it harder for abortion providers to continue to operate. Since he took office in 2011, Ohio has seen the number of abortion providers trimmed in half.

Kasich's campaign shot back a statement, saying: "Ohio and our country deserves better than what Clinton is offering them. Hillary Clinton's trail of scandal is decades long, and only continues to worsen."

The exchanges came as Clinton sought to build support in Ohio, one of the nation's top general election battlegrounds, which Clinton carried in her unsuccessful 2008 primary bid against Barack Obama. Clinton has made issues such as equal pay for women, abortion rights and early childhood education a key part of her campaign this time and the stepped-up rhetoric against Republicans comes as she has battled criticism over her use of a private email address and server as secretary of state, and while Vice President Joe Biden considers a potential presidential campaign.

Thomas reported from Washington.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-28

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Oh dear, out of date policies, really ? There's laws in place right now which are hundreds of years old...what is 'out of date' ?

Well, I guess murder being unlawful never really gets outdated, but things like banning gay marriage, or women can't go topless, we've moved on.

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I suspect that Hillary thinks all men are terrorists. whistling.gif

Panders to female voters...or so she thinks.

Like women in the US don't have a ton of rights...way disproportionately than these of men.

Typical misogynic Republican response. Time for the Monty Python "Men" song: Men, Men, Men, Men...

Ye gods. This is why women have had it with the GOP.

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There are around 20+ states where rapists who father children during rape still have parental visitation rights. Insane if anyone thinks a woman who is raped should have to bring the result of that rape to term. True conservatives would like to see as little government interference in people's lives as possible. Fascists believe government should be there overseeing all aspects of life. Which camp would those presidential wannabes be in?

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There are around 20+ states where rapists who father children during rape still have parental visitation rights. Insane if anyone thinks a woman who is raped should have to bring the result of that rape to term. True conservatives would like to see as little government interference in people's lives as possible. Fascists believe government should be there overseeing all aspects of life. Which camp would those presidential wannabes be in?

Since this is posted under this OP I will assume you are using this information to cast the alternatives. Well, what you describe is horrific. I did not realize this. Clearly, some morons should have the crap slapped out of them. No human being should be required to submit to the pregnancy let alone continued interaction with such subhumans. Are these people the said conservatives you cast? Yea, I think pretty much all of the people who think such a think would be conservatives, but all conservatives do not think such a thing! Fallacious logic. It is sound. Your conclusion is wrong. So, you cast the alternatives into these two camps.

Since planned parenthood is largely supported, funded, and defended by Clinton and company liberals and planned parenthood sells fetuses it is then fair to say Clinton supports the sale of baby parts in a semi body parts market. If your logic applies then this does equally.

The fact is, Clinton et al do support such actions yet conservatives like me (Independent) find women being forced to carry to term secondary to rape a horror exceeding the actual rape. So, your logic waivers considerably. Note: If you think fascists are somehow the property of the right you should do some homework.

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There are around 20+ states where rapists who father children during rape still have parental visitation rights. Insane if anyone thinks a woman who is raped should have to bring the result of that rape to term. True conservatives would like to see as little government interference in people's lives as possible. Fascists believe government should be there overseeing all aspects of life. Which camp would those presidential wannabes be in?

Since this is posted under this OP I will assume you are using this information to cast the alternatives. Well, what you describe is horrific. I did not realize this. Clearly, some morons should have the crap slapped out of them. No human being should be required to submit to the pregnancy let alone continued interaction with such subhumans. Are these people the said conservatives you cast? Yea, I think pretty much all of the people who think such a think would be conservatives, but all conservatives do not think such a thing! Fallacious logic. It is sound. Your conclusion is wrong. So, you cast the alternatives into these two camps.

Since planned parenthood is largely supported, funded, and defended by Clinton and company liberals and planned parenthood sells fetuses it is then fair to say Clinton supports the sale of baby parts in a semi body parts market. If your logic applies then this does equally.

The fact is, Clinton et al do support such actions yet conservatives like me (Independent) find women being forced to carry to term secondary to rape a horror exceeding the actual rape. So, your logic waivers considerably. Note: If you think fascists are somehow the property of the right you should do some homework.

My view is that if a woman decides to have abortion or not, it is up to her. My belief is conservatives prefer as little government as possible, which would leave them out of reproductive decisions. Fascists can be on both ends (Hitler and Stalin had much more in common than different). The hoohaw over selling body parts seems to be cooked up. I suggest you read this article and see if it has merit. Even if PP sold fetus tissue (not baby parts) and this were legal, then change the law if you don't like it. I am sure private clinics would do it too. The nature of capitalism. Abortion is very small part of PP. Cutting all funding is throwing the baby out with the bathwater (sorry, just slipped into my head). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/planned-parenthood-sting-videos-forensic_55df2334e4b029b3f1b1be9f?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013&section=politics

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My view is that if a woman decides to have abortion or not, it is up to her. My belief is conservatives prefer as little government as possible, which would leave them out of reproductive decisions. Fascists can be on both ends (Hitler and Stalin had much more in common than different). The hoohaw over selling body parts seems to be cooked up. I suggest you read this article and see if it has merit. Even if PP sold fetus tissue (not baby parts) and this were legal, then change the law if you don't like it. I am sure private clinics would do it too. The nature of capitalism. Abortion is very small part of PP. Cutting all funding is throwing the baby out with the bathwater (sorry, just slipped into my head). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/planned-parenthood-sting-videos-forensic_55df2334e4b029b3f1b1be9f?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013&section=politics

"Abortion is very small part of PP. "

Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in fiscal 2014.

If that constitutes a "very small part" of Planned Parenthood, it is a very large industry by itself.

I'm wondering how much of the industry revolves around the selling of aborted fetuses. Do you wonder the same?


Planned Parenthood performed 327K abortions in fiscal 2014
By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Thursday, January 1, 2015
Planned Parenthood’s fiscal 2014 report puts the number of abortions the organization performed at 327,653.
“We’ve come a long way since Margaret Sanger was jailed in 1916 for opening America’s very first birth control clinic,” the report states before thanking the organization’s advocates for their support.
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I suspect that Hillary thinks all men are terrorists. whistling.gif

She is an animal, a Balkanizer and uniquely stained as a woman and a human. Her only calculus is based on division and deceit. She will only ever talk about divisive wedges.

More OTT pulp from the lunar orbiter far out right.

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I suspect that Hillary thinks all men are terrorists. whistling.gif

She is an animal, a Balkanizer and uniquely stained as a woman and a human. Her only calculus is based on division and deceit. She will only ever talk about divisive wedges.

This is the world of the wingnutoshere. Where every day you they chant the mantra, "She is an animal."

And you see all the likes this ignorant statement gets.

The hate oozes from them.

"Stained as a woman and human." Oh my Buddha.

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We came, we saw, he died. Famous words for someone aspiring for the presidency. As a European I can only sympathise with the US voter on her/his little choice of elegible candidates. Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton...It's like the little show of horrors. The only candidate which had some sensible things to say so far has been Ron Paul. But by the looks of it he doesn't stand a chance. Not that we in Europe are spoiled for choice. Still, we don't have hunderds of millions firearms around and police shooting everything that moves.

Ron Paul isn't a candidate.

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We came, we saw, he died. Famous words for someone aspiring for the presidency. As a European I can only sympathise with the US voter on her/his little choice of elegible candidates. Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton...It's like the little show of horrors. The only candidate which had some sensible things to say so far has been Ron Paul. But by the looks of it he doesn't stand a chance. Not that we in Europe are spoiled for choice. Still, we don't have hunderds of millions firearms around and police shooting everything that moves.

Ron Paul isn't a candidate.

Come on, you know he means Rand Paul, Ron's son.

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Hillary is considered a terroist by some people with good reason, possibly. I do not know this female personally, thank the gods, as I am fairly certain we would agree to diagree on most topics which might be brought up. A true ''dingbat'' with the apparent personality of a rabid ground squirrel may be a good discription of her.

There has to be better choices than this. The United States Was founded by people who sought freedom to ''do their thing'' and wrote up guidelines to ensure the general population could do the same. Ok its not perfect but neither are people but the trait of common sense displayed by the founding fathers seems to have gone the way of the saber tooth tiger, carrier pigeon, etc

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