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It's always surprising to see you posting in here when you keep repeating that this forum is only for "trolling" and that you hate every single interaction you have on thaivisa.


"Nice", but I have seen that weeks ago.

Don't fool around with Thai women ! blink.png

And her guy watches the rage untouched.


I wouldn't want to meet her when she's in a bad mood. If i was the Thai government I'd get into training for the Rio olympics. Definite medal prospect.


When I see her boxing like crazy and than the other girl comes out of the car complete unharmed, it is strange.

With at least one successful hit like that there would be big damage.


Strange how she isnt so physical once the other girl gets out of the car, and after all that apparent punching to head and face , not even a blemish ?, seems odd to me.


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In an ideal world the lady in the car would step out and give the screeching, bullying baboon a fat red lip to match the shiny, bright ass she's too base to be embarrassed by making of herself.


Pretty chicken S move to beat her while she's belted in her car and no chance for her to undo her seat belt or get out while the farm biatch is trying to break her arm over the car door. I don't think she's getting enough it seems whistling.gif , a lot of really brave men in that scene as well. coffee1.gif


Just when you thought the rtp's reputation couldnt get any worse we see this muppet do nothing as that woman assaults the other in her car. Im sure they had a good laugh back at the station later over his video....moron. Her boyfriend is no better.


Reminds me of this video:

Absolutely sickening, cowardly and abhorrent behavior and then to attack his family in the back as well, barbaric to say the least. As I recall he was not even at fault, he was rear ended by another vehicle wasn't it or something to that effect? There have been a few of these nasty events hard to remember the nonsense of them all.


When the police officer appears in the video the fight has already stopped. He is photographing the car/driver because since the altercation started the car had moved forward (while the driver was being punched) and knocked the bike over. At that stage it was not road rage it was a traffic accident.


Just when you thought the rtp's reputation couldnt get any worse we see this muppet do nothing as that woman assaults the other in her car. Im sure they had a good laugh back at the station later over his video....moron. Her boyfriend is no better.

Unless you've seen a different version of the video the police officer who you have the temerity to call a moron and muppet may not have been there when the assault was happening, he doesn't appear until the driver is out of the car and the fighting has stopped.

So just when you thought the reputation of Thaivisa posters couldn't get any worse we get a moronic post from some muppet.


In cultured circles one does not remove the helmet before fisticuffs and in particular fisticuffs in the street because :

a. It allows more anonymity in the case of the BIB wanting to lay charges

b. as above in case the other party wants to sue

c. it offers a tad more protection than a naked skull against a tyre lever

d. Less skill is required in giving a Liverpool Kiss if one so choose to do.

This stupid angry girl still has a lot to learn .


Just when you thought the rtp's reputation couldnt get any worse we see this muppet do nothing as that woman assaults the other in her car. Im sure they had a good laugh back at the station later over his video....moron. Her boyfriend is no better.

Unless you've seen a different version of the video the police officer who you have the temerity to call a moron and muppet may not have been there when the assault was happening, he doesn't appear until the driver is out of the car and the fighting has stopped.

So just when you thought the reputation of Thaivisa posters couldn't get any worse we get a moronic post from some muppet.

So in the 7 seconds that the last punch was thrown to when he appears in frame the policeman walks up, gets his phone out ready to use and he didnt see anything? He must have walked up to the scene with his eyes closed then.


anyone here carry pepper spray in their car?

No - but one of my Thai friends does. The family have a car dealership among other businesses and his eldest sister has a fiery temper. He's always worried that she'll react to being cut up or clipped and gob off and the others will get violent. So he's put pepper spray in the various cars she uses.

She was driving a Porsche once and overtook some guy who started racing and weaving - and he eventually slowed down and waived his pistol at her. She now also takes martial arts classes and is a regular at various shooting ranges.

Charming society.


Anyone has her phone No: I'm perchance looking for a new wife.

I hope your not talking about the one with sun glasses on she will beat the snot out of you. She would make good WWF material. The cop was just being his normal do nothing self what did you expect? The job does not pay enough to intervene and there was no tea money to be had.

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