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Sidewalk Being Blocked Entirely


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I walk down 3rd road each day toward Pattaya tai, to go to Tony's gym (on the north side near the motorcycle shop almost to the intersection).

There is a placed called Pattaya holiday hotel , its a simple guest house which has a small patio in front, as of the poast few days they ahve decided to take the remaining half meter of walkway as there own and they are in the early stages of building a concrete floor areea to match up with the existing patio floor.

Upon completion of this project there will be no way to walk by that shop with out actually walking into busy 3rd road, and it doies get busy right there at the junction of 3rd. road and Pattya tai rd.

Doe sany one know where this kind of blatant misuse of public property can be done? the police dont care I have tried that avenue.

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I take it you have never lived in Bangkok. rolleyes.gif

You could take some photos and a video clip and make an anonymous Facebook account. It would need to be in Thai and have a couple of Thais talking in the background about how "impolite" (i.e. inconsiderate) the owner was. It might go viral and succeed in your endeavour but I doubt it. Taking over the pavement and the road in front of one's commercial property is the norm here. What you need is the Thai equivalent of the Chinese PSB which would just cart off or smash up the flowerpots or whatever.

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Sadly, I doubt anything will come of it. This is just accepted here countrywide. They might on rare occasions enforce having the area cleared for a short while but thats it.

It is one of those things you just have to put up with.

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on one of the roads I take to get to the other side of town and avoid all the traffic one shop has put up a veranda roof that actually sticks out over the road by 18", waiting for a truck to come around the corner without noticing it and ripping the bloody thing off the front of the shop. It is just what they do here, doesnt matter if its legal as long as it suits them and does what they want it too, take a look around any town.city, they are all the same

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Same in CM. Learn to accept or move away. Those 2 choices cover the reasonable alternatives.

That didn't take long for the "if you don't like it go home" brigade to join.

How does it feel to be walked over all of your life?

You can always tell when a farang has gone native by their acceptance of the unacceptable.I bet they would be the first to complain in their home country.

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Take photos and show to city hall. Tell them you will.alao talk to the army. The police will not be concerned until directed by city hall


If & when the op decides to take photos, could he please do the same in Soi Buakhao from the Royal Suite hotel down to Pattaytai ( both sides ) because ALL of the sidewalk/pavement has been encroached upon & motorbikes & cars parked up either side means you have to walk very close to the middle of the Soi.

With the motorbikes & cars parking either side of the Soi,

It now makes the Soi only wide enough for one-way traffic instead of the two-way at present.

Edited by barnsleyman
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"Does any one know where this kind of blatant misuse of public property can be done?"

Sounds to me like you have already discovered exactly where said misuse can be done.

It seems most Asian, African, South American cities allow such encroachment on the sidewalks. Perhaps it's your Western mid-set which is at fault.

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The quiet Soi where I live, almost every unit has placed paving bricks or potted plants into the road area. What would normally easily handle 2 way traffic often becomes one of those Mexican standoffs where truck drivers just look at each other wondering what to do.

I was delighted when last week a new bunch of people moved in next door, and while they were cleaning up the place they removed all the road blocking frontage and plants. To my amazement, 2 other existing tenancies have copied them. There are still some further down the road that remain, but at least I don't have to listen to engines sitting just outside my door, the music or horn pipping. I live in hope...

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Definitely take a picture and go to city hall. If they aren't responsive, then tell them you're going to complain to Bangkok. That, sometimes, gets their attention.

Sadly, the police won't do much about it.

No they won't because the vendors are probably paying them.

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"Does any one know where this kind of blatant misuse of public property can be done?"

Sounds to me like you have already discovered exactly where said misuse can be done.

It seems most Asian, African, South American cities allow such encroachment on the sidewalks. Perhaps it's your Western mid-set which is at fault.


Perhaps it's your mid-set that's at fault, or you made spelling a four lettered word a typo

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Rudyard Kipling summed it up:

Now it is not good for the Christian's health to hustle the Aryan
For the Christian riles, and the Aryan smiles and he weareth the
Christian down;
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white with the name of
the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear: "A Fool lies here who tried to hustle the

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"Does any one know where this kind of blatant misuse of public property can be done?"

Sounds to me like you have already discovered exactly where said misuse can be done.

It seems most Asian, African, South American cities allow such encroachment on the sidewalks. Perhaps it's your Western mid-set which is at fault.


Perhaps it's your mid-set that's at fault, or you made spelling a four lettered word a typo

Ah yes, sorry, I really do apologize for looking so stupid. I will attempt to edit all future posts.

Since you apparently knew what I meant; do you have anything to add?

Edited by smotherb
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"Does any one know where this kind of blatant misuse of public property can be done?"

Sounds to me like you have already discovered exactly where said misuse can be done.

It seems most Asian, African, South American cities allow such encroachment on the sidewalks. Perhaps it's your Western mid-set which is at fault.


Perhaps it's your mid-set that's at fault, or you made spelling a four lettered word a typo

Ah yes, sorry, I really do apologize for looking so stupid. I will attempt to edit all future posts.

Since you apparently knew what I meant; do you have anything to add?


Nothing to add my friend,I was only being a pedantic keyboard warrior LOL

I know nothing I say will make any difference at all, btw I'm not a newbie I've lived in Pattaya for nearly 8 years,so I know the score,& it's not a case of This is Thailand ( TIT)

I just added to the original op who commented about a recent encroachment of the sidewalk/pavement in 3rd road.

I should have wrote not an encroachment on the sidewalk/pavement but, an encroachment of the sidewalk/pavement,because ALL of the sidewalk/pavement from The Royal Suite Hotel down to Pattayatai in Soi Buakhao has gone, probably taken when all the bars, shops & eating places were first built.which has nothing at all to do with a Western mind-set.

Edited by barnsleyman
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You're lucky. In some places they slowly encroach out onto the road as well.

At least laying claim to the parking there!

I would like to see some of the chanotes to see whether the pavement is actually included in their ownership or it belongs to City Hall or is public land.

If this spot becomes popular and you get a few customers noodle and lottery ticket sellers will then occupy the spot off the kerb and the road too and you will have to go further to get around it all!

Similar things happen all over town, and the only people I can think of to complain to would be City Hall on Pattaya Nua. In all honesty, I think you should accept it as it would be seen as not your business. Something might happen if someone is killed stepping onto the road, twice.

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barneslyman said,

" The Royal Suite Hotel down to Pattayatai in Soi Buakhao has gone, probably taken when all the bars, shops & eating places were first built.which has nothing at all to do with a Western mind-set."

It appears you have missed my point. The mind-set that sidewalks are intended and should remain for foot traffic is, as I called it, Western. The mind-set that sidewalks are intended and should remain prime retail space; is another mind-set.

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barneslyman said,

" The Royal Suite Hotel down to Pattayatai in Soi Buakhao has gone, probably taken when all the bars, shops & eating places were first built.which has nothing at all to do with a Western mind-set."

It appears you have missed my point. The mind-set that sidewalks are intended and should remain for foot traffic is, as I called it, Western. The mind-set that sidewalks are intended and should remain prime retail space; is another mind-set.

And for years (I've seen it happening for 30), occasionally they are cleaned up and moved on returning, for a while, the public footpaths back to the public. The mind-set you're talking of exists only in the minds of trespassers that encroach onto public land and the corrupt that allow them too. Thai law, made by Thais for Thais, does not support either.

Edited by Keesters
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