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Is it ok for your girlfriend to call you farang to her friends?

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There are people around here that are referred to by different terms: Isaan, (Lao), Cambodia, Thai, Chinese and at the bottom, Farang. In order of occurrence. It doesn't matter. You aren't being called the equivalent of a nigger.

It is,its the same,but we can do F all about it.

So calling someone a Cambodian (even though his family has been here for 200 years) is the same? Give me a break.

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My wife has never used Farang to refer to me, except jokingly in private. She has also made it clear to relatives that I have a name that is to be used when addressing/referring to me.

We were once stopped at a checkpoint on the way to Ubon and her nephew told the policeman that he was taking the Farang to the airport. He will never make that mistake again.

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I wouldn't be happy if any of my family or friends in the UK referred to my Wife as 'The Asian' or 'The Thai'...

Equally so I wouldn't be happy if over heard my Thai Family refer to me as 'The Farang' or 'The Englishman'...

They know my name.

If the Ops Girlfriend thought of the Op with respect and the person she was speaking with did not know his name, she could easily refer to him as 'my Boyfriend'.

I can't think of any scenario where a girl referring to her boyfriend as 'Farang' is respectful...

However, there is a caveat - if his Girlfriend is uneducated and ignorant the use of the term 'farang' in his presence (or behind his back) in the context of simply identifying him maybe more commonly used without ill intention. In this case, if it upsets the Op I'd suggest he shoots a little higher on the socio-economic-educational ladder...

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No its rude and ignorant and racist.

Blimey! Kind of ironic though that this particular forum has written at the top,' FARANG Pub -fun, entertainment and Expat life.

You must get worked up into a lather every time you sign in!

Why isn't a man with your principles boycotting it?!

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The correct answer to "Is your husband Thai or farang?" Should be "He's British ( or German or Australian - whatever fits.) I did a lot of teaching Japanese people to refer to me as American or my name, Eric when I first arrived here. There's a little negative snap to calling someone a gaijin (in Japan) or a farang in Thailand. The Japanese I encounter now know that we don't want to hear "gaijin." Have any of you ever heard Vietnamese bargirl-speak? They use the language of the nobility using an exalted pronoun (tau) to refer to themselves and the pronoun for lowly servants (may) for the person to whom they are speaking. Girlfriends do this when talking with each other probably to compensate for being despised members of society. You don't hear this kind of talk from educated Vietnamese.

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My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?

It's not the word farang that's offensive, that's normal

Listen in hard and if you hear the word muang (don't know spelling) then that's offensive as its only used for animals & if use for a person it's the lowest of low.

Did this gf work bar?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?

It's not the word farang that's offensive, that's normal

Listen in hard and if you hear the word muang (don't know spelling) then that's offensive as its only used for animals & if use for a person it's the lowest of low.

The word is something like "MEUNG".

Isaan Thais often use this word when referring to their western boyfriends / husbands.

You can only pick up these (and other) insults if you speak reasonably good Thai.

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I would say that it was not correct.

Surely you have a name.

I would be looking for a new girlfriend.

I would say that you would get through many girlfriends.

It is quite normal for "The Farang" to be referred to in the third party context by family and friends.

Can't understand why anyone would be worried, unless of course as indicated previously, there was a Thai Expletive, preceding the word, Farang.

Some people are sure, Thin Skinned !

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My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?

It's not the word farang that's offensive, that's normal

Listen in hard and if you hear the word muang (don't know spelling) then that's offensive as its only used for animals & if use for a person it's the lowest of low.

The word is something like "MEUNG".

Isaan Thais often use this word when referring to their western boyfriends / husbands.

You can only pick up these (and other) insults if you speak reasonably good Thai.

Correct, the word is very bad if used for a person.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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No its rude and ignorant and racist.

Depends on the context where the word is used. I provided a couple of examples where it would be appropriate for a Thai to use the word Farang. At banks and military institutions and hospitals they have different regulations for Farang as opposed to Thai not British or American as opposed to Thai.

Thinking that every time the word Farang is used without knowing the context is ignorant.

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You got a name she should use it, sounds like she's been pissed off with you for a long time or just plainly lacks respect for you, any culture any country around the world you should be expected to be introduced and called by your name most of the time, if you want to make a point start referring to her as "the Thai gf"better still tell her to use your name in future.

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The OP stated the term was used by his girlfriend, it would be ideal for her to refer to him by name instead of farang.

Sounds like another beautiful relationship.

Maybe she was just telling her friends who was coming to dinner or village visit-so a few extra cousins and brothers would magically appear.

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If it's somebody you don't know, then I'd say it's OK. If it's your GF, then I'd say it's totally inappropriate. You have a name, it should be used.

Personally, I think the use of Farang is part of the xenophobic problem Thailand has. I don't really like the term. I've been to many countries around the world and about the only other place this type of expression is used is here in Asia, especially Japan and China.

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I would say that it was not correct.

Surely you have a name.

I would be looking for a new girlfriend.

I would say that you would get through many girlfriends.

It is quite normal for "The Farang" to be referred to in the third party context by family and friends.

Can't understand why anyone would be worried, unless of course as indicated previously, there was a Thai Expletive, preceding the word, Farang.

Some people are sure, Thin Skinned !

Nothing to do with been thinned skin, it's about perceived respect within the relationship, does he have it or does he not?

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I would say that it was not correct.

Surely you have a name.

I would be looking for a new girlfriend.

I would say that you would get through many girlfriends.

It is quite normal for "The Farang" to be referred to in the third party context by family and friends.

Can't understand why anyone would be worried, unless of course as indicated previously, there was a Thai Expletive, preceding the word, Farang.

Some people are sure, Thin Skinned !

Nothing to do with been thinned skin, it's about perceived respect within the relationship, does he have it or does he not?

Absolutely. if you have no respect for yourself and don't mind being referred to in this manner by your own wife, is anybody ever going to hold respect for you.

Would she like you referring to her as "the Thai"...when talking about her with your relatives and friends at home in your own country?

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why not, if you are not Thai then you are a "farang" = foreigner, but as mentioned above it depends on tone and context. I could call you a name but uness you heard the tone and know the context you wouldnt know if it was in fun, an endearment or an insult.

Actually fa-rang means Caucasian (Westerner), not 'foreigner.' At least according to Talking Thai, my 100K word Thai/English dictionary.

A Japanese or Chinese is a 'foreigner' but is not a fa-rang.

Anyway, I have to laugh at those Westerner here on tv.com who get so insulted at being called fa-rang. It's no more insulting that calling a Thai person an Asian.

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I would say that it was not correct.

Surely you have a name.

I would be looking for a new girlfriend.

I would say that you would get through many girlfriends.

It is quite normal for "The Farang" to be referred to in the third party context by family and friends.

And wrong.

Something I would not tolerate.

My Wife of 11 years has never referred to me in that respect.

I have a name.

With all due respect to you and your wife: Be careful saying "never." Who knows what she may have referred to you as ... esp. early on in the relationship ... when you weren't there.

In the beginning of my courtship with my now Thai wife, I occasionally overheard her friends and family refer to me as fa-rang. It never bothered me and I thought it a bit funny. However, they all soon started calling me pa-yai (Big Daddy), which I actually enjoy.

Meanwhile ... please, I don't need any lectures about deceitful and gold-digging Thai women. After many years in Thailand and scores of Thai lady friends, I've pretty much seen it all, and learned how to separate the seed from the chaff ... and found a truly wonderful, respectful and honest wife.

Edited by HerbalEd
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My wife is from Surin where they speak Khymer. The Khymer word for Farang is "Prang". The first time I heard the word "prang" she was pointing across the road and I said to her "where is the "rot chon" (car accident) as we refer to these as prangs. My wife and friends sometimes jokingly say "Hello Farang" and I reply "Hello Khon Thai".

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I just asked my neighbor,

she says Thai birds sometimes refer to a farang they intimate with but not in any way faithful to as 'my foreigner' - khong chan farang or something like that

I would have thought thai birds say "cheep cheep" a lot and whistle on ocassion

No ... Thai birds say "cheap Charlie."

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