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Prem urges Thais to stop admiring, respecting corrupted people


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"He said they must be taught that corruption is a serious incurable disease."

I am sorry but I have to disagree with you. It is a curable disease, but the medicine will be very tough. Many years now people have tried to appeal to their hearts and national pride - but the Thai officials appears to have turned deaf by now. If they cannot hear then they must feel.

The medicine could start by ordering a minimum 10 years in prison as well as payment of 10 years salary plus estimated value of corrupted gains and then depending on severity go all the way to life in prison without any parole.

The country years ago really had everything going for them - theycould perhaps have become the next Singapore. That dream is almost flushed away in greed. nepotism, corruption and negligence. It is hard to find the good examples and stories in Thailand, but I am sure they are out there. You still hear of taxi drivers returning lost money to their passengers and Thais helping foreigners and Thais in need - the honest people are still here. Find those people and stories and praise them. Shame the others and make them lose face.

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Does he mean corrupt people like those who use weapons to grant themselves power over other humans?

No he doesn,t, Mathias ! If these what you call corrupted people had NOT stepped in and taken over, there would have surely been civil war and unimagineable numbers of deaths, all because of the greed of the people that you consider democratic and uncorrupt !

if I recalled, those who use weapons caused an unimaginable number of deaths in more than once in Thailand history.

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This is just more soundbite propaganda to keep the masses' eyes off the ball.

Let's see this government in its entirety show where they got their family's assets from, including the prime minister and his extended family. Every single member of the junta is suspect unless they are transparent. They are not transparent, therefore they are not trustworthy and can have nothing to say about corruption.

Let's see the Thai navy face up to allegations of involvement in trafficking.

This stupid person flapping his mouth has no authority to speak about how Thailand is percieved by others: the international community will decide what it sees in Thailand, not this buffoon trying to pull even more wool over the eyes of normal Thai people.

Gen Prem Tinsulanonda: only brain-washed, poorly educated Thais believe you are anti-corruption, the rest of us know you are anti-democracy, anti-education and your purpose is to ensure all the power and money of Thailand for yourself and your cronies.

The whole world is not seeing normal Thai citizens admiring corruption, the whole world is seeing the demise of your kind: everything over the past 18 months is the desperate death throes of a medieval disease, not really about corruption at all, completely about greedy families who despise their own countrymen.

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He identified several factors that hindered the country’s growth, significantly populist policy and corruption.

Like the populist policy of universal health care that has saved the lives of countless Thai babies since 2001.

He's such a sympathetic figure...

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Why does he not just come out and name the people he has in mind? We all know anyway...

Maybe Les Majeste? There are limits to what you can say, I was always careful about this, as well as whom might be present!

Would never reply outright, why would I? I was only a tourist, but often asked them to voice their opinion about their country. When asked

what I thought, I simply told them that it was their country not mine, and thanked them for their comments. Thai's can get miffed about this, but a

truth is spoken, it is YOUR country, therefore leaving me out of the dialogue... As they say in Chess, check! violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

One never wants to step into a cow paddy do they? Just my opinion... I stay out of all Thai matters, especially here in the U.S.A. post-4641-1156694572.gif

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When you think about the Kho Tao murder case and think of all the people involved, the human trafficking cases, the Red Bull heir, etc.. do I need to say more? And then sit back and think? Who can we trust? Who can we admire? Are there any left?

Who you gonna call?


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Thailand are amateurs at corruption, if they want to learn about corruption they need to come to Perth Western Australia.

Just one example of hundreds of cases; in the 1980's the labor government got into bed with the local entrepreneurs and managed to raise 800 million dollars from local investors for a petrochemical scheme that was never going to come to pass.

the 800 million dollars vanished over night, the investors went broke( mainly self funded retirees or people entering retirement) the local entrepreneurs suffered no harm aand managed to carry on business as usual.

When the Liberal party took over government they had the nerve and was able to pass a bill that the taxpayers of Western Australia had to payback the 800 million dollars by adding an extra tax of $100.00 on their vehicle registration, a 100% increase.

When the taxpayers of Western Australia had payed back the 800 million dollars, they were still charged the extra tax of $100.00 on vehicle registration for two more years until it came to election time and the opposition party( Labor ) used this to buy votes from the electorate.

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Does he mean corrupt people like those who use weapons to grant themselves power over other humans?

No he doesn,t, Mathias ! If these what you call corrupted people had NOT stepped in and taken over, there would have surely been civil war and unimagineable numbers of deaths, all because of the greed of the people that you consider democratic and uncorrupt !

You've got it the wrong way round.The threat of civil war and "unimaginable numbers of deaths" was the trope that only the simple minded fell for.It's the equivalent of the Bush/Blair excuse of WMD to justify the Iraq invasion.The plotters and their military accomplices were much more clear headed about what they wanted.Having said that the current repression makes the threat of civil war and violence much more likely - though my own view is that the good sense of most Thais will prevail.

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I assume that Thailand was free of corruption then during Prem's reign as prime minister.

In many Thai circles "corruption" is a code word to signify hatred of democracy and elected politicians.

I'm not suggesting that corruption isn't a dreadful scourge that needs urgent action.But it's as well to understand exactly what some key Thai players mean when they ostentatiously pick out "corruption" as the main target.For example Suthep's mob and the coupsters proclaimed that their main concern was "corruption" when of course it was nothing of the sort.

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This kind of talk is needed. 24/7. Replace all programming on TV with it. Plaster the electric poles with stickers. Use every available surface in Thailand to broadcast the message.

And then see it will have no effect at all. Probably ingrained in the local DNA.

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Does he mean corrupt people like those who use weapons to grant themselves power over other humans?

No he doesn,t, Mathias ! If these what you call corrupted people had NOT stepped in and taken over, there would have surely been civil war and unimagineable numbers of deaths, all because of the greed of the people that you consider democratic and uncorrupt !

Laugher Post of the Week . Wow.

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Why does he not just come out and name the people he has in mind? We all know anyway...

Because he is an adviser to the king and they don't mess in the daily politics.....That he says that much is already a surprise.

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Does he mean corrupt people like those who use weapons to grant themselves power over other humans?

No he doesn,t, Mathias ! If these what you call corrupted people had NOT stepped in and taken over, there would have surely been civil war and unimagineable numbers of deaths, all because of the greed of the people that you consider democratic and uncorrupt !

No, if they had not stepped in there would have been an election and the Thai electorate would have decided if the government should stay or go.

If anything is likely to eventually cause a civil war it is repeatedly overthrowing the elected government, and replacing with an equally corrupt nepotism riddled appointed regime, and then trying to railroad through a charter which is openly designed to to ensure that regime stays in power permanently, no matter how the electorate vote.

I still hope that violence can be averted, but with every oppressive measure that hope fades a little.

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Why does he not just come out and name the people he has in mind? We all know anyway...

Because he is an adviser to the king and they don't mess in the daily politics.....That he says that much is already a surprise.

555 "don't mess in the daily politics"? They're setting the agenda for the daily politics, dear boy.

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He identified several factors that hindered the country’s growth, significantly populist policy and corruption.

Like the populist policy of universal health care that has saved the lives of countless Thai babies since 2001.

He's such a sympathetic figure...

They don't count, they're only " buffalo babies".

And so what if a lot of them didn't make it to 18? Just increase the size of the draft to ensure his beloved army ( to which he claims to be married) is kept up to strength.

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This is just more soundbite propaganda to keep the masses' eyes off the ball.

Let's see this government in its entirety show where they got their family's assets from, including the prime minister and his extended family. Every single member of the junta is suspect unless they are transparent. They are not transparent, therefore they are not trustworthy and can have nothing to say about corruption.

Let's see the Thai navy face up to allegations of involvement in trafficking.

This stupid person flapping his mouth has no authority to speak about how Thailand is percieved by others: the international community will decide what it sees in Thailand, not this buffoon trying to pull even more wool over the eyes of normal Thai people.

Gen Prem Tinsulanonda: only brain-washed, poorly educated Thais believe you are anti-corruption, the rest of us know you are anti-democracy, anti-education and your purpose is to ensure all the power and money of Thailand for yourself and your cronies.

The whole world is not seeing normal Thai citizens admiring corruption, the whole world is seeing the demise of your kind: everything over the past 18 months is the desperate death throes of a medieval disease, not really about corruption at all, completely about greedy families who despise their own countrymen.

Awesome very nicely written one of the best posts i have read on here in a long time. Unfortunately transparency i fear is not a trait that ever will be attributed to Thailand

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