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Bank Refusing To Transfer Funds

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I swear my bank is running me in circles, and I am in serious trouble now with money.

I am not sure how much detail I should post here in order to protect my private details, but I really need some advice on what to do with my bank!

They are refusing to wire money again eventhough I have totally run out of money. The inital wire was for $500, from which I needed pay for flight tickets, accomodation, visa extensions, living expenses etc for ONE MONTH UNTIL THE NEW CARD MIGHT ARRIVE... and even for that inital sum, I needed to argue a lot to even get some sort of transfer done (I'm talking hours here, and I swear the bank staff manager on the other end was very rude and unhelpful)

I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies. However, I have no viable option to recieve money via another route, especially on the $500 I was given.

What should I do about short-term money? Is there any help I can get?

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Where are you wiring money from (bank/country) and to what bank (a Thai bank?) using what service?

If you use a wire service, the bank takes a share and there would be no reason for the receiving bank to decline to accept the money and hand it over to you.

This makes no sense.

Sounds more like you are trying to get money that does not exist....

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Where are you wiring money from (bank/country) and to what bank (a Thai bank?) using what service?

If you use a wire service, the bank takes a share and there would be no reason for the receiving bank to decline to accept the money and hand it over to you.

This makes no sense.

Sounds more like you are trying to get money that does not exist....

HSBC via western union to me.

I had the same reaction. I'm paying for the phone call, the bank account, and even the wire.

Edited by emonlake
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you might get more assistance on this forum if you could write about your predicament more clearly.unsure.png

What should I write?

Have you not got an ATM card and draw the money out ? Or a credit card and take a cash advance where are you trying to transfer from

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It seems the OP has an expired or lost/damaged card and is waiting for his NEW card to arrive, in the meantime has no access to his funds and the bank is providing limited help.

Thats what I read from his post.

Yes. This exactly. This is all happening here, during this month.

I'm trying to sort out some short term emergency funds, most likely only possible from my account. But the bank is being stupendously useless.

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I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies.

Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

Edited by ukrules
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I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies.

Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency

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I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies.

Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency
I know on my citi account, i can only get a single withdrawal on an emergency request, eg cards lost/damaged etc but its a maximum of USD 10k, and the "emergency" amounts may vary on the account someone has, based on that the bank my be acting within its own rules his account may only allow USD 500 to be issued

If the OP has a thai account or a friend has should be able to do a verbal or fax instruction to his bank to transfer cash to that account in Thailand per normal banking transactions

Edited by Soutpeel
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I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies.

Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency

Initally they were so poor that they refused to even transfer a single dollar! But after several hours/days of arguing and changing staff, I was able to extract $500 from my account. Still, $500 is not enough considering the situation, and the fact that they charged me for my phone call and wire, on top of regular bank charges!

Surely if I'm paying for the damn service I should be able to use whenever I want? And my situation is serious.

Edited by emonlake
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Given the circumstances described, and limited information, my suggestion given that it is apparently short term, would be to ask family or friends to assist whilst the card arrives. Then when it arrives you can use it to pay them back.

Not ideal, but a possible solution.

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This happened to me for some years ago, also HSBC in U.S. I lost my card and they said they sent a new but did never received it. A friend had to log on my account and do a wire to his account and then send the money to me. I changed to chase when I came home. The HSBC in U.S. Have terrible customer service. Last year when I was here chase had to issue new debit cards due to a hack at Home Depot. I called them told that I was here and they fed ex my new card to Thailand, got it in 3 business days, they have excellent service if something happens. I also learned that it's a good idea to have someone you trust have access to your account in case something happens.

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This happened to me for some years ago, also HSBC in U.S. I lost my card and they said they sent a new but did never received it. A friend had to log on my account and do a wire to his account and then send the money to me. I changed to chase when I came home. The HSBC in U.S. Have terrible customer service. Last year when I was here chase had to issue new debit cards due to a hack at Home Depot. I called them told that I was here and they fed ex my new card to Thailand, got it in 3 business days, they have excellent service if something happens. I also learned that it's a good idea to have someone you trust have access to your account in case something happens.

I binned HSBC years ago cos they were crap

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Wire transfer from a bank requires you visit that bank and fill out a wire transfer agreement - I suspect you have never done that so the only recourse you had as the emergency funds transfer which they have already provided.

Why would it take one month to obtain an emergency card is my question? A courier service could have it here in a couple of days - even normal mail should not take more than a couple weeks. You are willing to pay for expatiated shipment?

If you can not make a domestic transfer to some who can forward can you perhaps borrow from someone until you return - such requests are a normal scam and work so if you call a friend personally would expect they might be able to help.

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I had this happen to my home town bank to Kasikorn Bank.Been sending money since 2007.They talked terrorist etc.Probably

Something to do with FATCA not sure.Anyway I went to Schwab not A problem.My advise don't have all your money in 1. Bank.

Also don't have only 1 credit card.If your funds are that tight you might want to think twice about being in another country.

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Where are you wiring money from (bank/country) and to what bank (a Thai bank?) using what service?

If you use a wire service, the bank takes a share and there would be no reason for the receiving bank to decline to accept the money and hand it over to you.

This makes no sense.

Sounds more like you are trying to get money that does not exist....

HSBC via western union to me.

I had the same reaction. I'm paying for the phone call, the bank account, and even the wire.

This doesn't make any sense. You're asking for help, but you're not providing very much. If you're sending money via western union, what does your bank have to do with it? What country are you sending from?

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It seems the OP has an expired or lost/damaged card and is waiting for his NEW card to arrive, in the meantime has no access to his funds and the bank is providing limited help.

Thats what I read from his post.

Yes. This exactly. This is all happening here, during this month.

I'm trying to sort out some short term emergency funds, most likely only possible from my account. But the bank is being stupendously useless.

You are in Thailand and I assume the following. You only have one card. You have no internet or phone banking set up. You have no Travellers Cheques or 'Emergency Money' to cover any pitfalls. I would say it is not only the bank that is stupendously stupid.

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I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies.

Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency
I know on my citi account, i can only get a single withdrawal on an emergency request, eg cards lost/damaged etc but its a maximum of USD 10k, and the "emergency" amounts may vary on the account someone has, based on that the bank my be acting within its own rules his account may only allow USD 500 to be issued

If the OP has a thai account or a friend has should be able to do a verbal or fax instruction to his bank to transfer cash to that account in Thailand per normal banking transactions

I still fail to see the logic behind limiting emergency cash transfers, unless Citi doesn't profit from these wire transfers. Since HSBC are making a profit every step of the way, what is the point of limiting customers in this fashion?

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Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency
I know on my citi account, i can only get a single withdrawal on an emergency request, eg cards lost/damaged etc but its a maximum of USD 10k, and the "emergency" amounts may vary on the account someone has, based on that the bank my be acting within its own rules his account may only allow USD 500 to be issued

If the OP has a thai account or a friend has should be able to do a verbal or fax instruction to his bank to transfer cash to that account in Thailand per normal banking transactions

I still fail to see the logic behind limiting emergency cash transfers, unless Citi doesn't profit from these wire transfers. Since HSBC are making a profit every step of the way, what is the point of limiting customers in this fashion?

It's for the protection of their customers. More important than making a profit, I think.

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so you only have card access to your account or do you have a bankbook/online or phone access(passworded) to it as well. I set up my transfers over the internet, dont need a card to do it just your account details. This day and age you are mad not to have internet/phone access but then again my bank has great service, they will do virtually whatever I ask as long as I can give them my password over the phone, sounds like you have a real sh*tty bank , time to change asap

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When I worked in Taiwan about 12 years ago I had a similar problem. I had a HSBC account and Visa card with about 2 years left on it,About 2 days before Christmas my card would not work. I called the up HSBC and they said , That card is now blocked , we've replaced it with our new flashy card with gold colours on it and sent it to your address in UK. I was slightly peeved at this and after the tirade of abuse they got the WUed a couple of grand as it was their fault. I don't think its a standard policy though, they obviously want you to pay them the fee for their transfer charges

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I need to get money out of my account, but they refuse to wire me anymore money, saying it's only for emergencies.

Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency
I know on my citi account, i can only get a single withdrawal on an emergency request, eg cards lost/damaged etc but its a maximum of USD 10k, and the "emergency" amounts may vary on the account someone has, based on that the bank my be acting within its own rules his account may only allow USD 500 to be issued

If the OP has a thai account or a friend has should be able to do a verbal or fax instruction to his bank to transfer cash to that account in Thailand per normal banking transactions

I still fail to see the logic behind limiting emergency cash transfers, unless Citi doesn't profit from these wire transfers. Since HSBC are making a profit every step of the way, what is the point of limiting customers in this fashion?

Its to do with account security - your card is damaged/lost your withdrawing money in an usual fashion thats why it does make sense, and multiple "emergency" withdrawals in a short space of time will seem strange to a bank

To be honest you seem more fixated on the cost of things than anything else, i know if it was me in such dire straits and needing the cash so badly i wouldnt be too fussed about the bank charges incurred

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Where are you wiring money from (bank/country) and to what bank (a Thai bank?) using what service?

If you use a wire service, the bank takes a share and there would be no reason for the receiving bank to decline to accept the money and hand it over to you.

This makes no sense.

Sounds more like you are trying to get money that does not exist....

HSBC via western union to me.

I had the same reaction. I'm paying for the phone call, the bank account, and even the wire.

This doesn't make any sense. You're asking for help, but you're not providing very much. If you're sending money via western union, what does your bank have to do with it? What country are you sending from?

That didnt make sense to me either certainly in the case of citi bank emergency funding is not sent via western union its done directly with a bank close to where you are, ie they give you cash over the counter, so say it happened to me in BKK, i would go to Citi bank and get the cash over the counter after showing them my passport or ID

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Running out of money half way around the world where you would become destitute and homeless without access to your funds is an emergency.

They did give him a 500 dollars as emergency
I know on my citi account, i can only get a single withdrawal on an emergency request, eg cards lost/damaged etc but its a maximum of USD 10k, and the "emergency" amounts may vary on the account someone has, based on that the bank my be acting within its own rules his account may only allow USD 500 to be issued

If the OP has a thai account or a friend has should be able to do a verbal or fax instruction to his bank to transfer cash to that account in Thailand per normal banking transactions

I still fail to see the logic behind limiting emergency cash transfers, unless Citi doesn't profit from these wire transfers. Since HSBC are making a profit every step of the way, what is the point of limiting customers in this fashion?

It's for the protection of their customers. More important than making a profit, I think.

Of course mutiple emergency withdrawals over the phone and sending via western union, you can see how that could be abused

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