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Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees


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I'd like to know why David Cameron hasn't been arrested for Treason?

Treason (noun)

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation.

Allowing 4,000 possible terrorists, murderers, rapists and thieves into the country is an extreme act against the nation, wouldn't you agree?

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Should have known David would capitulate. Yes, weasel. We have seen his grandstanding before. The population of UK is now rising dramatically because of immigrant birth rate and there is chronic housing shortage. Shut the door now !

I couldn't find the article, but there's something about the number of kids per household that are required to keep a population from shrinking. Many of the world's countries are shrinking. Same with the US, except for the immigrants. Less people working mean less taxes, etc. Perhaps this is what's being considered?

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Although I do have genuine compassion for Aylan Kurdi, the blame for his, his brother and his mother's death (manslaughter) is on the father!

How on earth does the media get away with BS propaganda, tugging on heart strings to put the blame onto a country over 2,000 miles away???

The family had been settled in "safe" Turkey since 2012 and the father had a job there, they were doing alright until the father got a toothache and decided to put his family on a dingy with no life jackets!

The father should be charged with 3 counts of manslaughter.

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Should have known David would capitulate. Yes, weasel. We have seen his grandstanding before. The population of UK is now rising dramatically because of immigrant birth rate and there is chronic housing shortage. Shut the door now !

I couldn't find the article, but there's something about the number of kids per household that are required to keep a population from shrinking. Many of the world's countries are shrinking. Same with the US, except for the immigrants. Less people working mean less taxes, etc. Perhaps this is what's being considered?

Except that would mean that the world is involved in an non-stop Ponzi scheme. Countries like Japan have already pointed the way to the future, robots and automation. Fewer people will be needed in the future, not more. And fewer people means a reduction in pollution, overworking of agricultural lands, sustainable sources of drinking water, etc. The only people who won't be happy are the Zuckerberg's and Gates who require an ever expanding population of people to buy consumer goods and to hell with what citizens want. And the citizens have voted for lower population levels with the most dramatic vote possible--family size. But the overlords just ignore it and tell them to do what THEY want. Or else.

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Should have known David would capitulate. Yes, weasel. We have seen his grandstanding before. The population of UK is now rising dramatically because of immigrant birth rate and there is chronic housing shortage. Shut the door now !

Chronic housing shortage???

There are over 635,000 empty properties in England alone!

200,000 BRITISH homeless people sleeping on the streets!


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Should have known David would capitulate. Yes, weasel. We have seen his grandstanding before. The population of UK is now rising dramatically because of immigrant birth rate and there is chronic housing shortage. Shut the door now !

I couldn't find the article, but there's something about the number of kids per household that are required to keep a population from shrinking. Many of the world's countries are shrinking. Same with the US, except for the immigrants. Less people working mean less taxes, etc. Perhaps this is what's being considered?

Except that would mean that the world is involved in an non-stop Ponzi scheme. Countries like Japan have already pointed the way to the future, robots and automation. Fewer people will be needed in the future, not more. And fewer people means a reduction in pollution, overworking of agricultural lands, sustainable sources of drinking water, etc. The only people who won't be happy are the Zuckerberg's and Gates who require an ever expanding population of people to buy consumer goods and to hell with what citizens want. And the citizens have voted for lower population levels with the most dramatic vote possible--family size. But the overlords just ignore it and tell them to do what THEY want. Or else.

Japan is dealing with this in a different way. Allowing more foreigners in, but under strict controls. Japan is a very xenophobic country.


He predicts that annual growth will rise from the pre-crisis average of around 50,000 to 80,000 or even 100,000 – more than recent annual immigration to France.
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Should have known David would capitulate. Yes, weasel. We have seen his grandstanding before. The population of UK is now rising dramatically because of immigrant birth rate and there is chronic housing shortage. Shut the door now !

I couldn't find the article, but there's something about the number of kids per household that are required to keep a population from shrinking. Many of the world's countries are shrinking. Same with the US, except for the immigrants. Less people working mean less taxes, etc. Perhaps this is what's being considered?

I think this is what you were looking for, prepare to watch the most shocking video of your life!


Or go to You Tube and search "Muslims Are Taking Over The World at an ALARMING Rate - MUSLIM IMMIGRATION"

Edited by Porkster
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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

Providing support for the majority of the refugees:


Well perhaps you need to look harder.

3.8 million refugees from Syria (95 percent) are found in the following five countries. Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt:

Lebanon is host to 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to about 26 percent of the country's population

Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 percent of the population.

Turkey is hosting 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 percent of the population.

Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 percent of the population.

Egypt has 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 percent of the population.

In Syria, about 190,000 people have been killed and 10.8 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside the country.

More than 10 million Syrians, or 45 percent of the country's population have been displaced.

Exactly. The sustained ignorance on this point is overwhelming.

Umm how many non Arab refugees have these states taken when other parts of the world were in trouble ?> How about zero ?

Completely false. The Rohingya come to mind immediately.

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Looking at the way things are going in Europe, they dont need ISIL the governments have accepted defeat already. There will be major trouble throughout Europe of that I think we can be sure of. Who is paying for these people when they get there? The tax payers of the country. As one post here says what are the muslim countries doing to help? Countries like Saudi, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the Emirates. Absolutely nothing. It certainly spreads Islam far easier than it would with a war.

The so called leaders of europe are less than useless. They are destroying the countries at the expense of the people.

Edited by gandalf12
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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

Great Britain and Germany, as major islamic countries, are doing their bit to help the jihadi brethren. Australia, Hungary and Poland, as non-islamic countries, are saying that they see what has happened to GB and Germany and sending a loud message "No, thanks".

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

Yes I can... This much!


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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

As someone has already pointed out the vast majority of the refugees from Syria and Iraq are in Islamic countries.

There is a big difference between being housed in a refugee camp, where the likes of the Red cross and other NGO's take the main responsibility of caring for these people and being welcomed as part of society like they are when they arrive in an EU country but then the Islamic apologists never let facts get in the way of defending Muslims regardless.

The UK has also given over a BILLION Pounds to Syria to help its people unlike the very rich Arabic states

Can you provide figures on how much the Arab states have contributed in aid to the refugees?

Link to article here in the UK press


As said none of the Arabic countries have allowed a single claim for asylum and are doing very little to aid those in camps they are housed in

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

Providing support for the majority of the refugees:


Well perhaps you need to look harder.

3.8 million refugees from Syria (95 percent) are found in the following five countries. Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt:

Lebanon is host to 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to about 26 percent of the country's population

Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 percent of the population.

Turkey is hosting 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 percent of the population.

Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 percent of the population.

Egypt has 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 percent of the population.

In Syria, about 190,000 people have been killed and 10.8 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside the country.

More than 10 million Syrians, or 45 percent of the country's population have been displaced.

Exactly. The sustained ignorance on this point is overwhelming.

Umm how many non Arab refugees have these states taken when other parts of the world were in trouble ?> How about zero ?

Completely false. The Rohingya come to mind immediately.

Not just ignorant - nationalistic and racist as well as uncompassionate.

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Now you have pointed out how many refugees these countries have could you send us a link to just how many of these refugees these countries are housing have given asylum to ?

Having thousands of refugees that are taken care of by foreign NGOs is totally different to giving asylum and citizenship to as you well know but seem to forget

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And the other Islamic countries are doing what?

Great Britain and Germany, as major islamic countries, are doing their bit to help the jihadi brethren. Australia, Hungary and Poland, as non-islamic countries, are saying that they see what has happened to GB and Germany and sending a loud message "No, thanks".

Australia will be increasing its intake of Syrian refugees.

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Now you have pointed out how many refugees these countries have could you send us a link to just how many of these refugees these countries are housing have given asylum to ?

Having thousands of refugees that are taken care of by foreign NGOs is totally different to giving asylum and citizenship to as you well know but seem to forget

For a starter Turkey has spent $5.6bn to provide for Syrian refugees; good enough for you?


The applicable law for providing asylum, Law on Foreigners and International protection was implemented in April 2014. The legislation follows UNHCR protocol to provide temporary protection visas. Right now UNHCR is under resourced in Turkey, it is estimated it will take eight years for new arrivals to be assessed for asylum status.

In a historical context "the overall number of asylum applications in the period 1995-2005 is 40,898. Among these, 20,545 applications received asylum status while 6,869 were rejected. This indicates that the recognition rate is quite high in Turkey".


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There are already UN refugee camps in or near Syria.

It surely shouldn't be beyond the capacity of the "world community" to expand those camps, guarantee their safety, by force if necessary, and invite anyone who feels unsafe to move in.

Build new communities with UN money, secure the perimeters, greet any s**theads who threaten the camp's security with a MOAB on their keffiyehs, and build a future for these people where they want to be -- in their own country.

There's plenty of cash to do it, but I suppose it would fail the "progressive" neo-colonialist test. Too bad.

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*Deleted post edited out*

Let's recap. You went in, you took over by force of arms and subterfuge, you subjugated pretty much an entire continent under your countries' (that's the plural possessive) rules, you exploited their resources for your gain, you fought with your other Euro colonialists over who got to rob the natives blind, you promised them the moon if they helped you fight those squabbles, then systematically broke every promise. Then, after you destroyed your own continent in 2 world wars, and when it looked like it would be too expensive to hold onto your colonies, you drew up national boundaries for them with absolutely no input from the folks whose descendants would have to live with those boundaries, and no consideration of the ethnicity and nationalities of the people within the various artificial "countries" you left in your wake.

But you did leave them the Magna Carta. (Too bad the natives didn't get benefit of the rights enshrined in the document while they were being tortured and massacred for resisting the plunder)

Hard to believe you think the "good things" you left behind square it all up for centuries of rape and pillage. But I have no doubt that's how the history books our generation grew up with spun the tale. Just like Americans were always the good guys and the heroes in the history books I grew up on.

Edited by Scott
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