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Britain set to accept 'thousands' more refugees


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The determination of whether someone is a refugee is done through a screening process. It involves people fleeing because of a well founded fear of persecution as the main criteria.

These people are traversing six or seven western countries to get to Germany or the UK. whistling.gif

EU countries are not complying with their responsibilities with existing agreements, such as the Dublin Regulation, this enables the movement of refugees.

So far as the screening process is concerned (e.g. Turkey) UNHCR are totally overwhelmed, with an estimated wait time of eight years for assessment of new arrivals which UNHCR states is generating a push factor for refugees to depart and try to reach better resourced EU countries. Hopefully the recent belated announcements by donor countries to increase funding will enable UNHCR to get on top on their logistical problems, but it will take some time. With winter rapidly approaching I would guess the refugee flow will dramatically decrease in the next few months

At the moment UNHCR only has roughly 105k places available p.a. from countries willing to accept vetted refugees for resettlement. Just maybe you can understand why people are not willing to wait possibly decades for the legal process for the opportunity to improve their circumstances. In the meantime none of the regional & international players appear to have a realistic articulated strategy to resolve the issues any time soon in Libya, Syria, Iraq and other source countries to enable citizens to return to their country of origin

Edited by simple1
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Remember all those protests trying to stop the Iraq invasion? All those lefty do gooders? Well, this is what they were trying to prevent, but it's too late now.

Those protester didn't see this invasion and were protesting for different reasons than this.

It's your "lefty do gooders" who are allowing this invasion.

Wake up!

It's called being responsible for our governments mistakes.

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It's a fact that the UK (and the US) needs immigrants, unless it wants to shrink its economy (which it doesn't). It's also a fact that a majority of UK citizens are unhappy with UK Plc spending money on overseas aid. It therefore seems to be a win/win/win scenario to accept Syrian refugees as immigrants and divert foreign aid spending to pay for the move, plus it makes the UK appear more humanitarian and sends badly needed messages to ISIS.

It's a very smart move.

Edited by chiang mai
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The determination of whether someone is a refugee is done through a screening process. It involves people fleeing because of a well founded fear of persecution as the main criteria.

These people are traversing six or seven western countries to get to Germany or the UK. whistling.gif

How many "refugees" cross the Mexican border illegally, into the US every month and how many countries did they cross!

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Great one Bob, shame you will house foreigners, what's wrong with giving your empty properties to homeless Brits. Publicity hungry weasel.

Sir Bob Geldof, has offered his 2 Bedroom Central London Flat to 'Syrian Refugees'' kind of ''Sir Bob''...

Great believe in Charity begins at home...

Pity he didnt offer it to the people in England who have lost their homes. Seems like a publicity stunt to me. As quoted charity begins at home
Why does charity have to begin "at home"? With all the benefits and opportunities open to westerners, I know where my charity lies.


I wonder if this chap agrees with you.

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The determination of whether someone is a refugee is done through a screening process. It involves people fleeing because of a well founded fear of persecution as the main criteria.

These people are traversing six or seven western countries to get to Germany or the UK. whistling.gif

EU countries are not complying with their responsibilities with existing agreements, such as the Dublin Regulation, this enables the movement of refugees.

So far as the screening process is concerned (e.g. Turkey) UNHCR are totally overwhelmed, with an estimated wait time of eight years for assessment of new arrivals which UNHCR states is generating a push factor for refugees to depart and try to reach better resourced EU countries. Hopefully the recent belated announcements by donor countries to increase funding will enable UNHCR to get on top on their logistical problems, but it will take some time. With winter rapidly approaching I would guess the refugee flow will dramatically decrease in the next few months

At the moment UNHCR only has roughly 105k places available p.a. from countries willing to accept vetted refugees for resettlement. Just maybe you can understand why people are not willing to wait possibly decades for the legal process for the opportunity to improve their circumstances. In the meantime none of the regional & international players appear to have a realistic articulated strategy to resolve the issues any time soon in Libya, Syria, Iraq and other source countries to enable citizens to return to their country of origin

Just because the UN can't do it's job is no reason to allow other people to jump the q.

I still say set up a big camp in the north African desert where they will be safe from war and make them stay there if they want free food and medical care. It won't take long for the pretend refugees to leave and go back home.

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Remember all those protests trying to stop the Iraq invasion? All those lefty do gooders? Well, this is what they were trying to prevent, but it's too late now.

Those protester didn't see this invasion and were protesting for different reasons than this.

It's your "lefty do gooders" who are allowing this invasion.

Wake up!

It's called being responsible for our governments mistakes.

Soooo.... You are now blaming your government for Islamic terrorism. While you're at it send a check for 9/11 since it's your fault... sad.png

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The UK could accept a lot of refugees and resettle them on the Falklands. Nice peaceful place and would repopulate the islands before Argentina has another try.

A feel good p.c. solution that kills several birds with one stone. A win win situation for everyone .....well almost.

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Remember all those protests trying to stop the Iraq invasion? All those lefty do gooders? Well, this is what they were trying to prevent, but it's too late now.

Those protester didn't see this invasion and were protesting for different reasons than this.

It's your "lefty do gooders" who are allowing this invasion.

Wake up!

It's called being responsible for our governments mistakes.

Soooo.... You are now blaming your government for Islamic terrorism. While you're at it send a check for 9/11 since it's your fault... sad.png


I am blaming governments for taking military action in the countries where the refugees have fled. The worst offense was the Iraq invasion.

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A diverse multi-faith culture is one of the UK's strengths. I'd hate the UK to be like Putin's Russia!

So you are prepared to give up your freedom for others. Very generous. I can tell you have never been to a Muslim country or you may have a different opinion. I dont mean for a holiday I mean to live there.

Eh? Who said anything about giving up freedom? I'm not religious myself but don't have any issues with those who are, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. As I said, Britain's diverse multi-faith culture is one of its strengths.

I am not remotely religious myself (the UK's fastest growing religious affiliation is irreligion according to the 2011 census results, so this 'Muslim invasion' is clearly a flop) however from what I recall from Sunday School many years ago, Jesus was a lot more tolerant than the people on this threads who are worried about the future of Christianity.

I don't think many on here care about the future of Christianity. What we do care about is how subservience to an alien and vicious religion is affecting the citizens that are not Muslim and have no desire to affected by them. They can have their religion, but they can keep it to themselves and not try and make those of us that reject islam totally accept their way of life.
They don't accept other religions in Saudi, so let's give them the same situation in our countries. When there is a church in Riyadh they can build one in our countries ( unfortunately that is too late now, as they have built them all over ).

Sure, dont let the Saudis build a mosque.

No reason a person from every other muslim country on the planet to build one.
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