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Just like the people I came here to avoid..


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Thinking today about all of the "Thai Bashing " threads we see so often here on TV, I had a humorous thought.

Expats come on here and complain about everything Thai from their government to the way they drive to their social structure and so on.

The list of things they do not approve of is never ending.

For me, the differences between Thailand and the place I spent the first 50 years of my life are refreshing and one of the reasons I decided to live here.

Like everywhere there are good things and bad things, good people and bad.

Personally, I find the differences interesting and stimulating.

I some ways I feel like I have found a second childhood, with so many new experiences and new things to learn.

But , so many who post here on TV seem to want Thai people to behave just like the people from their home country and do not understand why they don't.

For me, the "basher" attitude can be summed up in one humorous question.

" Why don't these people want to be just like the people I traveled ( in my case ) 12,000 miles to get away from???"

If you want to live with people who are just like the people where you come from..

You should live.....

I won't say it...

but you can probably guess!wai.gif

Edited by willyumiii
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If you come to Thailand with the right attitude, play the long game financially and don't treat the place /people like you're a plantation owner, then you'll do ok.

I've met some right cocks here though, just using women etc for money/ sex/place to live and do nothing in return.

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when in rome do as the romans do

i have lived in many countrys and find same thing

they gather together and think we are better than the people in there guest country

and start to put shit on them

but always remember weak people gather in groups and put people down who dont join there group

i now keep to myself and family and always get many laughts every day

and sometimes make the serious and bored on tvf get a laught

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First off, I think a lot of our fellow farang are here because they are avoiding some sort of consequences in their home country. These types can be easy to spot.

And then there are those who have heard the tales of cheap booze and cheap sex and decide to relocate to this paradise, and after a few weeks the awe wears off and they find themselves in a developing country where the people consider them an inferior race and is patrolled by a corrupt police force. They had no idea it would come to this.

The one that amazes me, and I've come across it so often that it's a cliche, is the guy who says "I'll move to Thailand, find a wife, buy a house and settle down" etc. Ask any sort of question that can be judged as critical of this plan (eg, "do you know how the property laws work?") and it will be brushed aside "I know a guy who lives like a king..." etc. (I have come to really hate hearing any form of "live like a king") These are usually the guys who end up marrying a bar girl, resulting in a sad and familiar story a year or two on.

I met this guy in Cambodia. He was a Brit, mid-50s, kind of short and thin, bookworm-ish type. I enjoyed talking to him, except about his "plan" -- next year he was going to Brazil to find a wife and bring her back to Cambodia (this was over ten years ago now). I would ask about the logistics and practicallity of this, but he brushed all my inquiries aside (I had lived in Brazil, he had never been there) saying there was nothing to it, he had a mate who...

So easy to become disillusioned when you didn't understand what you were getting into in the first place.

Edited by bendejo
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A man can say what he feels, and voice opinions, whatever it may be (well, in most countries anyway)...

If you have a problem with it, your welcome to excuse yourself, rather then the other way around!

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Simple to answer the OP's question!

In Farangland many things are better than in Thailand, and many things are worse than in Thailand.

So it all depends on what you personally consider to be important in your life.

Nothing wrong about complaining about what you don't like here & there, as long as you also see what is good here & there.

(And wouldn't it be wonderful if we could combine the good of both worlds? - for that, Farangland and Thailand would have to change).

I do realize of course that my opinion does not fit in a bar or in a bar like forum.

Much easier and popular to air extreme opinions.

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If you come to Thailand with the right attitude, play the long game financially and don't treat the place /people like you're a plantation owner, then you'll do ok.

I've met some right cocks here though, just using women etc for money/ sex/place to live and do nothing in return.

I don't doubt what you posted, but i do wonder about the "do nothing in return" referance.

So what is it you would have people do? I presume you mean contributing.

But Thai law says we cant work or perform duties a Thai person can do, so?

To teach English here (at least part time) pretty much involves working illegally, and of course the mention of that will have the Thaivisa puritans come down on you like a ton of bricks.

I'd say a lot of those you mention (alleged layabouts) actually put Thai kids through school, provide housing and food for extended Thai families, agree to buy houses they know they will never own ect..

I'd say thats a pretty good contribution.

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If you lived in Egypt instead Thailand ... would you still have the same attitute (meh, not my problem) about mutilation of girls? Lets face it, most things done "the thai way" are way worse than how it "should" be done. For instance thai people have no clue what they are doing behind a steering wheel.

Inefficiency in the thai society is just as rampant as corruption is... why is there a need for 6 waitresses in a small coffee shop with 12 tables? Why does Tesco Lotus (atleast in Ubon) have staff standing beside check out counters where they "direct" people to different counters... surely people have eyes (atleast most) and can themself choose which counter is the least busy? How come you need a calculator to do the math "items cost 47 baht and he gave me a 100 baht bill"?

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Thinking today about all of the "Thai Bashing " threads we see so often here on TV, I had a humorous thought.

Like everywhere there are good things and bad things, good people and bad.

Personally, I find the differences interesting and stimulating.

I some ways I feel like I have found a second childhood, with so many new experiences and new things to learn.

But , so many who post here on TV seem to want Thai people to behave just like the people from their home country and do not understand why they don't.


Because it's obviously EASIER to point a finger THAN TAKE RESPONSIBILITY......

They want to change people to be just like the ones they can't stand back home......By force of THEIR will they can re-enforce that They are right and the WORLD is wrong......

The big/true picture doesn't seem to worry them or get in thier way.....

They don't want thinking to crash with reality.......

They'd be better off kissing their mirror......

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I understand what the OP is saying, and can't stand listening to expats knocking everything they don't like here (or whatever country they're complaining about). If they're here just for the cheap booze, sex, etc. that's none of my business - but in the mean time I just stay well clear of them. As soon as they start complaining, I pay my bill, stand up, say good bye and leave.

Life is too short to be surrounded by little, sad, negative people.

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OP, who cares? live your own life here and stop worring about what others say or do, you will have a much better life here, you sound just like the people you are complaining about


I believe I said I was amused!

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No, it wasn't you either Naam, both you and Trans have more post counts than the poster I'm referring too.

It was not me either!

I worked for years as a firefighter.

I would put anyone out.

I couldn't help myself.

It is what I was trained to do!

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There are a lot of ass holes on this site.

There are a lot of ass holes everywhere, there are a lot of nice people everywhere too, but the ass holes tend to shout louder.....

Edited by zyphodb
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If you come to Thailand with the right attitude, play the long game financially and don't treat the place /people like you're a plantation owner, then you'll do ok.

I've met some right cocks here though, just using women etc for money/ sex/place to live and do nothing in return.

explain the word cocks. what does that mean? where is that term used? are you looking around? or asking?

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OP: It's nice to see that you've got a positive outlook, I hope it stays that way.

I'm assuming you're new to Thailand and reality hasn't seeped through the shine just yet. When the penny drops, it will probably become apparent why there's so much stress and negativity. It's you who needs to decide how to deal with the perceptions and realities.

There's a lot to love here, but there's a lot that can drive you mad depending on what/who you're involved with and how you surround yourself.

I've lived in several countries... nowhere's perfect and you can't keep all the people happy all of the time... Sometimes it's difficult for some to keep the positive outlook after seeing all the angst and strife here, but really, in the end, you weigh your options and go from there.

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