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Gen Prayut invokes Section 44 to strip Thaksin of his police rank

Lite Beer

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Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

Well, yes and no.

He should not have invoked S.44. It may be challenged in years to come. He should have just ordered Somyot to stop procrastinating and follow the letter of the law...and he should have done it months ago.

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Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

Well, yes and no.

He should not have invoked S.44. It may be challenged in years to come. He should have just ordered Somyot to stop procrastinating and follow the letter of the law...and he should have done it months ago.

The last part was seeking a royal decree for the removal, obvious article 44 is above any Royal decrees it would seem.

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Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

Well, yes and no.

He should not have invoked S.44. It may be challenged in years to come. He should have just ordered Somyot to stop procrastinating and follow the letter of the law...and he should have done it months ago.

The last part was seeking a royal decree for the removal, obvious article 44 is above any Royal decrees it would seem.

No. Read the OP...and between the lines.

Someone whispered something in an ear, and the royal decree was not sought, instead, S44 was used.

Someone does not want to take sides on this issue, which is both understandable and odd...if the law says the rank should be stripped, then it should be stripped, but the law (sans-S44) requires the final signature, as that signature was the one that approved the rank in the first place.

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Its just eating away everydy at the self appointed PM that Thaksin is still more popular and competent than himself and he cant understand why.

Cant wait for the eventual investigations into the unexplained wealth of military officers, confiscati9n of assets and the strippings of rank.

Probable wont matter to them also, I'm sure they will always be rank!

All hearsay, no evidence to back up your accusations. Pls enlighten us on the so called investigations into unexplained wealth of military officers. It's new to me, never heard of any investigations. And a Prayut isn't holding a popularity contest hes trying to install peace, reform, unity and end corruption.

I'd believe the last word of your final sentence if the PM was serious about handling police corruption especially in light of last week's issue of a reward to themselves for a crime that hasn't even been solved yet. He has been strangly silent over that while invoking Section 44 over a non-security issue. It seems that he is making mountains out of molehills and molehills out of mountains.

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Oh well, that's the end of Thaksin then. He'll be completely powerless without his police rank, and he'll no longer have any authority over the proletariat masses, who will resume their grovelling at the feet of the elite.

The new era of happiness has finally arrived.

Edited by dbrenn
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So, the NCPO sent it for royal approval then changed their minds and did it unilaterally without consulting the one person who holds ultimate authority in the matter? Regardless of the motives, sounds like lese majeste accusations are in order.

A very interesting point here indeed - as I understand it, all senior appointments made within the Royal Thai Police are done so under the Royal Prerogative so someone seems to have usurped the need for the Sovereign to revoke such a rank.

There are implications here also for the Treaty of Amity with the USA which was not a "law" but a treaty by Royal Command and therefore not subject to political influence.

This move by Prayuth bodes ill for many reasons........................................

Edited by Always18
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Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.


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Democracy doesn't work in Thailand so you either end up with a military government or a civilian one that abuses its power. So those who rant on about the current government and democracy might try and remember what the previous civilian government was like?

Seems like there was some back ground interference and thus approval from the normal channels could not be sought? Divisions in the powerhouse? Even military governments suffer splits and power struggles? I wonder how long Prayut can remain in power; its tough the current situation.

People get the government they deserve, no point crying about it if they are always thieves and criminals, Thailand wants democracy (the word, evidently not the fact), so if you're not happy with the government you choose, vote them out, don't let a jumped-up soldier with a tall hat take over.

That's called "being grown up" - it's what the first world and the second world do. Not perfect but the least imperfect there is.

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Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.

True enough but it should be acknowledged that Prayuth got fed up and had a tantrum because all the people he ordered to do the job before-hand, just flat-out refused to do it.

No loss of face for Uncle Too though, nossir - and that's before a little voice whispered in his ear about the political advisability of proposing a decree...

What a stunning climb-down. One of many in this guy's increasingly chequered history.

Edited by Jon Wetherall
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The stripping of Thaksin's police rank is nothing more than a PR stunt by the current powers that be. They want everyone to know who's in charge. Personally though I wish the whole Thaksin issue would disappear from Thai politics. Too long has this issue been in the news, a new chapter need to be opened and the old one left in the past.

Yes Wilson, perhaps the ghost of the demon in Dubai can now be laid to rest. Perhaps there should be jail time for any journalist who mentions that name again..! thumbsup.gif

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Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.

And it's a pretty well-thought out opinion. Beats posting a meaningless MEME, doesn't it? The entire police force, immigration police and civil service needs to be torn apart to root out corruption, much of which was the result of Thaksin's unlawful conduct. When Thaksin fled Thailand, automatically his title, pension and all medals should have been revoked. Meaningless act now, as the cancer has spread, and the only solution now is a completely reboot.

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With a mountain of money at his disposal I don't think anyone but a fool would discount the fact that Thaksins long arms can reach halfway around the world and reach the pockets of many people.

And it would be wize for any government (not red) to maintain the stance Thaksin is still divisive and garnering support behind the scenes.

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<<<The last part was seeking a royal decree for the removal, obvious article 44 is above any Royal decrees it would seem.>>>

<<<Someone whispered something in an ear, and the royal decree was not sought, instead, S44 was used.

Someone does not want to take sides on this issue, which is both understandable and odd...if the law says the rank should be stripped, then it should be stripped, but the law (sans-S44) requires the final signature, as that signature was the one that approved the rank in the first place>>>

<<< Never heard of anyone stripped of his rank for a crime.>>>

I am under the assumption there may be some basis for a charge under Article 112!!coffee1.gif

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The stripping of his former rank may be of no concern to Thaksin, but it would seem TVF posters have a problem with removing a police rank from a former police force member who currently is a criminal fugitive.

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Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

Remain calm John... it's only a game.

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Can't wait to hear why 44 was used instead of doing things in the previously legal and accepted way. This is the wrong way to have ended this however, and is gonna cause even more divisiveness.

Unfortunately, using section 44 was the least unacceptable way to do it. Of course it would have avoided a lot of heartache for Mr P to have not done anything, but doing nothing generally isn't an option for obsessives.

In my experience.

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Can't wait to hear why 44 was used instead of doing things in the previously legal and accepted way. This is the wrong way to have ended this however, and is gonna cause even more divisiveness.

Unfortunately, using section 44 was the least unacceptable way to do it. Of course it would have avoided a lot of heartache for Mr P to have not done anything, but doing nothing generally isn't an option for obsessives.

In my experience.

Avoiding to apply the law being obsessive? Police dragging their feet for seven years and trying to close the dossier obsessive?

Anyway thankfully only TVF posters are upset, but Thaksin couldn't care less, allegedly that is.

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Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.

As it is, it looks like proper channels refused the order to strip TS and PM acted unilaterally, which would seem to make it personal...certainly not judicial.

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