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SURVEY: Should EU countries continue to accept refugees and migrants?


SURVEY: Should the EU continue to accept migrants and refugees?  

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Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

Agreed! So that would be Russia, USA and the EU countries....

How far do you want to go back? I'd say the UK is in that mix too. Drawing middle east countries with borders that make no sense ... this mess is endless.
Last time I checked the UK was stil an EU country... Although some ignorants would love to change that.

It always amazes me that many foreigners who settled in Thailand and complain the hardest about how difficult immigration here makes it for them, are the same ones who'd love to throw out all immigrants out of their home country, while at the same time whining about why it is so hard for their Thai wife or girlfriend to get a visa. Bigots, the lot of them.

You either want open borders for everyone, meaning you can live where you want, and so can anyone else, or you are in favor of closed borders, and everyone stays in their country of birth, no exception.

By the way, ALL significant economics agree that complete open border would increase wealth worldwide on a massive scale, with the poorest countries gaining around 300% in GDP and the richest countries will see an increase of 20% GDP.

Sorry, but that is some serious flapdoodle. For a start, most on here do not complain about Thailand's immigration laws, they complain about there being no consistency in the application of those laws. Go to an immigration office or overseas mission there and get what you want quickly and easily. Go down the road with the same paperwork and be turned down flat just because.

Also why do borders have to be either fully open or fully closed? You are presenting a false dilemma to begin with and not taking into account factors such as lack of housing, social security etc, which are available in some countries but not others.

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Helping these refugees is necessary and a must ... the question is how !

The same way all the other refugees have been helped in the past; make them comfortable, have medical expertise & schools in the camps - but most importantly - mobilise the male refugees of fighting age, and build an Arab coalition with professional troops to back the Syrians, support them with western air power & logistics, and get that country back. Why are we still sitting here wringing our hands 3 years down the line?

Problem is that especially the UK, France the US and Germany have caused this problem starting with the

highly illegal war in Yugoslavia. Libya, Syria .... you name it.

Yes exactly, and the consequences of those actions were as calculated as they are obvious. The people everyone is expecting to put things right, are the architects of the entire thing. Check Mate to the NWO, but everyone's too blind to see it

Sorry not possible, because most Arab countries support the radicals. Iraq and Syria were the only countries with religious freedom and western human rights (women rights mostly). Iraq is destroyed, Syria is next. USA puts pressure on Greece to ban the transport flights from Russia....Transport flights for weapons for the anti ISIS fighters.

That makes it clear, the ongoing war is wanted.

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Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

Agreed! So that would be Russia, USA and the EU countries....

The main problem in Syria now is Russia and Iran. Selling weapons, boots on the ground and providing political support for Assad. If Assad was gone, this silliness would stop. But then it might turn into something like Libya. A difficult mess to solve. But solving it at the root should be the priority. These poor people don't want to move, but have no choice. As seen from the pic posted earlier. They've nowhere to go. I can't imagine how difficult that must be.


Russian troops 'fighting alongside Assad's army against Syrian rebels' Syrian state TV reportedly broadcasts footage of Russian soldiers and armoured vehicle fighting alongside pro-Assad troops
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All these migrants are Muslims

Syrian, Eritrean and Iraqi Christian refugees are being prioritised or have already been granted asylum in a number of Western countries.

No this was demanded but it is was labeled as not political correct and racist....not done in Germany and Austria

Both Austria & Germany had priortised Christians from refugee camps, (examples below) is this no longer the case? However, most definitely in some other Western countries, but sometimes use codified language such as "minorities".



Edited by simple1
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I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Your final sentence is soooo accurate. So send all the refugees to America.

These people are not true refugees, they are running away from their own kind. They are muslims infiltrating non muslim countries in ever growing numbers. I f they are not stopped the world will become dominated by IS philosophies which, of course, is their stated objective.

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Your final sentence is soooo accurate. So send all the refugees to America.

These people are not true refugees, they are running away from their own kind. They are muslims infiltrating non muslim countries in ever growing numbers. I f they are not stopped the world will become dominated by IS philosophies which, of course, is their stated objective.

Many of these people simply have no concept of democracy and if they do they do not like it. Every c*** and his or her mother knows that supposed democracy in the U.S. is paid for..... and thy wonder why these Arab nations are not keen!

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Why Germany will do that? Because of their guarantee of giving asylum to EVERYBODY.

No, you are totally wrong;

it's because they need them for working ;Germany has a huge deficit of workers;

A hundred million waiting is a conservative estimate. Shall we say 50 million just to be dumb? No. how about 10% which is 10 million. Are there 10 million unfilled jobs in Germany?

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Why Germany will do that? Because of their guarantee of giving asylum to EVERYBODY.

No, you are totally wrong;

it's because they need them for working ;Germany has a huge deficit of workers;

Germany needs skilled workers ! Highly skilled workers.

But Germany can also replace the low-income workers on minimum wages with refugees which would

make these jobs even cheeper.

Germany is offering a standard to refugees that is for most people in the third world unachievable even with a job !

And that IS a huge problem !!!

Still the problem is that most people in this threat [just like everywhere else] are falling for all the Government propaganda.

Most of the people coming to europe are not refugees at all !

The VAST MAJORITY are young males !!! [and NOT women and children] - that's first hand information NOT from mainstream media

but from people on the scene.

The whole refugee/immigrant thing is a tool to destabilize the whole of europe !

Why ? .... look at the UN agenda 2030 that will most likely be ratified 25-28.September !!!

Read it and get scared about what's to come !!!

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"Syria: The rebels financed and equipped by the US

IRAQ: Bombed into the ground by the US

Libya: Bombed into the ground by NATO

Yugoslavia: Bombed into the ground by NATO

Afganistan: Bombed into the Stone age by the US"

You are absolutely right! Just add one touch - Americans sell arms with strings attached. Russians and Chinese - without any political preconditions.


The Muslim Religion is straight from stone age.

Moreover it is more than Religion - it is A Way Of Life.

When I say West must not interfere and intermingle with Islam - some posters here place me on the right of Genghis Khan.

And this is despite me not calling for chop-chop to their hands or heads. Just deportation!

Ergo sum - West must fight Islam. West cannot fight Islam. West is doomed.

If anybody thinks Huns or Attila were bad for the Western Civilization - they are wrong.

It is the Second Dark Age coming. From the same Dark Age Islam.

Go Google: - 4000/ Terrorists/ Europe.

Trying to blame western countries for the never-ending problems of the Middle East just doesn't cut the mustard with me.

Sure, the US and Nato have made mistakes, but all their mistakes rolled in to one don't compare with the gargantuan mistakes the Middle Easterners have been making for centuries. Middle Easterners and North Africans.....

>>> have decimated their natural environments. Lebanon used to have some big cedar trees, now there are more trees on my little plot of land in Chiang Rai, than all of the M.East and north Africa combined. They also shoot to kill every type of bird which has the temerity to fly.

>>> continually allow mean dictators to take over. Not one country there, except Israel and Turkey, has a democracy despite tens of billions of dollars shoveled in by US and Nato trying to establish one.

>>> adopted a mean-spirited belief system which treats women worse than dogs. At least dogs are allowed to walk down a street unescorted and without having to cover parts of their bodies. they're so insecure about their belief system, they threaten to kill anyone for insinuating it has any flaws.

>>> keep popping out babies when they're living in rubble with no food or water or shelter. Even animals don't breed when their living conditions are untenable.

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Most of the people coming to europe are not refugees at all !

The VAST MAJORITY are young males !!! [and NOT women and children] - that's first hand information NOT from mainstream media

but from people on the scene.

Hmmm. 70% male under 30 with female in the 20%s and children 3% ish. That is a lot of children though.

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It's a hard question because these people are certainly in need of a safe haven, but by allowing all these people to just come in and become legal residents or near enough, of an EU country, it makes a mockery of actual immigration laws and procedures. It does a huge disservice to those people who follow all the rules, pay the money, fill out the forms and go through all the red-tape to become a legal resident or citizen of another country.

Deport them all to that island the Egyptian billionaire wants to buy for them, then all the countries that would have had to pay large sums of tax payer dollars to support them, for who knows how long, can give limited support to this island for a limited time, then the problem does not become a never-ending money pit.

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Please stay on topic. The topic is about the refugee situation as it relates to the EU.

Estimate for this year was 1.2 million as I remember. It has already reached 4 million and next year's estimate was 4 million. If next year is under 10 million then I will eat my hat Scott.

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they should do like the titanic

women & children first, or in this case, ONLY

the rest of the cowards can go fight to get their country back, but what I red in another paper, there are already 4000 IS soldiers in europe that came with refugies ...

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Many pictures and comments about Lesbos island.


More trouble to spread into Europe.

I'm so glad that in 1995 I decided to prepare to leave Europe. Sold out and migrated to Thailand in 1997.

Happy in Issaan.

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I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

I never claimed Phillipinos are refugees, if you actually read my piece. I'm saying that they would move, LEGALLY, to western countries to work and pay taxes to make up for the age gap. No need to bring an alien and vicious culture into our societies.

Anyway, the whole western premise that there must be ever increasing population to pay for the past generation is doomed to failure. There is a better way, but as long as politicians are in thrall to the money men nothing will change.

There is no difference between them and "us".


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Many pictures and comments about Lesbos island.


More trouble to spread into Europe.

I'm so glad that in 1995 I decided to prepare to leave Europe. Sold out and migrated to Thailand in 1997.

Happy in Issaan.

Having seen the article, IMO it's time to issue batten rounds and use them.

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I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

I never claimed Phillipinos are refugees, if you actually read my piece. I'm saying that they would move, LEGALLY, to western countries to work and pay taxes to make up for the age gap. No need to bring an alien and vicious culture into our societies.

Anyway, the whole western premise that there must be ever increasing population to pay for the past generation is doomed to failure. There is a better way, but as long as politicians are in thrall to the money men nothing will change.

There is no difference between them and "us".


There is a better way, but as long as politicians are in thrall to the money men nothing will change.

Well, all politicians tried to do everything even with a bonus for a new born child or tax relief. All in vain. Considering this it's not too bad to have some blood from the rest of the world?

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