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SURVEY: Should EU countries continue to accept refugees and migrants?

SURVEY: Should the EU continue to accept migrants and refugees?  

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I notice in the news that Australia is seeing to sign a free trade deal with China. One provision of the deal allows Chinese companies investing more than 150 million to bring their own construction workforce. Perhaps there's scope to bring in Syrian refugees and have them work on these projects instead of the Chinese workforce?

Syrian refugees wont want to work unless they are paid top dollar, which is what they will come for....and will be soon be radicalized by the unions..until the day comes when they will control the unions.

Whereas If Chinese construction workers arrive....they are not union friendly....so the unions will diminish rapidly.

Does anyone on here remember the days when Social Security Cheques were posted to recipients.....

Then it was exposed that in the Phillipines there were $26 million worth of Australian Social Security cheques cashed there from recipients....while the filos worked for cash on the cheap in Sydney and Melbourne.....

Over the decades Australia has been through these learning curves time and time again....Now finally we are waking up, and starting to do something about all the bludging parasites that turn up on the doorstep....

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Is there any Muslim Countries Taking any Refugees besides Turkey ??. In my opinion, Europe is in for big problems ahead

Just another example of how profoundly ignorant some people are on this whole topic..........


Syrian Refugee Camp, Jordan....


I notice in the news that Australia is seeing to sign a free trade deal with China. One provision of the deal allows Chinese companies investing more than 150 million to bring their own construction workforce. Perhaps there's scope to bring in Syrian refugees and have them work on these projects instead of the Chinese workforce?

Syrian refugees wont want to work unless they are paid top dollar, which is what they will come for....and will be soon be radicalized by the unions..until the day comes when they will control the unions.

Whereas If Chinese construction workers arrive....they are not union friendly....so the unions will diminish rapidly.

Does anyone on here remember the days when Social Security Cheques were posted to recipients.....

Then it was exposed that in the Phillipines there were $26 million worth of Australian Social Security cheques cashed there from recipients....while the filos worked for cash on the cheap in Sydney and Melbourne.....

Over the decades Australia has been through these learning curves time and time again....Now finally we are waking up, and starting to do something about all the bludging parasites that turn up on the doorstep....

You will be pleased to know Abbott has just authorised a once off additional Syrian permanent resettlement intake of 12k of 'minorities' from camps bordering Syria.



I notice in the news that Australia is seeing to sign a free trade deal with China. One provision of the deal allows Chinese companies investing more than 150 million to bring their own construction workforce. Perhaps there's scope to bring in Syrian refugees and have them work on these projects instead of the Chinese workforce?

Syrian refugees wont want to work unless they are paid top dollar, which is what they will come for....and will be soon be radicalized by the unions..until the day comes when they will control the unions.

Whereas If Chinese construction workers arrive....they are not union friendly....so the unions will diminish rapidly.

Does anyone on here remember the days when Social Security Cheques were posted to recipients.....

Then it was exposed that in the Phillipines there were $26 million worth of Australian Social Security cheques cashed there from recipients....while the filos worked for cash on the cheap in Sydney and Melbourne.....

Over the decades Australia has been through these learning curves time and time again....Now finally we are waking up, and starting to do something about all the bludging parasites that turn up on the doorstep....

You will be pleased to know Abbott has just authorised a once off additional Syrian permanent resettlement intake of 12k of 'minorities' from camps bordering Syria.


aftr his initial reaction, it is hardly "pleasing" to see the guy now begrudgingly changing his tune - once he realised virtually the Aussie Nation was against him....


I notice in the news that Australia is seeing to sign a free trade deal with China. One provision of the deal allows Chinese companies investing more than 150 million to bring their own construction workforce. Perhaps there's scope to bring in Syrian refugees and have them work on these projects instead of the Chinese workforce?

Syrian refugees wont want to work unless they are paid top dollar, which is what they will come for....and will be soon be radicalized by the unions..until the day comes when they will control the unions.

Whereas If Chinese construction workers arrive....they are not union friendly....so the unions will diminish rapidly.

Does anyone on here remember the days when Social Security Cheques were posted to recipients.....

Then it was exposed that in the Phillipines there were $26 million worth of Australian Social Security cheques cashed there from recipients....while the filos worked for cash on the cheap in Sydney and Melbourne.....

Over the decades Australia has been through these learning curves time and time again....Now finally we are waking up, and starting to do something about all the bludging parasites that turn up on the doorstep....

It used to be "They come here and take our jobs by working for half the wages" now it's "They come here and won't work unless it's for top dollar" - I do wish people would make up their mind.


wow... this is getting really serious, honestly, I am slowly considering of finding another home base maybe outside Europe. The future looks scary.


Yes, give them shelter in Europe as long as there is war in their home countries. Try to stop that war, disarm the war parties, and then resettle the refugees. Maybe give them some incentives for a new startup in their home countries.


NO country wants this virus. They don't say it in so many words, but NO one wants this disease to further infect their borders. Plain and simple...they are NOT welcome, nor wanted. When Muslims gain admittance to another country, are they appreciative? NO! Do they try to assimilate? NO! They try to take over and impose their idiotic religion and ass-backward superstition and ignorance on the gracious host countries that let them in.



Don't look like real refuges to me. Coming in Christian countries without invitation and immediately starting to require a special treatment .They refuse to accept aid from "Red Cross" because of image of cross on it..


YES...They are unappreciative, superstitious ass holes of the highest degree who have nothing to offer and try to impose their BS on everyone else. Nothing good can come of this for any country accepting...or being forced to accept...them.


A real disaster.
Without passport control without a regular asylum procedure hundreds of thousands flock to Europe.
80 % - 90% are young men without families.
Many from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan destroy their ID documents and claim to be political refugees from Syria.
And how many ISIS - fighters and jihadists are already seeped uncontrollably in?
They already singing: “Allahu Akbar,”


BS. They chant "Allah u akhbar" because they're grateful to have reached their destination, not because they're planning a bomb attack.



Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees .........

Certainly UK has been on the receiving end of some accusations regarding its unwillingness to accept a share of the current wave of ME/African migrants.

Most of those accusations seem to have come from Germany.

I found some data comparing population changes in Germany & UK for the period 2013 -2014 which might go some way to mitigating UK's position.

Germany v UK.pdf

In that time period, Germany's population FELL by about 74,000 while UK's ROSE by more than 353,000. Germany accepted nearly 43,000 migrants to UK's 177,500+. Many of those would have been East European but that just leaves space in the already relatively sparsely populated East for current migrants. Unfortunately, they don't want to live in the East .........

Looking at population density, Germany's is 232/sq. km compared to UK's 261/sq. km. (England's population density is even higher at 413/sq. km - source; http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/compendiums/compendium-of-uk-statistics/population-and-migration/index.html ). Much has been made of Germany's offer to accommodate 800,000 current migrants. If Germany took all that number & UK took NONE, Germany's population density would still only be 233.6/sq. km. Germany would need to add nearly 10,500,000 to its current population to equal UK's population density. I fully realise there are ways to calculate population density, taking account of e.g. terrain, which might change the perspective but I use easily-available figures just for illustration.

I reckon it's Germany that's not been pulling its weight with regard to migrants, not UK.

To echo a common slogan "UK (and especially England) is full"


BS. They chant "Allah u akhbar" because they're grateful to have reached their destination, not because they're planning a bomb attack.


Your government should try to stop the war, get the arms out of the country, and then send them back if they're not war refugees anymore. You might want to keep some as immigrants in case you're getting short of labour force.


I think the U.S. should take more of them but also I think Europe should take more from Latin America. Result? Better Mexican food in Europe and then later Thailand.

The U.S. will not take any more than they must because they are not christians. The U.S. is strictly a chirstian country.

Totally ABSURD statement


There is a lot of hearts of gold here who never miss an opportunity preaching "goodness" at other people expense.

Europe must take more, - they say.

USA must take more, - they say.

Etc. etc. etc.

Nobody must take anybody!... Especially Muslims!

Europeans had their own problems for centuries.

They have suffered in full measure in the past. They fought, they worked, they built their life and their world.

The Muslims from Middle East are suffering now. Because they are still living in 12th century. Let them fight, let them work, let them build their life and their world.

After 700 - 800 years maybe they will become as benign and civilized as the West is today! (actually I do not believe this)

Then and only then there can be talks about integration, multiculturalism and co-existence.

Taking them in now will not help them but will bury us. The equality will be achieved only at the lowest common denominator.

The awful bombed out picture shown in the above post is the future of your area if this migration madness continues.

Anyone not understanding this and suffering from a "bleeding heart syndrome" should be allowed to take his noble feelings with him and move to any of the troubled spots of their choice.

All I can say is...and coming from an atheist, this is HIGH praise...AMEN TO THAT vampire.gif


Yes, give them shelter in Europe as long as there is war in their home countries. Try to stop that war, disarm the war parties, and then resettle the refugees. Maybe give them some incentives for a new startup in their home countries.

Sending migrants back to their home countries (if they don't qualify) is not plausible. Only about 1/4 of migrants who were turned down - wind up being taken back. the rest just melt in to the countries which turned down their application.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?

I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?

It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.

Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.

There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?

I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

I am not their brother as well.

As someone stated earlier. The vast majority are 18 to 35 young enough to fight for their own country but they dont like their own country as they dont get free housing, cash handouts and they believe it is their right to demand, yes demand it from any european country they go to.

Turn the boats around and take them back. I don't care what their problem is. It's not my or your job to fix it.

It's in their own hands.


Hey Vogie, who do think made these places this way ? it is a true crisis for sure, but all because of religion and power, and the lack of tolerance by a mostly Muslim population. Now they all want to go to Europe where they in most cases will not try to fit in, but want their own country standards and norms recreated for them at the expense of the Europeans! If anything send peace keepers and militaries to stop the conflict. Sounds counter intuitive but tear out the problem like a cancer cell before it is allowed to spread.

Sounds like your happy for further military engagements such as the ones we have seen in Afghanistan and Iraq, very simplistic, don't know if you noticed but getting involved didn't work in fact getting rid of those two antichrists in Hussain and Gaddafi has only destabilised the Arab world, the Americans obviously had an agenda and worked hard towards it but the reality is the Arab world in general is anti American so any puppets they put in power won't carry any weight with the people, all was fine before they went in luckily the Russians have put there foot down concerning Syria otherwise that 3rd world war people often talk about could very easily have started by now.


Face it, there's a war going on. A geopolitical conflict like this one:


You can't keep out and blame it all on religion. It's the economy, and if you're lucky you have 2 alternatives: Peace or more war.

What would you prefer?

It's the economy

No, that is definetely NOT the reason. Refugees (e.g Syrians) are fearing for their lives. They will die of bombs or hunger....or looking for asylum in Europe. (of course it's easy to say it's all about economy when sitting in Thailand and sipping your Leo (or something else). Where is your Christian Humanity gone, man? They are humans in first place, whatever religion they belong to. You forgot that, Laddie?


Of course, asylum for refugees from war is a matter of humanity.

But wars usually have economic backgrounds.

The refugees that come to Europe are usually the smart ones in their countries, otherwise they wouldn't have made it to Europe. In fact many are well-educated and were selected by their families to go. I guess many (if not most) of them would be happy to return if they only had peace.


It IS the economy. However it is on a level way above your average Ahmed Bloggs on the street in Syria or your friend sipping a Leo in Pattaya.


"Accept" is not the right word. They are there and like a tsunami can't be turned back. The question is should the be settled or housed in displaced persons' camps and left there until they can go home.


BS. They chant "Allah u akhbar" because they're grateful to have reached their destination, not because they're planning a bomb attack.


Your government should try to stop the war, get the arms out of the country, and then send them back if they're not war refugees anymore. You might want to keep some as immigrants in case you're getting short of labour force.

The answer, in part anyway, is to stop the fighting. To fight, the protagonists need ammunition. Most couldn't afford to buy one round let alone a full magazine.

Find out who is manufacturing the ammunition and who is paying for it and you would be on the way to greatly reducing the conflict. I'll bet most of the ammunition isn't manufactured in the middle east.



To me, they are hostages in a geopolitical conflict which isn't theirs.


I would settle them, so they can work and live in Europe until the war is over.

It is schizoid in a way to blame them for "immigration into the social systems" and at the same time prevent them from working.


Maybe a farfedged opinion but maybe it's time for European people over there to take over power gradually. As long as these political clowns of mainstream parties are in power Europe is declining and on the brink of a future ethnic war similar to that of the ex Yugoslavia conflict and that wasn't nice as we all can remember.... Those politicians only need the people during elections, after that they can go to hell!!! Time for change over there, military or not!

Gary - I agree with you to a degree, but many would suggest this be a repeat of 1930's Germany. And, I think there are more and more ppl out there that are just fine with that.

I've mentioned in other posts that the ppl in power today in various countries will not be shortly. The ppl are getting fed up. But where do we draw the line?



Much of the arms and ammuniation will be traded in black markets. Much will be taken across borders, groups like IS don't respect borders anyway.

But then there are arms exports from the west to fill up. And those should be registered - better be banned.

In Germany special permits are required for arms exports. But the volume of these permits has already doubled within half a year.

The whole Middle East area should be put on an embargo list, to prevent cross-country arms trading. Of course, companies like Krauss-Maffei would whimper and cry.


What happens when the EU tries to spread them all over Europe and many are told they can't get to their country of choice ?

Protests as many are very demanding or a mini migration as they head out from where the are to where they want to be ?

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