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Kentucky clerk appeals order putting her in jail

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Concealed carry has nothing to do with nothing. The bigot woman went to jail because she tried to enforce her faux "religious" sharia on other people and prevented others in the same office for doing so. This was NOT an act of civil disobedience, it was an act of faux "christian" sharia. She can believe what ever crap she wants to believe, she has no right to cram it down others throats, period.

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Off-topic posts and replies removed. The topic is not about gun laws.

The lady in question was put in jail because she did not carry out her duties and the lawful order of the court.

She was not put in jail for her religious beliefs. Continued obfuscating of the topic will result in suspensions.

Please stay on topic.


Simply put SCOTUS has the power. The same thing as when they ruled that states could not deny interracial opposite sex marriages. It is true that each state has its own marriage law but anything in that law that doesn't follow SCOTUS rulings is invalid. The states don't even need to change the invalid parts of their law. They are still invalid changed or not. States have rights yes but SCOTUS has great power over them.


Gay people didn't put her in jail. She refused to follow SCOTUS. SCOTUS is not gay people.

It's interesting that gay activists who praised San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom for illegally issuing marriage licenses now vilify Kim Davis. I would add to this but I have someone following me deleting my posts.

The law and order poster calling anyone who makes the slightest criticism of law enforcement personnel despicable now advocates defiance of the law. Newsome's issuance of marriage certificates has been validated by the SCOTUS decision. So you now advocate selective disobedience of the law? You threatened on many similar threads since the SCOTUS decision to make your 'thoughts' known on this issue. When you finally did, they are deleted. Get the message?


I believe that some one else posted that when San Francisco first allowed gay marriage it was not technically against the law, since the state law did not yet define marriage as being between a man and a woman. Thus, he did not defy the law.


Gay people didn't put her in jail. She refused to follow SCOTUS. SCOTUS is not gay people.

It's interesting that gay activists who praised San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom for illegally issuing marriage licenses now vilify Kim Davis. I would add to this but I have someone following me deleting my posts.

The law and order poster calling anyone who makes the slightest criticism of law enforcement personnel despicable now advocates defiance of the law. Newsome's issuance of marriage certificates has been validated by the SCOTUS decision. So you now advocate selective disobedience of the law? You threatened on many similar threads since the SCOTUS decision to make your 'thoughts' known on this issue. When you finally did, they are deleted. Get the message?

Correct as your posts are 99.8%..

Nor did then-Mayor Newsome defy or reject SCOTUS in its ruling of what the Constitution is and provides. The mayor never defied a court or a court order. He performed the marriages under the equal protection provisions of the state constitution which the state supreme court later cited when it rejected the state's subsequent law defining marriage. There were no laws in California or in San Francisco defining marriage when the then-mayor conducted the marriages. Newsome never defied a law or a court.

Gavin Newsome has since been elected lieutenant governor of California.

Here is the SCOTUS ruling on the supremacy of the Constitution over cannon religious law in the United States. In short, one can have religious beliefs concerning civil law but cannot cite religion to defy the law or to defy the Constitution except under the pains and penalties of the law.


Can a man excuse his [illegal] practices…because of his religious belief? To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself. Government could exist only in name under such circumstances….”


In a conflict between state and federal law, the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution rules, i.e., the federal law prevails always in every instance. This is a matter of the 14th Amendment equal protection of the laws. Actions against SCOTUS and the constitution for any reason are OTT which is why the federal judge placed the clerk in contempt of the court, i.e., the Constitution.

God and government are two different beasts so any officer of the law who tries to impose God on government violates the Constitution and the laws thereby misusing their authority and remit.


I believe that some one else posted that when San Francisco first allowed gay marriage it was not technically against the law, since the state law did not yet define marriage as being between a man and a woman. Thus, he did not defy the law.

Gavin Newsom done his job while Kim Davis did not. How is Gavin Newsom even on topic?


Off-topic posts removed. Continuing to discuss marriage in general will result in suspensions. Doing so is trolling.


If PC was merely about being polite I'd have no problem with it. However, PC has been used top commit such stupidities as stopping people saying Merry Christmas in a Christian country and renaming Snow White and the seven dwarves as Snow White and the seven friends, when "dwarves" is not even a derogatory word.

I get it. It is so difficult to have people reject the really important elements of cherished cultural values. Things like Santa Claus is white; gay people are not normal so can be treated like second class citizens; darker skinned people have a tendency to violence and crime. I too grew up with the Disney-fication of white American culture in the mid-century 'golden age'. So I won't start wailing on you - sorry for the ebonics - for your cultural chauvinism.

The black experience has shown that words matter. Empowerment comes with taking ownership of words. It is a staple of identity politics. The 'n' word is pretty much removed from white speak unless you live in part of the South in the US. Gay people are similarly taking back words that used to be used to discriminate against and oppress them.

A well funded political hate group is encouraging, facilitating and supporting the now poster child for religious extremism. A lot of people make their living out of the culture wars. No doubt this former dowdy nobody will do the same. Sarah Palin led the way on monetising tea bag lunacy. Reading through these types of threads it is easy to see how money can be made from the crazies steaming towards the flame.


Yep. She isn't acting alone as a voice of conscience. She is part of the fake narrative of Christian persecution which does exist now in many Islamic countries but certainly not in the USA.

I am all for supporting persecuted Christians when they actually are being persecuted. More attention please on Isis and less on some innocent gay couples wanting to marry. Kay?


If PC was merely about being polite I'd have no problem with it. However, PC has been used top commit such stupidities as stopping people saying Merry Christmas in a Christian country and renaming Snow White and the seven dwarves as Snow White and the seven friends, when "dwarves" is not even a derogatory word.

The incident to which you refer was in fact down to the dwarfs being replaced by children in one particular production.

It was done because they weren't using dwarfs, and therefore were probably breaking the trades descriptions act and opening themselves up to legal action by the somewhat miffed dwarfs who were overlooked for roles.

There was no "politically correct" pressure applied on the producers, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is being produced elsewhere without a name change - and with dwarves.


So I'm afraid you can't hijack this particular tale to stoke up your indignation.


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.


If PC was merely about being polite I'd have no problem with it. However, PC has been used top commit such stupidities as stopping people saying Merry Christmas in a Christian country and renaming Snow White and the seven dwarves as Snow White and the seven friends, when "dwarves" is not even a derogatory word.

The incident to which you refer was in fact down to the dwarfs being replaced by children in one particular production.

It was done because they weren't using dwarfs, and therefore were probably breaking the trades descriptions act and opening themselves up to legal action by the somewhat miffed dwarfs who were overlooked for roles.

There was no "politically correct" pressure applied on the producers, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is being produced elsewhere without a name change - and with dwarves.


So I'm afraid you can't hijack this particular tale to stoke up your indignation.

and no one is stopping anyone for wishing a merry Christmas,I wish merry Christmas to other Christians all the time.

If I was to wish a merry Christmas to a Jew or a Muslim I would be wrong

It has nothing to do with being politically correct, it has to do with being correct

Now back to the issue at hand. The Kentucky clerk is a loony, I watched the media event when she was released, with Huckabee making speeches and and the rest of the godheads waving their magical talisman in the air and requesting special treatment to accommodate their lunacy.

She need to resign and get a job for which she is better suited, I hear her local Walmart is taking applications


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.

But she didn't just "not involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses". She forced five other people not to as well.

Where are their rights?


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.

I hear of people resigning rather than do something that conflicts with their personal beliefs all the time. I think she is more concerned with her $80,000 a year job in Kentucky than her beliefs . If not, why not resign?


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.

But she didn't just "not involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses". She forced five other people not to as well.

Where are their rights?

What makes you think the people under Kim Davis supervision wanted to be involved in this circus?


I have been doing some research on marriage in the US and found some interesting things.

Marriage is not covered in the Constitution, and was left to the individual States to decide on, so, actually, SCOTUS has no legal right to be interfering in marriage law in the first place, and secondly, MARRIAGE is a RELIGIOUS institution, so it is covered by one of the amendments ( first I think ) to be decided by RELIGIOUS institutions- ie Muslims, Jews, Mormons and Christians etc etc have different marriage rules.

Therefore, it comes down to the individual states to decide about civil unions between whomever, and the Federal government is sticking it's beak in where it doesn't belong.

Strictly speaking there is no RIGHT to be married, which is why people have to get a licence ( permission ) to do so. Even before marriage became legislated, which is a new thing compared to the length of time marriage has been in existence, and was a RELIGIOUS institution ( living together without religious approval was a no no ), the Church had to give permission for two people to get married, and it was usually for the purpose of having children. The modern idea of getting married without having children would have been looked on as a bit strange centuries ago.

Personally, I think the whole 'marriage" thing on TV has become confused. Are we talking about homosexual marriage by a religious institution, which goes against the core beliefs of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, whatever people might wish, or "married" in a legal sense, but not in a religious establishment?

It makes a difference.

For myself, I don't care at all if homosexuals get married in an office, but I don't see why any homosexual would want to get married in a Church, given that religious institutions officially condemn them to death, usually in unpleasant ways.

Sorry but as


says, you really don't quite follow the bouncing ball in this case. No offense intended..


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.

I hear of people resigning rather than do something that conflicts with their personal beliefs all the time. I think she is more concerned with her $80,000 a year job in Kentucky than her beliefs . If not, why not resign?

I would guess Davis didn't just resign because she isn't stupid. Why give up her elected position when she can take a stand on her biblical beliefs and continue working. If the voters think she should leave that position, they can vote her out. My guess is, the majority of people who voted for Davis share the same beliefs as she does.


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.

Bigots claiming to be victimised because of their bigotry. I love it. Bigots standing at the Lincoln Memorial and saying 'I have a dream' to literally dozens or maybe even hundreds of religious loonies to mark the celebration of the civil rights issue of our time. Roll out all the fat old white men like Rush baby to thump his chest and bring on Santorum to explain why his name is so closely linked to gay sex. You can get hats made like Trump so the grumpy old men can hide their bald spots. Religious liberty. I am all for it. Let the Davis's of the world believe what nonsense they like but it should be kept away from the children of course. We must protect them from these un-natural people.


I believe you might find author Salman Rushdie, who had a contract put on him for his publications by radical muslims, a bit of an expert on religion and extremism on the Bill Maher link. Give it a try instead of faux (not the) news. That is if you think you can handle the truth. That "woman" is nothing more than the embodiment of faux "christian" sharia. At least one of the assistant clerks has publicly stated that even if when she comes back to work and orders them to once again not issue marriage licenses he will still issue. No, I doubt very seriously most wanted to be involved in this "christian" sharia.


Another oops for those that think that bigot is representative of her county: http://kos.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=dOrXIzY7euli5hP6xkWSg/JEYX3j%2BeJM

Huh??? You can't be serious. Why on earth would you make reference to leftist articles published by "Daily Kos." This publication is nothing more than a liberal oasis where liberals congregate to drink and swim in leftist, socialistic, ideology. You have obivously confused Kim Davis biblical beliefs with bigotry. Thanks for sharing.


Another oops for those that think that bigot is representative of her county: http://kos.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=dOrXIzY7euli5hP6xkWSg/JEYX3j%2BeJM

Huh??? You can't be serious. Why on earth would you make reference to leftist articles published by "Daily Kos." This publication is nothing more than a liberal oasis where liberals congregate to drink and swim in leftist, socialistic, ideology. You have obivously confused Kim Davis biblical beliefs with bigotry. Thanks for sharing.

Where his words are published has nothing to do with the opinion of the Rowan County Attorney.


Where in hell did anybody get the idea that there was a "war on xmas", oh, forgot faux (not the) news. And while remotely related to a "person" that has tried to impose her faux "christian" sharia on others it isn't really on the subject. Perhaps you should click the Bill Maher link for a little edification from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Let me see if I understand this. You would like people to "click the Bill Maher link for a little edification." You have got to be kidding me. Maher is nothing more than a not so funny comedian. Actually, this forum is full of not so funny comedians.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis should be commended for her decision not to involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses. This clerk did this because of her biblical beliefs. I'm sure the judge who hastily had her jailed is having second thoughts over what he did. Religious liberty is becoming a major civil rights issue of our time. Who knows, Kim Davis may well end up being the face on this movement.

But she didn't just "not involve herself in issuing same sex marriage licenses". She forced five other people not to as well.

Where are their rights?

What makes you think the people under Kim Davis supervision wanted to be involved in this circus?

Well the fact that they started issuing licenses once she was out of the way speaks volumes.

I doubt they wanted to be involved in this circus to be honest. But who dragged them into it?

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