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how do you stop1000 birds in my tree of a night screaming


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You can buy an air-rifle or BB gun for about 3000 Baht. I suspect the birds are Indian Mynahs, which roost in mobs, but are also pretty smart. Take a few pot shots when they are starting to roost. You don't need lethal force, but the birds will learn they are not welcome and may move somewhere else. They don't like being disturbed all the time. This does work best with a smaller colony. Once there are 100's of them they will be hard to move without drastic disturbance.

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I used to get problems with seagulls roosting on mine and my neighbours roofs back home and they would wake the whole street up with their squarking at first light every morning in the summer. I was moaning about this to a work mate who told me that when night fishing he used a laser pointer to scare ducks away if they started diving on his bait and that it never failed.

Anyhow I had a pointer at home and that night I gave it a try and it seriously seriously freaked the things out!! I've never seen a seagull take off so quickly or in such a panic, it was comical, just like watching a cartoon bird leaving its feathers behind after being spooked lol. After a couple of weeks of spooking them a few times every night they all cleared off elsewhere, so might be worth giving it a try in your situation. At night you can chase them for a good long way through the sky with the laser which probably helps them come to the conclusion that your neighbourhood is not a safe one to roost in.

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mix some bird seed with some Plaster of Paris in flat shallow dishes...set the dishes out prior to the birds arriving...when they feed on the bird seed and ingest the plaster of paris you will have the most wonderful display of dead birds in all sorts of poses..... (a new tourism venue for TOT)...if the birds don't feed on the seed/PP at night they will definitely feed on it at first light....

Works a treat with rats/mice as well...change the seed for cheese or crumbs of meat

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Reach into the bamboo, and tie some cords to various bamboo uprights, as high up as you can. (ladder?). You may need to do this in several places. After dark when all the birds are roosting, pull and release the cords rapidly. Shake the bejeesus out of the bamboo clump, from what ever distance you like, the rattling should scare them out. As it will be dark they cannot find their way back. You may have to do this many nights in a row!

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chances that the airport is a known thing when you buy a house there...

and again, chances are that OP didn't go at 2am for house buying to be aware of this situation?

anyway, the birds has the right to make noise wherever they want,

and the OP has the right to get rid the tree, and the noise with it.

tingtong like your reply...

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Mix Chilly powder into oil and spray the branches. You will have some fun watching them hop around with hot feet. they wont come back. Same with dogs and poo. Spray the grass with oil and chilly powder. They don't come back defecating once they have had their paws in the oil/chilly . They catch on pretty quick,

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You can buy an air-rifle or BB gun for about 3000 Baht. I suspect the birds are Indian Mynahs, which roost in mobs, but are also pretty smart. Take a few pot shots when they are starting to roost. You don't need lethal force, but the birds will learn they are not welcome and may move somewhere else. They don't like being disturbed all the time. This does work best with a smaller colony. Once there are 100's of them they will be hard to move without drastic disturbance.

Move upto a sawn off shotgun. normally does the job.. cheesy.gif

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wombat i did that once

i was working outback in oz a area where plenty of wild quail

afriend rang and said was coming up in 2weeks and shot him alof of quail

as were going to have alarge dinner party

i forgot till day before he came asked if i had

the town was a roosting place for 1000s starlings of anight

itook the shotgun and blasted the trees and had 200 starlings in no time

plucked and put on ice he took next day back to city

he rang latter to tell me he and friends said were the best quail ever tasted

Plucking Starlings? Anything smaller than a Woody is 'lunnnccchhhh!' :)


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Counting sheep in known to work for some people...perhaps you could count the birds....Oh sorry....I see you've done that already. (555).

I have not seen any sheep in Thailand either.

Then you haven't been to Ratchaburi. Plenty of sheep there.

Apart from that, is the OP sure they are birds? I mean usually birds are quiet at night.

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Oke simple, take 1 bird and a sound recorder with a good mic, put the recorder on ' record' ... Take the bird by its wings, and slowly pull 1 leg untill it screams very loud, and let it scream long,, you can try this with other limbs but you'll need the screaming.

Play this sound very loud on your stereo outside near the tree when some idiot birds come to ruin your night.

This method works much better than fire crackers.

Good night.

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You could try to develop your appreciation of the aesthetic beauty of nature's wonders. However, I suspect this is beyond your development potential. So, I would suggest closing your windows and wearing ear protectors. A pair costs 150 Baht. wai2.gif

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