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Phuket jail term suspended for Tiger Disco inferno deaths

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Spending B137 million in court rather than spending that money to help the families of the victims is a monumental scandal. And the man talked with a lot of sarcasm about their money spent and not a single word of remorse about the dead victims. He is a devil incarnate.

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I find this case unbelievable causing someones death by negligence or any other source is punishable by 10 years in prison this person gets a sentence of three years but because he has never committed any crimes before his sentenced is commuted to 3 years probation?


“We have lost over B137 million in this case during the past two years,” added Mr Thamrongsak. “We have to support all of our workers in 47 bars and take care of so many things.

“I hope this case will come to an end very soon or otherwise the Tiger Group will come to an end first. And if we come to an end, can you imagine that how many people will be out of jobs in Phuket?”

How deranged is this guy ... ? People got killed and all he think about is his lousy bars ... blink.png Is it "Thainess Award of the Month" already ... ?

Can only hope that many tourists planing to visit Phuket see this and remember it when they stand in front of Tiger and decide to go to another bar - after all it will no doubt happen again ...


As is always said in Thailand there is one law for the rich and one law for the poor. Its a shame the Junta never bothered to address this clear in-balance in Thai society but oh wait - The Junta are all loaded too.

'in Thailand' ... only ?

It's fascinating how Westerners who live here (or come very often) and for some reason have come to hate this country with all their guts are eager to forget that what they hate so much here happens everywhere else.

If you think the law in our Western 'democracies' is the same for everyone regardless of birth, wealth, position and fame, well, think again, Sir.


Tiger business never gets a single Baht from me. Unfortunately, tourists still fill their bars, as these stories are widely unknown to visitors.


Unbelievable, but we all knew this was coming. I wonder how much of the 137 million went into the case, cough cough. These guys are hilarious, the end of the article was all about "me" and not a single "sorry, our fault, we fill terrible and will try to help the victims" etc. Oh no, it was all about "me".

Typical Thai attitude. Me & Money thats all that counts. He should go to gaol as his company was negligent. He should compensate all the families properly not just meanial sums. It will happen again, as history proves. Cut corners in everything. No safety only money counts.


Suspended. Of course we're not surprised they won't spend a day in jail.

“We have lost over B137 million in this case during the past two years,” added Mr Thamrongsak. “We have to support all of our workers in 47 bars and take care of so many things.

“I hope this case will come to an end very soon or otherwise the Tiger Group will come to an end first. And if we come to an end, can you imagine that how many people will be out of jobs in Phuket?”

Wow. People have died and this idiot just doesn't get it does he?

Yes people died and the sentence was on the light side as were their settlement offers to the victims families. This guy just had me in tears after reading what a good Samaritan the company is. Somehow I find their so called offer disingenuous


This should be published Worldwide... And let the World see the true Thai Justice System.....

More important that highlighting (the lack of) Thai justice, is to highlight the inherent dangers of partying here. This would go much farther in terms of saving visitors grief and harm. Unfortunately, those coming on holiday tend to spend their time preparing for the fun, and no time educating themselves on safety.


Suspended. Of course we're not surprised they won't spend a day in jail.

“We have lost over B137 million in this case during the past two years,” added Mr Thamrongsak. “We have to support all of our workers in 47 bars and take care of so many things.

“I hope this case will come to an end very soon or otherwise the Tiger Group will come to an end first. And if we come to an end, can you imagine that how many people will be out of jobs in Phuket?”

Wow. People have died and this idiot just doesn't get it does he?

Yes people died and the sentence was on the light side as were their settlement offers to the victims families. This guy just had me in tears after reading what a good Samaritan the company is. Somehow I find their so called offer disingenuous

And if they had spent half of that B137m compensating the victims and their families, everyone would have been better off.


Suspended. Of course we're not surprised they won't spend a day in jail.

“We have lost over B137 million in this case during the past two years,” added Mr Thamrongsak. “We have to support all of our workers in 47 bars and take care of so many things.

“I hope this case will come to an end very soon or otherwise the Tiger Group will come to an end first. And if we come to an end, can you imagine that how many people will be out of jobs in Phuket?”

Wow. People have died and this idiot just doesn't get it does he?

Bloody annoying all those folk dying.................his view


137 Mill lost? He must be adding in the revenue the bar would have generated if it didn't burn down to his negligence as well.

Just think of all the money you saved by not having to pay the police so you bar could stay open late illegally.

The police that allowed it to stay open late should be in jail right along with this elite over privileged piece of trash.

Once again, no accountability in Thailand.


137 Mill lost? He must be adding in the revenue the bar would have generated if it didn't burn down to his negligence as well.


Exactly ... a fictional amount of 'lost' revenue. And we are supposed to believe that staff were really paid if have no work ...


What purpose would jailing them do ?

I suspect a very large percentage of nightclubs are no different than this place in regard to health and safety. With no efficient policing of regulations, a prison sentence for these guys wouldn't have been a deterrent, owners will just ensure they have stool pigeons in place.

This is a worldwide problem, often fatal nightclub fires unearth breaches of regulations even in the west.

In a country where human life is cheap and ensuring peoples safety is an avoidable business expense why should they bother, the chance of it happening to their nightclub is pretty small in % terms.

Yes I know the reasons why they should bother but thats a falang viewpoint and this is Thailand with that special ingredient, Thainess.

I guarantee if these guys actually were sent to do hard years in prison, it would raise eyebrows among the disco/bar/mafia community. And perhaps, just maybe at least one, ONE nightclub owner MIGHT give ONE thought to safety while opening a club.

And as much of a stretch as it is, that potential for a small change is worth jailing them.


That is why the kingdom is known as " AMAZING THAILAND " had it been a farang club he owners would have been given maximum terms in prison and millions a baht fines !!! R.I.P to all the deceased Thailand has shown that your life is worthless.


Suspended. Of course we're not surprised they won't spend a day in jail.

“We have lost over B137 million in this case during the past two years,” added Mr Thamrongsak. “We have to support all of our workers in 47 bars and take care of so many things.

“I hope this case will come to an end very soon or otherwise the Tiger Group will come to an end first. And if we come to an end, can you imagine that how many people will be out of jobs in Phuket?”

Wow. People have died and this idiot just doesn't get it does he?

Why do people go to Phuket ?? it a crap hole run by crooks.


Foreigners need to report to immigration 5 times a year (90 day x 4; extension x 1), plus the occasional visit by immigration or the police to make sure we 'foreigners' are up to no mischief.

I always wondered if Thai parolees had more or less stringent reporting requirements. Seeing that the convicted party only has to report to his parole officer 6 time in 2 years, it's true! Foreigners have more stringent reporting requirements then criminals, which seems to infer that we're considered more of a national security risk than a convicted Thai criminal. Wow! How...immensely interesting!

Ain't it great to be a Non-O/Non-B 'guest' in the Land of Smiles? You have the social standing below that of a convicted Thai criminal.


I find this case unbelievable causing someones death by negligence or any other source is punishable by 10 years in prison this person gets a sentence of three years but because he has never committed any crimes before his sentenced is commuted to 3 years probation?

That was not the true reason his sentence was reduced to probation. However, in the current atmosphere it appears that stating the true reason could get one jailed. Apparently, after the British professor fiasco, it appears that going after the integrity of a Thai judge or official of any sort, is a national security sort of crime.

Talk about a misuse of the application of law. What can one say? On a daily basis this administration is revealing it's lack of sincerity about moving the country forward.


The most scandleous part of the sentance was not that he got it reduced to a suspended one, they could have done that straight off the bat, it was the rediculous reason. "He has never been charged or imprisoned before" so that is why he gets no jail. He killed 4 , was guilty , could go to jail for 10 years but because you have never been caught before you get no jail. Suppose if I shoot someone as I have been a good guy all my life I will be let off, Ooops, forgot I am not Thai.

The country is great place to stay, short or long term and the people in general are great but as a functional country it must rank along with the worst, would love someone to name any government department national or local that good be said to be run efficiently and without, cronyism, nepotism or coruption.


For 'suspended' one can almost substitute 'scot free'.

Naughty boy, now go away and don't do it again in the next few years or else.

As he sat looking admiringly at the new car keys.



If all the criminals in phuket had no jobs, would anyone care?

Every single entertainment, banking, housing, even the bus lines... are full of scams. When taking a bus to phuket the driver will stop off somewhere where you will be asked to pay for transportation to leave phuket. THis is a scam.

My heart goes out to the families whose land, house, business that the banks and lawyers have stolen from their hard work. I will continue to promote to my friends and family to never go there. ... nor any thai scam island.

2 cents.

If they go bust, someone will buy the group of bars and carry on so no loss of jobs. A lawyer, what a load of crap. Money in the right places do wonders.

Thailand, land of smiles and jokes.

Almost the same degree of lawlessness on Samui. Except the families in charge maintain alot of discipline, unlike Phuket and Dark Tao. But, alot of scams. Nearly everything is overpriced. Taxi scams, jet ski scams, bangkok airways monopoly, no public transport other than overpriced tuk tuks. I could go on and on.


So sad... Ridiculous. Outrageous. Predictable. Amazing Thailand in the WORST way again and again.

If all of that equals "Amazing Thailand" - then it must be "Preposterous Phuket." biggrin.png

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