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Migrant crisis: Where have the Gulf states been?


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Migrant Crisis: Where Have the Gulf States Been?
Why a region with $2 trillion in annual income can’t seem to spare much for the neighbors

NEW YORK: -- Finally, a rich Arab has come forward with a major offer of help to Middle Eastern refugees.

Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian billionaire, tweeted on September 1 that he was willing to buy an island from Greece or Italy to “host the migrants” and not hold back on any financing needed to make it a permanent home. He even suggested that it can become a new country called Hope. (Though he also suggested it could be “at least temporary until they can return to their countries.”)

The reaction on social media to Sawiris’s generous offer has been largely positive. After all, who would criticize a successful world citizen for a willingness to do what most governments are reluctant to do to address the current crisis?

But few in the media or diplomatic circles have asked the more important question: Where have the rich Arab countries been over the last few years, as the Syrian civil war has raged and millions of refugees have fled to neighboring countries?

The only Arab countries to have accepted Syrian refugees are Jordan and Lebanon, two weak economies with very limited means. To be sure, rich Arab countries have sent some aid to refugees in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon, but no major plan has even been offered that would appear to be aimed at making a serious difference.

Full story http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/09/refugees-migrant-crisis-arab-countries/404203/

-- The Atlantic 2015-09-09

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Waaaall, Paaaardner... If you were an economic adventurer willing to push guards around in a destination country of your choice, would you go to pzzy Europe for cushy benefits or would you go to Saudi where they might cut people's hands off for stealing a morsel of food?

Has anyone noticed crowds of people straining and pushing to get into Saudi? Noooooooo?

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They want to dump all there rubbish in Europe or Australia we can not take them for so many different reasons , just think if western nations had there attitude the world would be run by Germany and Japan ,They are not refugees economic migrants is a more apt description

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phetphet, this has nothing to do with "safety" it is all about money. The family of the little boy in the video had lived in Turkey for 3 YEARS, they were already safe. 90% of the people u see on Television are young males, many who say they are from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. They are economic migrants jumping on the refugee bandwagon to circumvent regular migration controls and europe will live to regret this generosity when they turn on their benefactors.

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I listened attentively to a migrant from Syria already in Europe expressing his hope to go on to Germany.

When asked about solving the the problem in Syria he stated "he would prefer if it was sorted out by Arab Countries".

There is disconnect with problem solving unfortunately. The Arabs, do not want to upset Bashir.

Edited by KimSamui
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I listened attentively to a migrant from Syria already in Europe expressing his hope to go on to Germany.

When asked about solving the the problem in Syria he stated "he would prefer if it was sorted out by Arab Countries".

There is disconnect with problem solving unfortunately. The Arabs, do not want to upset Bashir.

You were doing well until your last sentence. The Gulf State Arabs would like to chop Bashir into little pieces, preferably through their proxy militias, of which ISIS is one.

You could substitute the final sentence by saying the ruling Gulf State tribes don't want to lose their immense wealth, power and complete lack of accountability for their actions and they see Iranian-backed Shias as the most likely source of trouble, followed closely by the fear of upsetting their own cossetted Sunni populations.

Take a look at what is happening in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, all proxy wars which are not self-funded.

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I find it quite ironic that the only places these mostly muslim migrants feel is safe enough for them are christian countries.

Muslim migrants cannot colonise and convert/subvert an already Muslim country.

ISIS is doing that

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I listened attentively to a migrant from Syria already in Europe expressing his hope to go on to Germany.

When asked about solving the the problem in Syria he stated "he would prefer if it was sorted out by Arab Countries".

There is disconnect with problem solving unfortunately. The Arabs, do not want to upset Bashir.

Bashir who?

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You could substitute the final sentence by saying the ruling Gulf State tribes don't want to lose their immense wealth, power and complete lack of accountability for their actions and they see Iranian-backed Shias as the most likely source of trouble, followed closely by the fear of upsetting their own cossetted Sunni populations.

The UAE and Qatar are probably the only ones you could argue have a "cossetted" population.

The rest are spending like crazy to stop their own Arab Springs happening.

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Waaaall, Paaaardner... If you were an economic adventurer willing to push guards around in a destination country of your choice, would you go to pzzy Europe for cushy benefits or would you go to Saudi where they might cut people's hands off for stealing a morsel of food?

Has anyone noticed crowds of people straining and pushing to get into Saudi? Noooooooo?

How about the Emirates?

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Saudi Arabia officials have said they'll take none because there could be terrorists among them. Let me tell you SA, there WILL be terrorists among them, but other countries are stupidly taking them.

The islamification of Germany is well underway! Suckers.

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Saudi Arabia officials have said they'll take none because there could be terrorists among them. Let me tell you SA, there WILL be terrorists among them, but other countries are stupidly taking them.

The islamification of Germany is well underway! Suckers.

What is worse is Merkel and her puppet EU President will enforce quotas on other EU nations; and will increase the quota size too.

Britain and Ireland are thankfully not included.

Germany has a much lower population prediction over the next 50 years, whereas the UK and France will increase significantly. So Germany is on the look out for future labor. They think they can not only absorb these people, but that these people will be grateful and respect German culture, Christian traditions and laws. When it all goes tits up rich politicians like Merkel and the EU leeches won't be affected.

Look at the pictures of refugees - mostly young men, from many countries, Middle East, Africa and the Indian sub-continent. How many are or will be radicalized? As soon as they can't get everything they want free trouble will follow.

The Gulf States would never let these people in - they aren't that daft.

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Should i be looking to retire in a land far far away?

The Forbes list recommends Ecuador is the place to

retire, gets me thinking.

The Forbes list,,,,

At the top of this year’s list is Ecuador. Low cost of living

combined with strong real estate values, despite a slight

uptick in prices in recent years, makes this equatorial

nation International Living’s top destination for expat retirees.

Maybe it's worth a look.

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Quote] But few in the media or diplomatic circles have asked the more important question: Where have the rich Arab countries been over the last few years, as the Syrian civil war has raged and millions of refugees have fled to neighboring countries?

I just had to check Google Maps.....yep, Germany, Britain, Sweden is right next door to Syria...

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No need to buy islands for the Muslim refugees.

There is an almost vacant property in the Middle East close to Saudi Arabia available for hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees - Yemen.

In the alternative, there is the Sinai Peninsula under Egyptian control.

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I find it quite ironic that the only places these mostly muslim migrants feel is safe enough for them are christian countries.

Yes and then they start making demands based on their own religion.

A few months back a member of the House of Lords actually said something relevant when he pointed that in many areas the traditional pub on the corner was disappearing because of Moslem clout and influence.

Incidentally i read on the Internet today that the Saudis have already offered to build 200 mosques across Germany to help all these migrants settle in.

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I find it quite ironic that the only places these mostly muslim migrants feel is safe enough for them are christian countries.

Yes and then they start making demands based on their own religion.

A few months back a member of the House of Lords actually said something relevant when he pointed that in many areas the traditional pub on the corner was disappearing because of Moslem clout and influence.

Incidentally i read on the Internet today that the Saudis have already offered to build 200 mosques across Germany to help all these migrants settle in.

"Incidentally i read on the Internet today that the Saudis have already offered to build 200 mosques across Germany to help all these migrants settle in. "

True, and here is the article to back it up.

Just imagine the German people being awakened at daybreak each and every morning by the melodious sounds emanating from the loud speakers...and then hearing it four times more each day.


Saudi Arabia offers Germany 200 mosques – one for every 100 refugees who arrived last weekend
Friday 11 September 2015
Saudi Arabia has reportedly responded to the growing number of people fleeing the Middle East for western Europe – by offering to build 200 mosques in Germany.
Syria’s richer Gulf neighbours have been accused of not doing their fair share in the humanitarian crisis, with Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE also keeping their doors firmly shut to asylum-seekers.
According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which quoted a report in the Lebanese newspaper Al Diyar, Saudi Arabia would build one mosque for every 100 refugees who entered Germany in extraordinary numbers last weekend.
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The Saudis have offered to build 200 new mosques for these splendid new Europeans. The Saudis understand all too well the West is committing collective hari-kari and are more than willing to assist. A few generations of liberalism is taking down a Civilization that Muzz armies failed to defeat over the centuries. The only satisfaction I will have is seeing radical Western feminists under Muzz domination.

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They want to dump all there rubbish in Europe or Australia we can not take them for so many different reasons , just think if western nations had there attitude the world would be run by Germany and Japan ,They are not refugees economic migrants is a more apt description

Well, after watching the disaster of hugging the Muslim viper to the breast like the UK, why the f%^k would Australia be so stupid?

Because we have so many stupid people who run around bleating about the poor refugees.

Forum policy precludes me giving my unabridged version of my solution but it does not involve my country Australia but invokes rule 303.

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In the next few years one would expect a "civil war" to erupt in Europe which will start in the Eastern part of Europe and spread westwards, the natives in Europe are going to get fed up with the actions of their respective goverments and fed up with all the " imports " i think "fortress europe" is coming

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I listened attentively to a migrant from Syria already in Europe expressing his hope to go on to Germany.

When asked about solving the the problem in Syria he stated "he would prefer if it was sorted out by Arab Countries".

There is disconnect with problem solving unfortunately. The Arabs, do not want to upset Bashir.

You were doing well until your last sentence. The Gulf State Arabs would like to chop Bashir into little pieces, preferably through their proxy militias, of which ISIS is one.

You could substitute the final sentence by saying the ruling Gulf State tribes don't want to lose their immense wealth, power and complete lack of accountability for their actions and they see Iranian-backed Shias as the most likely source of trouble, followed closely by the fear of upsetting their own cossetted Sunni populations.

Take a look at what is happening in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, all proxy wars which are not self-funded.

I stand corrected. Its the inaction and unaccountability that sticks in my throat. Arab problems are the World's problems even more so.

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